. . _ . . .}. .d,� . ��_.
<br /> � , , � .
<br /> .., . :� .
<br /> ' ,,,. „
<br /> , .�-.
<br /> ,,
<br /> • � 1 '` ,.. :
<br /> 1 . 97-� io3oo�. ,
<br /> � . 16.Borrower's Copy. Bonower shall bc given one conformcd copy oP thc Notc and of this Sccurity Instrumcr�t. '
<br /> 17.Transter ot the Property or a Benefictal Intere.st in Borrower. If all ar sny ptut of thc Property or any intcrest in it is
<br /> I sold or trensferred(or if a beneficial inuresi in Borrower is sold or transPe►Teal and Banowcr is not a natural person) without „
<br /> 1 Lendcr's prlor written consent,I.ender rnay. at its option,require immediate payment in fuQ of all sums stxured by this Sccuriry
<br /> , InstrumenG However,this opdon shaU eiot be exerc�sed by Lxndee if exercise is prohibited by federal l�w as of the datc of this ... ;
<br /> , .I Seceuiry lnsuumenG -
<br /> If I..ender excrcises this apuon,I.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleradon.'[lie notice shall provide aperiod of noi less
<br /> , � ihen 30 days fram the date the r.otice is delivered or mailed within which Bonower must pay uU sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> � I n s t s u m e n G I f Borrower fails to pu y theso sums ptior to die expiradon of this period,Lender may invoke any remed�es permitted
<br /> by this Securiry Inswnient withaut funher nodce or demand on Barrower.
<br /> 18.Bor�ower's Right to Refnstate. If Bonowcr meets certain conditions. Bonower shall havc thc sight w havc �:,. . ,.
<br /> enforcement of this Se�wity Instrument discondnued at any time prior to the earGer of: (a) 5 days(or such other periott as ;,.�?�:;-;. •� • ;
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstaternent)befare sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale containcd in this Security .��;�°�:;;,';"`� •-•'�fi'�;k�rr:,_;
<br /> Instrument;�r(i�)entry of a judgment enforaing this Sea:urity Instn�mcnt.Those conditions are that Borrawcr. (a)pays I.ender all i,�. `��, �',y�d�,s,;;�'t;`;`:
<br /> ,,f surres which then woWd be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Nate as if no acceleration had occurrul (b) cures any `.;:;._,;,,> ,, t.+.,{�¢;?•;`;
<br /> {1Y�.
<br /> • '�.�.:; default of any uthr,r covenants or agreernents;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Inswrnent, including,but . ''�t,1�.;;,:�,:�.: "`
<br /> '' �� �','� not limited to,reasonable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reaconably require to assure that lhe liPn of tf�s .. ', �,_
<br /> '���;-:. ���{�•;` Security Jnstnunent, I.ender's nghu in the Propercy and Borrowee's obligadan w pay thc sums s:curecl by ihLs Security . ��-:___
<br /> `,'•'` -�� InsWment shall continue unchan�ed. Upon reinstat$ment by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the o6Ggaqons secured ��.;-
<br /> hereby shall remain fully eff�tive as if no acceleradon had occutred.However,this right to reinstate shaU not apply in the case of �
<br /> accc:iCrauon unuer p;ssagcapi�i 7. -•-_---,�'��''�`=---
<br /> ' 19.SA{e of Note;Change ot LoAn Servtcer. Thc Notc ar a partial interest in the Notc (together with �his Socurity ��•�:,.:
<br /> Insuument) mny be sold one ar morc timcs without prtor nodce to Boxrower.A salc may result in n changc in th� endty(known
<br /> as tlic"Loan Scrvicer")ihat collccts monthly payments due under thc Notc nnd this 5ccurity Instrumcnt.Thcrc also mey be ono or �, ', •
<br /> mQre chenges of the Loan Scrvicer unreleted w a sale of the Note.If there is n chung�of tho L.oan Servicer,Bonower will tw
<br /> ;� given wduen nodcc of the changc in accarduncc with para�raph 14 abovc and npplicablc Inw.'Ihc nodce will smte thc nama and , -
<br /> . eddres,s �P tho ncw l.oan Scrvicer nnd the addres.v to whicl�paymen�g shauld ba medo.Tha�otico will also wnt�in any othcr 5� %
<br /> ° informatkn rcquired by sppllcciblc i�w.
<br /> c
<br /> . ?A.Hpznrdous SubAtstnces. Boaower shall not cause or permlt tha pre.sence, use, disposal, storage.or releaso of nny . ..
