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<br /> I payments may uo longer he requlred, xt the c�pdon af Lender,if mongage insuran:.e coverage(in the amaunt and for tlie period
<br /> that l.end�r reyuires)pmvided by an iussurer approveii by U:nder again b��comes available and is obrainecl. eorcower shall pay ;
<br /> 1 R . '
<br /> the premiums requfred to maintain mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage
<br /> � insurance ends in accordance with an�written ugceement between Bonower and Lender or applicable law,
<br /> � 9.Iiupectlon. Lender or ia ageae may make reasonable entries upon and inspecdon�of ttne Propecty.1.-ender sball give
<br /> Honawet nodce at tlie dme of or prlor to an inspecdon specifying masouable cause for the inspectian.
<br /> 10. Condemnatton. 'The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,Jirect or consequential. in wnnection wieh enY •
<br /> condemn�tion ar other talcing of any part of the Propeny,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnaqon, are 6ereby assigned and , L r�
<br /> shall be paid to i.ender, ' "' ^"'� -
<br /> In the event of a rotal talaing of the Pmperty,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums securedby this Security Irsuumen�• ' �:Y}�,�
<br /> whether or uot then due, with any excess paid to Banower. In the event of a partial takin,�of the Property in wlnch the fair
<br /> warket value of the Property iimuediately before the taldng is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured bY this r�^„�f;:-.-,--,-
<br /> :� �t.�`�:��
<br /> Security Instnuneat iminediately before the taldag,unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agree nn wrid�g.the surns securecl bY -.,.�:T__ —
<br /> � this Security i?�suument shall be reduced by the amount of t�e pmceeds muldplied by the following fraction: ja��'AO� �J��..�
<br /> ;unount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, divided b�(b) the fair mdrket value of Chc �'rop II�cb the� -
<br /> 1 befor�the taking. AnY balance shall be paid to Bormwer. ln the event of a partial takin8 of the Propercy ' -'`_�
<br /> mnrket value of the Properry imiuedlately before the taldng is less tban the amount of the sums secured immediace�Y b�fore tl�e ;;,,�;;:,. _..
<br /> .:,, � .
<br /> taking,unles,g Boaowet and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable la�v acUccwise provides, the proc�eeds shall „;;,�., ,: ` �:�r-;:°
<br /> ��ri'i;'..���
<br /> be applied ro the sums secured by tliis Security lnstrument whether or not the sums are then due. . • �� �
<br /> � If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,ar if,after notice by Lender io Borrower that the condemnor offers to make An �'
<br /> c �m for dama�cs, Bonower fv�s to respond to Lender within 3U daYs after the date the nodce is givem, '��!'�;±:A�_:.
<br /> � AW�tttfl or sctuc d G dl b OT LA!�P cnmF __ .: �'�^M�,
<br /> Lender is authorized ro collect and apply the proceeds,at iu option,eit3ier to restoradon or npair of the Property �ly;. :.
<br /> secured by tliis Secudry Instwnent. whether or not then due. licaeon of roceeds to principal sha11 not extend or �, .{
<br /> � Unless Ixnder and Bonower otherwise agree in wriunS. anY aPP P
<br /> nacmnne the due date of tl�e monthly paymenu refe�red to in para�rzphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of such payments. .;��, � ,�.�+
<br /> - t:�se foz ga;�r_•�r mcxlificadon =`T� �• ' ',
<br /> � 11. Bonrower Not Released; Forbearance By 1.en�'rot a i%vaiver."exic�:o�of:�e ,'. ,
<br /> of nmorti�ation of the sums Secured by tlus Security Insm�ment graneed by Lend-r to any successor in intenst of Borrower sb�ll � ;
<br /> , not operate u►release the liabiliry of the original Boaower or Borrower's successors in intemst. Lender sl�all not���� • �,
<br /> ' com�ence proceedin8s against anY succes�or in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modlfy :•+ y�� ,
<br /> of the sums �x;u�c:d bY this Securlty Instrament by reason of any de��nd made by the origival Bortower or Bo�rower's .
<br /> 'ih1 .
<br /> successors in interest.AnY farbearance by L.Encler in exercising any :ight or remedy shnll not be a �vaiver of or preclude the ��'�'
<br /> � ' exercise of Any dght or remedy. ' �
<br /> 12. Successars and Assigns Bound; JoMt and Several Uabillty; Ca�si�ers.'i'he covenants and agreements of this �t
<br /> Securiry Instrumsnt shall bind and beneflt the successors and assigns of Leuder and Borrower,suhject to the provlsions of
<br /> , par�►grnph 1T. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Bo�rower who co-s t��snve that ����
<br /> Insm�ment but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-�igning this Securiry 3nsnvment only to mo�tgage. gran ���
<br /> Borrower's Interest in the Propeay under the terms of tLis Securiry Insaument; (b)is not pecsonally obligated W pay the sums �
<br /> secured by this Secwity Instrument;and(c)agrees that L.ender and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify,fotbear or �.
<br /> make auy accommodadons with re8ard to the terms of tbis Security Insttumene or the Note without that Borcower's coasent. �;.--
<br /> � 13.Loaa Charges.If tLe loan secured by this Security Ivsm�ment is subject tn a law which sets maximum loan charges, �.-
<br /> and that law ia finally intecpnted sn that the intecest or other loan cbarges collected or to be collected in connxtion with tl�e �u-
<br /> toan exceed the petmitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charg�shall be reduced by the amount necessaiy co redaCe the charge R.;�
<br /> to the permitted limit and(b)anY sums ulready collected fmm Borrower whlcb exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to _-_ _�_
<br />_ _ B�rrower.o odrrowe� If a rcfund redurxs p nc paly the�reducaoupwill'be treated asea putialtprepayme c without�any _ Y-
<br />: . payment t ::;
<br /> - prepayment charge under the Note. �J��;�--"°�,--'�r:
<br /> : 14.Notices.Any nodce ro Borrower provided for in this Security Insuument shall be given by delivereng ic or by mai8u►g �YVy���,.o„„,;�
<br /> L.�Y�:=_��.__..._.�
<br />- it by fixst class mail unless applicable law requires use of anather method_ 'Ihe nodce shaU be directed to the Property Address :;;T---- _ � .
<br /> • or avy other address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shail bc given by first class mail to ;, A�
<br /> p �-�;., '�r '�t�'.•.
<br /> �,`� Lender's addmss stated herein or eny othe3 address L.ender designates by nodce to Borrower. Any notice rovidetl far in this =,.� `;,'^
<br />� ; Security Instrument shall be deemed ta bave been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pxo�+ided in this paragrapb. ;;...�.�`�..•.: .. •.
<br /> 15.Governiag Law; Severability. This Security Insttument shall be governed by federal law and the law of the !�'����;j.'i��►;�a,.
<br /> jur+sdicdon in wbich tlie PTaperty is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> , ::.; '
<br /> confliets with agplicable latiy,stieh conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instn�ment or t�e Note wirieh can be _
<br />' �iven effect wishout the conflicdng provision. To tlris end che provisioas of this Security lastivment and the Note ure declared
<br /> to be severnble. �
<br />- ` 16.tiorrowei'm`:opy.Borrawer shall be given one conformed cop�af the Note and of this Security Instrument. �
<br /> �...� ,
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