{ LL J `f }�,,,.�
<br /> c T,YC 'j� tj�i_�✓Tj.\iy- ."4 1'f{� 1 - - '�9�� lj i � f]�?. _".
<br /> �- l•�ty� �tl( {�1t` �{ � dbr��! -� _ _ : '_ .
<br /> _., s.�Tusi�3.�w.c.�.2tc..�x..rvaw.,;>wl:�.<.Si�a',io:::,:c7,4Yw.`i�iti::s:"=-�--.---»- --'' -
<br /> �7G"u� �,\7�7�1a17 '
<br /> 5, lpprd cr propMy lnsunnce. Borcox•er s1u11 kap tho In�p�ovemer,ts now exis�ing on c�ra�er crcdcd cn tiw
<br /> • iko�s:ny Iraurcd egdnst foss by Oro,hvards Includtd whhtn qw ttrm•exiended coveragd and any aher huuds. Includin� _- --t__ __
<br /> . lloods o:Oooding,for whlcA Lender rcyulrcs insurance.Tlds Insunnce sMll ba milninincd in�he anwunis and for�he perials
<br /> tMt I.en�kr rtqulres.7ho lnwnnoo ardcr provlding the Insnnna sh�ll be choscn by 6orcoxer su6Jcet to lxndcr's approvQ
<br /> which stull not be unreasombly wi�hhtld. if Bortower fnils to mainuin mveroge dexrilwd a6nre, Lcadcr may, at I.endcr's
<br /> optlon,obaln mverogo to praal Lcnder's dghls in Qro Propcny in aceonfana wiih p�ragmph 7.
<br /> NI Inwrance politlu�nd renewils shill be xttp�nblo to I.ender and sha�l Include a standard mm�gage clauxc. la:nder
<br />. ehe11 have thc dght to hn1A�Ae polida and rcnewais.lf Lcndcr tu�uires,Mrro�eer shail prompdy givc ro I.cnder all t.reip�s af _ .__
<br /> pxid prcmlums and rcncw.l nollccs.le the crcnt of loss.Borrou•er shall give pmmp�noiica�o�he insuranw canier and Lc�dcr. ,- ,_ __ _,._ _
<br />. t�nk:rmy nuFa nrnnf nf Inss if ncf madc promCly Uy Bortox�cr. __ _
<br /> Untas Lendcr and Rorroa�er aM1erwim agrcc in wri�ing,insnrnncc praccds sLall lx applitd to rcstnration or rcpaR o�thc
<br /> Propeny dmugcd,it Iho n�rora�lon orrepair is aroaom{uslly fcaziblo and Icndcr's sca�rity is no1 Icssened.If�he restorelion or }�- - -
<br /> ttpilr is na aonomiplly tcufb�e or Lender's securi�y�rould be Iesuned,�he insuranee procecds shalt be applicd to�he sums r;,�-;;;..
<br /> saured hy�his Security Instrument,wixther or not then duo,with nny excess paid m Dorcower. if Rorrox�er abandons the g-,��
<br /> PeeQeNy,or daes no[answer within 30 days a noliR from f.ender that�he insurance carcier has ofkred ro sn�le a ctaim,then i��±,;__-___ _
<br /> Ltnder miy mt'.ec¢the insu�ncc p�occeds. Lender rcqy usc tho praccds to rcpair or rcsrore�he Propercy or to puy sims � _
<br /> savrtd by this Sccuriry Insln�mratt.whethcr or na�hcn dnc.Tl�o 30-0ay pedal wlll begin when�e uatice is giveu. i,;{;.`�2 J����.
<br /> Unlcn Lender arA Rom.�ier aherwise agra in wr(iing, any applirntion of poucecds to Qrinci�mi shili r.oc excend ar �`i. „-�i��-;-��
<br /> posiyvnc the due date of ti,e mna�'�Iy paymcros rtfcrtod to in parayrophs I arel 2 ar ch,v�ge J.e anmunt of Ne payments. IF �r;�co;m�._.,:_ -
<br /> �:�t`..� �.
