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� �� ��1'�.���rstW J tj•'�Uir �-�ry .S �i ',. � ., -.: l r 1:_. <br /> y�t �.r����` � i �Y�I+( q <br /> ''�" '�!_-. '"e»Jlfii;�if�+tn'�` 7a� i� i..��� <br /> .. ;� __ �:s.��a��,:����>��:,�.:,�:..�..,,k..�.�,.�._ �2� �-7--- � <br /> �.c�l�'72�. <br /> ' subs�anlially equlraknt mOqEAg9lnsaronro covengo is nn�aYaname,norro«�er anau pay to Lender eac6 mnmh a sum cqtml In <br /> nne•txrlfth of tlw ycarly nroY1gage iqsuronCO premltmi bclnS pald 6�Rnrtowcr�v6rn�hc insurancc mvcngc lapxai or ccas�d�o <br /> Iq in cfRcl.t.endcr wlll aleepl,uso and rclnin Nesb paymoms as n oss rcsen•e in Ileu of nwngage Insurance. I.nss rcserve <br /> h�yfl�;ats may no longer Ise irui,.t�ho opilon oil.ender,if mongaga insurance cuverage(in the amoum ancl fur U�e�xdnJ __ <br />� Ihnt rcqulres)pmvid�by an inwrcr nppmvcd 6Y i.cndcr asain bcYronxs availabla ilnJ in oUlaiutti.Aorro��er�h�til pay <br /> dtb prcmlunu requlrtti to mniNain mongago insurana in effttt,or�o provide a lou rcscrve,urtil thc rcqulrcment fnr mnngage <br /> Insura:¢u ads in aoconlann;�vfih any wiittcn ngroenum belwcen 13orrou•cr and Lendcr ar app!icable Imv. <br /> 9,��upectlom Isndet or Ils ngenl may mako rcasona6ie emries upnn.nd inspec�ions of�he Propeny.Lender chall give _ <br /> Bnrrou�tr noticc at ihe tinx of or pdor�o an inspxlion spccifying rcasnnablc causc fnr ihc(nspr�ion. <br /> 10, Comknm�tlon.Tho�cls of any a�vard or clalm Por damages• dirx� or rnnscqucntial, in cnnntt�inn with any <br />� mnAennalton ur olh:r Iakinp ot any pmt nf Ihe Propetly,ur f�r mnveynnce in lieu of mndemnatlon,are hercby a+slgneJ nnd ___. <br />� >kaB ta p.�d f::L:��:r. - <br /> In�ho eveni of a ic+ial�nking of ihe Propcny,tlie pr�tds shall bc applicd to thc sums sttvred 6y tliis SanrOy Ins�mment, <br /> whe�heror not �hcn duc, with any exms pald to 6orro���er. In the event of a panial�aking of thc Pmpeny in�ehich ihc fair _ <br /> markn vnluo of the Propcny immedintely 1>eforc Ihc�aking is equal to or gn�ter�han the amoun�of�hc sums savreA by this -. <br /> Securiiy Msmimcm immnllately Iwfore iM1e mkfng,unlas 6orro+ver�nd Lcnder othersise agrce In wriifng,tl�c sums sttured by �_ <br /> ih(s Securily Insin�menl shall be rcdnetd i�y Uie nnmunt o(Ihe proce�ds muitiplied by the tollmving 1}ac�ion: (a) the tawi _. <br /> amoum nf tho sums securcd immcdfotdy bcPoro�ho wking,divid�vl by Ibl the£air�mrkci vxino of�he Propeny imn:cdiateiy _ <br /> before�ho taking. Any balnntt sl�nll bc pald to Qortowcr. In ihc event uf a pattial taking of the Property in which the falr = <br /> mukN value of�he Pmpeny immeJlately before�he iakiny is less�han the anwum of the suns securtd imir..diately beCom tho <br /> ta&Ing,unlcss Ronuwcr nnd E.e�er o�hcrnise agrce in wntmg or un[ess appiicable E3x o�hrn�isc prorid�y,thc prat��is�t:'_l - <br /> bc a�pliat in�he sums sttvnYt by this Securi[y Instrum.nt uii«ker or not thc sunic are�`�n duc. ;«.