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;;���.,.�...�.� T.. �..�.... . .. _ _ _ . 92�-�,c�.9��s � ��� <br /> i 17.Tanstcr M 1ho i'roprtty or�Hepcflc1�17qtcroM In Itorcowrr.If ail ar nny pnri of t6o Prop:tly or any iNettuln it <br /> Is sold or lransferral(or if a Ixneticlil INUUt In IInttowor is sold or t�anstemd nnd Rnrro�vcr is not e nntuml rycrson)wlihout <br /> l.ender's pdor wdncm m�uut, [.cnder n�ay, at Its opdon, rc�uira Immcdieto paymem in fall af all snmE sen�ml Oy this <br /> ----- Sccud�y Tnstn�nxM,liowertr,�his opilon shali nnt be exerdsed by Lendcr if excrciso Is pmht6ttvd by ffdeml Imv ns of tladNe <br /> of Uiis 6ecurfly Instmnxnt. <br /> It I.ender exercises�hls opion,Lendu shall gIvo 6orrower nmica of ncalera�lon.The nodce shal�provide a�xrind of not <br /> Iess than 30 dnys trom the daee�he notiw Is ddlvertd or mnilwl wllhln xfifch &rroxer must pay all sums ucurai by th(s <br /> Secuflty Instmmem.if➢orco�ver fails m pay�hcse sums prlor to the cxpiration of thls perlod, Lcr.Jcr may invoke nny ra�xdles <br /> pemilucd by�his Sccudty Instrununt wi�hom funhcr notico or dcmand on Bortawcr. <br /> 18. IIarrox-er's Ri�ht to Re(nsmle. if Anrro��•cr mwts certnim m�dillore. Dorrox�cr shnll havo U�o right to have <br />`�- "' cnforamcm of�his Savnty Irolnimenl dlsmntinucd e1 nny timc prior to�hc carlicr oC (a) 5 days (nr such o�hcr perlod ns - <br /> .-..-.--- APPIICa6to iaw may speciiy ior reinsm�cmenil�be(uru+t�iu ot thc Pr�xY.y W�eca��: to 3r,� r:;��; e!�!e ta�°!.^.^� !.^. th!s _. <br /> Secudly instmmenl;or(1�)eniry of n judgmem enPorcin�t61s Sauri�y�ns�mment.Thnse rnndf�lons nre�6at i3orrower:(n)paps <br /> - Lender atl sums whtch�hen woufd bo duo nrtdet Uds Sceudty Instmmem nnd�ho Nme ns ff no acwleratlnn Lad oocuncd:(b) <br /> cures any default of nny aher covenanis or ngrcemems: (c)pnys ntl oxpenses Incurral in enforcing this Securtty Insttument, <br /> [nc[uxling,but not IlmOed�o,reasmmblo mrorneYs' (ccs; nnd (d)iakcs such nc�ton as I.cnder neay reasonably mquUe to usuro <br /> tFat tF.e lien of i6is Security fnstrumcm, f.cnder s dgh�s in�ho Propeny nnd Dorrox•er's nbiigation to pay thv svnu sfxvn�d by <br /> -� ��his Security Tr.ummeni shall rnNinue vu�c8anged. Upnn rcinstate�rent by Dorrower, this S:�uriiy [nstrument azr! il�e _. <br />-- obligations secuced hercby shnll rnnafn fully eRectire as if r,o acceleration had otturral. Nowever,ahis righ¢ro[einstate ah•rl[ <br /> � coi rpply in t�case of aceeleretion undcr paragraph t7- - <br /> 79. Sak ot hotci Chun6c of I.o�n Srnicor. it�c Notc or a pahial Intcrat In lhc Nac (togethcr xith this Sm�rity = <br />:�. lnyas:mentl mty be sold one or morc ilnsts withom privr r��ti:c to Elorrowcr.A sale mny result in a clwngc in ihe eniily(known _, <br /> - - as a5r'ler,u 3�rvicer")Ihat collecis monthly payn;enis due under the Note nnd lhis Secunty Instrumtnt.Them also mny be one -.