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T�•`��•. .��YC�il��4iri�•i!`�"•'JV.'w"..Li(a��ut:wi�a59AaLMMIifWrar�.w�/�r+.... .�.� � ---.—..—. .— <br /> .(. _______- <br /> . 9��• �,os��� <br /> 7�013pTNER Wi'tH ail qa ImProvcments now or heroafter cralal on ttw propeny,anA nll wscnxn�s,ippuncnnncu,and <br /> flzturcs now ot heruflet i p�rt of tla property. All repixtnxms and nddtllons shall nlso tro covered by this Socurity _ <br /> ins4tumtM. Atl of�he forcLoln$Is rekrrcd to in tbis Sccurity insltumcm as tho'Pmpetly.' <br /> 80RROWBR COVBNANiS that Ibrcowcr Is lawfulty seiscd of tho estma hertby wnvoycd nnd has�he dght�o grant and - - <br /> eonvey tho Ptopeny and�hat the Pro�rty Is unencumbered,ezcept for cncamhrenees of rxard. Iforrower wertants nnd wlll - <br /> deh��d generelly the dtle lo tho Prop.�ny agalnA all claims and dunands,sn6Jat to any enwmbrxnccs of ruonl. -- <br /> TAIS SL'CUR11'Y IN9TRUMGNT combina unlfomi mvcnanls Por natlonal usc and non-unifomi covcnnms wiib limitcd _ <br /> varialions Yy judsdicqon to mnstitute a uniform securiry insuunxnt covedng rcal propeny. <br />� QNI�ORM COVGNANTS.flmrawcr nnd t.cndcrcovcnam and agrceas faliows: _ <br /> I, t'aymmt ot Ptineip�l and fntercst{ Prepeyment and Late Charges. Ilottowcr shall prompily pay whcn duo �hc <br /> nrincinal of nnd on thc dc61 evidental Dy the Note nnd any przpaymtnt and lato chargts due under lhc Naa. <br />. 2. Fwnds tor TaYa end]mvren�e. Snl�fcet ta appliw6tc law or to a wrfucn wnivcr by Lcndcr, 13orrowcr shall pay ro =- <br /> I.cndcr on dm day monthly paynxnts nre duc ardcr�hc Note,untll thc Nou ls paid in f�:ll,a snm('Flmds')for:(a)ycarly taxes <br /> nnd nssessmems whicb nuy aua(n pdori�y over�his Sccudty Instrumem a+n lien on the Aroy�rry;(F?S�atly'Iea.ceho!d paYmxot% - <br />� at gmund ronls on Iho Property,If any;(c)ycnrly hazard or propc�tp insarance pceminnu;(d)yt�dy iloal insmxxc pTemiums, _ <br /> if any;(e)ya�Ay motlgage Insumnw premtums,if any;and(fT nny sams}wy+ble by Aorro�cer lo, in r.ccorAnnce wi'th _ <br /> ttx provisions of paragraph 8, in I[eu of tho payment of mougngc insnnnce�pttmiums.l7eeso ftems are calkd"Gurnw trem5' _ <br /> Lender may, at any qme,wllen and hotd fi�nds in an ameimt not�o evcced the mazimmn enwunt:�tendcr for n kd�rally� <br />- tclated mongage loan may require tor IIorrower's eurow acoount urAcr ihe tedtr+l Rcal Listete&tUtmem Prooednrav Ast of = <br /> 1974 as anMndal from Onx to dme, IY U.S.C.SccUo� 2601 rt seq. ("RISSPA'),vnl�.a arAth�r law thai applies�o the Tunds - <br /> seis a lesser artwunt. If so, Len.lez nr,y,nt eny Ii�m,colleci end hold !'vnds in en nn:oant iwt to e�ttrd the lesscr nmounl. _� <br /> l.cndcr may es�inia�e Uw amowx of Ter,ds duo an the basis of current dsis and reasoneble es�Lnates of o'tpenditures ot futnrc = <br />- � I3scrow Items or wherwisa in ncconi,r.-e with nppllcable lew. _ <br /> - '1Le Funds sT.alf b:hcld In an institu�ion whose dcposits are insured hy x falemi ngency, iusznmentaliry, or emity _ <br /> (Including Lender,ic TN:��er is snch an insHtmion�or fn any f'ederal llome Loan Oank.l.ender shail app5���he Penda tu pay Ihe - <br /> Iiurow Items.Lender nuy not chuge 6orrower for Ao!ding and applytng�he iund:,nnnually analyzing tho escrow acwun6 or = <br /> verifqing tAc Cscrow ilwns,unless Lcnder paya[iorrower Intcrcst on�hc�unds nnd applirab�e law permi�s Lender ro make such = <br /> e charga.However. Lender may require Oorrower m pay n ono-tlnx chnrge!or an indeyxndent real estate tex rcporting service - <br /> used by LenAer In connxtton wllh �his laan, unlcu applicahle law provides othenvise. Unless en agreemem is n�ade or _ <br /> applicablc law rcquires Imeres�to be paid, Lcnder:hall not be rcqulred lo p:ry liorrower eny Interest or enmings on Ihe funds. _ <br /> Borrower end I.ender may agrx in wmfng, hon�cvcr,that ir.tcrest shall b� p�id on�h: Fnnds. Lendcr shall gtve to I3onower, -- <br /> wl�hont charge, an annual accoumfng of�he�unds,showing rnz�its end debi�s to�ho Fands and the purpose for«P�ich enrh ' <br /> u2`vSi iu ihc Flir�;:::.;r,a,."t.'li:t FWras arc al.