. • .. .. �. ..�. . _,���.
<br /> . .� • ,. � � . .y-�.�
<br /> � A 1 . ' . .. .. �i � . . .. ,1 •�l�^�l .. . .. .� .ai� '� .
<br /> ..�,.1�,��_
<br /> ��....._..._.."�':�fwenn�!���a..+.,... .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . ,-...._ . ��_.�� ;\ • . �J:S�J(ipC�N'
<br /> , j �7�. 1��og4 �, 't,. . 1 :--_�.�
<br /> f �'.,.�'T
<br /> ��f�rK_:.:��s��..
<br /> � Ttuotoilo) �vfll wurnnt ond d�fend the prop�rty,�t Trustorle)�xptnt�, �ps3ntt sll ol�im�nt� whomtoever. Truotorlel aleo hereby wOve9 end •
<br /> T`j rotiitmulcl►xo rdl ►lphta o1 dowov,liomoosrtad,dlatrl6utivo shere,nnd exemption In�nd to the ebove doeo�ibed property.
<br /> r.;+ r
<br /> �: � Tfl[YE�I(OI tllA OAOI1 O}tllOfll A1i1IHf flOttqMilU tfld OOfi�Y W�1I1 R�M}ICIMY M tdlow�: . .
<br /> i1. Yo p�y dl 1{en�, judpmmt�,or otltinr�ss�nn»nt�ap�lntt the prop�rt}r,�nd to pay whtn dw�II�tomm»nt�, t�xnr,nnt�, lu�, oi oMrp�• � , �''
<br /> I upon tlie prnnorry o► undsr eny lonao, psrmlt, Ito�ow. or ptivilcyu autpn�d to B�n�tloiary��additfonil�eoudty to thi�Truot Dsvd,Inotudlnp
<br /> tAous In or on�ublla QomMn. T
<br /> � 2. To Intuio n�d koep Innun►d bulidingn end oth�t(mprovsm�at�Inciudinp fixturos�nd ett�ohm�nt�now on o►h�reaftsr plw�r)on th�Drop�rty
<br /> . - i to tha aniic(nntion af�crtollclary. 3unH Insu►ance v+lll be r�Drov�d by�nd d�poiltad with Bsnsllolary,�nd endoraed with loo�payable dwee to
<br /> '� k�nsppllo�,�tiji opUon ofrR nef�ln��(U p�,Ym,nt oliny Ind�ht�dnaf�m�tund ou inmatur�d uourW by tMt Trua�Desdr if not to epDGod may ,
<br /> . . I 3. To ko��p�II bulldl�ip�,fixturos,nm�nMw�t�,�nd other Improv�mertt�now on o�here�h�r pteosd on ths property oocuplod end in pood repsi., ,. -
<br /> ,�;.� ; malntananao,ond aondition nnd to nnl�har oonxn�t nor p�rmit�ny soq of west�or sny impalrtnsnt of ths valus of the propertd. Benefid�ry mey
<br /> i •nter upon Iht property to In�poot tt�o e�or to p�dorm�ny sots wthorl:sd Mrsin o►i�the loan apreement(a1.
<br /> 4. In 111n ovn�t Tnutorf�)fdit to U�iV��V�����• l���nto, �ssessm�nts,t�xea, rent�, fess, ar ohupss or maintein any insure�ce on the
<br /> prory�rty. Uuildl�pe, ftxtu►st,otteoltimwnt�, or k�wrovimenn��pvovid�d Mr�in or io ths laan aproem�ntlo), B�nefiaiary.nt ita opUon, may me!ce -
<br /> �uoh p��+mentt� or provide ineurenoa, mdnt�t►�oc��o► rep�in�nd�ny Wncweu prd tMnfot wiil be�ome part of the pdncipd indebtedness
<br /> ucurM hord�y.b�immediunly dun w�d payabl��nd b�u Int�nst at th�d�fauB rate providsd fn th�not�(o)from the date of peyment unNl pntd. `''?���_
<br /> ' Ttro advn�oanent by Rsnalicinry ot miy�uoh�mountc will in no mannsr limit th� dqht of BensRci�ry to declars Trusto�lsl in det�ult or�zerelse :_`a'95:-==�
<br /> � eny of Fionoflclory'B other dphrn nnd rnm�di�t. ' .'� -
<br /> 7r��---.
