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<br /> pnymcn�s msy no longer bc rcquired.at thc option af Lcndcr,U mort6agc insurance covcrAgc(in thc wnount and for thc pcciod ��� � i
<br /> Ihat Lcndcr rec{u ires)provided b y an insurcr approved by l.c:ndcr agnin bccomag availablc and is obutincd. Borrower sh¢ll pay thc 7
<br /> prcmiums rc;quircd to maintain martgage insurancc in cffect, or to provide n loss reservc, unal the rcquirement for mortgnge
<br /> inturnnce ends In accordnnce with anY writien agrecment between Boaower and Lei�der or applicable law.
<br /> 9.Inspection. Lender or its egcnt muy make rcasonablu enuies upan:�n� lncpr,ctions of the Properry. Lender shaU 6ive
<br /> ' Boaowet noticc at tiie tl►�c af ot prior to an ins�don sgacifying rcasanable c,�su.sa for thc inspecdon. k
<br /> 10.Condemnatton. The proceeds of any award or claim for demages, direct or consequential, in connecaon with any
<br /> condemnndon or other taking uf any pact of the PropertY,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation,are hereby assignetl and
<br /> shall be paid to Lender. �� ���sums secured by this Seciuity Instrument, ,
<br /> In the event of a wtel taking of the Property,the procecds shall be app . • :
<br /> whether or not then duc,with anY cacess paid to Bonower.In tlic event of a partial itilCin6 of the Propeny in which the fair market r :
<br /> valuc of the Property immediatelY beforc the Iaking is equal to or greater than thc emount of the sums securcd by this Security :���� ��'�•�;s,y_�
<br /> Instrument immediately before tlie taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwisc agme in wridns,the sums secured by this `i.:i . ��fi;;,,
<br /> Secarity Tnstrument shall be reduced by the amount of ihe procecds multiplied by the follo�ving fracdon: (a) the totel a►nount of . ,�j4:,.:, —.nv__.
<br /> �°� the sums secwed immediately before the tsking, divided by (b)the fair mazket value of the Propert� immcdiat,ely beforc thc : :��;�,..��;�t��.„'.�;,,;�..
<br /> ,�::,��,r,�-,. :;
<br /> �g,pny balar►ce shall bc paid w Honower.In the even►.of a pani��l taking of the Property in which the fair market value of the ti��,��f-.���1'�
<br /> . :...a:`� Proparty immediately before the tnking is less than the amo�ant of the sums securetl immediately before Ihe taking. unless I '��i,�a�,-
<br /> ' � ���,,.��se�_�,
<br /> '•:':�':�•�•'.•'•. Hanower and Lendcr othcrvvise agree in writing or utiless applicable law otherwisc pravides,the procceds shall bc applicd to the :�; -- --,
<br /> � Y�'��� � � sums securecl by this Security Insvument whether or not the sums aze then due. „ �;,,
<br /> �� y y n�,P�rnar�hr.condemnor offers to make an ���,:
<br /> .. —. If the PropertY is abandnnecl �7 ldorowcr,or u,ufi�, i��3�c E� I.cnder to Borr_ _ ---�_...��:_.
<br /> �,` award or settle a claim for damages,Bo�rower fuils to respond to Lender witltin 30 days after the date the no�cc is givere,Lender „ ` ,*.��.�:�"-
<br /> � ,�` is suthorized to collec�end aPPly the ptoceeds,at its opdon,either to restoradon or repair of dte Proparty or to ihe sums secured •• � ;_
<br /> by this SecurieY Insuument,whethcr or nat then due. , ';���_�� � ;
<br /> � Lcadon of raceeds co principal shall not extend or postpone
<br /> � Unless Lender ttnd Barrower othenvise agree 1n writing.anY ePP� p .; .�.__..
<br /> � the due date of thu monthly paymenis rcfcrred to in pfuagraPhs 1 end 2 or change the amount of such payments. ' � .� .
