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- � '+ t �� .,n� .c "j�r,v � . t •,. f,�s��:,_. <br /> y+, . �,:..,. <br /> � S�� �' � y� L�YJ���iL ! ��.1 ... . . . . ..- . � . .I{�: <br /> �:ao'�i'iW� ��•�•+"•,••f..bV W➢WYY➢ifI�MYYdl�6.§�.i.._" _ _....__. _ . �.._ ._ ---_ -. <br /> . 9��.-;t,c�ss9� <br />� p:flods Qlnt Lendtr rcqidrr,s. Tho insurmco carcicr provlding iho Insurnnco shall t»chosrn t�y Oarm«•er subjca�o I.endtrY <br /> ' Leedet op�l n,SOblaln coverego to prolat I.ta'do�righ s in ho Pro�'Se r y In atto�d;u�w w�thAparpgnpla;i�e.Len�kr may,a� <br /> All Insurnnco pollcla nnd renowels a1nII tc necepmble io I.ender nnd shall Inclnde a siandaN moqgngo clm�x. (.ender <br /> shall hava tho dght m I�nld�ho pnllcles and ttnewals. If l.ender ru�ulru,Dorcower shall promply glve lo l.enderatl rccelps <br /> ' of pald prcmlams nnd rcnewal noilces. In�he event of loss,Oortowar s6rt1I glvo promp�nodce�o�he fnsuranw enrcler md <br /> I.ender. I.endermaymakoproofottossffnotmadopromptlyby lloirower. <br /> Unlas Lcndcr nnA 6ottowcr al�crwlsc agrzu In wriHng.Insunm�c procecds shall bc npplled m n:stomilon or rcpnlr of _ _ <br />' tho Propeny dama ed. if Qio restonUon or r�pafr Is cconemtcally feaslblc r.nd Lcndcr4 sccurl�y is nm IcsscnW. !f ihe . <br /> :;:;�„:!e;ar rcp:�!s r._!!ee!!;uadh�n nr I.enAtrS ieeui�v wonld bc lessentd.�Ire Insurancc proceeds ahnll bc <br /> appl(ed to the sums�turcd by thls Secudty Inun�mem, xt�aher or not th:n due,wlth nny excess pam w Oorcowor. I( <br /> Borrowtt abanCtns the Etapeity,or docs nct u�swer wi�hla 30 days a nx:ce feem Lendcr thnt the insunnce carrlm hu <br /> offend to seule a clatm,tFs�Ler.der nuy mL'ect the insura�tt p[omds- 6sat:c maY use ttu P�areds to rcpaIr or rostore <br /> Ihe An�y oc to pay svms stcund by ttus Securtty InsWmcr.�,whrttxr or then dva. 2Le 3Q-day pedod wlll l+egtn wh.ea <br /> �he na ce is gn�tn. <br />� Unless Lend:r artd Bam+vcr otAznvire a3me ia j�sicvg,any a^^Ixation of peer.+��ds ro p�'u�cipxl sh�Jt r,ot extcnd cr . <br /> pos�porw tiro due d:te of tlx malthly pqmenu m£emJ to in pua�s 1 ,nd 2 a a`�ange t;�anwunt of J-r paymcnu. If <br /> und;t patagraph 21 th:PYOptrt�is scqnircA 6y Lender, Aara.vea�nght to any insur..xe policiex and Froceeds rcsuleing <br /> from damage�o�he Prnpeny pnor iu Ur:acqulsition shall plec tu R.z�.4r to Um exicm of'the sums secured by thls Securiry _ <br /> Ins�mment immediamly pdm�o the c�uisltlon. _ <br /> 6. OctupancY. Preservallon, Atolntenance and Protectdon of the Property; Borrowcr's I.oan Appllcatloni = <br /> . I.taseholds. Bortowenhall occapy,uiabllsh,and ux�he Property es 6orro�rer4 pnncipal rcsldence wiihln slxty days aRer <br /> �A�o executlon of thk sec❑c'sy Insuumem and shaq wntinue to oceupy�ho Propeny as DoROx•erk pdnefpal rcsldenco for a� _ <br /> 7;ast one ye�v aRer G+k ��ne of occupancy, unless I.ender othe�wlse :16R25 in writing, which consent shall no� IK — <br /> u.y�eamn�h[y wi�h�mS?,a.unless exeeruathig clrcumstanees exisi�vhfch nrc bcyond Uorrower�control. Rorcox•er shall r.ot ' <br /> lle�rroy.axm-r.