<br /> . rl.,.�..—_'.'"�'_
<br /> 6. In ttia ovent B�n�ficiary In n pmt��to My IItlp�Uon�Hwdnp tM prop�rty or th�li�ie of thl�Trunt Da�d,inaludiny any eotion by BeMfici�ry to -� �•�_.
<br /> •nforeo tt�lo T�uit���or nny auit i�e wNoh B�Mticluy i�n�r n�d�d�i�n d�n t I inc l u d l n p c o n d�mnaUon ard bankn�ptoy procsedinps) &n�ficl�ry sy�„`
<br /> ,�� rtury inour ov{semeo �nd odvence�svrtNnt�for abstnct t�u,�ttorn�y�t��s (to th��xtant rlowsd by law).aoato,expenaea,appraiaal fas,�nd �°
<br /> otM►oimrp�a end any�mountn ao rxivz��sd w�if becom�.p�rt of tha principd ind�6t�dnesa secured hoe6hy,ba immediatoly due end peyeble end ' � ------ -_ _
<br /> ' be�r fntosoet et th�defeult reto provirl�d In tM no4�U1 from ths d�ts of edtiarce u�til peid. .
<br /> ' Q. Any nwnrda mode to T�uatoHo)vo tM1�ir yuoc�ssor� by the sxe:cise of�mimnt domefn ars hereby essipned to Beneficiary;and Bemliaiary is � � �.
<br /> Mnby ou1l�oNSad to aolloot oc�d tq���ly tM wn�in p�yen�nt of my�nd�btadr�e:t,maturas or urvrtatursd,seeured by thiss Yruet Deed. . i�as:ar
<br /> � 7. In tMo event Trutro�lo)dnft�ulra in th� paynH�t wMn duo of arcy suma ucur�! hsroby(pdncipai, interest, aCvancemente, or protecUve "��' _ -
<br /> ' �dv�ne�n),or f�b to pertorm or nbs�rv� �ny aovenant� �nd condiUom contained hersln, In the eeotels), loan apreementlo), or my other }
<br /> i�ut�umonto,or eny proceedingo I�b►oupht by or ap�nst Trustorl�)under my B�nkruptcy laws,BeneYsiary,et its opUon,may dectare the endro ',=;;Y'"
<br /> irdobt�dnoe�secured Itisroby tn I�n kmNdlat�ly du��nd gsYabl��nd th�whaU wNl bsa►inteast�t n�ha dofautt rate�s provided in tM rsot�tsl
<br /> � ,� �nd B+noAolory muy Im�noc{lotoly�euiY�oii�Trust�e to attarcia�tM Fow�t of S�Is pr�nR�d horan in th�mann�r provided in the N�brt�k� Trust •���-±?iM
<br /> ��: ���� Dad�Aot,or, at th�opllon ot dm B�n�flclary,m�y�or�o'.as�th�Tru�t D��d In th�mmnar provtdad by law for the foreclosuro of monp�pn on ,��.' �
<br /> �•�., . ' nN pro�ntry, includlnp fhe oppoinirtMnt of s R�rssl�sr upon sx part�appNwdon, noUn�b�inp h�rsby s�rossly wdved,without repud to ths �. i;.
