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<br /> 5. Nniaird or 1"r,i�tcrty Inyurancc. 13urr����•cr .hall �.ccp thc impruvcment, now exi,ting ur itrcaitcr crect un thc
<br /> Hrnperty insw•cd agninst lu,s hy tirc. har.u�l. mcludrd �vitl�in thc tcrm cx«��•:icd c�wrragc" and uny ulhcr har,trdy. inrluding
<br /> tlundti ur fl�iudin��. t�tir��hi�:h l.cndcr rrquirr� in�urai:rc. Tlt+�insur,inrc�h.ill hc muintuinrd in thr antuuntti anJ for thc periods
<br /> " ' Utut l..rndcr rcqunrs. 'I'hu inauranrc�•arncr provid�n�: thc insurancc�hall hc rhu,rn hy Hcrrru��•rr ,uhjcri tu Len�cr',appruval
<br /> ' -:"�� w�hirh �hi�U not he unr�u,onuhly a•i�htield. IC Fiorro�+•rr faii�to maintain c�ivcruge dcscribeJ uhuvc. Lcndcr cnay, at Lr.�dcr's
<br /> ,.i) . 4
<br /> "�.. ��plion,nhUtin cuverage tu protcrt Lcnalt�r'�ril�hts in the Nrapeny in arcordun�c�vith paragraph 7.
<br /> "w,��' All insur3ucc p�>li�:ics .uid ren:��•�il� tihull bc acceptab(c to I.cndcr uuu +liali in�ludc a;tanalard mortgagc clausc. Lcndcr
<br /> ' ,h�dl hiive the r��;ht tu h��ld thc policirs c+nd rencwalti. If I.cnder rcyuire�, Borrowcr shall promptly give tn L.endcr all rcccip[s of
<br /> paid prcmium:,��nd��:newiil notices. In th�e event ul lu�,,f3���ru�ver shull givc prompt notice ro th� insurunre carrier and Lender.
<br /> ' L.cnder may mulc�:prcx�f oF losti it'nw msde promptly by Horro�ver.
<br /> " ; � Unless Ls:ndcr and Bormwer othr.nvi�c agree in writins, insurartce prureeds shaU be applied to restoration or repai�• of the
<br /> Propeny dumuge�l,iE the resti�r�tion�t repair is rconnmical►y fcasiblc and L.ender's security is not Iessencd. If the iestoration or
<br /> . cepair is not y:eon��micnlly f�asible ur I,ender',�ec��riiv wnuld be Iessened, the insur.�nce proceecls shall be applied to the sums
<br /> � � secured by tT�i�; Security [nstrumem, «•hether or not then due, with any excess pai� to Borrower. If Bcrrower abandons the
<br /> Pmperty, or elires not answer witl�in 30 days a notice fmm L.eiider that the insuranee eturier has offered to setde a claim,then
<br /> . . Lender may c�rllect tl�e insurance prnceeds. I.ender may usc the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> 't� sccured by thin Security [nstrument,���Fi�ther or nol then dw�.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender anJ Borrower uahenvi�e agree in w�iting, any application of proce�s to prirecipa: shall not eztend or
<br /> , ;� postpone the duc date of thc monthly� pypmcnts referred ta in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> , . under paragraph 21 thc Property ix asquired by Lender, Burro��•er's right co nny insurance policies and proceeds resultin�from
<br /> �� dumage to tha Fropeny Rrior to the ucqui5ition shall pass tca Lender to the extent of the sums secureeJ by thas Security Instrument
<br /> immediatel�r pric�r[u thc acQuisition.
<br /> 6.Occu�rnn�y,ITrc�rvatlon.Alaintenancc And I'rotrtction of�he!'ropeMy;Borrower's Loun Applicatum�n;La�seho�ds.
