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<br /> NON•U1V�FQRPA CdVL+MA.N�T•a. Narrqv�er,Lendar Contractor turtfiar covanant end eprue ee�ollowa:
<br /> .;.,: 17. Aace�nradunr Hemn�lua., BNtept o provld�d b p�r�pnph 18 herwf. upon Bcrrowsr'�bastah oi�ny aown�nt or�pre�m+nt af ;,_}
<br /> ` ' Borrow�r In thi�13�e�of TauM,inntiidinp jsp�ow�r's i�ilur�to p�y,by tk�md of 10 o�l�nd�r d�ys ak�►th�y�n dw. �ny�um���ound by thb �
<br /> ' ' Ae,+.d e}Tro�t, �.nr�}er prinr to enaalurrttinn�hdl g�vo notic�to Bo►�ow�r a�proVid�d fn ptragraph 12 h�no}�p�eliying:lt!th�bn�ch;(2)the
<br /> y._ �ctWrt nqWtw.'ro cun�uon amnni���kii��+dacy,no"s i�ss thm 20 d�yi trom th�d�t�tfi�nat(c�Is maiNd to gotioit:'�:,�� ::''`-'=.`.===�•`• �^_.;_
<br /> ��� rrw�t t»ew�dC artd lA)thM tnffUm ta o��iro�uch btneh on or I»for�th�dat��p�c1Md In th�noda m�y ni�ek In aecsl�ntPon af tM�um�
<br /> s�cursd by thi�l Desd ni Tcuot autl�a{li�•thn Prop�rty. Th�natic�sh�N furth�r k►fortn Borcow�r of th��)pht tu nln�tah�fNr�cc�N►�tlon�nd �-`_
<br /> th�rlyht to M�rtp��court�oHnn.to a�amn ith�non�xift�nc�ot w d�fwk nc�ny etMr d�f�na of Borrow�r to�ec�NtrBon�nd nN. If th�bn�eh -
<br /> - b not cur�d om n�hrtnr�thn dam�ponSitad M th�notk�,I.�nder,at L�nder'�optlon,may d�cl�ro Nf of th�tum�s�eurW by 1hU DMd oi Trutt
<br /> ' -- � to b�MmMdlaath/du��n�t peyAhHi w}thput turtMr �mand�nd may hvok�th�pow�r o}��M�n�l�ny athv r�m�di�s p�rmitt�d by�pptic�bl� ,'�_-
<br /> .; I�w. L�nd�r uhnH b��nHtlnd t�t coilua2•aM reuonabl�caFU �nd �xp�nsn Mcurt�d In punuMp tl��romrdN�p.nv{d�d In thb p�apnph 19, �y
<br /> - Includlnp,1fUt es�A ttmNNd tn,ronao�nbhi attam�y�'f���. r-
<br /> Ii thn��ow�r oi nN�la InnoF.�A'd.Trustx�h�M r�cord a notia of d�f�ak In uch eounty M wbkh th�Proputy or:om�p�n th�r�ot b ::::
<br /> �� �' b��t�d�nd chnM m�H eopin�of Runh,i�nUa� hi th� m�m»r pr�rerib�d by�pplkabN law to Borrow�r�nd to th�other p�nons pnterlb�d hy =_
<br /> • ':• appNc�bN I��e. Aft�r tNn lapns of•tiini��tinw�s m�y nqtrf��d by�pppabN uw,TtustN shNl qiw pubNc nodco oi uN to th�pe�om�nd i�th� ____
<br /> ',.,.C� tmnn�r pr��anhad by�ppilRablu lnw. �Yu�t��,wfdsout d�nxnd on Borcowe,sh�A s�M Ma Property�f pubNc auctbn to tt»hlph�st bWdl�r at ti»
<br /> tim��nd plaoo nrtd unde►thn tca�nn daalqn�ted In tl►�notica o1 a�N(o on�or mon pare�i�end fn sueh ord�r�s Yru�m�y d�nemins. i rusiw __
<br /> ' � nuy po�tponn odn of rU or an��pam,s9,Ut dt�P�oputy by pu611a�nnounc�mmt�t th�tkn�end plac�of�ny pnviousl{►szhaduMd�aN. L�ndK o► _
<br /> �;�^��;i+"�i'.�, l�redwr'�dafpnr.�mey purah�xa lhn PInP�Y�t�ny nl+. -
<br /> � ;.,�:,•;` . Uport,ree�ipt oi ppyannnt a4,Rh�pric�bW, Trustr��haM d�iwr to th�purchn�r Truttn'i�k�d eanvayinp th�P►opkty�o soW. Th�
<br /> `•;^,'°.�;.; ` rocke!e!s�Tr¢otsi'e deed ehnfl�bn ptlqr�fncle Mvld�nu oY th�hutl�o!th��marrnntw m�d�tfi�roin. Truntee sha�appiy tIN PtoCNd�Ot th�s�l�
<br /> �`;5���`' in M�foNowu��orci�r. (�1 tn eN�menon�bM►aost�and�x�re�s ot th�s�M,kicWdlnp,but not Nrr�ibd to,SraatM's hss ktu�Ny ktcun�d i.!not
<br /> �?,`�•;�'=x mor�th�n_ 96 of tf�n pmoa NwN�xic�,n�sona6k�ttorn�y�'fNi�nd costr of Utw�vid�nca; Ib)to�11 um»iecund by tMr D�ed oi
<br /> -,;,,r-,rY,l.
<br /> Trost;�nd i�D 4t+��xc�ss,(f nn�4 ta s�s p�rtan a p�riona Iep�Ny�ntitl�d th�rKo.
