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<br /> .:r� � � v� !�
<br /> ` .w' p��T� F�rm Crodit S�rvlost " s
<br /> PREPAqEA: P.O.Bo��260 �, h-' N -� Q '
<br /> Kentne�/.NE E884L9-0260 n„
<br /> (�Oa123A-2677
<br /> Ust usoclH�d ban numbono sld�wnys!n uppnr dpht com�r aGov�. I'�n` ��
<br /> Oth�rwls�,do nnt�vdfa/typn Mrovn(hIn/lnn. ��r/il/np purnosas onl y. � "��:
<br /> + 'xr-:
<br /> Hor�ccrn.no c�r:oir�tenr�an�mccu,inaer+ � - *.��»
<br /> :�,��
<br /> In sacordonoe with tfia provi�lona of the N�bn�ke Ferm Nomontand P�otootion Ant,Nob.Rov.Stnt.SooHonn 7G-100 t,�et.seq.,es e prefsce ta O t�.''
<br /> the�r.eouHon,and eo e pairt of the faflowt►ep Trvat Dood, thn undoresipnod Ttuntnr(nl boln�firat duly uworn, aiocta tu Diset�im th�Ripht to -
<br /> '� Qc:l�ncm e lEnmrreteed. ' '= '-
<br /> • ' !#• UV/e dlool�8m the dpht to doilanete s horteensed on tho proporty douoribod in tho followinp Truot Deed. No pnrt ai my/our homestead ie N1+.
<br /> prosentip,or in tho future wfil be,situated upon eald real ootato. �NJu undnrotand Qmt if Ilwe entebiish a homostond on eny pert of the raal ;-,--
<br /> etreto dudnp thfl dmo tho Tnist Deod romaire unseUsflod nnd n Il�n on tho ronl oatote, I/we ahdl huve no dflht to meke a desfpnetion of ���•;
<br /> �� homestend In tho evont of a Truatee's eele. __
<br /> .c '�: �.'-r�
<br /> pc�n Lhodlt QQrvlc�4 0 -
<br /> �..�;f'�'. �' TRUST DECIJ ARIf�ASSI�RIM�NT t'bF lR�tt�Ti 5 =�
<br /> ; ,. � �`, �-
<br /> ' �%' ' Ttv.torial: —"
<br />_!;,;;,�._.,__,�� MAR7dM L PIBRSON,Truetoe fot MARTiN L PIERSON TRUST _
<br /> r`\.�,,� _
<br /> �-'��• � M�iYnO AAchws: _
<br /> ir;•.::,. ...
<br /> ,�,;a,.�. % 44308 100 RO
<br /> i GIBDOtd NB 88Q40�6055
<br /> ^•�•-��� Thie Trust Deed �nd Aeefpnment of ReMO ia made I�aT�b 70. 13A7 _ by and omong tho obove namod Tiuntar(s)e�d AaAmerica,
<br /> �'". '` FCB, •Truotae; whose mai{inp eddrese Is ['0 �Dox TAFC6, Spokene, Woehinpto�� 992T0-400b, end
<br />_ %i:;,1;'' �a;, wredlt Servinsa of ihs Midlendn.FICA 'Bonoftoia�," �vhoso meillnp addrone i� 208 S 19th Strc�nY .,
<br /> .- �„ n�r-Ap�02•1746 in oonsldm�t,nn of the odvanae by Berwfciery to TNntorlaf of che principal sum
<br /> � ' spocffled below. tha recefpt of whioh le hereby eck�owledgad,end eny f�.iure, eddiUonal, or protootive edvancoa�nade io or on behdf of
<br />- Teustorfo)et Bonefloiaryle optlon,Truator{a?IrrevooabEy ttensfare,conveya end oeolpno to Tniatoe,IN TRUST, WIT�9 POWER OF SALE,for the
<br /> •• �� bonstit and eeoudty of BeneHciary, ita successors ond oeaipne,under ond oubjeot to tho¢ormo end conditfono af thie Truet Qeed, the
<br /> __ ,,_ propurtV.looqtod In H�I CountV(�ool.Stoto of Nobroake. and described es followc
<br />- Southenot Quarter(SB1l41 Seodon TNrty-Three(33I,To�vnahip
<br /> �;%�:i , �,..`. Elovon(711 North,Renpe Twelve 1121.Weot of the 81h P.Id•
<br /> ti;.-'••-. :" �
<br /> i?"".'4K;.'�''�'• : topsther with eil Trueto�'s dpht, dtle. end Intoroat in the proporty, no�v ot horo�+[tor aaquirad, inaluding: all buildinpa, iixturoa, orepe, end
<br /> t� �;:; �r.c ' improvemento now an or hereatter plaoed upon ths property; at�ePPUnonanoon, wa4or,ft►ipeUon,nr.d dreinoen dehm;all rents,issues,uses,
<br /> ,; •,-_. � income,ptotito, ond �iphta ta pocsesslon; dl oi1,pas,prevel, rock, ot other minarala of whetevor naturo,Includinp poothertnei re�ources;sll
<br />- � • • peroonal property that mey Inteprally belonB to o�hsteaftar b�aomo nn inteprd part of the�oai ootate whethe►ettnohod or deteohed,includinfl
<br /> . �ny eppurtonenoes end eaaoutremon2a of any sttucture or rosidonnf� oequred hereby;eotemersQS end other dehte ond hite�esto now or et eny
<br />-- � .; dms hetoaftor betonpinp to or in any waV Parteininn ao the pronerty, whather o�not speciHce111+da�adbod horoln; all nUove end 6elow pround
<br /> `.;,,9 , irdpeHon equlpment end nooeasoriea; end bll(b090�, �armite. Iloense�, or privilopoa, eppurtanant or nonappurtonont tu the property, now or
<br /> hereefter loauod, extondsd or renewed by Truator�a�), eny Stote,tt�e Ur�ttod Statoa, or e�y depernnent, buronu, inetmmentelity, ot eyency
<br />��-�'�.�.� lj th�roof. the forepofnp Is colleoUvety roterred to in thia document e9 the"ptopetty.° _
<br />�y..