<br /> Borcower s":e!�ry'C!�nv. ��tablish,ansl usc the Property�s Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after<«:e::a-ution of
<br /> � this Securitq [n:�n�ment and shaU continue to occupy thc P�n��rty as Borrower's principal residence far at least one�•ear after
<br /> the date of accu��ancy, unless Lender rnhenvise agrces in writing, which c9nsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless
<br /> � extenuating cii�umstances exist which are bcyond Borr+�wer's contrul. Sorrow2r shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> '' Property, allow the Pmperty to detcriorate, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if any (orfeiture
<br />�,, action or p�riceedin�, whetlier civil e�criminal, is bcgun that in Lender's goad faith jud�Rnent could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> '' Property or�rdienvir,e materially im�ni•�•r the licn created lsy this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> cum such a def:�ul[and reinstate, a�pmvided in paragrapli l8, by causing the action or pcocetdin�to be dismissed with a ruling
<br />`' ' "'�� thut, in Lendcr's good faith determin�tion, precludes forfeiture of the E3arrt+wer's interest in the Property or other rreaterial
<br /> j� • � .:
<br /> -�:. •� � •• impairment nf the licn crcatcd by this Sccurity Instnum:nt or L.ender's security ir�terest. Borrower shall also be in dzfault if
<br />�7.hi_��._,- '•
<br /> - '- Borrower,dutting the luan applicatien process,gave materially fa:se or inaccurate information or statements to I.ender(or failed
<br />=-�?�Y.':-�� to provide I.ender with any nmterial infnrmation) in comiection with ehe loan evidenced by t6e Note, including,but nm:limited
<br /> W"' to,representatimns concerninF Borrovver's occupancy of the Propeny as a principal residence.If this Security Instwnent is on a
<br /> leasehold, Baivrswer shall comply with all the provisiuns of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br />-�6--r.u`:� leasehold und t[tc fee title shall na�merge unless L.cnder agrees to thc rncrger in writing.
<br /> :-s _.R�
<br /> -�---°-- 7.Protes�tfinn af Lender's Y8'sgE�2s in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants a�id agreemenu can•,ained in
<br />�°"-�-.'�",,.��`�� this Security J(ustrument, or thcr�is a legal proceedin��that ma}• significandy uffect Lender's rights in the Praperty (such as a
<br />�"m"'�s�=_ proceeding in hunlcruptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeitum or ta entoree laws or r�gulations). then Lender mAy do and
<br />��— — pay far whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and L.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> include payin�,[ any sums secured by a lien whict� >>as priority uv^_r t�,us Securisy Instrument, appeariag in coun, paying
<br /> '�T�,� m,asonable r+tr�t:�zy;' ��es and entcring on the Propeny to make ac,pairs,Aithough Lender raay take action under thas paragraph
<br />--•--�=-- 7,Lender does nut huve to do so.
<br /> "-`"`;"� Any amnunts dicbursed by Lendcr un�er this paragraph 7 shall become additeonal debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> � --��� Security Instrumunt. Unless Borrower nnd Lender agree to othcr terms of payment, these amcunts shall bear interest from the
<br />��:�°�r;.���a.� date of disbursement at tlie Notc rato and shall bs pay�blc, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrowcr requesting
<br /> _�:'r.;;�,,, paycnent.
<br /> -•,i�''` 8.Moriga�«iutuut�n�tce.If LenciEr required ntort�age insurancc: as a condition of ma�:«ng the loan secured by t��s Security
<br /> -����'= Instrument, Bom-�wcr shaU pay the premiums rec�uired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> ��> � .
<br />-- -� - mortgage insurance coveray�r�,quircxi by Lender lapses or ceasas to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br />_ � obtmn coverage s�ibstantially equivalent to the monga�e insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to die
<br /> . - cost to Borro�ver of tlie mortgage insurance p»cvi�us:y �a effcct, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br />-- subst�ntially equivalent mortgage insurnnce coverage is not avlilable, Borrower shall pay to L.ender each month a sum equal to
<br /> - one-twelftli of the yearly mort�age insurance premium being paard by Boreower when the insurance coverage lapsed ormased to
<br />- ' � be in effect. Le:nder�vill accept, use and retain ihese puyments as a lo�s rc;serve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss ��eserve
<br />��� � Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ��� Paga 3 0�0
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