, : ..
<br /> `i+:''.:.sir.Hiii ' '`i_��a��.",�.`:...;::..�.:r,wutus:Yfascs.V � Ek3nswx__ . _ ._�.—""-.'� - - -- -- -- .
<br /> �r�� 9.'�-�-:�(33 s�3
<br /> p►ymonls m�y tw londer ho�cquirod,at tho option of T.arJer,(F motlgigo lnsamnco coverago(ln tt�e amoimt nnd(ot tfio petio�J
<br /> _ - th�t I�sndsP (equirtsj provldtd by xn lnwrcr approvcd by l.ender agiin bxomcs av,JlaUio�nd is ob��incd.Aor�owcr siull pay
<br /> ihepttmiann ttquircd�o rrulnlein mottsige Imuranco in effay,or to provido e loss rucrvc,uNit Uw n�uironxm for maugaga °-� -------�---- -
<br /> (munnoe e�ic In acoorduiee with any wriuon agrament bctween Borro�xr and l.ender or applic�bic law. �
<br /> !,tpipalloa. Lender or 6s ngtnt mq maka reuoiuhlo entries upon nnd inspatlons of tfw Propeny.Lendcr shall gWO -
<br /> Hottower twlltt�¢the ttnb of or pdor ta nn Inspoalon specifying reasonnblo cause(or Ihe Inspealon. _-_ -
<br /> 16.CandtmnHion.The procecds of any nward or daim for danugu, diru�or mnxquomial, Im m�nection a{th xny �,'.,,�_
<br /> cmdtmnMion or IXhet t�king of xny p�n of tho Pny�eny,or tor conveya�ko in Ileu ot'mndemnation,aro heroby asslgned and
<br />. ,,., slull 6e pald m I.endtr. ���-%�r.•`-. ..._ ,_ ..
<br /> In�he eti•me of r��aal ealing of�ho Propeny,llw procads shatl a:appl(cd to the sunu sccurcd by this Securi�y Insitunxnt ;
<br /> --- weaoer or na�hen due, wi�h any onccse pa�d Iv 8unu,.c�. (n itA e9coi et�N:t:tv::J:::.g c?:h�frpo.".> !r.a�lt!ch!h^r tr :+ -.- -.--
<br />� _.-.. n:r':x v31uo�t�ha Pro�tty Imm�lstely t�Port the t:11ng Is tquai ro or greatcr than the anrount nf tho svms Nrured by Ats �'_ '� -_'--
<br /> SavritylnHronxnt Inunrdiauly beforu No tal:ing,unlus Borrowcr�nd Lendcr ahcrnlse�grx in writing,tLe wms vxuccd by r ;f� �,,
<br /> thls Sotvdry instmment sLall bo rednced 6y tlw amount of tho procecds midtiplicd by the following frxtioa (a) ttx taat =' � fo-.��`-
<br /> anwunt of the svms sccured immcdiatcly beforo tho taktng,divtdcd by N)�ho falr market vatuo of�he Propeiry imttra�i.re£y 15;.,;�,`�:�:�—'�;�'
<br /> beforo�he qting. Any balana shall bc pa!d to Hortox�er. [u Ne eveat ot a partial�aking of tho Propetty in efiich atn,fa�.r ��:�:,c�ia:.,
<br /> mukU vdue oE lt+:Pfi�criy inv�xdtarely before tde tatdng is tess tAan the amount of�ho sums secuw*d�nnr�diately Ixforo��» p�'4;,`++�� '-
<br /> ��= pking,unless Borrovrct 3.s�3 l�eab:r atienvis��yroe to writiny or un[ess agplicable I�w oihenvisc provides,the pmce�is sha[E y���+�t„t`,�,�;�{45;:
<br /> ---° be appiled to tho s�ms sacurtrA Ly o1y Socuriry Instru�at a}t�ez:ter or not the sums are�hen due. �� i('�t;{5 -r+��'
<br /> � If�he Propcny is aWadan:3 Gy Bortox•er,or if,aRcr m:eec by i.er.der ro 6orrowcr that thc wcCemmr otfers to malce an °}�+��((fi-`M m.'`
<br /> /� V il�{� t :
<br /> � swud or sdtle a elaim for damages, Borrowa fafls to rupond ro I.eMer wl�hin 30 days a4cr tM date the noticc is givcn �-,�k}������}��� ;
<br /> Ltr.Jer is awhodte4 to colloci anA apply ttw groctaLs,at its option,eithzr a r.storation or rcpair of the Fmperty or ro the weAS ���n
<br /> savrtd by thla Seeurity InsuursKm,whGher or not then dua �:`�if�t's�t" — -
<br /> --- Unless Larkr and Aorroner othenvise agrce in writire, anp applicmion of procecds to pdncipai shall not oztend or ;,"� tih�=-
<br /> n.cC_�.,_,_:,-
<br /> _ poslponc thc dco dale of Ihc nwrxl+ly paymenis rcferred to in p;u�;m.phs 1 nnd 2 or chaagc Ihe amount of suc6 paymenis. _�y(��`i�7;>-;5-�
<br /> A 11.8ottox�ra P;ol Rdduai;Forbpr�nee Hy Lend.r�tv7 a�Vah�er.E��ension of thc�ime for payment or nwdification • �t z �
<br /> ..��� of uiwrtization oFYhe a�ms secur�vl by this Sceuriry Insuament granted by Lender to any successor in intercst of tiortower shall ,i�r ��'�� -:�
<br />��-t�=j twt opente m rcleasc fhe Ii�blli�y of the origlnal Dortower or�orrowePs suocessors in lmercst. I.ender shall nol6e requircd io �;ty;'r>v�:;;��_ �
<br /> To:� conunence procoodings�gatnst any suocumr in imemst or refuse to extend�inx for pa�;ma�or othernise nwdify amortim�lon ��f ` ,'.�� :