�e rr i.^.,?ai.ihe Nn�reny.allow the Propeny m du�r�aratc,or commil wactc on the Propctly. Dortmver sh�ll _ <br /> be In de/sull If any forteirorc nefio�cc{�:.ceeding,whe�her civiC n+:criminal,is hgun�h��in LenderS good(eith judgmer.i <br /> � could rcsuh (n forkicure of the�Aenpem, or oihuu%::e materinl�g m:,ais the I�en ercated by �hts Securi�y Instrumem or _ <br /> � Lender�sauriry imerest. Rortoive�e�.ry curc su.h a�etauh and r�iastarq n+p;a,tded in paregraph 18,6y causing�he nciion <br /> or praceding a be dismisscd wi�l�a.vling�hat,in Lender�gooel faiih det�rmination,prccludes fodeitum o(thc�orto«xri = <br /> (nmrcst In �he Prope�ry or oiher ma:crial Imp�imient of tbe lien crcateJ by�hls Security Instmmenl or Lendert xecuri[g _. <br /> interesl. Borcower shall also be fa Cefnult If Dorrower,during ihe loan appllcation process, gave ma�erially Ic�[�c« - <br /> Inaccurete Infomiatlon or s�atemems mlrnder(or felted eo provlde Lender wiih any matenal informaiioN ia cuti.eciion x:eh _. <br /> the loan evldenced by �he Nute, Including. Eut no� Iimited to, rcpresenta�lons concemtng Dortower's ac«:px,^.cy of�he = <br /> Propeny as a princlpal rcsldence. ff ihls Secud�y Insuumem Is on a leuehold.Rottower shall comply wiih a4t the pruvislats -- <br /> :.f t`�I.a;;.. If Eattowcr�qu(res L:!itl^L!1!�Prnpeny,ihc leaseho!d and the hc�itic shall na merEC unless l.endcr agr<es . <br /> ro thc mcrgcr In wming. - <br /> 7. Prolafbn ot Lender's Righls In Ihe Proper�y. If Oortower tails w pcdorm the covenan�s and ugreemcns <br /> coNalned In �hls Securrty Insttumen4 or �hem is a legnl proceeding th.� may signlficamly nffecl LencL^r�rights in i1N _ <br />— Pro�ny(such m a proceeding(n 6ankmp�cy,proba:e.for ca:�demnation or kx'reiNre or lo enforcc lawser rzgula�ions),then <br /> Lcnder may do a�id pay Por whatever is necessary-io pro��n ihe vntue of�he PwFer1Y and l.ender4 righ�in�hc Ptoptrty. .- <br />- Len<kck actlons may include paying a,y sunu securcd by a lien which has prioriry�over�his Sewri�y Ins�mmem,appearing <br /> in eo�m,paying rwsonable a�mrz•xy�'tees and entcring on iht Propcny to make repalrs.�Jtruugh Lcnder may take nc�lon = <br /> - under�hls p�regrapB 7.Lend.r Ja.s nm have�o do so. , <br />__ Any nmounts cEis6vsed by lend:r under th(s paragn�h 7 shall become addi�lonal deb�o(6ortawer xecurtd by�hls - <br />- Security Instrumeni. UNess Bor�oa�er and Lender agrce mather tenns of pa�m:m.