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<br /> ';� 5.Hourd or Praperty IaeurAnce. Borrow�r shnll keep d�u in�provementa now existing or hereufter erected on the Propeny •� � �
<br /> insnred ngalnst loss by fire, ha7.ards included wiU�in �ha to�n "axtcndrd covert�go" arid[�y oUter haztvds,inclading flaods or
<br /> floodu►g,for wtx�ch Lender requues insurunce. i t�is insurance shnli be maic►�aineci a��rse amounts and Cor the periods ihat Lender ,
<br /> requires.'Il�e lnsttrattca carrier providing the insw�r►co sht�U bo chcsen by Borrower subject to Lende,�'s apgroval which shall not • . .
<br /> � -� be �nreasonubly withheld. If Boaower feils to mnintain covar�ae described above. Lender muy, at L.ender's opdon, obtain '
<br /> �►. coverage to protect Lender's rlghts in the Property in accordnnr.a with ParagraPh 7. ;
<br /> All insurance policIes and renewals shaU bc acceptabla to Lender end shall includ�a standard mortgage clausc.Lender shaU i . • . �f .
<br /> �. have the dght to hold the pc�licies and renewuls. If Lendcsr requin„s,Borrower shall promptly give to Lender all receipis of paid ,;. „��}; ' '
<br /> premiums and renewal nopees.In the event of loss,Bort�wer st►�)1 give prompt notice to�he insurance carrier and I.ender.Lender ,; ' `'� -"-"�-`'-'-�-�.-.�`�-'�u`:
<br /> may make proof of loss if not made prompdy by Boao�ver. �''";��"�;�'�r`:=
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvise aga�ee in writina. ina�urance procceds shall be applied to restoradon or repair of the ;, �' ;'��
<br /> Prope�ty damaged,if thc restoradan or rcpair is economicully fcaaible and I.ender's secudty is not lessened.If the restQradon or `' ' �----
<br /> repair is not economically feasible or Lender's securiry would be lessened.the insurance proceeds sheU be applied to tho Sums __`='=�-
<br /> . secureecl by this Securiry lnstrument, whether or not then dua, with any excess paid w Borrower. If Borrower abandons the ,,;;���:�--
<br /> ., Property,or does not answer within 30 days a nouce frcrm Gendcr th�t the inaurance cerrier hag offered to seule a ctaim,then ���' _
<br /> , I.ertder may collect the insurance proceeds.Lender may u�e►ha praceeds to repair or reswre the Property or to pay sums secused - -
<br /> • `� by this Sectuity I�suument,whether ar not then due.'The 3Q-duy perlod wW bcgin when thc nadce is given. !. fi°.•^�;
<br /> .•�; Unless I.ender And Boaower otherwlse agree in writinQ,any appllcadon of proceeds w principal shall not extend or post�sone ,,. ,,.:;;J•'��
<br /> ' ����''' the due date of the monthly paymenu refened to!n paragraph9 1 and 2 or change thc arnount of the payments.If under paragraph C;•��;`��,— �
<br /> ' :..�....�� � �, �..
<br /> ' •-�<•! � 21 the Property Is ecquired by Lender, Borrowrr's riph�to any insurance policies and proceells resulting from damnge to t�e ����,1.�'?
<br /> �"�'`�° Property prior to the accJuisipon shall pass to Lender to die extent of tha sums secure�d by this Security Instrument immediatety �;�����=
<br /> prior tn the acquisidon. , �'; ._ - .