<br /> ' under paragr�ph 21 tte Pmycay:s acqulnd by Lender,Rorro�xer's rigRt ro any iasucar.ce policies aod prentds R-suiting from �,-.,+.;�_�::��;__-��,
<br /> danuge to thc Prope+q prior t�¢Y.e acquisitfon shnll pus to[.epder to�he extent of tM wms vxvnd by this S:�vriry(nstrurto-:n� ;�:-��:;':;;`-_.^----�Y-
<br />- immcdiauiy pricc m th:zct�i�sis>ao. i 't'. � .. .....
<br /> �b.Occupancy.FYar�•�ar�,a.!�Ulntawnce and Punta.er,ian ot the PropertYi��N'er•s Laxn Ap�+Blksthc:Lexuhatds. ` w;��i,5�e�-_ .
<br /> � ��.�_1' Te+�'
<br /> � Ba.zowe�shall accupy,est;ti[ei..vd usc thc Property s fdanvwePs principa�rcsidence wi�hin sixty days aRer Pae c<xmion of �11:+'CE�z`,�±�b��='i--
<br />. this Sxurily Instrumant nnd s�vi�eor.�inue to accupy tA:'7'-�.r�-eny az Qortower's principil residcrFC for a� Ieas�ont�car aner Rty���r'atf��Y -.
<br /> the date of occnparcy,unless l�erder otherui4�{nrs in wridng,which mnxnt zhall na be unrcucuabl�•wi�hhcld,or unlacs � x�S„ 1,+ n�
<br />: exienuating sircumst.ances exfst wEioh ar I+:,ror.d Dotrower's mNroL 6orcower shall not destray. dimage or impair 0:e ���'j}��` ��,,I,(;�__.
<br /> Propeny, allow�hc Propeny to�Mledorete, or rnmmEt wacee on the Propeny. Borcower shall be!n Aefauit ff any lorfeimro el�l�-`}' {`��#a-i��.
<br /> action or procading,whether c+vii or edminai, is begurs ahat In I.ender's good(atih Judgnxnt mnid rcsult in lorfeibue of ihe . r{r4;�,�s
<br /> Propeny or otherwise mateiin'.5��im}uir thc lien urauA by�Lis Sccurity imuumeat or Lendcr's saurity imercs�.6orrowcr may ���;tr;`��s'�y'`A'���:-
<br /> 't��L#Y:;a$z—='-
<br /> cure such a default ard rcinstn:a,ac provide�t ia par�graph I8,by causing�he nction or prceeeding m be dismisxd with a ruling ,y �.�<<}�:,,�e�.�-
<br /> tlut, in Lendcr's good fatth ctiurmina�lon, pjecludes forfciturc of the Oorrower's incerest in�hc Aroperty or oiher material ��:�t��;`;�t;;-i=-_�.
<br /> R���I�rz��i ot tte Ilci ex:,;c.,"6, :.`!:Sxurit; in:.�rum�nt er L:.r.QePs e^!'udly fn!r��a�_ Rnr1mvz�di�ll a1m 6e in default if ,li,�ii � c _ _=..
<br /> Borrower,dudn �he loan e �cv:ion rocess,6ave maadali false or Inxcurate inform��lon or slat.ments to I.eucL�r(or falled §' t?j�,a�3 . .,
<br /> 8 PP�� "• P Y r� .sYfi �l �-_ ..
<br /> ro provide Lender wi�h any ma�eriel Information)im m�nxtion with the Iwn evidenced by the Ko�c.if�cluding,bur. aot Iimited ,z�� �p�����5��,u__
<br />-- m,represemations mnceming 6orrower's ona�pancy of the Propetty az a principal rCSidenee. If thia Sauriry Inswnxnl is on a u'(��������Y�€�iE�
<br />. Icauhold, Iforrowcr sAall comply wi�6 nlE caa provislons of�hc Icasc. If Bottowcr acquircs fce e�:k ro �hc Propeny, ihc 5r3{`5�t��,5� )f�pU� ..°_
<br /> leasehold end the fx titic shall not mergo i.ztrss Lendcr agrccs to thc mttger in writing. r ��n�(r fSS�}�f'�.r 3�_r,`
<br /> 7.Prolailon ot Lendrr's Ei?�h4s In ihe i'roperiy.if�orrowcr fafls to perform�he mvenams and agntemcnts cnmalncJ in j�y�,;�r����'9�- •
<br /> this Secudty Inslmmcnt, or Ur r: it a Iegal procr.cding that may significantly a((ect lardcr's dgh�s In the Property(sueh u a 1;?14�'!�� '^���-
<br /> ,�����.�{��:-.