<br /> :l. •� vduo ot th�Rrop�rty or the nufitmonUy th�nof to di�¢tu��th�ind�btedn��s ucur�d hsnby o►in ths loan apreement(el. Delay by Beneficlary :,
<br /> '��' in�xeroSr�lnp ito dphto upon dotn�drt wfll not b�aonstru�d�s�waiver tM1�of�nd any�at of B�neflcisry wdvinp sny cpeclfled d�iwlt will rwt be
<br /> �,
<br /> - � COIIftRIOd eY a WMVO�Oi CII�I T11fUP0��i�ttit. �I[tl�proc�w±i UPw�o7 i"w:'.�o:�lIISQ�4�tSlII:t3�f!!'!}�^-lent t�nry the totd indebtedneu cecured _-
<br /> , Mroby,?ruotoTU)do hereby oprnn to b�p�narully bouod to Aay th�urpaid b��ncs,a�d BeneRciary will be entided to a deflclenoy judynent. P
<br /> ,1
<br /> 8. Shou�tl llenetiaiery eloot tn o>setcine the Por�e�ot Smia prentsd hsrsin,Boneficiary�ill notify Truetee who will record,pubiish,ond deliver to ' i.'�
<br /> Trustor(nl a�nh Notice of Defoidr.snd NoUa�of Sat�w 4hBn requirsd by I�w ard will l�a 4A�manner pro�idsd by law,aell the property�t the 6me "� i�;.r.�
<br /> ;; �nd �leoa of sd�Hxed in U►o NaUcs ot SaU, NtMr a9 s whot�or in sepante lota,parcels, or items end in suoh order eo Truatee wiil deem
<br /> , ' ���dlont. Any peroon rney bid at tM sWe 1n�ludin9 Truttorbl.Trustes,or BeMfici�ry.
<br /> tr 9. Tn�MOde) htteby roqueata n copy of any Nottce of Dsiault or Notice of SQe hereunder to be mnilsd by oertifiad meii to Tn�storlt) at the ��
<br /> . addrotetoe)aot lorth herein,
<br /> . `•+•: ;r
<br /> '"' w
<br />� ,1�, • ��- 10. Upan defevlt, Bmeflolm�r.�ItMr ia p�roon or by�Wnt, wf4h or wi'.twui bdnyinp e�y wUon ot procesdinp and with or without►epud to the
<br /> + v�us o} th�prop�Ry or the m►ffici�noy tMrwf to di�ohuw tM ind�bt�dnesi cecu7ed�nar�by,lo authod:ed end enUtled to enter u¢on�nd tske ` .
<br /> _ __ .�,_` pon�uion of tM propo�ty In ib own n�me ot in tM rtame of th�Truateo��nd do any�ate or expend eny suma it deems necess�r�v ordeatrebfa
<br /> `-• "' - ' to protoot or pretotve ti�o wduo 04 ueo��:,j-a•.;�r�a7 Entoroat tMr�in,or ir�cmrs the income therofrom;end with or without taki��possealon �
<br /> ' ���� o}ttN property b authotl�ai eo�u�tor or otMrwH�coN�ot th�nnt�,is�ue�,orop�,profits,ond income thereot,inciudinp those�+�stdua end ��"--
<br />,, �� � •� j ury�a{d,and ep�ly H»eotne u��on sny Ind�btedrns�wcund henby or In ths lan ayreementlsl.
<br /> ,•,"'' r i
<br />- ��{• N o r o m�d y h�ro l n Q o n f a�r�d u p o n o r n��r w d ro Tmots�or B�n�fici�ry b I�Unde�to be excluxive of any other remedy heroin or by law
<br /> ,• ��''� provWed or permitted,bat aeoh wiW b�cur»ul�tlw,wtll b�In sddiUon to�vsrY othet remedy ptven hereu n der or now or heroa f ter ex is tinp a t law _._
<br /> , ;� ' or i��qulty or by st�tuto,end may b�ex�rcbed concurrontty,indepsnd�nUy or tucc�aslvely. �-
<br /> '?� l, • 11. Ttuetorio)eck�owioda�w tMt tM duilai�nd abllWtiom of TrustN wiil b�dot�rmie�sd sol�ly by ths exptess proviciona of thl�Trutt Deed or �_�
<br /> the Nnbraika TNet�eodn Aat Md Trwt�e wNl not ba liabts exoept tor tte0 p�rtormanoe of suoh du�sa end obitpat[o�a es are spedfiodly set -__,�.
