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<br />. ,. °�i 7, prpt�ctton of L�ndn's 8�cur:ty. It Borrow+i falle to per!tnrn thn covnnnnta anr,S¢r,r,trt�rnc.tt,tr�cns�t¢InHd In thle Deed of Tru�t, or tP .
<br /> , � eny ectian or proceedlnp Is c�mmonced whlch materlellyetfects LondEii,u Iritiir��i In thn Fra�erh�,ttm�e l,nn+3»r,nf:Lender'e optlon,upon notice =
<br /> � to 8arrow�r, m�y m�k�suah ep{k�rrnas,dleburn aaach eum�,Ino�u✓9no rn�nonahis att�mro��x'f4a.To.e�TM�hv ttNn Oesd of Tro�t!Borro�ver,ha/ �'
<br /> prot�Ct I.ander'e Intereot. H l.ender requlrad moKp��� in�urancs as a cuiitlftlan ot mnY,l�g tM U�an�a4RexrPd
<br /> � paY ti�a prCtnSutna tC4ultcd to mclittrin�uah Imutance Ineffect untll suc��tlmo nn tha rt�qu�rernrt.�l.4t��6.i�ch Imsur�mco terminetns In nccordence �°
<br /> r
<br /> with Borrow�r'r�nd L�ntler'a wn![en syreemum��oN�nrooui.s�w.+. _
<br /> ' Any smount� dlebuned 6y Lendu pursu�nt to thie psreprnit��T, Wftll IISSOtt51t IFMtG���'1,.61,tYN lSatn rata, et�all bscome edditlon�l _,
<br />_'� Ind�bt�drwss of[3orsower oecurad by thle Deed of Tru�t,Unleas B�rrowm and l.encteu eproe trt�;«ia,tEtms�f pnyment,euch emounte ehall he ¢(,
<br /> p�y�bi�upon notias from Lenda to 9orrowtt raGueetir�g Payment thcrrmt, hStitidnp oonteinr,d fi1 t'�nR[I��Tepre�tt 7 shail reyuire Lender to incu► f
<br /> ,-- " eny�x�ras or t�ke eny actlon hereunder. I
<br /> �, 8, {e�p�ct{on. Lender mey meko or cawe to be me�o reasanot�lu ontrien upon enr.i iraz•:Ltb:�a��of tM�Prop�ny,provided that Londer �".
<br /> {' � F
<br /> oh�H y:va Eorrower notice prlor to eny euah I�apeallon apecifylnfl rea�onntilu onueo tPonrat�r rrl„t�d to l�nder'w hasreat In the Property -.
<br /> ' 9. Cond�mn�tbn. The proceeds ot any ewerd or clelm for dt�mnp�n,dlrnat or ccnnulc��ni�I, ic�cons��ntion wlth eny condemnation or . __
<br /> o2Mr t�kirtp a4 tha Propeny,or pert theroof,or for conveyence in Ileu o1 r,nnd��mnnUon,are h�nr��y e.eet�a�ad r��ia sheil he patd to Len�lni.�s�eb}ect
<br /> � ` to the term�of Any mortgage,deed of truat or other socurity apreement wifli A Ilon whloh has a;�f�arilY over tPi3u Ueed o}Trust. �
<br /> �My,�;; r 10. Borcoww Not R�Npa�d;Forb�u�nc�By LMdN Hot�W�itivrt� 8xtanvtan oi tt,�tw�ne tOv paYm�+nt or modRir.etlon ot emoriizaU�n �
<br /> - �� of 4M �ums tecured by ihf� Deed of Trust grant�d by lender to any �,uar.enror in(nteres4 of 8airn�ver ssiull n�t aperate to releASn, in any _
<br /> Y�'� m�nner,tho Ilbtr�flity of the oripinal Borrower and Borrowet'e succetsa�o In intort�tst. Lend�r s.hai9�rra1 be rra��uired to commenoe praceedinU�
<br /> ;:�Ly;,-�;, spains4 suc��au�:oasso�or rctasa to nxtond time for peYment ar otherw}�b moAifV apaortcreSi:��04 th�ean� �ecured by thia Deod at Trust by
<br /> � ��:���, nnon of any demand m9do by tha orifllnnl Borrower aM Borrower'e succa�eoro In int•arnst. �ny CorDa�aron.nri by 4ender lii exe:oiaing anY��fl�1Z
<br /> '°�• or romedy hereuncier,or otherwlse ai(orded�y epplicablalaw,shell not bo n wnivor o9 0��Yactucle th�e�x�rdu;�of any such right at rem�dY.
<br /> :;iK'��,;�
<br />-z:at, 11. 8ucc�ssoro�nd A�afpn�Bounc�: Jo1nt and 6�v�r�! IJ�R�3Nty)Co•81�nera. Tho covonan44 encp ,�Qrenmente herein contalned ahUli
<br /> � - Wnd, and the riqht� t�reurxfer shall Iwro to, the reapecNvs succese:�in and erripna of Lender anr�• ElarenNer, aubJeat to the pravislona oi
<br /> ,�s� p�r�prnph 1 S fwreo}. AO covenente end agreement�of borrower snell 6h juir�i und�.�v4rui. Any Curror:cr erlto c�-rlflnr thle Deod of Tru�t,but
<br />_-� dos�nat ex�cut�th�Note,le)i�co•alpninp thie Deed of irwt only to brrmta»tl oanvny that Elorrowe•r'e�intc�rnet In tf�a Property to Truatee under
<br /> t1►�t�rm�of thlt Ds�d af Tnia,(b)i�not peraon�lly II�Ge on the Noto ur undur thi�Ooed of Truat,arod Ipi aprees thnt Lendar end tny other
<br /> 8orrawer i»nund�r m�y�O�ae to extend,modify,lorbeu, or make eny mlit�r ann�mmndatbna w(th ropt�rd ccc tM'term�of ttds Peed of Truet or
<br /> ;,'�� tlw Noia,wlihaut that 8orro�verb con+nnt end without�eleaainfl thet borrmv�ir or modttyirp thia C1oed of Tvust�s tu that Borraw�r'a intereit in
<br /> r=-=�..� ttw Ptop�rcy.