<br /> of�Iw sums seeurcd by Ihis Sccuriry instmmcnt by reason of any dcnund made by e>i: odginal Oortower or 13orrower's g;5f, �nt�r- -�
<br /> �-`� wctessors in in�ercst. Any for6earenw by Le�er in exercising any dght or remedy:hall nut be a waivu of or preclude the ��� (: ,, `—
<br /> , s �
<br /> � exerclu of any dght or rcmody. �{ f i4 =.�-�= �-
<br /> �'� 12. Succecwrs and Assie�u Bound:JoLit and Sevenl LI�btlity: Co-signers. '[he covenants aad agrcements of thSx •i, + '" --
<br /> --,� Secudty Instrvmcnt shali bind mn4 bcncfit tho successors azi assigns of Lender and Florrower, subJcct �o the pro,ri�n:ss-�1 �;t�;'� �t==
<br /> �� pa�ngnph 17. Iiorcower's mvcv�.r;a and agraments shali 4e Jotm and uveral. Any 6ortower who co•sigm eE<is Se:n�a7y �y� a� ' i
<br /> Insuument but daa m1 execme the Nae: (a)is co-signing this Security Inscrament oniy to mortgege, grant anJ ro:�s�ry$ia� ���t �.' `a..._,�
<br /> i-`+� Bottower's Ir.tem�ia�Ao Propeny under the lerms of�his Sectirily Ins�.�«��6(b)ia uul(ICfSU�dlly�bllgdl2G W Pey ihc SUi�i+ ,�,g..��� --'-"' -.-
<br /> 2r� sxurcd by�his Securiiy instrumcm;and(c)agrees�hat Lender nnd eny other 9orrower may agrcc ro extend,modlfy,torbcar or i � s� ��.`'-��.
<br /> _ J, make ary aocanmwdedons wI�A rcgard to the temu of�his Sc<terity Insuumem or thc Nole wi�hout�hat Horcower's consenL �.'���^'�i �c�-�r. ,�, -
<br /> '*� �'�.Lan Charses.If the loan securcd by�his Security fas�mmem(s subJat to a law which sets maximum loan ehuges, : � ��`fr z is"�:�
<br /> ,.�i end�ha�law is Oneliy interyreted so �hx�the Interest or o�her loan charges mllxted or ro be eollx�ed in connecUon with�he ���y;'�`� �Sf s_.:
<br /> ¢ loan ezmed�he pemiltted Ilmiu,d�en: (a)any such loan charge shall be rcAuced by the anbunt necessary ro«duw the charge ' �i �' y��'{-"'
<br /> `°� lo�ho permltled limll;and(b)eny sums already callectcd(rom Qorrower which excccdcd pemii�ted limits will be rcfunded to i+�l,�j��n�
<br /> -:� 6otto�Her. Lendcr may choose to malcc �his rxPond by ndveing �he pdncipal owed undcr thc Note or by nuking a di�ec� S�N���t�,5+`� --
<br /> '�! papm.-�,t io 6orrowcr. If n rcfi�nd reduces prir.tlpal, �hc ceductlon wlll be trea�cd as a pattlal preprynxnt wi�h�t viy �;:5'�' a e�.i,=,. .
<br /> yg pr mzn�chsr c under�hc Naa. '� �' 'f� ` -�--
<br /> ; �i4.NWlces.Acc noticc to 13onoacr p:o�•idtd for in thls Sccudty Irz�xcumcnt shall bc givcn by d:Rvering i�or by rnzlliog ���r�'�f�e p'�'Xj� �_
<br /> II by flrst class tnait ar.less epplicable law requires use of ano�her mnhad. 7he notice shall be diramA so�iK Aro�.rty Address �:�,l�t's� ��z}}�
<br /> .,tr�� or any other address 6ortaver designates by nottce to Lendee Any no�ice to L.ender shall be given by Ont ciass mail to �ey� i��i��A.�ir"-
<br /> -. Lcndcr's address s�atcd hercin or any mher address Lender designa�es by no�im to Dorrowcr. Any notice providcd for in�his ti e i u>3t- i � .
<br /> ��;�� Secudty inswment shall be decnxd to have been given lo Qorrower or Lender when given az provlded In this paregraph. � i�tN���r;.,-:°i
<br /> 15. Corerning Lawi Sererablliq•. This Security inswmcro s6a11 be govemed by kdcral law and thc law of tl�e st� ;X�.�tt
<br />-. ��:� jurisdiciton in uhich�he Propeny is lazted. in�he event�hat any provisfon or clxuse of this Security Insirument or�he Note ;�; r;�_'g�r'i4' .
<br /> .--_„ conflfea wiih applicable law,such conflict shali rrot affcct other provisions of�his Securiry Instmnxm or�he Noie which ca�ix :�,�y � - i„� .
<br /> <��� giaer.afiec�i��i�hont �F.e con(li.tirte provision.To this enA th;provisions of this Security lncuument and the Note r.r declared • ,, F , - ��_
<br /> %_%:� ���16.liorrm��er's Copy.Bovoucr shall be givcn one cnnfonncd rnpy ot�hc Notc nr,d of this Srecri2y Imtrunem. �'�,?�rt;.jir��`J��%-��::.
<br /> �� ' snm aoza a.vc , � f'' �
<br /> e ! �. .
<br /> f--� h!P3C74NE/4 +a�na �4 �i�i�i
<br /> �1 '_
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