<br /> procccding In bankmpicy,prnbate, tot conA:mnaUon or forfciwrc or to cnforcc laws or rcgula�ions),�hcn Lcndcr may do and �'t+2*i.. :�} +.,�, ,x
<br /> pay for wha!ever i.r.ecessary to protat �he vaJue of the Propeny and 1�nCei's rlghts in�he Propeny. Lender's actions may �'���`'�y../`s�'t��.,e'1�7.'--
<br /> includo paying any sun�s ucured by a Iicn which hu prtority ovcr this Savrity Instrunxn6 appcaring in coun, paying i�Y�t�J9y�4���u��..
<br /> rcacoroble nttomeys'kes art em..d�g on the Pwperty lo make repafrs.Although Lender may iake ac�lon under�his parogreph ,�*,4{;�t S� tt i .� ,�-.
<br /> 7,t.eseder does not havc to c'u�.+. -�+1`F:,�� � tS��.��c-.__
<br /> St tf('h4hav+=.
<br /> 'F ir"'
<br /> Any amouNS disbmsed hy I.trdtr un4r this par,y�raph 7 shall beconx additional debt of 6orrower seeurcd by thfi .��hyS}j q�cr� � z;
<br /> Secudt Inswmem. Unless Oorrow•er ncni S.:�ckr agrce m o�her temis of paynxn�, �hese nmounts shell bear Interest from ihe �t'�=�'J ! X�'�4 Nr.;�
<br />- dalo of dlsbursemem a� �he Note rx�e nnd .1�71 be payable, wi�h imer�st, upon notice trom l.eect�: to Oorrower rcqucs�ing �"�1<�d1 ' �'�r' - "'
<br /> paynxN. rrf��t}l�lln`�i�°7N%-_
<br /> 8.Tforlgxge Insnrnr.ce.Si Ixnder rcqutrcd nwngage inzurancc as a wndi�iort oE making ihc loan sccurcd by this Security ��!tr`4t��?�."� ���t;-.
<br />' Inswnr_nt, �onoxer shatt pac the premiums requlred to maimain�he mortgage m.vance in ef(ec�. If. for any rcason, the ��/`s`f��"Yt,'��`j���-:
<br /> nw�tgage inn�rao:e cm�erage rcquired by Lender lapses or ceases�o be in effat,�orrax�cr shall pay�he premiums rcquired tn flC��� - "
<br /> obtein covcragc subsiamiati��equivalent a the mm�gagc incurancc prcviously in effcet.at a ms�subsmmially cquivalcM�o�he �:.p+.`.���!r.r.,�qFf,_,�.;-�
<br />. ccst to Dotto��cr of tlM mo;uage fasurance previously in e(ta�, (rom an altemate mottgage insurcr approved by Lender. if �f��f%r{ ' � �;;:�
<br /> subsiamially equivaleN murcgage insurance mverage is not availabiq Qorrower shall pay m Icndu each mo:�h a cum equal w j-{; _ � SS_?�;-��
<br />- onravdRh of ttc ycady mor+gagc insurancc prcmium Ucing paid b�•Dortowcr nhen�hc insurancc covcragc lapxd or ccascd to �.•�Q'�lj.-;7 `;��:`'.
<br /> C v},JI..,:i�' � t
<br />' be in effttt.Ixn3e�will eceept,use and re�ain�hese pay�mems as a loss rcscrve in licu of monF�.e iniurence. l.oss reserve l `�i!t+;;3^ '>>{:`-:
<br /> r �. .}: .r:'.
<br />'_ fam301� !!!0 i;�-�'`;�'11�;L'. (;�:�j(�-._
<br /> cpNeib r � Y'��'
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