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<br /> 5. Hnzurd or Property G�surunce. E3orro�ver shall k�rp the irnpr<�vcments nuw exi�ting on c�rcufler crecicd on thc -_
<br /> s Pmpert}� insurc�.f :i�amst los, hy firc, htv:u•d, inrludcd withinihc tcnn "extcmicd ruvcruge" .�nd any othcr hu��rdti,induding �'
<br /> �.'�.'��. floods or(looding,fur �vhich l..end�:r reyuires insurance. This insur:mce shull b4 maintum�:d m t':c unwun�n��n�fur ihe periud, —
<br /> `'" �'�' th;it Lendcr rcyuins. Thc imurancc carricr p�u�iJing th� ir.��rancc shu!! bc cltr.�c•�� hy R�vrowc�aul�lC�t lt� I_cndc:r'�approvul �
<br /> '�T°°� which shull not be unreasa�nably withheld. !f Borcowcr fuils io muin�ain cuverage dc,cribeJ ubove. Lrndcr muy, ai L�:nder's �-
<br /> �'p� option.ubtain rovcragc to pmtcct L,cnder's rights in thc Propeny in accunJun�c with paragraph 7. _
<br /> All insurancc pulicies and renewals �hull be ucceptable��* l..end�r and shall include a standard mortgn�e clause. L.ender �
<br /> � ,hall havc the right ta hold�he policies und renewals. If I_ender r�:yuires,Burrower shall prompdy give t� I.ender aU re:ceipts of `
<br /> paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss, Borrow�r�hul[give prompt notice tu the insurnnce carrier und l.ender. �
<br /> Lcnder muy makc proof of loss if not made promptly by Bono�scr•
<br /> Unles�Lcndcr and Borrower otherwise agrr.c in writing,insurance procecds shall bc applied to restorntian or repair of thc
<br /> , Property dumaged,if the res[oration or repair is economically(ca,ibl�nnd I..endcr's securi►y is nat lessened.It'tlte restoration or _
<br />' . � . repair is not economically feasible or L.ender's security woulJ bc:lessened, the insurance procetds shall be applied ro the sums —
<br /> � secured by this Security [nstrument, �vhcther or not then duc, widt any excess paid to Borrowcr. If Bormwcr abundons the
<br /> ..w_ : ......inr hac nffi+r(vl rn crttll! a claim. [�Ien
<br /> �----.--..-= YI"OPC(l�'. OC(�OCti IIUI dllbWC� W�[Ill(1 3U UdyS J AUIiCC 1(t)Ut L[u�.ct iiicit.••• •�:••M^�=�--..-. �..
<br /> Lender may collect th� insurance proceeds. Lender may use the pr�ceeds to repair or restore the Pm�eerty or to pay smns �:.
<br /> sc:cured by this Security Instrument,�vhed►er or not then due.Th�3�duy period will begin when the notice is�iven. �_
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�er othenvise agree in writing, un;r appl�cation of proceeds to principal shall not ex[end or �._
<br /> r `�'�' , postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in�varagr�phs I and 2 or change the amounl of the payments. If �
<br /> . ..�. �' under paragraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Bormwer's right to any insurance policies and pmceeds resulting from �.;
<br /> � damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to l.ender to the eztent of the sums secureci by this Security[nstrument `
<br /> ' � immediately prior ro the acquisition.
<br />�.�.;,:�..'" 6. Occupancy,Preservation,Maintenance and Protec:tlon of thP F¢-anerty;Borrower's i,oan Apnlication; Leu�e�olds.
<br />:��'="'� :':�` �3orrower shall occupy,establish,:uid use the Property as IIorrower's principul residence within sixty days After the execution of _
<br /> {-�- �r this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Burrower's principal residence for at Ieast one year after
<br />=J�,;;,,i:;`� ei►e c1aiC uC uccuNa��cy, ur��c;s L;,n3;,r ai"e.^.r:se»;r`"s i.^.wd�in�,�; whieli eonsent shull not be unreasonnbly withheld, or unless
<br /> , �Y-• extenuating eircumstances exist which are beyond Borrower s cent4 0l. Borrowee shall not destroy, danage or impair the
<br /> � �, ;_..�.
<br /> ;�� ;,A,��• Proper�y, allow the Property to dctcrioratc,or commit waue an the Pmneny. Borrower shall bc in defnult if any forfeiture
<br /> ;:�;i;,.:;;�� action or pmceeding. whether civil or criminal,is begun thu�in Lendcr's good faith judgmcnt could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> -="'�1u�!'r- Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this�ecurity Iutstnnnent or Lender's securiry intemst. Borreswer may
<br />_��,..;,,
<br />_-:_-:u�� cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph I8,by cauc�in�t tEie action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> __--=� that, in lxnder's good faith determination, prectudcs forfeitur.`of thc 6urcower's intcrest in the Pmpeny or other material
<br /> --
<br />