� r ��#'Chi� - (?��i�f�l{�� r�� ;�fY.�to��p�e�}t;� .<y
<br /> �S�� ��.' �r � „�,r:�� :� 4�,.��?t h' u, �` _
<br /> 'i ���z}�+...If _,il].itC£f:�..I! '.:�1..:«.'"s:�.�.-.. �+�wun:�..ie,�....:a.w..u.. '_..'_. ,_; -'.�_.
<br /> -- g2_.. �.o����. _ _.
<br /> Tho I�mxis sLall bc Ikld In an instlroilon whox dtposlis prc Insnnvl by n fedcral agcnry instnmicmalhp. or cntl�y
<br /> (Including I.cndcr,if I.c��dcr Is wch an Instltutinn)nr In any Ptdcral Homc I.onn Pnnk.I.cidar shall npply�he�ur�f.�to pay�hc
<br /> Cscrow ltrnts.Ltndcr may noi charga porroti�rr for hnlding e�x1 app�ying tho RnnJs, nnnually analyzinF ihu escmn•ncmunt,or
<br /> ti�odfying�ho F.ssrow Items,unless Lsnder pays Ibrrower Imerost on the funds nnd np Iicnble law pcnni�s landtt�n make euch
<br /> a chargo. Itoq•ever,I.eMter may rW uiro Rorrower m pay a onrtimo charge fnr a�h�e{+eidem rcal cs�a�c�ax rcpaning w:rvice
<br /> used 6y I.ender in mimectlnn wfih �his loan, unless applfcable Imv provides o�limviso. Unins nn ogrttmrni I+ mado or
<br /> applicable Imv rcquires intcres�to be paid,I.ender shall not bc rurylrtd to pay�nrni��•er any intercs�or camings on Um 1'unJs. _.-
<br /> Bortou•cr and I.cndcr may agrw In�vnling, howcver,tha�Incercst shall bc paiA on tlic Fundx. Lendcr shall givc tn llnrro�vcr,
<br /> wtthoul char6o, un nnnunl ncmnming of thc �unAs, showiny crcJits and dcbits m tl�c Funds nnJ �hc pnrpnsc for which cach �..
<br />� dcblt w ihe Punds was mada Thc Punds nro plcdgcd as aJJiuunal x�urii�G�r�JI wnu�aunrt by dds Saud�y Inswmcni. —
<br /> '-' lx;ti'.;5;;3!l.x:.•a:7a L�s::::°°_:
<br />- ii�hc lvnds iicid'ny i.endcr cnx�vi�no artxmnia pcnniii�d iu uc i�nu u�u��titab���.i::, -
<br /> fnT�hc excess�unds in ncmrdancc whh�hc rcquircmcnis of npplicable law. U�Kc mm�um of thc t'und.hcld by I.cnAcr at nny _
<br /> �imo is not zufticiem io pay tho Pscm�v I�cros ahcn dna I.cndcr may so no�ify 6nrmwcr in wtRing,and,in such raso Ikxrowcr
<br /> shnll pay �n I�ndcr the amoum nccessary In make up�he dclicicnry. Oormwcr ihnll makc up ihe dcficicncy In no more Ihan _.
<br /> nvcivc monthly paymcnts,at Lcndci s solc discretion. _
<br /> Upon pnymem in full of all s�ms sccund by ihis Sau�itx hiamimcn6 i.cndcr shall promplly rcfwnf to Borroxcr any =
<br /> funds held by I�cndcr.lF,under paragfaph 2t,Lemter aiwlt a�qutro ur sell�he Propr.ny.Le(rtcr,Qtior a thc::yui�ition or avc -.
<br /> of�hc Propeny,shall apply any Funds hrtd by l.cr.der at d:a timc of acquliiliun nr snle as a cnd¢agairot�he sums utvrc�ci by
<br /> this Sccumy Insimnxr.t.