� <br /> Uthe Propchy Is ab�:don.d by Borrox�er,or if,after ucci�t G��Leixfer�o Oexr.��.•cr�hxi�he condannm olt2n ca rt:�J�e:v, .+i"- <br /> a�vanl or senle a claim Cor da.�euees, Mrcower fuils to rtsponJ tu lxrtder althio :0 days a(�er ihe date �he notitt is Si�cn. �.- <br />� Lendcr is nwhnrized�o mtlect i%f applg�h=procccds,et i�s op�fon,cict�,z m re.�«siinn or rcpair af thc Prop�ny or�o�he s�cm.. --- <br />- securad by this Sttvrily Inarum:m,��fie�her ur rot Ilxn due. -- <br /> Unless Lender and fbna��ar othenvise ngrce in writing, any n;p:icaria:e uf?coceeds to principal s6all no� ex�end rc �;:-"- <br /> Fvsipaac�hc due dalc of tAc tnn,rt:tFy pa�na:nis rc(�rmi to io pangraphs 1 nr.A T or c'h-.ngc thc mnoum of such paynKnts. �,_`._ <br /> 11. Borro�rer Not Rcienu•d: I�'ar�runce 6y Le=r.!cr tiot n\Yu?rer.Ex�ension of�he�ime for paymem or modificaiinn .;: <br /> o(nmoni�a�lon of�he sunu securcd by�hi<S.�uri�y Insinimem g�ntc�t 6. �rrdcr lu�ny sumssor in inceresl of Oorrox�er shnC( i�i'�: <br />-- not opratc to rcltasc Ihc liabili�y of�hc urieinal dorzmrcr ur Uorro�vcr�snncsson in imenn�. [andcr shall no�be rcquircJ�o =- <br /> mnun�nce pracecdings agalnst any sums.or in imeru�or rcPose m ext�rvl�ime&�r uaymem or o�henvise mndity amoniiati..< <i_ <br /> uF the iunu sewr.d by �his Sceurity Ins�mn�:��t by reawn o(any damanJ �a�:c by �he original f3arro�eer or Bnrrmrar's t..�,: <br /> w.ocessors in intcr.s�. Any fotbearnnii by Lender inexrzising any right or rcnr.d} sl�nll no1 be u w;�i��er of or prcclude�he <br /> excrcix of any dgh�ar mmcdp. ��� <br /> 12. 5ucccssors and AssiRnc fiour.�t: doint anJ Sevrml I.IaC[[i.y; Cmsignea. Thc mvenams nnd agrcemcnts uf il�i. s:'! <br /> Security Instrumem xhall bind and lxnrtic the sucnssors and �scienc.�f Ixnder nnd Ilorm�ccr, subject ro ihc provision�or !�';', <br /> arogreph 17. Qortowcr's m�'enan�s xrA agrccinenis shall bc joint n21 stvtml. Any Bnrroa•cr o�ho co�sigiu this Scturitp ��`� <br /> l�uvt�Jment�ul dacs noi cxecuic i�ii i���c: 7:J i5 ii'.-S�EIIIiI^y Illif.S:'U::l^ II:a�Nn+n.0 npl�i�mnr�oige; gmnt and conrev�fsi� 'f__,.:. <br /> Uurto�cer's incerest in the Pro�xny unJer�he�enns of ihis Security Ins�rumem:(b�i.nnt parsomdty nblfga��d�o py�ice sums y,`;._,_ <br /> sccund by�hts Securi�y Insini�xnt:nr.d(c1 aprcts�ha�Lender and any mher Oorrouc�may agree �o ea�enJ,m�ulilj•,forbcar or F�y,�. <br /> make a�y.cmmmodadons wilh rcgurd w�hr t:rntc o(�his Sccnrity Ins�mment or�6e Nntc n�i�hout�Izi Dorron•er'+mnsent. _: <br />�- 13. Lo�n C6arges. If Uu loan smret a�.-this Stcuri�y Instmm.m is w6jeci �o a qnv�vF.icOa sss maximmn Inan cha�r.. y..�-. <br /> - anJ�hat taw is Omll�� imeq�rcud .0�hm fhr intcra�m othcr Inan cha�gr<mlltrtrd,v �n h n*Il;:�:d in rnnncciion�ai�h ihr ±:-:: <br />• loan cxmcd Ihc pcmiillal limiis.