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.... � .} . :::i St��� � I . . . ���F• . ' - . a <br /> p li <br /> , � � ` t ,.'� • '''i�:r��F`tf�.F,���•a@,�'G 4�_.G).���Y 2�,�w�l,� <br /> � � b - , . „ ., ;:,::. '-;r��`���h1 .. rf x - <br /> r,a // . � r <br /> •i „ ��ti;.`� � ' �ki�;�tF <br /> ,^�� 'y y�t �n ' . . :"��'-_. <br /> � � �' - ,. .l,?� � '+a���- �-� �- <br /> . . .t��Mq�A.MC1�/•.t . .. . 14• . . .,-.__ __. <br /> �� ... � . . . ` .. . ' " ....- ._ - . _i��r.�4:"_'•I_i,i_..__ <br /> . . - . . . ,�. h�_ - - _ .. <br /> , ' .. - . _ " . " . . � s[r�vill����. <br /> 97.. �A299� , � <br /> puymcn�s may no langcr bc required,at thc optlan ot l.�nAcr.if raangngc insurnnsc coverage(in thc nmount and for thc perioA _ <br /> thut I..cndu rcquirxs)providcd by aa insurcr upprovet!hy l.cndcr agan bccom�avail�ble and is obtaincd. Durroe�va sLall pay the <br /> � � premiurns rcqulred to mulntain martgaga insuranco in oiicct.or ta pravide a losa reserve, unttl the rcquircment for mortgage _ <br /> � insurnncoerede in accordnnco wl�h any wrlttcn ng�ccmcnt bctwcen Borrowcr und l.cnder ar applicable law. <br /> � g,in�pectbn. Lendcr or iu ttgcrtt muy mako rcaRnnablo cnVks upon and i�sp°.ctions of che Propeaty.Lcnder shall give � <br /> � � � Borrowcrnodca at thc�timo af ar prlar tn�i Ins��cs;Uon epcclfying rcas�nablo sausc for ch�insp•..caon. ' '. � <br /> .,:::. <br /> .,�, 10. Condemnatbn. Tho procaeds of any nwiud nr clatm f�r dan� or consequendal,in wnnecuon with any . <br /> condcrnnzlon or athcr taking of any pnrt af tho Pra�►crty,ar for�onvoyancc in lieu af condemnudon,aro hereby assigned and <br /> shall be p�id W L.cnder. ~' .';`:'':°: <br /> .,.;��;��:: <br /> In thc evcnt of a total taking of tha Praperty,tho pmce.�cls ehaQ bc opplicd to the sums sccured by this Sacunry Instrument, :, '-_,:::,._ <br /> whciher or not thcn dua,with any axccss p�fd to Aorrower.In tho avcnt of a partial teking of the Property in which�he[air�narket .�:,�,rl�;;:ia�" <br /> � ; value of�he Propecty immcdiatcly beforc tho taking ls cqual to or grcntcr t han t ho emoun t o f t he s u ms scxured b y this Secud ty -';�:�:�: <br /> '�r�1i;a::X,`...- <br /> Instcumr�t immcdiatcly bcforc�he iaking, unlcss Uorrowcr and l.cndcr othcnvisc agrcc in wriang,the sums securcd by this ,f:V,,�..,..,.. <br /> Security Instnument shall bc rcducccl by tlio amaunt of tha prcicecda mulUplicct by tho follo�ving fraction: (a)►he aial amounc of ; ' _.�.;}rf,, L <br /> rhP c��ms sec:urcd immedlatelv b�fora thc tekinp,dividcd by (b) tho f�ir markct valuo of the Prope.riy immediately before the ��:,:,,�L..;±�,,.^;_ <br /> . --�-- tekitig My balancs shaU 6o puid to Borrowcr.In tho avcnt af a pardel taking ai tho Propury�n wnicn mc i�w�„�,hc���t����u�� :`���--,; <br /> . P,oy�r¢y i�mcdistcly �;.fare thc taking is less than Ihe smount af !!io e��me �sccurcd im:nediately befom the iaking� unless : ;,�.-;;:;:.ti_�='. <br /> �, Borrower and Lender otherwiso agrca in wdting or unlaas uppllcablo law othcrwlso provides,the proceeds shaU he applied to the �1 .•F�".���:� <br /> suYns secured by this Sccurity Inswment whethcr or not th�sums ara thcn duc. �� °�4s�;��;�' <br /> •. . If d�a Property is abandonod by Borrowcr,or if,ufter naqca by l..cndcr w Bonowo�thut thc condemnor dtfers to make an , ::�'.•:.:,:;� <br /> F�'� :;`- <br /> � award orseulo a claim for damages,Borrower faila to respond w Lcnder wtthin 30 days after thc date the nodce isgiven,Lcnder �;�.;;��r;��,; <br /> is authorized to collect and apply thc procecOs,ut i4g opdon,ellhcr lo raswration or repaiir of ihe Pcoperry or to the sums secured `�� '`'�I�' : <br /> r • ��,:..:...- <br /> ',.'�};,,4;'�!= <br /> by thls Sxurity Instrument,whe�her or not thcn duo. . �:�=���_ <br /> ' ,� Unless Lender and Borrower ntherwfse agreo in wdting,any applk:adon af prc�cecds to principal shall not extend or postpone ��_y��__ <br /> , .:,�,�-. <br /> . ,��� the due dat�e of the monthly paymcnts rcferrcd to in pacagrapha 1 and 2 or chango tho emount af such puymencs. ��� <br /> -� Il.Borrower Not Rekastdt ForbearAnce By Leader Not�W�i�ver. Batension of tho tune for payment or modification r-.___ <br /> of amonization of tha sums secured by this Soc�uiry Instrument granted by Londer W any successor in int�errst of Barrower shall ��� <br /> ,�. ��—��.. <br /> -_-- - ����,",�,� �p�����y �f�,hn��ginal H�Trnwrr�r Rnnowcr's eucte�ore in intcro.5�L.endet shell notbe required to ��.