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<br /> ;,;�.;;,�,� abandoned Property. Bonowcr shall �Iso be in default lf Bnrrower. during the loan npplicatian process, g+:v►� "' `,j
<br /> , materially false or inaccurate infar�naclon or st�tements to L.ender(or falled to providc [.cndcr with any mat�rii�t�
<br /> •�i,r� iufamlation) in connection wich the poan evidenced by the Note, including, but not lirnited to, rcprescntntiann t �:
<br /> � 3tt wncerning Bottower's occupancy of the Yroperty as a principal residence. If this Security Instniment is an ;� �'�.'_
<br />`�'•` leasehald,Bonower shall comply with the pravisions of the lease. tf Bvrrower acquires fee title ro the Prapeety,th�i ••.�`-'�
<br /> ' leasehold and fee title shall nut bc mergrd unless Lender agrees ro the mergcr in writing. �;i���.:
<br /> ' t 6.Condemnation.The prceeeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequentiul,in connection witti -_ —
<br /> ' � ' any condemnaEion or other takii�g of uny part of the Pmp:rty, or for conveyamce in p!ace o:condcmn«tion, .��s =_
<br /> , ;. . hetcby assigned and shall be paid to Lender to the eatent of the full amaunt of tlie indebtedness that remains unptiid ---
<br /> . �� under the Note and this Security instrument. l.ender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of tha indebtednu�s «;;:
<br /> ti*uler the Note and this Security Instcument, first to any cielinquent amnunts applied in the order provided�in ��
<br />_ ' , ',� '� ;u�a ra h 3 and then to re ayrnent af rincl al. An a lication of the roceeds co[he rinci al shatl not ex[e�td a•r _-_
<br /> P 8 P . P P P P Y PP P P P
<br /> �_• postpuue tLe a�+v iiate of the nonthly payme.nts, which aro refcrre�to 3 o paragraph 2,or change the amount of saiali __
<br /> � payments. My eacess proceeds over aa amount required to pay till outs2anding indebtedncss under the Notc and►.Gis _
<br /> Security Insmunent shall be paId to the entity legally entitled thereta.
<br />_ ' ' ";� 7, Chacges to Borrower and Frotectton of I.ender's Righls in the Prop�erty. Bonower shall pay ali =
<br /> '�,;., �
<br /> govemmental or munlcipal chazges, fina and impositions that are not included ln paragraph 2. Bonower shall nny _
<br /> � these obligations on time directly[o the entity which is owed the payment. If fanlure to pay woulcb adversely afCuct -- -
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property, upon Lender's cequest Borr�wer shall promptly tUrnish to Lender receiptu �
<br /> `,:'�*"•••'�� evidencing thesc payments. �
<br />•__ ��a If Borrowtir fuils to make these payments or the payments required by paragrapl3 2.or fails to perfarm any oth�r
<br />- �:�,��;��. ,��. covenants and agreements contained in this Securlty Instn+ment,or there is A legal proceeding that may sfgnific�ul f
<br /> �.. �r,��a;;�: affect Lender's dghts in the Property (su�h as a proceeding in bankruptcy, for condemnation or to enforce lawn a•r
<br /> m���;:1;t7W?r Ta:�ai��ISo3� i�'a°�.A�.CRC2.°.I i21'Sj L30«L!�j«`j `.'l:t.°..t£:'C!2.°.fl..°"..E8�3Pj SL'�^.£^�� L�ln y�t�n nf LhP Prq�P�ry anrl I.e�tdtir•u
<br /> '��;�:,,�,��. � .• � rights in the Prop,eny,including payment of tFUCes,bazard insurance ancl other items mentloned in paragraph 2.
<br />-_:;...r;y.,�.
<br />_�;;,��,:�;;4,;; Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paz�gr�ph shall become an addit9onat debt of Borrowor and ba
<br /> �'`�"''� ''�^f secured by this Security Instrument. 'Ihese amounu shall beaz interest from the date of disbursement, at the Nnt�: _—
<br /> �_�;r;:•:.;�,,,,
<br />_��W;s;a��` rate,and at the option of I.ander,shall be immediately due and payable. ____
<br />-_:y,';Ky.i6�Y Borrower shall promptly discharge a�y lien which has priority ovar this Securiry Instnement uuless Borcn�vnr: �- _
<br />-==w�:��;T,� (a) agrces in writing to the payment of t�e obligation sceured by th� licn in a manner accepYable to Lender;•(ioy
<br /> -��""�t , contests in ood fai►h the lien b or defends a amst enforcement of the lien in, le al roceedin s which in:d�a �
<br /> �:a��,r,�,;�� B Y� 8 � S P g �r-
<br />="��l•�i`-`±.���•_� l.endex'� opinion operate to prevent the enforcement of the Itea; or (c) secures from the holder of the limi an °-
<br /> ;_..;;:?;::.',�1'.�=-� agreetnent satisfactory to Lender subordinat:ng the lien to this Seturiry Instrument. If I.�nder detemunes that an�!pmY
<br />---��';��� of the I>roperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this Security Iustrument, Lender may•gi��r: _ _
<br />'°""'�'`�'�"� Borrower a naticc identifying the lien. Borrower shall satlsfy the lien or takc one or wore of the xtions set yurnit
<br /> _-._;;�4��r+� abave within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> �?��:�RO� 8.Fees. L.ender muy collect fces and charges authorized by the Secretury.
<br /> -- -= - � 9.Groundq[or Accderaiton of Debt.
<br />__� � (p)DCTdILIL. Lender may,exapt as limited by regulations issued by the Secretary, in the case of paa4.111TI1I
<br /> ---'��,� defat�lts,require immediate payment in full of a�l sum�ac�:.;;::b,•�:a�uritY Inst�nt 3Y; .
<br /> - - - p)e3orrower defaults by failirig to pay in full auy monthly payme►u required by tMs�c:uu�y ;��s:�a���W�. -
<br /> —` °"""� priox to or on che due date of the uext monthly payment,or
<br /> �`''��';� (ii)Borrower defaults by failing,for a perIod of thirty days,to perform any other obligations contatuad
<br /> �_-`�_ in this Securiry Instcument.
<br /> —��=''-�''� (b)Sayc Without Credit Approvai.Lender shall,if pemutted by applic:tbte law(including Section 342tiip -
<br />_==ti�r� of the Garn-St. Germain D�pcsitory institutions Act of 1962, 12 U.5.C. 1701j-3(d)) and with ttie ptt,n�• �
<br /> -=:yT,r�r•^--=a�
<br /> ___; --�•.�,; approval of the Secz�etary,require immaiiate payment in full of all sums secur�d by this Security Insttt�memc __
<br /> i-r.i:�r1+�L?�• If: . ' _ _
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