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� i':�rl'f��'�fff.��t.�`+a,yu�tyyG {ri. 1 � i�p. -����'k tii�?�t��3'A`t <br /> -.t� +� � - 1'�',��'2�rs� ,� f zf� !}-` „ '_-__"..�3�:�JC 1 <br /> , <br /> �. �� <br /> s:��i_'.-fY�`a`�dt �$''i�; �L.£{� �� . 's.-��.�ry. :vl. w; __.�....n«�..n, 9.%tiJi�Ylslif�� <br /> . '_""'"'_. . ._"_ _"__ _w�s.,,,_f.,": _ . _ '' � ai....--. <br /> . . 9?._.�,e��s� — ._ —_ <br /> • 5. 1G�r�rd or Propetiy Iiuurxnca, Dorrower shall kap thc Improvemcros now cxlsting or htrtallcr creciaf on the <br /> � Ptopetly Insurt8 agalnst tou by flro.haraMs Includal wlthfn�he lomi'ex�en�S�d mveroge•and any aher hnar�f�, Includlnj <br /> ftoods or(laoding,tor ufilch Lender ru�nlros Insumnco. Tlds Insumnco shnll be malntalned In ihe enwum+aat fnr tlw pedab ,.______:- -- - ---- <br /> ulet I.eMer rcqulru. 7Fe insuranw cnrrlcr provlding�ho (nsnrenco s6a11 Hc chos;n by Aorrowcr subJttv �o I.cndar'a uppronl �`� <br /> whleh shill twt be unrtuonably wlthhcld. If 6orrower fnlls ro malntaln covemge deuribed alave. I.enJer may, m I.enJer's ----�� <br /> opNon,obtaln mvcroge to pro�cct I.cndcr's dghts In�ho Propcny in aaordancc wl�h pareBraph 7. __ -- <br /> All Insurance pollclu and ronmvals slmll bo ncccp�nhlo to Lcnder and shall Includc a s�andani nniipago clnusc. I.cndcr �'-+�4a���=- <br /> shell ha�c tho rlght to holA thc rynllcics and roncwnls.lf F.cnder rcqulrc,Dortowcr shall promp�ly glvo io�.ondcr nll recclp�t af <br /> pald prcmlums and rcnswal no�lces.In the event of loss,Qorro�ver shnll glve prompi noticc ro�he InRUrnro cnrricr�nd IAnder. �"""�'�-=______ . <br /> Lander may mxke prootof loss If not nwd¢prornptly by t3ottowcr. <br /> llnlus I.en�tr and Wirro�vcr o�hcnvlse egrec In w�ltlng,insurana prar...ds shall bc applled�o rcstomilnn or rc�wlr of�he =_ __-_ - <br /> 3hontny da�naged,If the reatorellon or rc�.ilr Is ecnnom(eatly feaslblo and Lender's seeudly is nol Ieeunaf. If ihu ro�lnm�lon ot _--- -�-_ ___ _ <br /> icgsir is r.ot economtcalty feactble or LenJer's secnriry would be Iessenal,the Insuranee pnmeds shall lw npplled tn tho sums - -- <br /> secured by thls Secudly Instn�mcnt, whether or not then d�m, wl�h any exmss pa1J lo [iorrowcr. It 13orrowcr n6andons thc <br /> Propercy,or does not r_as�ver wllhln 30 days a noiice from l.ender thm tho Insurnnw carder has otfered�o seulo n clalm.then — <br /> I.ender m�y mllect the insumnce procceds. Lender mny use ihe procceds to repalr or rcsmrc�he Proparly n� to puy sums <br /> saurcd by Ihis Suurity insuunxnt,whe�her or no��hen dne.The 30day perlod wlll begln when the no�lco is glven. <br /> Unless Lender nnd Oortower olherwise agree in wriiins, nny appllcation of procecds ro pdncipal shall nrn ezteM ur =__ <br /> poupone�he duc date of�he momhly paymen�s refertul to in paragrephs I nnd 2 or changc�ho amnunt of�he payn�;ms. 1! — _ <br /> under paragraph 21 �he Property Is acqulred by Lendcr, DorrowePs dght to any Insuranw pollctes nnd proceeds rcsniting from =`- __- <br /> demnge to the Propeny prlor to Ihc acqulslflon shift p�ss eo Lendcr lo tFe exlent of thc snms sccural by thls Sccurtty Instrunknt L;;���i,:,;.