<br /> 6.Occupancy�Preservetion,ll�intenance und Prat.�ctna�of t6e Property; Borrower's Loan Appllattion;Lemse�olds. '�;'; ,:
<br /> �� Borcower shall occupy,establish,and use the Ptoperty es Bec:,ovrer's principal residence within sixty days after the execudon of ,
<br /> thLs Securlty Inst�vment and shall continue to occupy thn Ftap�rty as Aorrower's principal residence for at least one year after the '?� _
<br /> � - date of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agTees in writinQ, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless -
<br /> °;,; extenuaHng circumstances exisE whIch are beyand Borroasr'y cantrol.Bonower shell not desaoy,damage or impair the Pcnperty,
<br /> �. ailow the Pcoperty W deterlornte, or commit waste on dia Ptaperty. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfeiture acdon or �
<br /> proceeding,whethar civil or criminal,is begun that in Lendr,r'y�ood iuich Jndgmene couid result in forfeiture of the Prope�ty or _
<br /> . ����t� , otherwise materially impair the Gen created by this Securdry Iuauvment or Lender's securixy lnteresG Borrower may cure such a
<br /> " default and reinstate,as providerl in parograph 18,by cauninQ the ocdon or procoeding tn be dismissed with a niling that, in -
<br />� Lcnder's good faith determinadon.precludes farfciwre of tha�ucrower's L►terest in the Property or othcr muter3al Impairment of ;i�._
<br /> � tho Ikn created by this Security Inswment or Lende�•'a securdty interrs�Borrower shall elso be in default if Borrower,during the j
<br /> loan Appllcadon prace.cs.gave mat�ially felse or int�ccuraia u�fcrmadon or statements to Lender(or failed w provide Lenda with
<br /> - s any materinl informudan) in wnnection with tha lnsm evidcsnced by the Note. incluNng,but not Wnited to, npresentations -- — --
<br />' • wnceming Bomower's occupancy of the Property as a pranci�nl resid�nco.If thLs Securiry Ins�ument is on a leasehold.Bomnwer
<br /> � shall comply with all ihe provisions of the Icase. If Borrower acquires feo dtle w the Proputy,tbe leasehold and the[ce title sha� �"�
<br />=�:
<br />_ �., not merge unless L�nder agrees w the merger in wri8ng.
<br /> r ,a-� 7.Protectbn of Lender's Ri��ta in t6e I'roperty. It'B�rcower fails w perform the covenants and agreements contained in � _
<br /> '���';;F:,��:�" this Security Insriument, or there is a legal praceedfng d�at muy signlficanily affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as e
<br />� ' •� , proceetl3ng in baNwptcy�probate,for condemnntion ar forieitwv or w enforce laws or regulations),then Lend�r muy do and pay -
<br /> for whatever is necessary to protect tho value of the Pro�erty and Lender's dghts in the Propeity.Lender's actions may include
<br /> paying any sums secw�ed by a lien which has priarity over this Sec�uity Instrument,appearing in court, paying reasonable =
<br /> attomoys' fees and entering on the Property to mulce rcp�. Although I.ender may takc acxon under this paragraph 7,Lendcr
<br />="° ' daes not havo ro do so.
<br />�-n: .;:w'n .y Any emounts disbursed by Lender under this psuagraph 7 shall become additdonal debt of Hormwer scctued by this Securiry -� __
<br /> " =�,_;: InstrumeaG Unless Borrower end Lender agree to ad�ar tamto of payment,these amaunts shall bear intenest from the date of
<br />- • disbursement nt thc Note rate and shull be pa}mbla,widt inusnmst,ugon nodce from I.ender w Borrower requesttng paymen�. `._
<br /> � . S.MortgAge Insurance. If Lender required mo a e innurance as a condition of makin the loan secured b this Socuri `'`5� -
<br />�,^ .. �Q 8 � Y �Y ,7�"----- -
<br /> - Instrument, Borrower shell pay the premiun�s requi�d to mninw�in the mon " 4��n�•�"""�"��---
<br /> _ gage Insu�ance in effecG If. for any reason. ihe ,�.�w��
<br /> mottgagcs insurance coveaage required by Lcnder l�pfxs ar ceases to be ir+ effect,Bormwer shaU pay the premiums rcquired to '.'��,.,,,:��;;_-
<br /> � obtain coverege subatnntially equivalent to ihe mun�age inoumnce pmviously in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the �='-���%����
<br /> - cost to Boirower of the mortgage insurnnce prr�viously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by I.er►der. If ,,�h�;t,�•
<br />- substandally equivalent mortgage insurance covcrnge io nut avuiluble,Borrawer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal w .I'����',�k:.`.
<br /> • one-tv�elfth of the earl mort � •"'`�"��'�=�
<br /> y y gage insurance premium beina paid by Rorrower when Ehe insurance coverage lupsed or ceased w , ; .,t�,.
<br /> be in ef�ect.I.ender will accept, use and retain ihose paymantv as a loss raerve in lieu mf mortgage insurai►ce. Loss mserve .�;'.`t����
<br />_ '{>
<br /> � Form 3Q28 0/00 �� . .
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