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<br /> ,. =� ` payments may no longcr he rcquircd, at[he o�tion of l,cndcr, if'mor[gagc insuranre covcrugc(i a th�amount and f�r the period
<br /> � „ that L,ender reyuires)prrn�idcd by nn insurcr ap�►rnved hy land�r a�tain hecomes a��uilable and is obtaineci. Borrower shall pay
<br /> thc pnmiums requircd to maintain mongage imurmrs in eftcct,��r iu pruvidc a losr rescrvc,until the rcquirement for martgage
<br /> - �'�!-�� insur.►nce c:nds in accordcmce with any written a�reement bet�veen Dorrawer and I.ender or upplicable la�v.
<br /> � 9. Iuspection. Lender or its agent may� maike reusonable entries upon,�nd inspectians of the Propeny. L,ender shall sive
<br /> :, „ 8orrower natice ut the timc of or prior to an inspection speci(ying n:a.�onable causc for the inspeztion.
<br /> � 10. Condemnattan. Thc pmceeds of any award or claim for Jumages, J.irect or consequential, in connection with any
<br /> {� condemnation or other talcinB of any part of the Propeny, or for casnveyance in lieu of condemnntion,are hereby assigned and
<br /> �.
<br /> �, shaU bc paid to l.cndcr.
<br /> In the event of a totul tulcing of the Property,th�pmceeds shall be upplied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument,
<br /> ''� � �vhether or not then duc, with any excess paid tn Borrower. In thc event of a partiui taking of the Property in which the tair
<br /> „'' mnrket value of thc Praperty immediutety before the taking is equul to or greater thun ihe amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> _ Security Instnaenent irtuncdiutely before the takmg,unless Borcower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br />-''' this Security Imstrument shall be reduced by the nmaunt of the proceeds multiplied by ¢he following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> : -;. .
<br /> _-,-- amount of the sums secumd immedinrrty hAfn-� thc tr�i;�g•':�=•�i.•; `;;�•i :S:= �;� market value of d�e L�u�:TM,y immediately
<br /> ~"�•�� before the taking. Any halance shall be paid t� �orrower. in the event uf u partial taking uf die ['ro�m�� in which the fair
<br />==�''�`";i':':�� market value of the Prop�rty immediacely befnn the taking is less than the amount of the sums secnrcd iz�mrdiately before the
<br /> ' �;y taking,unless Borrower cind Lendcr othez-�ei�c agrce in writing or unless applicable law otherwise pruvieies.the proceeds shall
<br /> �'�� be a lied to the sums secv�d b this Sacurit Instrum�nt whether�r not the sums are then due.
<br />-��x�'�'' PP� Y S'
<br /> If the Propeny is abanduned by Bormn•:.r,or if, afier notice by L.ender to Horrower that the condemnor ofFers to make an
<br /> ;"ai'�'' award or settle a claim for dumuges, Horrower fnils tu respond to l.ender within 30 days after the date tlre :�otice is given,
<br />-?.j"•��`` Lender is authorized to collect and apply ct►e procrxals,at ics optiou, either to restoration or repai r of the Property or to the sums
<br />�_'�'�'�',s• .i .,• secured by this Securiry Inst�ument,whetQ��r nr not then due.
<br /> W=-'�,:�r �� Unless Lender and �urrower othern•ise agree in writin�;, :�ny applicatiun of proceeds to principal shall nut extend or
<br /> .,'d�.`� • postpone the due datc of the rreonthly puyments referred to in parn�ruphs I and 2 nr change the acnount of such payrteents.