� <br /> humedi�t.-�y prior to thx ecqulsl�lon. "�."` . <br /> yi+yr <br />.- 6.Occu,�sncy,Areserva0on,M1t�lntename aaid Yn-otec�lon of fhe Propertyi Oorrower's I.oan Appllcatlont I.enseholds� `S>�)�i�Vll.- <br /> IIorcower sh�dl nccupy,establlsh,nnd use�ho Pro{s:«p ns IIoreowePs prinelpal resldenca whhln slxty days atter the execullon of �f'�';;�_�. <br /> Wls Securicy taserumen�and shall conqnue lo occupy�he Propeny ns[lorrower's princlpal residenu:for m Ieasl one year alter ��{r�1.4:�.:��:- <br /> ����4' .4,;�. <br /> Iho date of acnpancy,unless Lender o�hernlse agrees in�criitng, whlch consent sRall not be unn;asonably wl�hheld,or unless °P��,iti,'s;_. <br /> exlcnuating c7rcums�ancex extst whlch are bcyond Dorrou�er's control. Oorro��•er shall not dcs�roy. danwge or Impalr thc �S�I?j�_`';;;_�--' <br /> Property,aflow �hc Propcny to dctedoratc,or commlt ��as�e on the Propeny. Oo�rower shall bo In defauli If any Portelmro .::u;;i:�t•;'s <br /> aGlon or rucecdin ,xhelher clvll or crlminal. Is be un that in l.endcr's ood fal�h'ud mem widd rcsult In(or(elwrc of�he i,,.t vi�Er�— <br /> P & B 6 1 3 ��,.�.`,`:ti,"� 'e'471l7!�. <br /> Propeny or otb:neise matedally impalr tlie Ilen creatal by�hix Security inswment or LeMei s securiiy Interest. Oorrower may :��;:,�/1't},,__ .— <br /> euro such a d:fa�,.tc end relnstate, as provlded In parograph 18,by caus�r.g�he octlon or procceding to be dlsmisud wl�h o m�ing ��`���^`fr`�tr ,rt��-- <br /> IA�t, In Lender's good faRh detcmifnatfon, prech�cks torfein�re of [hc IbrtowtPs Intcrcs� in�ho Property or othcr maicrlal ��r�lx ^ 'r--- <br /> Imp:lmxnt of Uic llcn crcata!by !.".!:S:acr.c; 3.^�.^.e.m.e.^.!cr Lcr.ACt�sn_rily i.^.lcrcc�, j2nrrowcr chall nlso 6c In detaWt If �Y%�',�t.,., _s�±...�._.. <br /> Borrower,dudng�he Iwn apptication process,gnn ma�erielly false or ineta�mic infomtntion or stxtemenls to Lender(o�fallcd ` t;`'!'��i��; : <br /> to rovlda Lender wl�h an material informa�loN in connaainn wi�h ihc losn evidaxcd b thc Note. Includfng,bw nol Ilmlted l;y��v � t`��=�H,i::-,_�� <br /> P Y Y 1,,`''"-. <br /> lo,rcprcsentailons mnaming P.�rrox•er's acupancy of�hc Property aa a prir.cipal restdenta If this Sccud�y Inxltumcnt Is on a �5'�Yin;�Ffy}��.�:•3:: <br /> lee!thold, I3orrowcr shall tomply wi�h n11 the pmvisinns nf Ihe Irn�c. 1f Dorron�er ocquires fec �idc to Wc Propetly, �he ���:�?��S�tij°�i�-`�;t���C?` <br /> r ,u.�r_.�_, <br /> Itasehold end�ho fcc fide shall not mergo Lender ngrces�o�hc mcrger in wri�ing. (y,�'3�,,1"����!t"^°"`•_ <br /> '!.Protcetlon oE i.ender's RI h4t In the F'ro n}•.7f Borrower fails m rfomt Ihe covenants nnd agrcenxnis contafned In �"_Ij:l.l�i��^i�Y 6�4�::_ <br /> 8 Pe P� S:ik.: �l�.,.: �4 <br /> Ihl9 Secudly Inslruntzn:, or�here Is a Iegel procceding �ha�mxy significamly a(fea Lender's dghts in ihe Propcny(such as e / �n(�'c�ef{,?.��;�� <br /> toccedln In bankm robate,for wndcmnation or forfeiwrc or m enlorce laws or re nlaiions),�Acn Lender ma do end `���"`��`~':� �' ' <br /> � P 8 �.y,p S Y n;%� :..r ,9��.' .,�.'�._. <br /> y:...,;;,;. <br /> poy for whatevcr Is nacssary to protcet Uic value of�hc Pro�ny nnd Lcndcr's dghis fn �he Propeny. Lender's aaions may � =. . - ;;i},,.