<br /> _;�;.rjti " ?8. Banow�►'� Hftlht. to.•R�in�t�b. Notwithstandinp Lendern eccelaration of the euma secured by this Dead of ?aast, due to �
<br /> 8orrower's 4rench,Bormw�r shatl havo the right to havA any proceedtnga 6epun by Lender to entorca thla Deed of l'ruat dlacontinued et eny �.
<br /> .,; �t;�;r�,;,� t(me prior c�ths oatlier to oacu►,of�;II the fifth day before the aele of the Property pureuent to the powor of aale conteined in thts�eec4 of Truet
<br /> - or (Ii1 entr�of a judpmnntenfnrntrip�thfs Deed of Trust if: tal Barrower paya Lender ell sums whfch would ha then due under thts Deed of Truat
<br /> :�.,�y,�;� and the NNU�hnd no aocelbrmion�?CCUrrerl;(b)Borrower cures�II breachee of eny other covenants or agreements ot Borrower contained In thia
<br /> ..1;,•s:;,
<br /> ps�d of T�t:at; (c) 9nrrr,tivr�r po•p? eil reasonable expenaea incurred by Lender encl Truetee in enforcing the covenants end sgreementa of __
<br />-s?�►,..;, •r Borrower,conc�ined In thlv O+�ad�i Trust nnd in enforcinp Lender's and Trwtee'e remedba as providad in parepraph 17 heroof, Includ(np,but
<br /> ';"�`;';'� not flmltnd to,roeaonnhifi ettmm��V'feea'a;.and(d) 9orrower takea such aetlon ea Landnr mey reasonebly require to ea�cre thet tha llen of 1hi9
<br /> -:1�.� � Deed otigni¢t, Lender's Intornn2•sn the PropertY and Barrower'a obUyatlon to pay the sume eecured by this Deed of Truet shall continus
<br /> .-���:,,..;y- unimpalnrd. Upon such pflVmtmD ynd cure by Borrnwer,thi� Deed of Truat and tha oblipetiona eecured hereby ahall remoln in fuu torce end
<br /> ---•r��� eiieci ea ii no accoiarniiini i'iErii GuGi��s3.
<br /> - ,nr�
<br /> .r�'ii ... . _
<br /> �j�bl��5 7fl. Afs{pmm�nt of flxs�ty;Appointm�nt of R�cahnr.L�nd�r In Po�w�sbn. Aa additional secudly hereunder, Oorrower hereby eiaipne
<br />'=-y^�+� to Lendor tho rente of thn Prnpprtyr, provided that Borrowor shetl, prlor to acculeretion under paregraph 17 horeof ar abandonment of the
<br /> -- �� ?ropnrsY,hnvo the dpht ta solSUOT end rotefn auch renta as tha.y!»come due snd payaMe.
<br /> - -- Upon accekrntion undpr perapreph 17 hareof or abandonment of the Praperty,Lender,(n pe►son, by agent or by Judiclelly apppfnted
<br />:�.��.�F� rocei�ror shelt F�e entlU�d ta entEir yaon,teke poeseaalon of end menaae the Property and to coilect ths renta.of the Propertyr ineiudirp;hone pe�t
<br /> — due.:AI�r�nte caiteotad h►�L•enctar or the receiver ahall be epplied tirst to peyment of tt►e coste ot management of the Property end calloc�tian of
<br /> — rente;Inr.tudinp,but nat lisnftE��f Ut,receiver'e teea, premiums on roceiver'e bonda and reasonable attomeys'fee3,enc!then to the�uma•eecured
<br /> by thio Dsod of Trust. 4enduT end the recelver ehafi be IiabM ta eccount only tor thoae renta actually reaelved. •
<br /> ��;_,;,,.,�,.,_ 20. R�onwry�rnn�. Upon peym�nt o1 all eums�xured by thia Deed of Trust,Lender ehall reque�t Trusts¢.;o rsconvey thb Properiy
<br /> end�Ithnll�IUrronder thia,OUet1 of�•Trust and ep notes evidencing Indebtadneis securod by this Deed of 7�uat ta T�ustte. Trueue�hall reconvey
<br /> thmP��cqorty without wr��mnt��end without cherpe to the peraon or persons lepally entitled theroto. Suah pprson or panone etvell pay ell eotte
<br /> �� of reoordntlon,ii sny.
<br /> ---- 21.Subetlttttn Truutue. Lender,et LondeYe option, mey trom Ume to time remove Truetee end appolnt e aucceafor truatae to eny
<br /> --_�..— '�'n�at�o ap{aintod herqunttt�r bV en instrument re�ordeQ in the eounty in whfeh thia Deed ot Truat ir racordad. Without conveyar�ce of the
<br /> 1�ruQarty,the auccessoniniituo"nheu succeed to ell the tRte,power end dutMs cnnterred upon tho T�ustee herein end by epRlk�bie lew.
<br /> 22. Reqiwit tar��l�Ydu�s. Borrow�c rpu��ti �hrt coEWi ot U»aotks of d�t�ult and netic�o}saN b�s�nt to Barow�r'a addra�
<br /> — wl�lnh b tfia Proy�rty A.cidrnm�.
<br /> -_—n:.�.',d5f.`!!�
<br /> - _ -�..l:� _
<br /> �%��,�c;j9h� APP+� liAM80Y•57�00720I -_
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<br /> ^�--''"��x.' Ir�itadla:�,�;. initi8l����� Initials: Initiafs: 4�=—
<br /> ;;;; �' ' E_
<br /> _� h�� � ' NE@HASRp•Second Moftpape-1/80•fNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-Form 3828 (Paga 4 of 6) i �Y
<br /> �,r.- .
<br /> -'!Lti4L[Y _ . �`-
<br /> '=��" Manngomont Syetems DeirVl�pment,Inc. 1800)9846060 Title�One fne�gl:erl� �1NE DEED Copyright(c) 1984 �':Y
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