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All i�f the furcgc�ing is rcfen•cd t�>i�►thi;;Sccuriry Instrumcnt a,thc"Pruperty." �` <br /> Y BORROWER COVENANTS that Burrovrcr i:: Inwfully ,citicd uf thc e+tutc hcreby cunveyed and has thc ri�cht �u�:r:a.nt und --- <br /> -- �•nnvey �hc Propeny and thut Ihe Pmperry iti uncm:umherc�l, ex�cpt ti�r cnctuuht:mcc�nf rcrurd. Burruwcr wi�n•unts�ind will �;, <br /> . ;.,�� defend generai{y�:h!'�itlrlo the Property again:;t�.II clai�e�s artJ demnnds.wb)ect ia any enrumbranr�,ul ircur.l. _ _ <br /> • THlS SECURITY INSTRUMEN'I cu���t:inrv .inifnr.n covenanls for nnlitmttl uti� und nim-unifurm ri�vcnunts with limitcd �._ <br /> ,,,",,;a.���.� variutions by juri+diction to constitutc a uniforen nccurity mstrumeni cu�•c�inF rcni p���j�����. �` <br /> ;•+�...�.�+�+�"i UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr und l,.�adcr covcnnnt und agrcc as fnUnwh: _ <br /> ; , II. Pnyment of Principal und Interest; I're�tny�memrt ond I.ate Chninas. Hnrrower +hall promp[ly pay whcn diic thc _- <br /> � ,.t principaf of and interest on the debt evidenced by die Note and any prepayment and latc chargeti duc under the Notc. _ <br /> - :..i �, F�mdc for Tnxes a�nd Insurance. 5ul>jr.ct to applicable law or to a �vrittcn wniver by I.cndcr. Borrower shall �ay to � <br /> +� � - <br /> } L,ender on the duy monthly pay�i�cnts ar�duc u�idr.r thc Note,until the Note is pnid in full, u au�n("Funds"1 far.(s)�c�'!�t•L-xes _ <br /> �� ' .;.�; and ussessments which may auain pr'sun�y over thi:; Sccuriry [nstrument as a licn �m the Property:(h)yearly Iwsehold p:i;;rrrcents <br /> � `�� or ground rents on the Propeny, if any;lcl yeurly harard or property insurance pmmiums; (d)yearly fload insurance prem:ums, � <br /> , '' if anv; (e) yearly mort�;a�e insurance pmmiu►m�, i!'any:and(t� any smns paynble by Dorrower to Lcnder, in accordnnr,e with �; <br />__ ��� the provisions of para�raph 8,in lieu of ti�c pirymen[of mortgage insursncc premiums.Thesc items are culled "Cscrow �tems." �`.;` <br /> „ Lender may. at ar�y time, collecl nnd h�ld Fundh in an:imount not ta excced the muximum amount u lender for a fec�ler.iity s <br /> �, related mongage loan may require fr?r 6i�rrowcr's escrow account under the fede��11 Renl Estate Settlement Proccdures Act of' — <br /> � 1974 as amendeci from time m ai�ne. 12 U.S.C.Scction 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"1,unless anothcr law that upplies to d�i:Funds <br />- sets a lesser umount. If sc�, Lender muy, at any time, collect and hold Fundh in rn amount not to exceeci the lesser �trnount. <br /> - . •�;� Lender may estimate the amaunt of Fund��due un thc basis of curnent data und rensonable estimates of expenditures ai'future <br /> ' • , .,.� Escrow Items or otherwise inaccurc#unce with applecable law. <br /> - The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a fcderal agency, instrumentxlity. or entity <br /> (including Lender,if Lendcr is such an instituteun)or i�any Fcderal Home Lann 13unlc.Lender shall a�ply the Funds to l�ay the <br />�_ . 6scrow Items. L,ender mny nat chnr;e Burrower for holding and applying the Punds, annually analyzing the escrow accuunt,or <br /> ; ." . . verifying the Escraw Itemr�.un[us9 L,endar pnys Guno�ver interest on the Funds and applicable law permits C.cnder to sach <br />�. ,-,, , a charge. However,Lender may��ec{uim. �orrower to pay a one-time char�e for un independent real esWte tnu re�ortin�c service <br />�- ' u;r.� b; l�as!�sr in c�nnectinn with thie loan. unlcss applicable law provides othenvise. Unlcss un ugrecmcn� is rn:ide or <br />��:� ". "-� applicable law rcquires interest ta be puid, Lendcr shaU not be required to pay l3oirowcr any interest or earnings on tu�c Funds. <br />���"` ``"' �" Botrcower and Lender mny agree in writing, hnwevcr, that interest shall bc paid un�c Funds. Lendcr shall Qi��c to I3��rrower, <br /> �t,� , . <br /> �.°��;�'; '�. without churge, an annual aaounting uf the Fuitds,sho�ving credits and debits ro the Funds and the purpose for whic h eac h _, <br />�».