<br /> '"`�,, forth therdn, end no Irc�lind cownant�or obUp�t�ora will b�impo��d upon Tm+�t�r,Troste�wili not b�liebls for eny aotion by it in paod fdth _
<br />_�-•r;`�:, � �nd tea�onebfV boileved l►y It to b�wtfiodz�d or wltNn ths disontlon or dphb of powm oonfsrrod upon it by this Truact Deed ar etate uw. _ - -
<br />- _��;; �. 12. Tf►A In:bprity and ro��ponei0{tity ut Truato►U! wns6tutss�part of ths conRidsr�Uon for the oWipaUons secured hero6y. ShoutdTrustor(�) '-
<br /> .- � �. • �' eell,unns!m, or oonvoY ti'h�psc:�'h�Asecribed her�ln,wlthout pdor wdttsn cons�nt of Benaflciary, Bonsflciery,at Its option,may decls:e t7�e �"?`4ir°'�'"'�"-`_.,
<br /> �_u =
<br /> �''�'�� ° entlre InlNntednese immnctiotety dw and payabls and may proc�ed in tha snioresrt»nt of lte Aphto aa on any othar default. �����'�`
<br /> :_'' • �r.��:���.c
<br /> -� -- - �
<br /> " 19. Aaalpnment of Hontn I�ludinp Proc��d� of Min�rr L����o. TtuttorU)henby aatipm, tramfen, end oonveys to Bensflcir�ry�I tent�, � • „,
<br /> _,i9:.
<br /> - royal8��,bonu�ee, ond d�l�y moMya or o4h��p►oco�dt that may 4rom 8m�to dn»b�come dus snd psy�bte under eny real estate leau or ��, ! .:
<br /> _- ' under en y oit. qw. qrovnl,rock,or otha mi�nl ts�ce af any klnd inciudinp qwtMrtnd resourees now exiatlny or that may hereafter eome into •""�;���
<br /> - � sxistenae,covednp thu prop�rty ot any part thsnof. All suoh tum� eo vocNVed by &neflciary wi�l be epplied to the indebtedneu securod �
<br /> � � Mnby; �r O�n�ilaiary, at Its option,may turn over sM deliver to TruttorUl o� their succescoro in interest,eny or all of such sum+without �:;,,�;:' �' .
<br /> --'i.;'•, ;: 1 � prejudlce tu any of iionoflclary/�►IyMs to t�lcs end retdn futun sumo,ar.d without projudios to eny of Its other riphte unde�tNa Tmat O��d. '
<br /> . ..,�,..._.`':..'
<br />=i:�;. ; � Thls��riipnm�nt w1116n oonrtrwd to be�provlfion for ths paymont or nduotlon of the debt,subJaot to the Beneflciery's option ea herolnbefore
<br /> • . provlded,Indopendont rof tM G�n on th�proF�rtV. Upon payrmsnt In full 04 the deD2 end the reconv4yanoe of this Truet Deed of neord,thi�
<br /> �RSiynment witl b000mco Inopentlw�nd of no furti�er force end eftsot.
<br />_,,�"1�% � ;' . � 14. ThSa Truat Dood o�►�ttltuta�Sscurity Apnement with reapeac to rl the propsrty ds�oribed Mroin.
<br /> '�'.' ,;`' ' ,�[ 16. Tha oovenente ount�lnsd In tM�Trus's DeM will be deemsd to be eeverebls;in the event that�ny portion of 4his 7rust Drad'o�determfned
<br /> .:"� ' ,
<br /> ....,.;.- ..
<br /> .. ,
<br /> --' '��• ' �'• • to tre void or uneniornoobl�,that d�t�mdnaUon wOl noi affect tho validity of Me remYning porNons of the nist ea .
<br /> -: .� � ,
<br /> ,_ _ . .::—�
<br /> �,�.�
<br /> ,' gy. a/ �,.� <,�u�c+—�
<br /> ��PIEIi80N.Trusb�
<br /> srnrE o� N►.13RASKA �
<br /> ,� ' _
<br /> �
<br /> Ap N:0�084007: Vdmary Cwtort�ID�:00061785; qF I:71381 Uyd Qoc.Dat�:�llerah 20, 1997 paee T
<br /> FCS�S�iUll ' Tniat Decd ar�Ar.iFnmant uf Rents _
<br />- , - . - �_ _
<br /> 1 _ _ _ - - � _
<br />