<br /> 3.Applicatfnn o4�'rpn�eats.Unless appiicabie law pmvides ahenvise,all piymems mcei��ni by I.ewter ur.cter paragrapin
<br /> I and 2 shall bc applicd: first,to any prepc�ynxm charg�s due u��dcr Uie Row: s�n�ni,�u an�uunts payabtc uruts paraeraph 2:
<br /> �hird,io ir.�eres�due:fonnh,ta principal due,and las�,�o.ny late charges due mk.r the Nae. _
<br /> 4. Chargai Liens. 6orro�cer shal!pay all taxes.asnssmcnts,cM1argts, fins atxl impositions attribmable w the Prop.Ny =�
<br /> which may a�tain priority over�his S:curiiy Imwment, and Iea,ehold paymems ur grour.d renu,iP any. ISe�rro�rer shail pay _
<br /> �hesc obliga�luns 6i thc m+nner providcd in par�&�P��2.ur tf nnt paid in that m�nncr, Oorm�cc�ahall pay them nn iimc dircr�lY _
<br /> m Ihc person owed paymrnt. Darrau�er shall promptty fumish�n I.cnder all nori�es of amuunts to tn paid under�his par�graph• -
<br /> If IIortoxxr makes�besr p.rymems dircaly.6orrou�er shall pmme�ly(umish w L.�nder receipts eridencice the���mems.
<br /> 6arrowcr shall prompily dischargt any licn which hu priorny o�•cr�his Sc�rity Insicumrm unles.P�+rro�rr.(a)agrces in _
<br /> writing m the paymem of thc obligaiim�sccurcd by thc lien in a m:uener ucttptab!c to Lcndcr.(b)cnntests in g.wd failh Ihe lim E(.
<br /> hy, or «lr.knds ngain�� .nforcentent of�he lien in. Iegal pnwoelin^s n�hich in�he LenQer� opinion opente �o pre���m �he __
<br /> enforcezu<a�of ihe lirn:or(c)secures fmm ihe holder a(�ha lien cui agrcemeai s�iisfactory m Lender subnrdina�ing �hr li.n�a -
<br /> �6is S.tiurity Instmn:ent. If Lender JNemiines thar a.ny par�nf�fir Propeny i>v�blce�to a Ilen���hich may nuain priority orer -_
<br /> �his Securi�y 6isuumert. Lender may give Oumm�er a no�fce idrmifying ihe Iten.Dorrmrer shall sa�is(y�he lien m�ake one nr ��=�
<br /> morc of the nctians se�ionh above�cithin 10 da�•c of�he gfvL�g.�t noiim. r-`-
<br /> 5. llazatd or 1'm xrty Ins��r.mce. Bortm��er shall kerp the improremer.�s nmv cxiuing or hercafter cnrted on the ;;
<br />- . Propcny tnsured against�oss by firc.A:varJs includcd a�i�hin �hr�crm 'extendcJ corer�ge' and any olhcr haranls, including {_:
<br /> Ooods or Iluuding, f�x uhtch Lender requires insiaanm.This irtarancc shall bc maintaincd in�hc amuumx anJ fnr the perials -
<br /> thn� Lender mquircs.Tf�e insumnce carrier prnvinine�he insunnm si�ai�be dmsen uy iforron�cr suhjaY en isnucr'a::ppr���i =�
<br /> whkh shzll not bc ur.re.ssunabiy wi�hhcld. If OMrmsar f;�ils to maimaln co��engc dcscrilxd alwrc. Lrc:.0 m�y,ni LcnJcr's *-
<br /> op�ion..oFUSn rn�•en:��tu protect Lender's righ�.in ihe Pm Mrtp in ncmrdance aith paragraph 7. -
<br /> At[ inmrar.m policia and reneu�als .h:Jl be a.cepu+b��to lF-�nicr and shall {ndude a staixlarJ n�ngage ciauae. LenJCr -
<br /> shnll Aac:che�igh�a hold ihe��lici:s and renewnls. If I.en.kr r.yu�rct.Oorcau.r chali peamp:ls givo�o Lender all �ar7E u nf _
<br /> �4fNS N1CIInlifU GIl1I fClll'\KII IIOIIi4.Iii(I12 CP�I'd U(IOSG•UJ(hl'A:a>hdl gi�c pmn:p� nctiec:.�iF�.ir.urana carricr anA L.-�xier. -
<br /> Lendcr may makc praif nf loss if nm m;�de promptlg by fformwer. -
<br /> Unlas Lendcr ond 6orra�rcr othcnviw agme in��ri�ing,insurnnce pnxttrls ahnll bc applicd m restu�a�ion nr rcpair o(�h� _
<br /> Pm�kny damag�d.if ihc rcs�nrmion ar mpair ie economicaliy fen.ihle anJ Lrnder's.ceurity is nn1 Iessened. If�he rcstnration or
<br /> repair is not econumically(.a}i61e nr Lender's}ecuriq����ouiJ he.�.ennl.�he imuranre pio.e�ds.hall In appliid�o ihe xunn
<br /> sewnd by �his S�rurity Insvumem. whcthcr nr no� �Lcn Juc, wiih any cxres.p:�iJ �o Uormuer. If Ifarrmrcr abandm�s �hc _
<br /> Ptoperty,ar docs not ansxcr�rithin t0 days a no�icc Gom IAndcr ilcn�Irc irour..•ncc carrizr h:u ufferal�o xulc a clafm. tlren ,
<br />- l.ender nuy n�ll�r� ihe inwrance pnxecJ+. l.endrr may u.c ih. pnkeai} a, rcp;�ir ur raiort �he Prnpeny or to pay >ums _.