-�1ged�cddil?e.^.e!�,curi!; kr el!sunu c�xured hy tlils Securilv Insm�mem. - <br /> if the Runds held by Lender exeecd the xmonnu permival to bo held by r.pplireble Inw, Lender sAall account to Bortower _� <br /> for the excess punds in accordance with lhc req�irzments of applicablo law.It�he emoum uf the I'unds held by I.ender at ony <br /> time is not sufliclent ta�ay�he Fscrow Items i�hen dee,Ler.der may so notify Dorrower in wri�ing,and,in such cau Aorrower =- <br /> shall pay tn lcnde�ha amount r.^xz3ty to m3ke up!hc deficirncy. �orrower shall ina4c up�he deficfency in nm m�m�han - <br />_ twcivc monthly paymcnts,at I.cndcr's solc discm�ion. _� <br /> Upon paymcnf in full ot all sums sceured by ihis Secudty Insuumen�, Lcndcr shall promp�iy rcNnd ro Dorcowcr any _ <br />• Funds hcid by,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or ull ilu Propeny,Lender,pdor to the acqulsfUon or sale = <br />• of lhe Propaty,shall apply any i'nnds held 6y Lender at �he tfine of acquisi�ion or sale as a credit agafnst the sums secured by _ <br />, this Security Inclrunxm. ��' <br /> 3.Applicallon o!PxymeWS.Unlus nppllcaUlc law provides o�hcnvisc,all paymeNS reccivcd by Lcndcr undcr pamSraphs - <br />� I and 2 shall bo oppli:<i:firat,tn any prepaym.nt chxrges due under�he Note,sewnd,�o nmounts payable undtr paragr+pl�2; _ <br />� third,to Intercs�dee; tounh,w pdncipal duc;r.s:1 lu�,to any Inte charges due undcr�hc Note. :, <br />- A.Charges3 1•Icns•�orroa�er shall pay all�asa,assasmcn�s,charge�,fincs ond imrosHlons euribmabfc�o�hc Property _ <br />"' whlch nay anatn pdority over�his Sttudty fnsvumen6 nr.d leacehold payments or groumi rents, ff any. Dorrower shall pay ` <br />_ �hese obligaqons in the manncr providcd in paragraph 2,or i(no�paid in�hm manner,Ourrower shall pay�hem an time dlreqly _ <br />- lo the person owed paymeN. Oorrox•cr shall promplly Pornish�o Lender nll nniiees of nmounts lo be pald under�his paragraph. _ <br />_ (f Borrmvcr makcs Ihcse pay�rrcnts dircctly. Rorrowcr shall promp�ly(umish tn Leudcr rcccipis evidencing�he paymcnts. ' <br />-- Ilortower shall promptly discharge any licn which hay priori�y orer thi>tiecuriip Ins�nunent unless 6orrower.(e)ngrees In - <br />- wriling ro�he paymem of lhe obligation securtd by the Iien in a manner aceepiable�o tAn:ler.(b)conlesls in good f.i�h ihe Ilen _ <br />- by, or deknds againu enforcaccm ot�hc licn in, Icgal procecdings which in the L.ndcr's opl"nion operatc to prevent the _ <br /> cnforcenxnt ot thc licn;or(c)sccures from�h_helder of iF.c licn an agrcemm sa�isfacmry w Le�xler sulwrdina�ing�he lien�o - <br /> this Seturity Insimmcr.t. It Lender dctermincs ihai aay pan af the Propc�n is subjcct m a lien a�hid�may at�ain priori�y over <br />- this Sccurity Ins�mmen6 Lcndcr may gire 13or�oa'cr a nmicc idemilying thc lirn. Dorrow'cr shall w�isfy�hc lien or�akc or.e or <br /> nwrc of�hc ectlons sct funh above wi�hin 10 days iif ih. gising o(nuiicc. -- <br />- fo�m 30t0 O/�JO <br />- . owz<ts <br />-� AtC�301fi�NE/1 <br /> ..__ .-.,-._,�-......-..._..._ _'._.. . _ .. ,. ..�. . - "" _ ' <br /> �rt4�� _:ti�� �i��fs �� . � .....w�y�n9x:?.S,`l�Y. - -:9Y'r,5s��.+•_� _ . <br /> ��� - 3 <br />.? :..T��'�h� 'di,�.l .+ •' . _ .. . ' ' �l. <br /> ..Afi„'—_ ' _ " . . <br /> ,.�Y�'�'.--° _ r . _ _ . .- '- <br /> _ p.. . � . ' . . <br /> ' ' -i�'i+4'>'Gr. - - � � <br />-'�i�i.,j:aP..�" � <br /> ..Q . <..y' . . .. <br /> 1`_:i+'U• . . <br /> .:.i;a:`� 'r._ <br /> � �.1�` ' ' _ . . . - . <br /> il . <br /> '��_ i :., ' . , .. . - , . <br />� -. . � - - . � - - � . . <br /> , . <br /> - � . .:4'. . _ _ . . . - :JYi'Il� � ( Y..i�h. .. <br /> � .nti.� <br /> ( ; �� <br /> ! 1 ��{ . _ _ . ;. f�.� <br /> j . .. . .ur"5.... �u�� . .. .. . , ... ' .. . _ �. . . . _. .., y� � � � -. <br /> 1 <br />