�._.. _ .
<br /> - ..
<br /> ���1G9fi��
<br /> peymems mny no longcr Iw requir.d,at ihe optlon of I.cndcr,if mongego insumnro covcrago(in�he amount nnd Por tho pcdo3
<br /> that I,en�Ft r�yuir�cs)pwvlJtd by an insurcr approval by I.cnder again lr,mmes avaiiabto and Is obmined.Rnrroiccr shall pay
<br />- the prtmiJms«qulrcd m matntain nWrtgagc Insurunu In efRct,or to providc a lou nxrvc,umli�hc rcqufremcm for nwngagc
<br /> Insuranto u�c!s in sccordpnee with any wriiun agrccmcnt l�wcen Oorcower ami l.eMtcr or npplicable law. - -- ---
<br /> 9.Jnspatlon. I.cndcr or lu ugcnt n�ay mnko ra�sonable cmrics upon ancl Inspatlonc of tho Pro�Kny. i.endcr sh911 givc
<br /> ISOirower noUco a�Ato Umo af or pdor to nn ins�ectlon s�ecitying rcasonn6lo a�use tnr�ho inspcninn.
<br /> 10.Condrnmnqmi� Ttic procads of nny mvnrA or claim fnr damngcs. dirat or consa�ucmial, In mmxctian wlih any ._.�__
<br /> condenmaiion or ather�aking of�ny p�rt of tLe Propeny,or for mnveynnco in Iieu of condwnnailon, aro herc6y ussigned and
<br /> shall Lo paid�o Itndcr. --- .,. . .
<br /> If,t�1C:'tn:oL�:::!!^,.!^a cr t!::PfC�fl�.lIM�fOC��t th311 ItC n�P1Il'd lo Ih0 SUfIR 4XItfCd bY 1h15 SCCO�IY IOSINIIkIIt. '" _ " . .
<br /> whGhtt or not then due,wiUi ony oxccss paid lo Rorco�vcr. In thc event o(n pnninl�aktng of thc Propcny In which �hc falr c�--- — _
<br /> markc�valuo of dia Properly immedlately bcforo ti�e�aking is cqual m or gralter i6an the amount of�hu sums sceared Ly this �`�'�' - � --.
<br /> Sar�rity Insuument Immedlalcly beforu t6o toking,unless Aonower and Lender otUmvfse ngrw in wriiing,the zums secural by � t�i�,�._`.��
<br /> thls Secudty Instn�meN shnll bo reduced by tho nmoum of the praeeds muitiplied by the following Gacqon: (a) �he to�al �'{������
<br /> aiuount of Iho sums sccurcd imn�dtatei be(ore U�e l�kin ,divided b (b)thc f�ir rtr,rket vatue ot Ne Pro n imnudiatcl "`''"°"'- �
<br /> .-.4�a,
<br /> Y. 6 Y P� Y Y �.`.��.:
<br /> 'before tCe Inking. Any balence shall Ee paid to Anrcowcu in�Ae event of a partiat ta.king of the Propeny in wh[ch �:e fafr ��.:
<br /> muket�atue of tho Pmpeny Lrunafiatciy bc(orz ti:e laking is less than tt:e amount of the sucrs secur.d immcdiatety before the � j• , -•.Tj °'
<br /> lakip ,untess Dorto�rcr r.nd I.ecder afm�xrise a rce in�vritin or unless a Iicable lax�othrrnisc rovides,thc roceefls shall ' �x-� -
<br /> g S S FV P P � `r}�3��-.
<br /> - bo app!icd to 15e sunu securcd by this Security Instniment whether ar not�M su�ns arc then due. ��=-:
<br /> Sf[he Propcny�Is.bandoned by Rorrowtt,or if,afler rtaice 8y Lender to ttorm�rer that�he condemnor ofkrs to nuke en �`���'=-- ._ _______
<br /> awaid or sct�le e ctaim(or dan�ages. IIorcower fails to respond to I.endcr wi�hin 30 Azys.Iter the datc�he notia is given, ;���nrs�- �
<br /> I.ender is au�horizcd ro mllca and apply�hc p�vtt�ds,nt lis opllon,ei�her lo nslomilnn or srpair of the Pmpeny or�o the swns �7-t'r .. —.___
<br /> secured by�his Securiry Instrumem,whe�her or uon�Mn due. r '`"' —:.-
<br /> .^�''T?�c-._
<br /> P
<br /> 4
<br /> Unless Luder and 6orrower o�herwlse wra in writing, any epplica�ion of procecds to principa4>hall noI exiend or ry-p;i�i,���'_-.,,
<br /> sl n�he duedate of the momhl a mcros mfcrted to in arn ra hs I and 2 or chan e tF.t amount of surh a mrnts. + d'"�' '�".
<br /> Ip P�� Y P Y F S P 8 P Y ';':.E.,>,�3,;y"-',__-==r-
<br /> 1t7.EorroKer Not Released�ForLearance lty I.Enc?u Yo;a�Vefver.Cxtension of che�ime Por paymem or m��liiicaiion -• +.��e'�:;�=�
<br /> �,�,�''a;��,..
<br /> of omoniulion of the sums saumd b �h(s Sccurit Instrun:.�u vanted 6 Lender lo an-su:czssor in Inicresl of Oorro��er shall ��i'���-�
<br />. Y Y t Y Y F+;r�h'tfLP"
<br /> not uperzto lo relense cAe Ifnbility of�he original£anower or porrower's vacozcwr.in inttres�. I.ender shall not be required ro „�,,;�F_,:.
<br /> ��r��..
<br /> mmmenc+e proceeding:ageinst any successor fn 6iteresl or rctiise to ezien.i aimr Perp�yment or otherwise modify omonira�ion ra,,n,,-
<br /> of Ihe sums se�.vrcd 6y this Security Instrunxnt by rcason of any demnn�+ made t�y ttie original Uorrower or Rortorver's =' �,-�;��
<br /> successon in intercsi. An PorUcannce b Lender in exerciaue an ri h� or remecl shatl not be u wafver of or rcclede ihe ��`=•.�--
<br /> Y Y Y 6 Y P �,a,�_ tii ��
<br /> ezcreise of any dght or remcdy. _
<br /> 1?. 8�!!'!'MNK ePi� An�$nc pnund; Joiea nnd !;everaf I.1a611ity: Co-sieners. The cove�ams and agrecments nf this _ _ __
<br /> Securiry Insimmenl s6a11 bfnd nnd benefit �he x��rcio�n and azsigns of Lender and Qorrower, subject �u die provicioas of v �<��
<br />