<br />. secured by this Securiiy Irouument,i�heiher nr mn<hrn Jue.The ip-Jay�en.�s«ill hegin w�hen�he no�i r�<giren. �,-
<br />- Unicss I.ender unJ )k�rroa�cr othcrn�i.c npr..• in�criiing, any appiicrtinn nl pnnceJ� io princih:l �:dl no� cx�cnd ��r �;-
<br />- postponc ihc duc Jatc of�hc momhly Fuymen�s rcicrrnl tn in pnr,�praphs I aid? ur dr.mir tF.c anAmm n(�hc payn:m�x. If -
<br /> unJer pangmph 21 �hc Pru�xnp is.�.�uircd by lander.Itorr.,•w_r',righ�tn:my imuran.c�nlicir.und pnuccJ�rc.uliinr irum
<br /> damage lo d�c Pmpc�ty prior�o�hr n:nu.i�i�m shall p:n.ln Lcr.d:r lu�hc exlem nf�hc.um,secm��d fiy ihi�Securiiy htarumrnt _.
<br /> imnxdiutcly prior�o tlir ucquixi�ion. _
<br />= 6. Occupmtc}�, Presen�ntion.\lainlennnm:+rsd Prnlcetlnn af ihe Pm�xrir;I3orca��cr'+ I.nan lypticnllon;I.easehalds. _.
<br />�= Qorron�er shall acup��,esui6li.h.anJ uu Ihe P�o�x«y a}13orro�cer'.principal r.�.:dena u�iihin.i��� d:n..�iitr�he execmion o(
<br />= Ihis Securiq•Iniitumcnt and sh:dl�ronlinuc lo�xcup�� ihc r.�,��n��:�,o„«,,,«r•.�r��,.��:a r.•.��!��„ (nr al Irasl unC yr.v allcr -
<br />_ �hc dale of�KCUMme)•, unl¢as LenJcr ot6envi>c agrtrt in uriling.��hich con+cnt.hall no�he unrca<nnabir�ril6hdJ. nr unlc.c =-
<br />_ exlenu:uing circum.lantts e<i.� ��hich arc I+cyor.d Oorro�cer'. conlrol. Unrrmcer �h:dl nnt �!rxv�+p. damage ��r impair Ihe -
<br /> Pro�rtp.allmv Ihc Prti�rly In dt�trio�alc, nr an•:mtil ua.lc an �ho Pruperl}�. fk�rrnucr�hall he ir..'.:Pauh i(anp fodcilurc _..
<br />` aclio:t nr prneceding.�:h:iL•er ciril or criminaL i-o.,un Ile�! in LenJer'.gnnd ianh jndtn�rm a,o1J rrvn�in l�dcilum n(ihe _.
<br />.6 Pmpc�lY n�ulltcn�isr�:tax�iall)'in�pafr thc licn rrc.nN b�Ihn Sccuritr Iminur.:ia or LenJcr'ti.�ruriq�micrcsl.Ilorro�c.r m:q• _
<br />- curt such a Acfaull and rrimia4.a.prnviJcd in paragraph I%. M r.m+ing Ih.acuun or p�r..arAing lo hc Ji.mi.uJ���ilh x nding
<br />�:= Ihal, iu l.rr,dcr'� g�wd faiih Jc�cnnmation. pneluJe. fnrfciu:rc .�( Ihc Borrm�rr'. intc:••� in iL•c Prop.n) ��r nlhcr matuial _.