�:,;,R.., <br />$,�;m�v;#�.;;s',, , debit ro the Funds wus madc.The Fundx;ur plcdbed as additional securay fat nU sums sec:urcd by this Security Instrwn�nt. <br /> ';.,_��.ti,y;;.; �,� If the Funds held by I.cndur excee� tlie am�unts permitted to be held by npplicable law, l.ender shall account to i3orrower <br />=-rfn.f ....�,y� <br />,,�,,..'�,:'' "; for the excess �unds in uccorclunce with the requirements of applicable Isw. If the aR►ount o#'the Funds held by Lendc:r at nny <br />-n��'1;��'�+ time is not suff cient ta puy tha Escrow Ilem:��vlien du�.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in s�!ch case P3orrower <br />�r;in:�r;;�:., <br />_�_.�;.�_ shall pay to T.ender the atnannt necessary to mnlce up the deficiency. Bonowar shull make up the deficiency in no more t an <br />�-�_•:.—. <br /> ';,.� twelve monthly payment�i. at Lende�r's solc disa�toon. <br />-�:��,4':�..� Upon puyment in fuil of alt sums sccwrd by this Sccurity Instrument, Lcndcr shall promptly rcfund to Ro�TOwer any <br /> -- �`"�'� Funds held b y Lendcr.(P, undt:r puragraph 21,Lc:nder shall ncquirc or seU the�roperty.L.ender,ptior to the ucquisi��on or sale <br />:���;�� of the Property, shalt ap�ly any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sule as a credit uguinst the sums secured by <br />��";'''�7 this Security Instrument. <br /> '�!"",�,� 3.Ap�licut�on of Fuymcsnt4. Unl�ss applicable law provides othcnvisc,all payments received by Lcndcr under paragraphs — <br /> =��"`''� 1 und 2 shull be applied: ficst. to uny pnepuyment churges due under thc Note; sccond,to�unounts payablc under puragraph 2; <br /> -- � = third,to intemst due; fourth,tcr pi�iteipul du�;una tasi.w a��y�atc:!:,ro��duu undar the Note. <br /> �— 4. Cherges;1.ieno. Earro�vcr shult puy all caxes,assessments. charges, �nas and impositions attrihut�iUle to[he Property <br /> `---- which may attain priarity over thie+ 5ecurity Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if nny. T�o�rower shull pay <br /> - --=�`.�� these obligations in the manner providcd in puiagraph 2,or if not paid in that munn�r,Borrower shall pay thcm on ti:ne dinectly <br /> _����� to the persan owed payment. Burra�var stuill promptly furr:ish to Leaader all notic�es af amounts to be paid undcr diis paragraph. <br /> - -�—;-__.-,,,�,. If Borrower mnkes these payments din:ctly. Burro�ver tihnll prumptly fumish to �..cnder rcceipts evidcncing the puyments. <br />��a� Borrower shall promptly dischurga uny lien �vhich hw priority ovcr this Sscwity[nstn�ment unle�x Bormwer;(a)agrees in <br />°'=�!�,'.�g'� writing to the payment of the abligatuin Recurcd by iice iie:u i���r�a:����r acccp:wble:�l�nd�r; {r)mattnslti in ctoc�d f.u'[h Ihe I1C1� <br /> �`���'�'=��'`� . b or defends a ainst enforcement oP the lien in, legat proccedings which in the Lender's opinion uperute w prevent the <br /> a-_y.,��5,�.,,., ; y. 8 <br />—="����,���,:,,; , enforccment of thc lien; or(c)secu�uti fnam the holderof thc licn an�grcement sntisfactory to Lender subordinuting thc licn to <br />— ��''"'�%' this Security Instn►ment. itLender dat�rmines tD�ut�iy purt of the Propeny is subject to u lien which may attain priority ovcr <br /> rv" '•'.`4�\�$; . <br /> .,' this Securiry Instrument. Lendcr may give Purrc�wcr .�nutice identifying the lien.Horrower shall siuisfy thc licn ur takc onc or <br /> ••�"� more of the actions set farth above wi►hin lC,duyY of uhe eiving of notice. <br />-+�" � Form 3028 9l80 <br />— � <br /> — �'.;�,';: � <br /> � -� � . Poqo 1 0�e <br /> - • ".7����` <br /> 3. . . <br />-i'? <br />� �`. ' — <br /> . <br /> ']__ <br /> ___.._._ --._� -- <br /> ' .�`�_ ..-_- _..___ _ �_�.�.n...�-.��.....�+.•�.�•w-__ .. -__.---. <br /> .ww�a1:1.��`�� -;•,Sy �-Y' �avw.�..i.a.-._ <br /> .. ' � , � , • " � .. . ♦ . . � .. <br />_� , . , .. . . .• ,• , , ' . � i! . . <br /> -. .. . _. . ' . . - � . � .. � . ' . .. :.'i> . <br /> � . ' •i � r� - . <br /> �: � <br /> . . . ... . . , 1 .. r. <br /> _ , f .. . „ ' � - � � ,91r ,� - .� <br /> , . • . .. ' - . :� " ., <br /> � <br /> _-. . , <br /> . � : � <br />