���_.- <br /> � ..�_:�-_-- <br /> •. �j M commer�o�mcecdinge against any successor in interost or rafuso to extand dmo f�r p�ymant ar otherwise modif'y er��on of =,-- <br /> . the sum�secured by thls Security Inswment by reason of any demAnd mado by tho orlginal Borrower or Boaawer's successors �� <br /> '-'"• � in intere;�. Any forbesranca by Lendcr in excrclsing eny dght or rcmcdy�h�ll not bo a waivei of or prxludc the exe,rcise of any =_ <br /> .,. , � �" rlghtosrtmedy. _ — <br />-.. ° " IZ.Successors pnd Asstgn�Bound;Jolat wnd Severpl L4bllity� Co•nlRnere. 71�o cuvenants an d agreements of thi4 _ <br />- t Secur[ty Inswment ehall bind end bcnc�t tho successors end assigna af Lcndca and Dorrowcr, subJect w tlie provisions of ____ <br />= paxagraph 17. Bortower's covenants end agramcnt� sheil ba jalnt wnd ne,weral. Any Borrowcr who co-sigv this Security <br /> Inst�uum�t but does not eaecuto tho Nota: (n) is co•signing ihls 3xudt�r Inswnecnt only w mcxtgago, grent end convey tbaz <br /> �� Borrowa's i�terest in the Property undcr thc tcrms of thls Sceurity lastn�ment;(b)i�not petAOnally obligeled to pay the snms _ <br /> , . secu�ed by thls Sectuity Inswment;and(c)agrees tt►at I..cnder ond any olhcr Borrowcr mAy aBroo to extsnd,rnodify,foibear or ��..- <br />��i •• " , malce any acrommodadons with regard w tho terms of this Sccurfty Instrumcnt or tho Noto wfthout that Borrower'sconsen�. - ` <br />-_::,*,m y,� � 13.Loan Char`a. If tho loan securod by this Socudty Instrument ie eubJoct ta�I�w which seta maalmaun loan charges, <br /> �� .,;:,:,:, r, and ths�t law is finally lntecpreted so that the interest or other loan charge�colixtod or to bo callocted in connoction with the loa� <br /> -' � ::� eaceed�he permitud Wnits,thcn: (a)any auch loan ct�argu shall ba roduceA by tho unou�nt nocessary to redu:e the chazaa to t�e _ <br />���' �• ``� '! pern�itud limit:a��d(b)any sums aln,ady coAectod from Borrowcr which oxceodod pemtiuod Ilmita will be nfenc'��1 to Bonowa. <br /> ___ I,endes may chooso to mako this refund by reduc�ng tho pdnciptl owod under tho Nate or by making a direct payment ta �,_ <br /> --' • ' Horrowa. If a refund reduces princlpal, thc rcduction wlli bo trcdted ar e paNal pecpayment without any prcpayment charge - - <br />-_::�. ,,..,,, ', t <br /> �y.�:...,�. � <br />—°�� ��•�-- �d 14.Not�ias. An nodcc w Borrower rovlded for in this Sccuri lnswmcnt shall bo glvcn by dcllvering itor by mailing it m`� <br /> ��,..�.,,,._ . Y P �5+ ::. <br /> �� �""`� ' by Cust class mail uNess applica b 2a l aw requires usc o f ano t hu m a h o d.T ho notico shall bo diro�tcd w tho Pnoperty Address or °--- <br /> >r t� any otl�u address Horrower designates by nodca to Lcnder. Any nodco t�I.cndcr sha116o glvcn by Crst clASS mail to Lender's "�°-; <br /> • �• addass a�ted herein or any other eddross Lcndu designatas by nodca to 8orrowcr. Any natice provldcd for In rhis Seciuity �;�_;__ _ <br /> „ '� Insmunrnt shall be dcemed to have been givcn w Borrowcr or Lcndc�whcn givcn a�providcQ fn thls paragreph. �=�.-�:�� <br /> �, • 15.Covernjag Lpwi Severtbility. This Socnairy Instrument shall bo govcmcd by fcdaul la�v and U�o law of thc --- <br /> . , ; jurisdic�on in which the Property ls locatcd. In the cvcnt that u�y pmvlslon or r,laugo of thla Secudiy lnswrnent oc the Not� ._;�_-�:—_ <br /> r conflicv with appllcable law,such conflict shnU not affect othcr provislons of thi9 Sxurity Insuumen►or tho Nolo which can be :- -- <br /> i �r`�_.�_ <br /> .. give� eftoct without the conflicring provIsion.To this end thu provisions of this Security Inguument and lho Note o�e declared to :-��cr����� <br /> be seveaable. +� ��?'�:�,�� <br /> • , :,. i• <br /> � ' . Form30�9 �/90 •r.+,y..;.:;cY= -_ <br /> .. , �-aA(NE)roz�al.o� P�a�•o�e m�•ua: ��;,:;�' <br /> _ � - <br /> . r ;•; - <br /> _ ' � • ' � - ' . <br /> _ - -' - - <br /> __ -- =, <br />— . .__ ..° - ...,._ .. _..... .. ,...... .------._ ----•.....,, .. . _ .....__-t..,.�..�. � <br /> . _...-------- • '-�zg�.n� <br /> . '9�+.T.—iiini::r�•^i:- ,1,. <br /> . , ., � .'.` ' . <br /> .. `l: <br /> ; , .. . .' , ,� , _ <br /> . - �.1 . .. . _..' . . <br /> � • <br /> __r_ __ <br />