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<br /> � � 97�-10�003 =
<br /> � 17.TransFer of the Fira�►erty or a E4eneficla!Intertst M Borrower. If all ar apy part of d�e Praperry or any iiiterest iu it � �.
<br /> � is sold or transferred(or if a b�neflcial interest in Borrowcr is suld or trausferred and Barrower is nat a a�tural persou)without f +
<br /> l.cuder's prioe wtitten conaeut. Lct�tler may, at IG�; npdon, teguire immeclinte payment in full of all sums secured by dtis I
<br /> 1 Secudty Instrument.However,this npttan sh�ll not be eaercisad by Lender if eaercise is pmlubited by fcderal law us of tt�e ciute �, �
<br /> � of thie Securlty Instnunent.
<br /> , If Lender�aercises this option, I.euder sht�ll give Borrower nndce of acceleradon.'i'1►e notice shtdl rovide t�pedal of not „
<br /> less than 30 days ftom the date the notice ts delivereci or mailed withln which Bnnower must pay alPsums secured by this .
<br /> " �� � Security Instiument.If Horrower fails to pay diese sums prtor to the rxpiradon of this period, Lender cc�ey invoke any remedies '
<br /> pem►itted by this Securiry Instniment without furti�er notice or demand on Horrower. ° �• '
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rlght to Rc�tnstate. If Bano�ver meets certaiu cnndlttons, Borrower shall hnve the right to have _
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instntment discondnued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other p�.dod as �� ��. .
<br /> applicable law may speclfy for reinstatement) befom sale nf the Property pursuaz►t ro any power of sale contained in this , ,-;r.'•�
<br /> Securiry Insuument;oz(b) entry of a Judgment enfoxcing Qus Security Iasaument.Those conditions are tLat HonowEt,(a)pays � . ;'�ti••��
<br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Insaumene and the Note as if no acceleradon had accurced; (b) . _- -
<br /> cures any default af any otmer covenants or agreements;(c)pays all ex�scnses incurced In enfoccing this Securiry Instrument. 'vt:•� ��,�•_
<br /> • :;.�t;�, including,but not lunited to,reasonable attorueys' fees;and(d) takes such acdon as Lender may reASOnably rec�uire to assure �'_--���
<br /> .�__.
<br /> "'��•}�,r;' thnt the lien of this Securic�,/lasuument, Lender's rights ia the Property and Horrower's obligation to pay the stuus sxured by :��r._�-.—
<br /> tLis Security Insuument s6al1 continue unchangecl. Upou reinstatement by Borroti*�er, this Security Instrrm�nt r►nd the . :. __ �T,F
<br /> obligadons secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleradon had accurred. However, this right to rein�tate shall •� . __
<br /> � not apply in the case of accelerauou under paragraph l7. '--_-_-�--
<br /> ' 19. Sale of Note; C4�ange of Loan Servicer. Tbe Note or a partixl interest in the Note (tosetLer wlth this Security +,���;_°
<br /> In:,tcument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Honower. A sale may result in a change in the eutiry(known • •��:n_
<br /> • � as the"Loan Servicer")thas wllects monthly paym:nts due uader the Note and tWs Security InsWmeat.There also may be ons �`�f,%w��—
<br /> �� `' or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of tlie Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borruwer��Ill be T :�`_ .
<br /> :� given written notice of the cLaz� e in accordence with ara6�raPh 14 above and applicable law.The nodce will state the name and
<br /> address of t���K�.._.:�^�-^�S!A*ui�he address to which payments stenuld be made. The nodce will also contain any other �'�x- _
<br /> _ �1��.��:• -
<br /> infomiadon required by upplicable law. - •�' �
<br /> ';'r`;i 20. Hazardous Substancc.w. Horrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage,or release of any ?' �f, ,
<br /> . x
<br /> � • , .� Hazardous Stibstances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allovr anyone slse to do, azything affectin8 the � ,
<br /> ��" ' Property that is in violation of any Bnvironmental I.aw.The precedina swo sentences shxll not apply to t�e presence, use, or
<br />�:�`":,� '�__ storage oa the Property or sm a i i quuanddes of Iixz:urious Sub�tiw�s i�at��gc�,.°r.s:l;zr:...�;..:,,��d r��A��r�,�ri�te tn nom�al
<br /> � -' an xz•u .,,
<br /> ,�..�.;,•,��-�..
<br /> ,•,;.,,,,.. „ residendal uses and to mxintea�nce of the Property. •�
<br /> '-•�• Borrower shall prompdy give I.ender wntten noace of any iuvesdgndon, claun,demancl,lawsuit or other acdon by any ,,rn.
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Praperty und any Hazardo»s S�bs4wce or Bnvimnmental Law ; <<<��;
<br /> � of which Bonower has actu�l knowledge. If Borrower learns,or is noti.�ied vy any �overnmental or reg�ilatory authority,that .� �! �>
<br />- any removal or other remediadon of any Hautrdous Subs�ance affectin�thn Property is necessary, Borrowea shall promptly take ;_ �;,:
<br /> ' a11 necessary remedial acdons in accordance wlth Euvironmenial Law• �� � ��'
<br />" ' ps used in tiva parngreph?A. "Hazatdous Substances"are those substances defined as toxtc or hezardous subsCances by .t � ";
<br /> ''"�� Bnvironm�ntal J�aw and tlie following substances: gasoline, kerasena. other flammable or toxic petroleum rodncts, toxic �
<br /> �'`�" pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,waterials conaining asbestas or formaldeh�de.and radioacdve matenals.As used in ',��� t
<br /> ' this para$raph 20, 'Bnvironmental Law" means federal la�vs and laws of tlie jurisdicuon where the Propercy Is lacuted that _ ;
<br /> relate to health� safety �r environacental protecdon. -- '
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Bonower and Lxader further covenant and agrce as f�llows:
<br /> � 21. Acceleradon;Remedies. Lendcr shsll glve notii:e to Borrower prlor to acceleration following Borro�wer's breach �� �u.�
<br /> of eny coven�nt or a�reemr.nt in tt�is Security L�,stniment (b�t nat prlor to accelerat�an under paragraph 17 unlesg r���,v:
<br /> �� appltcabie law provfdes otrer�vise).'�t►e aotice shall sp�tfy: (a�4he default; {b)the actdon reqWred to cwre the de�'ault; �,,--..��
<br /> • (c)a date,not less tban 30 days from the date t4e noHce is given!o Borrower, by which the defetult mast be wred;and �__
<br /> (d) that fullare to cure the default on or 6efor�the date speclfied i��the notice may result in auderation ot the sums �t_
<br />- secured by thfs 5esurity Imtrument and sale of the Yroperty.T1ie not[c�shall Eurther inform Botrower of the ri�ht to =__.
<br /> - relnstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court actlon to nssert the non-eadstence of a dpFaWt os eny other `�;
<br /> defeose of Borrower to aaelecatton and sale. If the defaWt is aot cured on or befort tbe date spectfied in the notice, �.��
<br /> � . , �;�;`: _�_--
<br /> - . Leader, at[ts option,may requtre immediate payment In full o€all s¢7ans secared by�his ���e la��t��� -�:�___
<br />- " fuitl�ar demand end may Invoke the power of sale and any other remedies pern�Stted by app �'`--;-`��Y�= �
<br /> enUtled to colled all expenses Incumd 1n pursuing the remedles pKOVide�l��u this paragraph 21,[ncluding,but not limited --°`
<br />