<br /> �—� 12. Notice. Exc�pt for any notice raqulred uM1r epplicabb law ta��pi��nn In enottyer mann�r,lnS�eny not{ce to Borrower providad for
<br /> �.�;,;;� In thii DNd of Truat ahall b�plven by deliverlry it or by mailinp auch notlun hy�certitiod mait add►��seo�tu�anower st tha Property Addron or
<br />______��r� �t�t1ch ot1M�ltldfOt�as tSOnower mey daaip�i6id`uy.-Nwa���,��r���.��b�jg�17nrQin;ux!IA!61•ri noticn to lender ahell be g�ven by certi:led
<br /> m�il to I.�r�d�r'�adciren atetsd hsnln or to such othbreddreaa ee Lender mir�deoi{�net4 by notico to 8arrciwer��provids�heeem. A�ly�t�ol�ce
<br /> :.� — provld�d tor In thi�Qsed of Troat�heil be deemed to heve been given to Borrmvor or Londer when glvoro In the rrrnn�r deslflnAt�d herein.
<br /> 13. �owmMg Uwt S�wnbiMty. The�tste end locel Inwe,epplloable to this Ueed of 1'ntmt slfnll 6e the Isw�of the�ariadiotior�ir�
<br /> vrhkh the prop�rty Is loceted. Ths for�poinq sentence�hall rat Iimit the appllcabiiity of tedoral law t�tl7ln Deecf of Trust. In tt�overR.thex eny
<br />------ provlsion or ciws�of this Deed of Truet ur the Note conllict�with eppiioeble law�,auoh aontlict sf�all n�t rrtfect othar provlaiooa o1��ihia�Qaed o4
<br /> Trwt ot ths Not�which aen bs pivsn effect without the ao�itllctinp proviaion,eeid tu thia end the Grovtnlo�is ot this Oeed of Traut and 1�e Nota
<br /> �n dael�rM t� b� �evarable. Ae ueed hereln, 'coste; 'expenaee" And "ettornoya' fees" include ail uuma to the extsnt not�ptahibited by
<br /> �ppNc�bl�{ow or Iimft�d hareirt.
<br /> _,_� �4, aorrow�►��Copd, 8orrower ehail he faxdtta�d a conformed copy af thfl NoLS end tNia C7oost of Trust et the tfma of exscuticn or
<br /> sft�r ncordetbn hsnof.
<br /> 16, p�habMtation Lan AprNrn�M. Bortower ah�ll tulfill hll of Bortowor's obliyatlons und<►�• iny hame rehabilitation,�lmprovement,
<br /> r�p�M, a otMr b�n apresm�nt whlch Borrower enten into w(th L9�der. Lender, df I.endsr's optlnn,msy aqulr�Borrowbt to exscute and
<br /> --- == d�Nw�to l�nd�r,In a torm�c¢ep2�ble to Lender,es seslgnment of eny righte,cteima or detonses wlaich Aorrowet mey haw aflifrut partks who
<br /> �uppiy I�bor,m�t�rl�b or eervicea In connectlon with Impro��emente made to the proporty. ,
<br /> �d. Trnmhr o!th�Pro�rtY or�Bsnst'.r%:!In�sr:::n Borrowev. I}a!�or am� part o!tYc: Pro�srtY ar any InYereot In k i� eold or
<br /> tr�f�rr�d (or if�b�r►�fSCi�l fntsre�t in Borrower is �dd or trensferred end Borrinvor Ie not e.nntust�tinr�onl wlthout lendor'9 prbr wririen
<br /> opnNnt,L�rvler may,�t IU option,rsquin Immediete peyment in full of ell eume sucuraQ by thiy.Deed m Truat, Howaver,thii'Option�hall not
<br /> t��xs�ciNd by Lcndor if�zsrche I�prohlWted by fedenl law�a+�1 the d�te of thli paod of Truet.
<br /> 1}L��r�x�rciNS this option,lender eha!! yire 8ormwer notke of eccaiurntiun. Tha noticm c;fiall provide e perlod of not lui tha�30
<br /> p�Y�tMf��txn��prlo m tM axpiratbnrof thle pe�lod, Under m�sysnvoke ny e edios�perrte tteA by tfibo'Oepd u1 T uet w ttrout Burtherenotic'e ar
<br /> d�n►and on Barrow�r.
<br /> ---_= . ,
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<br />__ —_---_ � APP+�SAMgbY•97-80720
<br /> -_-_--� tnftialq:,,,�,'�_ Initial.� Initials:� Iriitials:_
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<br /> - = NEBRASKA-Sscond Mortpeqe•1/B0•FNMA/FHLMC UNiFORM INSTRl1lNENT-Fo�rn 3R28 IPage 3 of E)
<br /> �-- � Mmp�mont Sy�t�m�Owsbpment,Inc.1800) 9D4-BOGO Tit/aOne Eno�.alre�!�M NDI�D7i�D --- Copydght(c)1994
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