- <br /> "��`3 na mo�t cbao�f of 1hc Loan Scrvlcer unn:la.ted to a sala of lhe Note.if there Ir a ehange o(the t.��a Sgn�icer. Borrower o�ill 6e <br /> - - given wrinrn nx[ce of�he change In ocmnlamt�rith pangmph 14 above and applicable law.The n:nica�vill slaie tl�e namr ani <br /> -- ,�:amss oi ihc rmv Loan Servicer and d�e nddress to xh�ch paymzr.ts should be ma�4.Th� no�i�.e uilt also cunnin any�mher _ <br /> "'-- iu6�rmnuo�rer,ulred by applicable law. � _'_ <br /> ]D. dlnunrdous Sulnlances. Aorroa•zr shall not r.e:ast or pertni� �he preserne, uu,dispoxal, x�or�gc, or relcase of eny <br />-"`� Hat�:Ax�s S;�b?vices on or in Uie r«�r�s�>�. n�.r����rr S�w,n net Jn. nor allow nnyane elsr �.� do, anything affecting �he <br />---� Proyen��c1�n:1:1n vlalation of any�. The prtaedi=ee Iwo sentences shall nue:�pply m tlia pruence,usu, or <br />'~rt;� seenge on ihr froperty af small quanii�ia nf Subs�anrec tl�at are generally recognin�t m be npproprtate ta nominl . <br />";_ .y�� rcsidemial uses and�o maiNCnance of i6e Pmpeny. <br />--�''��:� Bor�mctr shall proniptly give Lender wduen nmi�t o(any inves�iga�ion,claim, demand, lawsui�or oiher aMion by any <br />`-;_�t;;� govemm.n:a�or rcgulatory agency or privale party inwlving�hc Pro�riy and any Hvmdous Subs�ancv or Cnvtronmenlal Law <br /> .;=� of whi�'�Siorm�rer has ncwal knowledgr.1f Aorrower Icams, or is no�ifitd by nny gm�ernmenu!or rcgulntory authori�y,Ihat <br />�'-`"�"� aqy remo��ai ur oiher remedia�ion of any 4Fzrirdous Scbstnnce uffeciing�he Prapeny is necessa��},EWrrower shall promplly lake <br /> `�'.� all r.ecessnn remMfal actfons in accordance ai�h Gnvtronmen�al law. <br />-`'`t? As used in lhis paregreph 20. 'Haiafdous SU�xm:es'xrc�hose subs�anms definnf as toxic or haTardaus substanees by <br />��-`-;i;fy� �mironmental Law and the following su6sienecs: ga��hne. kerosenc. o�ncr ir.r.�a�tiaic �e i+nic �xtiuicuiii Yrwueis, rosl: - <br />:_:u�s Fcsiitldes nnc herbfcides,volalile solrents,mattdalx mmnining asbes�os nrlonnald.hyde,Tr.11 ra:lioac�ire matenals.As uscd In <br /> this pata}��r.q+[a 2-0, 'Cnvimnmental L��c" m.dne teJ.rzl laws nnd Ia�va of�he jurisdictinn wir•<<- ihe Propeny is located tha� <br /> ��� TLi01t 1trlle:leh--afe1 or envirunmemal pro;ec�inn. <br /> �N <br /> NO;\-UtiiPOR COVGNANTS. 8nrcm�i�and Ltnder funFks a�:cnxm unJ ega-c as fallo�cs: <br /> -:t:� 2L Attetcrallon;Remcdles. I.cnder shnll gh'c�intdm to Itorrnorr prinr In neeelerntlnn folloxing Borro�rer's hrcach . <br />-�=_�'i;y uP any co��ennnf or ngrcemcnl In lhis Sccurlly Lntcaament (but nol pdar �o nccelcrnqmi m�der paragmph 17 mdcsv <br /> ��''.