<br />���``;x"����;�' I1.Borro�scr Not[8eleaced;rorbearani�e By Lender Na�t u Waiver. Extension of the tirne for payment or modification
<br />_-�U�:r"-';` .° of amonization of the sums secured by th�s 5ecurity Instrument femnted by Lendcr to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br />-v`-��' not operate to eelease thu liubility of the�rigin�l Borrower or Eunower's successors in inter�t. T.nnder shall not be required to
<br /> �p`'�� '� '., �, eommenee proceedings against nny successor in intcrest or refuse to extend time for payrrcent c�--c�:herwise modify amortization
<br /> ,--„���� of the sums secuned by this Security Instn�m:nt by reason i�f any demand made by t[ie ori$inal Borrower or Borrower's
<br />-----�r„� successars in interest. Any forbearance by Le;nd.r in�exercising any right or remedy shall not ix a waiver of�or preclade the
<br /> - ---�--�--- exercise of any right or n:medy.
<br /> v�`=,°'" 12. Suce.essors and� Assigns Bound;dajnt and Seve�nl Liabflity; Casigners. The cov.•Enanu and agreemenu of ehis
<br /> _����;,;' � Securiry Instrument shall bind and bene�iit th� successors and assigns of L.cnder und Borro�ve7,subject to the provisions of
<br /> __- ��� -��� paragraph 17. Dorrower s covenunts and agr,eements shall be joint :uid several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br />`_�__ = Instrument but daes nat execute the Note: (a) ls co-signin��this Securiry Instru�n,:nt only to mortgage, grant and convey that
<br /> ="!' Bonower's intemst in thcs Property under the tertns of this Security Instrument; (b)is�ot per�onally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> -_ °� sesured by this Security Instiumenr,and{c)agrees that Lender a��d any other Bonower mav aa,ee to extend,modify,forixar or
<br /> �"-� make any aocommodations witli regard co e?ie torms of this Securiry Instrument or the Note wi[haut that Ronbwer's consent.
<br /> 13.I.oan Charges. If the loan secure�by this Secu��ity Instrument is subject to a law whi�h sets maximuaa�loan charges,
<br /> and that law is finally intcrp�ted so that the intcre.rt or other loan charges collected or to be collected in connocuon with the
<br /> �. loan exceed the pemutted limit�,then: (a)any st�ch laan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt necessary to redace the charge
<br /> �,� ro the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bonower which excc�ed Qer�ined limits will be refunded ro
<br /> _ �� Borrower. Lender may et►ouse to maLe tfiis refund by reducing the pm�cipal owed under cla.Note or by making a direci
<br /> Qayment to Bonowcr. If a rcfund rr.ducxs principal, thc reduction will bc tr;,ated as a panial prepayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge undcr the Note.
<br /> —= 14.Natices.Any noticc to Borrower provided fc►r in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> _._._� it by first claas mail unless applicable law roqZiires uxe of another method.The notice shall be directod to tfie Propeny Address
<br /> --_--- or any other address Borrawer designates by noticc to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall &�e given by first class mail ro
<br /> �:�:�� Lcnder's address stntccl hcr�ein or any other�ddress l.cndcr dcsignatcs bv natice to Bonower. .�.ny notice provided for in this
<br />-- - `'�`�� Security I��.lmincnt shali be itecmed to havc bcen given to Borrower er Lender wlien given as provided in this paragraph. —
<br /> �'=;� 15.Governing Law; Severnbtl[ty. This S��curity Instrument �hull bc gu�:rr:ed 6y fe�eral law and the law of the
<br /> x:?��t�•�.,, jurisdiction in which the Property is Ioca2ed. In the event that :uiy provision or clause of this �curity Instrument or the Nate
<br /> rnnflicts with applicable law,such conflics�hr.�l aut affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note�vhich can be
<br /> ' �'"�"� given effect witt�out thc contlicting pro�•isi��n. Tv this cnd thc provisions of this Security Instrurnent and the Note are de.clared
<br /> _-- "�-="l��."'.�-.µ to be sever.ible. _
<br /> �{"��•�'�"- 16.Borrower's Cogy.Fsocrower shall bc given onc ronformed copy��f the Nntc and of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ='y;:�� Form 3028 8190
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