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<br /> .:•"''',:•., of Borrow�r's cotrennnta nirr!a�tcerrt2ents uncler ihis Secnrily instn�ment. nnd Uie Note. For thls pu:pose, Bonowec
<br /> � iaevocably grintA aart catrreys ba lltr,Trtestee, in tnir,t. with povier of nnlc:,iJsr�fallowing descrtbed propr.rry tocated
<br /> � in Hal l County, Nebraska: -
<br /> . . ; Lot Qne (.l). Ca:^ncrston� Subdivision in t:he City cf fi°��nd Is1and, Hall
<br /> .. °,; County. Di���i�aska.
<br /> 2= -
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<br />�_.:,�� r: � wniau,hnnd�aadd��ssot1124 W. Koenig StreE�.Grand Island is�n�c,c�ty�. �I�
<br /> :��• 'Y: Natrnaoka 68801 [7.t�coae� ("Propen.y/ti�lr,zess");
<br /> �...::::,`���'�. � �
<br /> ��-�°'•�� '�0r3f�TI�I�bZ: WZTFI all tlie improvcmeuts nrnv �r hereafter erscted cn thc property, and all easements, __
<br /> . -.4:,^i", '� =
<br /> `•�'`•°" ap�uMUntuic:es ana fiitures now or hereafter a part af the property. All Gr.�?T.sjcements and additions shall also be
<br /> "-"^,-,•� CkVQMQ ELy d�ia 5c�curity ILinUUment.All of the forc�oin�le refeiYed to[u ruls sr:zurity Instrumeat as the"Property." �
<br /> ±'"`:`�� �;p�:t;�;01V�k�COVBNANTS that Borcower ie lawlWly seizecl of die cstat:�e hereby wnveyed and has the right to
<br /> -'�� � � --
<br /> ° eran�and eom�ey the Frog�rty and that die Property is wuencumberecl,eFCCepc%f�r encusu5rances of reeord. Bonowcr
<br /> ��`''`�'�- tvatm3nt� and witl df�fena generally the dtle to tha 1>ropeny a�ainsc aIL �.laims and demands, subject to any
<br /> -- � c�tcuutUnancce m£�cor�.
<br /> �" �\5.'i..•�
<br /> �",}�:;�' TFLTI3 SE.CUEt1TY WSTRUMENT co�nbines unlfarni covenants foc nn�::onal use and non-uniform wvenant�
<br /> ..,;,,�S,t:,
<br />��l�r��. wetit:i=:miu:d variatioas by jurisdiction to constitute a uni.fo►m security insinunr.rr.t covering teal property.
<br /> ��,::.:.
<br /> ,'�+`:,;:.,'�y
<br />___,�,�:;;,,; E�r.nawcr and Lc:ndcr cavenant and agrec as foll4�vs:
<br /> -"'i':���*� . Un19IF0�ti�fl COVF.NANTS.
<br /> :=.,�t;;"az�
<br /> -.Q._«:�;, �-� 1;. I'ti�+nr,nt of Yrinaipal, Interest and Latc Clwr�c. i3orrower nl�alb pay when due the principal of, and
<br />__.�.:;:�!:� ' , )nta�st•�nn,t�e dcUtcvidcuced by the Notc and late charac�due undcr die n'otie.
<br /> - _ '�., Mlantbtly Yu�ment of Taxzs� Insuranee uud�OUier Chnrges. 13aj-rower shall include in each monthly
<br /> ��� paymenty t�pethesr wi�ti t�e principal and interest as set forih ui tue IVote a��d�t�y iate chazges,a sum for(a)taxes and
<br /> _ specinl��esessm�ems luvied or ta be levied against th¢ Propeity, (t►) leaselt�ld payments or gronnd rents on the
<br /> -���-� Yruparrty. and(w9 pmmiuins fnr insurance requirccl undar parngraph 4. I�i an�� year in which the I.�nder must pay a
<br /> -- -= --- ' mo:wtctga innw��ac�rr.emium t�the Secrttary of I�iousiu� and UrUan 1Jevclr;�ment("Secretary"1, or[a any year in
<br /> ,�y� wheaEn sualt p�mium woulQ have been requi:rd if L�nde•r still hcld tue 5eaeriry Insuument,ea�ch monthly pZy.►mm�t � -
<br /> - — allalU alum inelude eit{tcsr:(i)a aum for the annual moctga}�e{nsurvue premiurm to be paid by Lender co the Secretary,
<br /> - � or(u)A�mandily cliargc instcad of a mortgage insurance premium if thi�ScC��iry Insuument ia held by the Secretary, —�
<br /> ----=-_'� in a r:wonn�le auiotuit to 6e determined by dic Sccrecary. L�xcept fcor�ue rmanthly chuge by the Secretary, these � `
<br /> :`aZ., 9tomn xra aullud"Escrn�w Items"aud the sums paid to f�e:�der are called"1'sscrriw Funds."
<br /> °• Lx�udar muy.u any tims, coll��ct aud hold atuon�t,for Cscrow Ite�ns az an lggregate amount not to exceed the =
<br /> �=`"_- muaiutuiu ammunt tl�at mny be required for Borrowcr's�scro�v account und�tr the Real Estate SettlKment Froceciutes
<br />-� •��e� Act oR,i��, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. and implemcnting rebulatiorts, 24 CFR Part 35fl4, as they may be _
<br />=-`<4- ;. " aznendud from t�sne cb ti�sxe("RESPA"). except that the cushion or rese�ti��permitted by RES�P�1 for unanticipated ==
<br /> =.s`�`� .• �' _
<br /> _:>.��.�.;~ di�but:,+:utantn or distYUiscments before the Borrower's gayments are availn(sle im the account may not be based oe► � ,.
<br />_- ``'-`:�,i, amounfn r'ua fac tUaaznnIIage Inourancc prcrnium. E_�
<br /> -°-.`,�� +; •
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