<br /> 11.Borrower Not ReleASed;For6wrAnce By Lendar Not A VYaiver. Extension of the time for payment or modificudon ���; "
<br /> ;� of amorti�adon of thc sums seceued by ihis Sccurlty Instrumcnt grentcd l�Y Lendcc to any succcssor in intcrest of Borcowcr shall
<br /> ___._,____ �a=a�� �s�lrace the liabllity of the original8oaower or BoROwePs successors in intcresG L.cnder shell not ba roquircd to
<br /> . comm�nce proceedings aguinst any successor in interest or refuso to oxten�tane ior paymeni ur�ti�w a�m�tlif�:ss:orst:�sfon Qf �;
<br /> � tha sums secured bY th�g Securi�y Inswment by rcason o i ht or med mshal bnot�be a weivcBo or preclude the exerclsc of any
<br /> irt,intcrosG Any forbearance by i.endcr in exerclsing any g Y , �
<br /> `' • right or remedy. -
<br /> 12.Successore and Ass�Bns Bound;JoUt and SeverAl Lia6f�ty;Co•sigeiers. Thc covenants and agraements af this `,
<br /> . gecurity Instrument shnll bind and bcnefit the auccessors and usigns of Lender and Boreower, subject tu the provisions of ,�
<br />� � � paregraph 17. Borroever's covenents and agreements shall be joine and sevecal. Any Borrower who co-si�s��nve tha ��
<br /> �` Instrument but does not execute the Nate: (a) is co-signing thls Security Insuument only to mortgage,gran Y
<br /> ��.
<br /> � ;�, goirower's incerest in the Properry under the terms of this Security Instrument;@) is not personally obligated co pay c sums
<br /> � ���by�is gecurity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and uny other Bo�rower may agree W oxtend,modify,forbear or 4�
<br /> � �: make any accom�n��►ons wlth re8erd c�the tenns of this Securiry Insirument or the Note without that Boaower's consen4 _.
<br /> 13.LoAn C6arges. If the loan secured by this Securlry Ins�cument is subject to a law which sets ma�cimum loan charges�
<br /> .. �� and that law is fmally in�erpreted so that the interest or ather laen cherges collected or to be collecfcd in comnecdon with the loan -.--
<br /> ' ' � exceed the permitted 1►�nits�then:(a)any such loan charge shaU be reduced by the amount necessiuy co red�acu the charge to the _
<br /> :�,..,i permitted limit;and(b)anY sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pemiitted limits will be refunded co Aorro�ver. � --
<br /> - ' �''�� :" � L.ender may choose w n►ake this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to P e
<br /> .: Burmwer. If a refund reduces principal, the reduc6on will be treeated as a Pardal PrePayment without any prepayment charge
<br /> a
<br /> ' � under the Note. ".`�� ''r''
<br /> , j,� 14.Notke.v. AnY notice co Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing it
<br />�u �` by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method."I1�e nodce shall be directed co the ProP�rtY Address or _
<br />" ` any other eddress Hoaower designates by notice to Lender.Any nodce to Lender shall be given by first closs mail to Lender's -��•s—•�•� _�
<br /> ° address staced herein or any other address Lender designates by notice tc�Borrower. Any nodce provided for in this Security ;..�,,.,.�._,�
<br /> ` Instrument shall be deemed to havc heen given to Borrower or Lcnder when given as provided in this paraBraPh• ������.�:
<br /> � � 15.GovernEng Law;Severabilfty. This Sccuriry Insuument shall Ue governed by federal law and the law of the �:
<br /> • juri:,dicdon in which the PinpertY is locatecl• In the event that eny provision or clause of this Security Inswment or the Note ;`� . .;_::,
<br /> 4 contlicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provislons of this Security Insuument or the Note which can be :"j�-� �����`
<br /> ' given effect withoLt the conflicdng provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument a��d the Note ace declared to •'"%'�ti:�'1.. , ;,'�`''
<br /> . be severable. '
<br /> � Form 3028 0100 �� �
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