<br /> * Nezardous Substanccs on or in thc Property.Borrowcr shall not do,nor ullow anyonc clsc to do,anythirig ai'fccUng thc Property ,'?: � '
<br /> -- — tiiat is in violarion oi any Envuufii��ciiesl Lci:�%.Tt1C pi�i�ig.::o oc.'sten:,e.••°.lts!!t��:°[�g!y `�L�r�rr_crnrr;n•:e,or stnraac on the �' .
<br /> Propecty of small qusntldes of Hazardous Substances that are gcnerally recagnized to be appropnaie to normcl residendal uses •;
<br /> . and to maintenance af the Propeaty.
<br /> Borrower sl�sU promptly give Lendcr writien nodce of any invesugatton,claim, demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any �+,
<br /> govcmmcntal or regulntory agency or p,ivaic party involving the Property and eny Hezardous Substance or Environmental Law �.
<br /> � of which Borrower has actual knowledgG If Borrower leams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulau�ry authority,that eny s� '•
<br /> • removal or other remedjadon of any F�.arardous Substance affectinng the Property is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all �
<br /> necessary rcmedial actions in sccordence with Environmental Law. �
<br /> �� As useci in thLs paragrapfi 20. "Ha�ardaus Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha7ardous substances by t
<br /> „ Er�vironmental L,sw and �:e following substences: gasoline, kerosene, other ttammable or toxic peuoleum products, toxic
<br /> �;:: ' pesUCides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asUestos or formaldehyde,and radiosctive materials.As osed in `�.,
<br /> . •�L ihis paragraph 20,"finvironmental I.�w"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicuon where ihe Properry is located that relate °'-
<br /> � ��;'; w heatth,safety or environmcntal protection. �_t;p
<br /> ;� .�.'
<br /> �• NON•UME�"ORM COVENAN't,.Borrower and L.cndcr further covenant and agrce as follows: ""-"
<br /> } 21.Accekration;Ytemed3�s.L�ender s6aU give notice to Bonrower prtor to accelernNon tollosving Borrower's breach of �'�___
<br /> ' � any coveuaut or egreement in this Securtty Instrutramnt (but not priar to acceleration under paragraph 17 uales,s ____
<br /> � oppUc,�b{�law provWes otherwise).'�'he notice shall spec�ty:(a)the defaulh N)the actton required to cure the de}fault;(c)
<br /> �, {� = -
<br /> a date,not iess than 30 days from t6e date the notice is given to Borrower,by wi�ich t6e default must be cured;and(d) �
<br /> that t�ilun to cur�e the�efault on or 6efon the date apec!f"�ed in the natice may result in accelerAfion of the aums secured ,��
<br /> by this 5ecurity Instrument 4nd sule ot the Property.Tue notice shAtl i�rther inform Borrower ot the rigi�t to rciustqte �''�--`�
<br /> ;•�s;: atYer ascekratfon and the right to bring a court wetion to assert the non�existence of a detault or a�ny other detense nf —=,- _
<br /> `.,...,;r:: �" °:..
<br /> � Barrower to accekratlon and sala If t6e default is not cured on or before the date epec[fled In the notke, I.eader,nt its �_:>�
<br /> :;i:�<,"' ���' ���
<br /> . � optlon,may require[mmediate payment in full of ull sums secur�d by this Security Instrument without tLrther de�nacd �
<br /> t� �Rs,..
<br />;� � end may invoke the power of eale and any otlier remedies permitted by appticable law.Lender shatl be entitled to callect �� � tt.;,.;=�-�,,.
<br /> ;•��:, ,.._ ..
<br />'�• nU expeoses incurred in pursuing the remedies psovided in this paragraph 21,including,but not ltmited to,rensonable :,;�,��.�..: ,;;,`�s:;
<br /> attoroeys' teea end costs of title evidence. ���'��' �'�
<br /> If the power of sale t� invoked, Trustee shatl record n notice of default In euch coanty in whicd any part of the . . �;;:,�;�_�.�
<br /> Property is located and shall meil copks of suc6 noNce in the manner prescrib2d by appllcable law to Borrower and to the � • �� �•-�
<br /> otber persous prescribed by epplica6le Isew.Atter the time required by applicable I�w,Trustee shall�ive puGlic notice of �
<br /> • s$Ie to the persons and in the ms►nner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee� without dems�nd on Borrower,shall s�U the ,
<br /> " Property at public auctian to the highest bidder at the time and place nnd under tl�e terms designated in the notice o:sale _,
<br /> Form 3028 O/90 "
<br /> ' , �•84i(NE)�o2txl.o� Pape 6 of 8 �^���a�s: �
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