�hcn:la)any such I�un c6argc shall hc�e.lintid b; �hr nnwum +mass�ry to rcJun�hc ch:��t L��'__ <br />_ lo �he permi�ial IimiC and lhl;my +wns atrcady mllKted Gnm Ilo«n���.r.�hich exettded pennitteJ limus wfll b.refund.d�o �__'t_: <br />.- 6orroncr. Lcnder m�y choux �o makc thi� rcfund Ay n�lucing die pri�xipal matd mider Ihe N��k or by making a Jircc1 `F,,, <br />= paynxm �o llorm�cer. If n «fund r.Cucex prineipiL �he rcduc�ion �ill Ix trea�ed ns a �µsxial prepaymem wiihout :my� K.;._;, <br />_. prepiymeni charge under�he Note. 5��-�. <br /> 14. Nalices.Any no�iee m Dorro��cr prov(Jed(or in this Securi�� Insuumem shall be giren hy Jeli�•ering il o�by niuilme ���:.� <br /> 11 VY Gf5[ CI�SS I1111I IIpIl35 8):�1B1'OIIIC larc rcyuirc�m.oC a�mihcr mr.�h�xl. Thc nntice ahnll IR dircc0.}I�o t6r Pt}+.ny AJJnss �,'!('�. <br /> or any nlhcr address Mrcmeer design�icz by r.o�irr u• t.:�Jcr. Any nmi« ta Lcr.dcr shall be gi��en by finc :lass mail lu y%•,=:- <br /> LenJer'� address s�ated hercin or nny uher addre+s Lrr..�.r designates by nmice m [lorro��cr. Any no�ice pro�i.1.A fur in�his �-='�-- <br /> Securin�Inarumcnl+hall h damcd m Facc IMen Fiern�o f3nrrmccr nr IwnJcr�ehen gircn u prnvidiJ in Ihis paragraph. �:^.. <br />-- IS. Cm�ernlnR I.nx: Se�cenUilil�. This Sccurity Imuumcnt shall bc gnrcmcd by fnlcr�l law and thc law o( �hc n'�:_ <br /> jurisdic�fon in which ihe Pra{kn• is Ie�.•axJ. In�ho evcnt th:n mq�proei.ion or rlame uf�his Security In��rumem ar die Nnec �:_:;.. <br /> cmi0ins�vi�h uppiicablc law.wc��av�Nlir�sh:dl no�aff�Yt o�hcr provi.iwu n(�hi.Sauriq•Imtrumem or thc Notc which can h -- <br />-. gi.en cffecl wilhaui the�vniliaing pmricinn.To lhi.end�he prnrision+nf ihi.Security Imwmem and the No�c are Jeclarcd �;`,_: <br />_ a�t�txverablc. -�z;:- <br />- 16. liorro}�R's Cop)'. Qarro�ccr�5a11 M1c gi�•Cn nnc amformnl copy af Ihc\utc and�dll�is Savriiy�Inswmem. t:.-: <br /> 17. '1l3nsler uf lhe Properl,r nr a fSeneticlal Irterest in Iinrroircr. If ali nr:my pan of Ihe P�o�xny ur nny imerc«�n ii ��-� <br /> iti soidor�rarotirnd(or if u Mneftciai i��crcs� in Qurmwcr i�.oW nr tramfcrcal anJ f3orro�ctr i�nni a na�ural pcno�0 aithn:a F''-°'- <br />--'s prior �vriuen .rmer.t. Lend.r may. at i�.option. m nire immpli�te pmmtnl in full a(all �wm xYUrcd Uy th�. �,k¢;'� <br />- Securily InqmmeN. Hn..r,�•:.�hi�npiinn.hall nol 1+•r<�ir I.enJcr if raercia.�i,pmhihileP ub feJeml I;n��:ia af lhe Jale -'-_ <br />- ot�hi�Sccurip•Insuumen:. '"t�= <br />._ If I.ender e�crcisa Ihi<npliun. s6a!1�i�r Borrnwer nntire of ac..l.ration.The mnire+hall proriJe a�ri�xl�+f nni Ci��_,� <br />� Icss�hm yp C.ies Gom Ih datt Ihc io�tirr i. .!:lnrad nr maikd w:hin which Itorrmr.r ma.: par:dl wms .ccund 6� ihi. rn-. <br />' Sceuriq� Inqcwnrr.�. IBnrto�.cr t:iil�f.;:+, �hrc •ne�,p:inr lo ihr i��irauun ol thi.�n�J.Lcr.:rr inar imakc:m) rcmaLC, r�?: <br />