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<br /> � AL�L�Lq 001-7p4QEI07.a
<br /> � M4H 0000000000 �
<br /> . t�� 9�- 3�30�� :
<br /> �„...�. 1-4 FAMILY ��DEI�
<br /> . , < �w�, Assi�nment of Renta :: ��
<br /> THI5 1-A FAMILY R1ASR is�nu�a thts 18Tx day ot APRIL 1997 �und is -
<br /> � �� incorporatccl into and shal!bc docmecl ro nmond.und sapplement ttte Martgnga.Ac�d af Trust or Sccurety Dccd(Ihc �,y„_��°
<br /> _ . � "Sc:.urir�Instrumcnt")�f tho s.�ttta claro givon by tha undcr�igned(the"�arro�ver")w securc Borsowcr's Notc to °�•:°�_
<br /> :i�.-
<br /> ...'e y'::
<br /> � -{
<br /> :� (tha"L.endcr")
<br /> of thc samc dam and covcring t}�c Pmperty de,scrif�l in tha Scci��ity Instn�ment anti locatccl at: a�°=•—
<br /> � �,.y_.---,
<br /> � 2416 RIVERSIDE DR �
<br /> (3RAND ISL+7aND, N�BRASI4�1 68801-a6A2 '
<br /> 1' . �' [AroPSrtyAddro»j ;_�„ _
<br /> . .:�..
<br /> • 1•�FAHQLY COVENA�NTS. Tn sddidon to the covennnl.g t�nd agreements made in the Security Inswment, •,`�
<br /> n .� -
<br /> ,� Borrower�nd Lender fucthu cov�ennnt and agre�as foAows: ' ;-`_
<br /> :�,,'; �.
<br />-:�� �'':�`� Propaty desc:riboai in the Security Instnunent,the following items ere added.io tfie Pcoperty descripdon,und shaU =__--°--
<br /> , •„ .
<br /> . � �,. ; alsa constitute the Pro;peny coveted by the Security Instrumea�t;b�tilding matesials.aPPliances and gontls of every -
<br /> natutc whatsoevcr now or herea�f'ter IIocated in,on,or�sed,or intanded tn bc usad in conncction wlth the i�iaperty,
<br /> ���:�� � including,but not limited to.those far tFc purposes of supplying or disqributing heating�egoliris;elcctriciry,gas,
<br />-. �,�•. � water,air and Gght,fire prevension and extinguishing appumtus,security and acce.�s eqntrol appnratuq,Pltimbing.
<br /> bath tubs,water heaiers,water closets,sWcs,ranges,stovee;r�c6�lge�atars,dI�washurs,(1!b'p03�8.wash�rs.drycrs. �`:`"
<br /> � awnings,s�om►windows,stc�rm tbors,screetts,blinds,shades,cuctaL�s cuid cu,rtain rods.auached mimxe,cabinets,
<br />= n parielling end attachod flaor covcringe now or h�reafter auached W the Progsrty� all of which, includ�ng
<br />�#' , . replaaments and edditions thueW.shall bo doemod W be and remain a pa�t of the Propu'ty covered by thc Security
<br />_y.N •�
<br /> -�- , Insuum�nG A!1 of the foregoing together with ehe!"roperty describal in the 3ocuriry Inst:ument(or the kasehold
<br />_ � estate if the Secwriry Instrument is on a leasehold) erc rcfcrrcd to in this 1�4 Family Rider and thc Security
<br />- .` . . Instrumcnt as thc"Property."
<br /> >��y� •ti� 8.USE OF PROPF.RTY;COMPL[ANCE WITH LAl�V. Bomowcr shall not scxlc, agroe to or malcc a
<br /> Z�,� ' � � change in ihe u�ts of tha Pc�operty or its 7.oning classiCxation�unkss Lcnder has agcxd in writing to the change. �__
<br /> :;x� Borrowcr shall comply with all taws, adinancGC, regulations and requirtmcnu of any gavtmmental Hody
<br /> n=�:.' P�rope:iy. -
<br />_:-�i,,i 4' appliabk W thc
<br />—:.� C.SUEOBDINATE LIENS. Exapt x�pamitted by falual law,Tlorrower stsatl not ellow eny Iicn infcrior .-_
<br />;=:�'�;�q W thC Socurity Instrumau!o be pafected ag9inst the Propetty withaut I.entkr's prior writtcn pcimission. •.
<br /> _ �'`�°tt�. D.IiENT LOS.,C INSURANCE. Aocmwu sfu�ll mainuwt insurance against rent loss in additinn tci thc a:har
<br /> ..�,.�?��'''{ ��c�iUJ lVl w�iiu�aiw�..:r.w Yi�v.lL'..��S��iiuivun�l1VCA1�l[J. __.. -._
<br /> ._•�..�.�.....
<br />;°.;�.;�.�"•�. &"BORROVV�It'S RIGHT TO REINSTATF."DF.LETED. Unifortn Covcnant 18 is dektcd. __
<br />° -�-�,;;•.:�" F.BORROVYF3t'S OCCUPANCY. U�Icss I.cndc7 md Borrowcr othcrwisc �grec in writ�g, lhe first =
<br /> .,;4w,,,�..r --
<br />�����;�.: scnt�ce in Uniform Covenant 6 conceming Borrowu's occupancy of thc Propr,�ty is dcleted. A,ll remaining =
<br />;•�:�,�*��.:.��:.:,, covenents end egreements sct fonh in Uniform Covenant G shal!rcmtin in cffa:� -
<br /> - �;�r••• ,d � --
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<br />:�" ' �-. ' YULTISTATE t•�FA�IILY RIDEN-F�nnl�M�NFr�ddl�Nl�o Unitarm Instrumtnt Form�170 9l0�
<br />�'; Pa�•t of 2 ��'L._�
<br />� � ,:.,;., �•S7(C7041.09 YIAp MORTf31106 FORMB•(�OOyb21•72Yt InYttt: -- �: „___
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