� <br /> Ineludo p�ying eny sums saured hy a Ifen which has priori�y over �hls Seturity Inswmrm, nppcaring In coun, payfng �'�t�r:_�'%��,�;:�"<�.- <br /> reawn�blc a�tomeys'tas end entcring on thc Prnpeny to m�kc repairs.Al�hough Lendcr nmy iakc nnion ur.dcr this paragraph !i:c�.:`{"Y^{f`+�;t`:-- <br /> 7.IAtMtr docs nd hare to do so. �,�'-..'.;l`,�S,.� <br /> �'9i '�'.i��'�s��.Y'.�*;-. <br /> Any amounts di:bnaed by Lender under �hls paragraph 7 shall become addillonAl debt of Itorrouet secured by thls 't �'?.��;�,���e;�r,;r;� <br /> .f;, <br /> Setud�y Inslmmcm. L',less Dorrowcr and I.erdcr agrce to o�her�enns of payment,�heu an:mm�s shxq bcar Intcres� from�hc :�,�y(44::,-f}._;`^�;:"�: <br /> d��a o(dlsbursemcnt at �he hote mtc and sLall b. paynblc. �eith imares�.upon nmice (rom Lendet lo Dorrowcr requesling +Sk'S;,':t}'����;.'';��- <br /> paynxm. �,�`�`�;"'k��¢{�t;f ',; <br />- 8.6toNgage Iaaurnnce. If Cender rcquired mongage insurance as a cor.diiion nf making�he loa�secured by this Securi�y R�L__n e '~L�i�S 7i� <br /> In�tnmKnL 13orrower shall a �hc remiuma re uircd �o maimnin �he mnn n c insurancc in cffecl. If, for an rcason. �he y�� ft�`'t "_ <br />- P Y P 9 6 8 y ��.- � S � �. �,i`" <br />- nwngagc Insurance corcroge requircd 6y Lcr.dcr lapses nr ccases m bc in effeci,ilorrowcr shall pay�M1e prendums requircd to ct;:F�;z �,�;.�.•� ->. <br /> oblaln coverage subs�udally cquivalent to�ht mongage insurance prcviousl}� in ctfcct.a� n ms�Eubs�antially cquivalem�o thc �}}'f' ' �f �i,��;�. _ <br /> cofl lo pofmwc�o(Ihe mongagc insurnnre prerionsly in e(fcc�. fmm an r.11crnai. mnngagr in�urer appm�•ed by I.endcr. If �,��a ,'� � <br />` wbslaml�lly eqalvalcm mongage insunnre aoverage is not availablc,Borroi�ror shall pay�o lcr.der ezrh momh a sum cqual to G.�_`!c.":' ' 'F'�^� `. � <br /> e. ):e^a.� � . <br />.3 onC•Iwt1011 ohhe)'eatl)•mottgage insur.ince prcminm heing paid by llntrouer �ahen Ihe insurnr,ct corerage lapstd or ecased lo °'`:'`-'-t%'�;-��;'-_t: :` <br /> !:'":i <br />_ ba In efktl. ItnJer wlll nccep�,use ar.d rctain�hese payments ax a loss resen•c in Iieu n( mongage insuranee. Lozs rescrve s'3�;'�''�, �'r'2„ , <br />' �,�a• <br />- Fam 30ts l�90 - �E:::� :.j;a::; <br />., vy.oe�n ��','- , <br />= MOa014�NE/3 �� .•.; ��" ,.. <br />._ ��f.� _.. .'S. <br />_ ;... . <br /> � ..(�: . . . ,. �n'. -T�. .•a 'rin�. ,- �nrt .� . . • - ^."MSI,.,, :,�±p.c°<::t..r ,yr«,;J.7':. ....:�� . , . <br /> 7 <br /> I. �! ' <br /> �!>F:. . - � . . —. <br />..:��%`'� "; , . _ <br /> '��l�..ii 'Ll '. . .. _ " - ' . <br /> �1a L-3., - ' L <br /> `��. <br /> t.l'. .� . . . <br /> I C.::. <br /> ,j• -� " .. ! � . .. � . ' . <br /> �.}1. � . . _ . . .• <br /> ' ' . • . ' 1M1�r-"•�tia�j� � . . - <br /> -!��. �..,1�� � . . � . " . v+N:�.:, � <br /> L . � . � " :..' _ 1 . _ . <br /> � . <br /> \ t -.. {(I -i �� ' _ :' " ,\ <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> ' <br /> ��� .�.t 1 -v ' l : � - _� .� _ : r fY+��� - - <br /> . <br /> . <br /> .Orl::� . . �. r. �..: . . . a� _/8 . ..-. `t i J S � _ i . <br /> • . ':.: . . . .f.. . ♦�[r� L. .. ' <br />