�hese amoums shall be;�r imeres�Gom the _ <br />�= date of disbvrsemen:a�the No�e ra�e and shall 6e payablc,wiih intems6 upon nodce from Lcnder�0 6orro�vrr ra�ua�ing = <br /> - payment. - <br /> - 8. M1tortgege 7nsnrnnce. li Lender rcqufrcd mongage imurance as a condition of mx!<ing�he loan secured by ehis _-� <br />�= Securi�y Instnimem,tSormwer yhall pay the prcnilums reGcired to maimnin the mmigage insur•mce in eflec�. 1(, fo:nng _ <br />�.i rcason, the monga}e incurance coverage required by Ler.der lapses or ceases to Ix in cltca, B�no��er shall pny �F.e _ <br /> _ prcmiums rcyulrcd m o6�aln covemge subs�mntolly equira!an� to�he mongage insur�nce pre��tatcl� in effecl, at a cos� _ <br /> = subs�amlally equlv.0em to�he co.t�o Uorrmrer of the monpage insmanm prcviously fn etkci,from:m ahxma;e monpage _ <br /> ' tnsurer approved by Ler.der. If a�bs�amtally equivalem mangA� insurance coverege is no�availab)c,Borzower shall p�y;o _ <br />'`': Lenckr cxh momh a wm equal to on<-nvelfth of ihe yendy�re.o�eage insurance prcmium being p�Id 6y portuwer wben�he <br />__�: Insurnnn eoverage lapsed or ceased to Ix in effec�. Lendenril{a.api,use and re�ain�hese ac a lo�c resen•e in lieu _ <br /> = of mongagc insura:xr. Loss rescrve paym.n�s may no longer be requircJ.:rt�hc option of Lendrr,if mnng�ge Insur3nce _ <br />'.:� coverage(In the aneoum and for the{enod t1r.v.Lender rcysues)provida!M na in�urer appmved by Lan:kr again Ixcomes <br /> = uvailnble nnJ is oblaintd.6orrowcr shall pay Ihc prcmiumsnt�uircd lo mnimaim m�ngapr in e(fec1,or lo provide a _ <br />..j b�x rescrve,until Ihe mquiremenl fo:mongage inwnnce ends in:xcordance wilh any��utten agreemenl belo'trn Donower ,. <br /> = and Lcr.dcror applirnblc Iaw. <br />-° 9. Inspectlon. Lender or i�s agem may make nasonahte emric�upon and im�xc�iuus o(�he Prnpeny. Lender sh�ll . <br /> give Dortower no�ice a��he lime of or prior io an inspcainospcifying rca.rnnble c:�me fur�he inspeclioa - <br /> - 10. Condemnnllon. The praeeds of any;u��ard or rlaim(or damagc..1irec1 ur comequential,in co:r.cnion wi�h any _. <br />.`f <br /> � SinglePanul�..Fxnnle}Iac:kTtddleNaC\Pr'UH\II]KfllC\1F.9T-CnifmmOvrnant� 9.SU �ryttjnJ5ryFo1 1. <br /> ' 4en Ixn 6mueu Rrca Ix b <br />-'- !+•-'vi4] IENS110.1910t\1L16:v:.:�11 <br /> i <br /> � <br /> s,, �`,.��gJ�1�} �(t"_ .t:r. _,i...::f« - ,..i�.;mi,�•. rrs-��,uin:f4Y"1_"�C�S�;: si.z�3`,a?_t> h_�t`ef6.43Y?n}a�yy�;� <br /> j `!�� l }t��� . . .: _ . , 1 ,� _ . <br /> 'w�'t'��nC:Y �/k�t�_ �. ' � <br /> f x -i(A-�?)�rGx' _ . 'i. - . - -� . - . _ . .. � � � . <br /> 1 <br /> LI f�'Tv���il�� S r f5 - 1 .. . • <br /> ��,S�jF)Y17--. 1< %, X sy'-"-� � _ � - . - - <br /> <��hii?s��., • - , %` _ <br /> �O dlA'`_.. 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