=i$iz oPF������e law pro��ides otlierotse).The notire simll speclfy: (N the defaulR (b) the nclim�required to wm�he defaui�; <br /> *i<`.ni (c)a daie,not le.a thau 30 day,from Ihe dnte Ihe notice Is gi��cn In 13arro�rer,by�rldch q�e defnull must be curcd;and <br />_-=�� (d) Ihat fnihne lo curc the dehmlt on ur befnrc tlie dnte specitled In �he notim nm��resuif in acmierntlon of lhe smns _ <br /> „ }I securcd by ihi.s Secndly Instrumenl m�d sale ot Ihr Properly.The notlm shnll furtlicr Infom� Uorrox�er of Ihe dghl to <br />_;;;;;,�� rciiutnte nRer nccelerotian and lhe righl ro hdng u caurt actian to ncsert �he non•exlstenm ot e detault or any o�6er <br /> - dete�ae of 13nrro��cr to necelernllon nnd snie. If Ihe defa�dl is not turcd on or be(ore the date speci(ted In Ihe natlee, - <br /> � :4 l.ender, nl Us apllon, may rryuRe Immrdiale pnymcnl In tull af oll snms serured by Ihis Sccudly Instrumrnt nitl�auf <br /> ,�:y tur�her dem:uxi and mny In.�oke Ihe po�rer af ynic and nny ulLcr Ramcdles pemillltvl by' nppIlcuble low. Lender shafl re <br />-.--v„{ enlltled ta co�3ect nll expr�ucs IncurrrA in�vrsuing lhe rcinedirs pro.ided In tids pnrugrnph 2I,Including�bul not Ii�uG:cw] _. <br /> '�- to,reasonALle�t�arneys'fces nnd cAa>of litle e��lUence. <br />,_.-y=j`�• If Il�e{�n�+er of snic is inroked, 'Grn�tec Fbnll recmJ n notice of Acfiml� in c:id� com�iy In vUich nny� parl af Ihe = <br /> i,`1,'.# bt�vycrly Is locnlcd nnd shnll mnll caplex ot such wni�v In the uuumer prescribcd b?•eqiplicnl�le lan�tn F:orro�ser anJ to _ <br />—.Y_'l ekce ofher perso�a prcscrl6eJ by npplinibte laa. Attrr ihe Ume rtt�ulrcJ b��npplin+6le la�v.Trastee shnR p;i.•r public notim <br /> ry;j;�� of sale lo tlic perso��s nnd In�he manr.rr pnxriAcJ b��applicnble lan�."fnGylcc, oithonl demand on Bnrrosrer, shall seil <br /> «�i thc{hoperty ot public nucllon to Ihc 4�irihecl Aiddcr nt thc Ilmc:md yh�cc m�d undcr Ihc tcr+m slesignated In lhc nollce oi <br /> -'`_� snle In one or more pnreeis nnd In an} nrder 1'ruxlee deiermincc. Tn�siee mn�� �w�lpone sale ut all ot nny pareel of ihe <br /> _,� Properq• by public annn��ecement nl Ihe �hne nnd plam ot:m� pre�inusl� �eleedulttl mle. I.ender nr it.Jeslgaee may <br /> purchuc lhc Propert?�at a�:y salc. <br />,i.lY:� [ <br /> '^�;� <br /> =;_{-'' Po�m 3028 9/90 _. <br />'�A',�` veySO'6 ' <br /> •��i3� <br /> � ��_3" .t~""..'r°:i•S�y��- . ::,k�{ti�:,b ' .�,. .. . . � . . . _ '� 1._. . . f. �Q%�<�'7'a7'.:'aFti; .. :��,�,'n:r..., . <br /> . 3 ' , . <br /> '6� '___ ' ' _ " _. . . • . <br />. __,__--._ -.:.__" — _ _ _. .. . . . ' — <br /> '] " . .. �Y�_R..���R-...:. . � . . .__ " <br /> � � �-.__ , <br /> �1 _,_- ' j` . . - , - - . <br /> 1 <br /> siJ � y. . <br /> _ .Y...��..'}a:�_ . . _�.-i: " . <br /> j �!-� _ � . . . . <br /> � �� �� - �. - . <br /> `�.�4 -'-: :�f'.'�i� . ' . - . ' . <br /> :� .�.�"1�'�":� .: . . . . . . . <br /> yx;�j i ��. � . . . � •1 • <br /> � � <br /> J� 5 -, •_•' ( _ • 't . _ . _ � _., <br /> +- �yll- s`f��-__ <br /> � .� _ - ,��• � _ . _.. . _f,f ,r. <br /> r ` . � ' _ . :� -' -. , .. . <br /> 'j . 1a: -� � -'.� ' � _. - �;- i! - .. <br /> . . ..1 � ..! . -.. . _. . . .. . .. � . . v - . . _... : . ..!i .,.1.,-: ,a.' . <br />