<br /> � lt i�undrretuod and�O�Nd b�tw��n Yn�tdltl and B�neticl�►y 2f�ct thb Ttuat D��d A elven to oacure: �r"°�`�
<br /> . �t�:.
<br /> • (ei Promissory notolo)oxeoutod by Trustorlal to Benaflciery described es foilowe: ��`
<br />~ � •� �' .; ota P�indaal Amount ---
<br /> • . y, �nte of N __
<br /> �� � 0.,/20/9% 16fl,000.00 -
<br /> ., , �., --,_.
<br /> � •:�:;i�. ;�. , ptnabin eocordinp to the torms of the notols),end eny eddendum to, roanart)*etlon or roatntcturinp of tho notolo). ��,��c;.
<br /> :::;r,:�
<br /> � � (b) The rope►m�ent in tull by Trustor(s)ot any d�x1 eli tuture end eddiUond loane or edvenoos whloh may bo medo by tionoficiery,et its option, z
<br /> lua intoroat on eil loans ar advonces, under any `�':`_
<br /> ' et the roquost of, end to or for the accoue�t o4 Truator(e1,or any of them,tor eny putposo,p .
<br /> �.t� noto[0I or other fnstmment(s) modifyinp, retin�nciny, exte��dinp, renewlnp, roumottlzing, or roatruotuHng, no�v o>:iatinp, or ndditional ;:
<br /> �� InAeS�todnea or eny pert theraof,dl pnyable eteordinp to the term� of the notote)or other instrumentlel: p�ovidod, howevor,that the totai ...
<br /> � d Irr,fe[�todnese outstendinp nnd seeurod hereby at ony ont tiene wiil not exceod the sum ot: �"`
<br /> pfln�
<br /> - 'i� 0 P 1 ORFD OR OU�AND DO LA
<br /> , : ,j,+ (a��,pQp,pO 1,exducJve of interest e�proteoUve edvences authadzod herdn or In tho loan uproomontls): providod furthor,that THIS .
<br />- - -.- � -� -�_-.- _._ __ _.___...�..�.. .........m.. wr.enrenueac eanvc N�S liFFN AbVANCED.
<br /> ..__.:_.__------._.,_i WHETIiCMOTt tvVt mc �v�..or..�....�....�..........._ .
<br />_ _ tl �"-_"'—_'- -'-'- -�-�
<br />= ;I (o)Tho rope�ment in tutl by Trustor(s1 of ali emounte advanaed Dy Beneriolery ot it�optlon,to or on bohnlf of TruEtor(sl at� protootivo ndvanoes
<br /> - � eutha►iiod heroin,in che toen epreement(s).or in othet Inatrument(s1 whioh ovidence suoh odvanoos,plus intorost on oll euuh odvoncos,poynblo
<br /> as pro�tidexl in the notolsl.�oan apreement(sl,or other Inst�umontlel.
<br /> � � (dl Ths paymont In fuil of e�y end etl othor post,prosont,or fuare,ditaot or conUnyent,debte ond Iiebiiittea of T�uetoilu► ta Boneticiory of uny
<br /> _ �
<br /> :.. I natuto whetcoever. •
<br /> - � ThMS Tiust Deed wi11 be due Aaril 01- 200?_ ,or upon tho peyment In full ot o!I eums eecurod hereby.
<br /> � � TrustorlAl hetoby wurronto that Tntotorle) holds lee tsimple titto to tho nbovo describod propotty,thot Trustorlel has flood ond Iowtul�uthority to
<br /> deed end encumbot the aamo.thet the proporty is }reo and cloor ot nIi lions and oncumbronces, oxcept oncurnbroncus of rocord, nnd tt�ut
<br /> _ � _ —
<br />, � Ap A:00094U87: Prlmwry Cu�tomer ID N;00061786; CIF M:71301 L�p�l Doo.Oatr Merch 20, 1997 popo 1 �
<br /> FCSM 6011 Trust Docd ond Aesipnmont ot Ronts y
<br /> ; '` - . .
<br />