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<br /> � G.ASSIGNMF.NT O�I.EAS�S. Upon I�ndcr's rcqucst,Borrower sha!1 assign to L.endcr all lcascs of the •
<br /> " ��j Propcny and aU Security dcposits madc in conncepon with Ica�cs of the Propeny. Upon the assignment,I.ender .
<br /> ' '� , shall havo the dgh!to modify,extcnd or tcrminatc thc cxisting Ics+scs end w cxecutc new leascs,in Lcnder's sale
<br /> � discrction.As used in �his paragraph G.Qic word"Icasc" shalt mcan"sublcase" if shc Sccuriry Instrum�nt is on a • .•.;'F,
<br /> : lesrssehold. :,; • ',;;�•
<br /> � � Borrower absolutely and uncondidonally assigns and transfcrs to L.cndcr all the rcnts az�d revcnucs("Rcnts")af thc - �;u
<br /> . ; Property,ragardles9 of to wiiom the Rents of ihe Properry are payable. Sorcawcr authorizes Lcndcr or Lender's ��'��,�,_
<br /> egcnts to coUect thc Rc�►is,and egrces that cach tensnt of the Property shsil3 pay the Rents to Len�lcr or Lender's �;''•-f
<br /> • i, agenu.However. Borcuwer shall receive the Rents until(i)Lendec has given B�mzwer nodcc of default pnrsuant to :•,;',_',f:�
<br /> . paragraph 21 oF tho Securiry I�sW�ment and(ii)Lender hag given notice to tho tenant(s)that the Rents are to b� �..--
<br /> '-����xti.
<br /> �� paid to I.endu or i.e��dex's agent This essignmcnt of Re►�w constitutes An eh�lute assignment and not an ---
<br /> �� asslg�iment for addidonal security only. _ �����-
<br /> If Lia�der gives nodce of breach to Bomower:(i)all Rents received by Barrower ehall be held by Borrower as • ,'`
<br /> r-,� trustoe for the l�nefit of Lender only,ro be applied to the sams secured by the Se.cur.ity Instrumcnt;(u)Lendcr shall ': ��s�::
<br /> .1�:'�.•`;,. �f�.:<
<br /> • r�,��.,.�,� be entitie�. to collect and receive all oi the Rents'of the.Praperty: (ui) Borrowi7 agsees that ea�ch tenant of the ��`;�,',.
<br /> t ,. r .'„
<br /> , . property shall pay all Rcnts due and unpa�d.to 1„cnder or I.cnder's�A�ents upon•L.cnder's written demand to ttie • �,w.
<br /> . ,,_.,..
<br /> tcnant; (Iv) unless applicable law provides otherwise,a11 Ren�s ctillectrd by Lender or Lend�r's agei►ts shall be —
<br /> �PPUed fust to ttie wsts of talcing contto3 o:f aad mana�ing the�'ropacty��nd coUecdeig the Rents,inclu►iir►g.but�ot :-"'-
<br /> � ' �i " � l'unittid to.auomeys' fces.recaiva's fees,Premiums on rc�eivcr's iwnds.repair end maintenanc�costs,insuran�e _�====W
<br /> przmiums, teaes. ass�ssmenis and o[her churges an the PropeitY. and then co th� sums securetl by the Se�curiry `'���
<br /> '� Instrument;(v):Lcader,I.ender's agents ar any,judiciallY appointed reGelver shall be linble to aGCaunt for only tho�e C;��':'`:
<br /> ':._•`��,i;,=—. �"�.� • Renu rii;uisw���-ir��:ii��3{:7}I,cr�:��!!��nntiiLa!t�hA�r_.n rnr.eivcr anpointecl m take possession of and E:� --
<br /> .;. !,I�,,�.:,,,',; �'" � manage the Prn?�erty and cflllect the Rents 2nd profits derived from tha Progetty without any showing as m the � ----
<br /> 1„ �;�,�;�� . �.'j' � inadeqoacy of the Propeny as socurity. — -
<br /> ' ,. '' � If the Rents of the Prope�ty are not suffecicnt to cover the casts of taking control of and managing Ihe
<br /> Property and of catkcting the Rents any funds expended by Lender for such purposes shall become indebtalne.ss of
<br /> Barower ta Leieder secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Uuiform Covcaiant 7. __
<br />;N,,,. Bqmwa representa and warrants that Borrower has rwt executed any prior assignTnettit of thC Rents and hzs
<br /> , not and will not paform�u►y act that wouW prevent Lcnder from cxenising its rights under this parag�h.
<br /> _ , Lendcr,or I.axler's agents vr a judicially aPP�intod recelvu.shalZ not 6e reqvired to en4a upcm,take conuo1
<br /> • ' of or m�intain the Propaty before or ehcr BivinB noticc of dcCault w Bortowa. However.Lenda.or I.enda's
<br /> agents or a judicially appo9nt,od roocivcr.may do so at any time when a defautt or.�urs. MY aPpllcation of Raits _ -
<br />_;�,y;,•=ny;,,, ' shill not cum or wdvo any default os invalidate any ott�er right ar remedy of Lender.'il�is as.yignment of Rents af
<br />-' �he propaty sha11 u;rminate whcn all ihe sums scc�red by the Sccurity Insuumens aoe paid in full. �___ _
<br /> _;;.::�:,v....� -. '
<br /> �• -�..• I.CROSS-D�FAULT PRQVI3ION. Bortower s default or breach undcr any notc or agreuneni in _.
<br /> ._:::-:,-r`:��';�
<br />:r�^t,:��s• which Lcr�der has an interest shall be a bmach nndcr thc Secnrity Instrument and Lcnder may invoko any of the _ --
<br />�:;`:i'_..•:,�;� remodits permittcd by the Securiry Instrumen� .�--
<br />�:�:-�-r•��-'�. BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees w the terms and provisions containod in this 1�4 Family ,
<br /> Y:��
<br />_=....i�tti'" • .
<br /> �.J�.'M�- � � �"•.
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<br /> :�rY�;{;� (Seal) �
<br />�_"' ��..• DAVID R t�TTBtJBRINK -Som�wer R BIN G MR ENS NK •Borrower _'
<br />_�:_ .:a,�;. -;
<br />�:.�.� .. _�5�� (Seai) .-
<br /> -Sorrower '��°�
<br /> ' -Borrower °
<br /> � .. ,. ---
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<br /> _ � Y�-;^
<br /> - ; �-b7 (o3oU.o� P�gs.�o12 Form3170�31BS _ ��r
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