<br />�- impairmcr� o(�hc licn«c:ncJ by�hf. Sc.uriir Iu.lrumcnt o�� L:cJ.r'.�caurfy fntrrr.i R:,rro�ccr .hall :d.0 hc in drt:mll if _
<br />- Qnrrmrcr.Juring�Lr'.-�an npplic�u�m pnxcs..cnc ma�cn:dl� lidv nr in::..tr.n:infnrnzivan nr aalemrm.lo Isr,Jcr(ur (ailcJ
<br />-- �o pmriJc LcnJcr��n'.ar� m:nrn:d inG�rm:mo.� � :�mnaunn��nh ihc Ir.,. .•.W:nrcd M 16c \olr, ir:ladint.bui nallimflcJ _
<br /> - �o.reprcxnc��iom m:xcrnmg Borto��cr'.nra�p.:: . n(ihr Prn�.•t:� a.:�pnni��al re.idreit I(Ihi.Sn�•.•) 6t.wmrnl i�on a -
<br />- Ic:�.cho1J. Dorm��cr .hall amiph w��h cJl tli: pr.,�nu.n. ,• : �t:nv li florrouer .s:c:rr. Ier ti�k ta ihc Prn�t:h. �6c -
<br /> Ir.n.hulJ:mJ thr I�r���k.hall roq c�a}c unir..I.tcdti a��::.��:in�nxrg.r m vmiug -
<br />.:' 7. Pmiirl(nn n(Lendcr'�ItiRhh in Il�c 14'n�wrl�. :'H..r...:..r lad.�n p:ii„rm Ilrc o :".�:t,.�r.:r:-::mrnh..•n�.unrJ m �
<br /> lhis$i�uril) Inymmm�L ar Ihrr<n a kgal �n,.a:..r.:'f.c u_n vgmh..nr.h .n1a� Lan.!:r . npL1. � . . n.n�ti'm �.u.h .n a _
<br /> " pnw�ttdmg m banAmp0.�.prnl,att.tar o,nda�r.:.. :• !.:1:r.:a:or lu anl..r:c le��.m �attnialinu.�. .: ::nJn m.c .I,..md ..
<br /> ` pa) (nr �Qialccfr n���a..�n ro pnqrci thc ..J:.- . �: I"..;•r:•� .mJ I niJar\ncin.m�hc Pn,�k•�h L:nJ:r'.aa��•n. m.�� _..
<br /> - induJc mrinc am .um. .ceurtJ F� a hcn ��hal��ix�. ��--. ..- ..,rr Ih�. ti«unt) h�.�mmeut. ap�r.um�: nt u,un pa.mg -.
<br /> - rcmnnaMr ath+mc�:t w..���d cNrnag nn Ihr Pro��n� In�...__�-:�.un. .Vth.�ugh Ixnd:r rLn Id{.f A�IIOII 11�IJl�f IM1i� �.1[.ILLI'VI _
<br /> - 7. lsndrrd�w��rnhnc�..J..��
<br /> • Am :mtounh dnhunid M I.tnJrt mWa il�n pau_t.iph ' .h.Jl It�..•ine aJdmou.J J�M �.i IL.nm�rr vcwrd b� Iiu.
<br /> - Sautil� Imuwncm hdr..&nmwc� .inJ Lcn,ki .�.�.r 4,�nLar�.tnt.„� ���m:nL �L:a•.nm.unt..2�.�C i+r.n mirrr.i �n.m th. -
<br /> - Ja�c��� (II�M1llf�lllll'OI "JI IM1C ���It (Jll' .II4I .li.dl F: pi�.�hl:. wtl� mt:�ra. u{ym n.nt.t Irnm ler.di� ��� 13�rtnn�tr re.p�..iini
<br />-_ pa�nr_n�.
<br /> _ 8. Vorl�agc Ouur:mcc. It LmJcr rcyw�rJ m��niatt�rnuun:r a.a..,r.dmon oc ivdmr�6:In.m.aurt�l h}ih�•ti.:uu�� .
<br />- Im�mmcr.t. Borro��cr �hail pa� tM prnmunt. nqmr.J �r m.nntain �h. •ia,ni�n �n.,uir�.c m clt..� 11. lar.r.n rr.�wm. �hc
<br />-_ n:angagc inwnnac avrcracc rcyumd h� Lrnder lap.r.or rea.c.�n I�m r�t��_ f4�rn.:.s .h:dl p.n �hc p�cmiwn. �aqmnd t..
<br />._ ��}�fdlll lUIfIJ�:I WIINJIIIWII\ �unilcnl(o Ihc mo�itoge mwr.wc�prc�r.u.l. �f�ifI\L d(J iJ�I WI��I.IIIIIAII\ iyan.dtin �n ihi
<br />� - �n.� n� IA�rto��ar uf�ht m��rtg�x mwr.m:r prr��nu.l� m�II�•al. Itnw a� atrtm�tr n:..rt:.iE.: mwrct appro��I h� 1 tnJc� II _
<br />._ ., ,. � Fom� 3018 94�
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ ____ . _ '________. ___ "". . _._. ..._. __. "_. �.
<br />