<br /> �..:.:..,�.«:�.�,.�w.....,..�...,�._. � ._.....__.,--.�. . . ,
<br /> 92�W �,c�9592
<br /> 70t3[ifliCR VllTit d111hc im�rovrnunts now or Ikmallrrarctud on Uk pmpeny,and all caumcros.aPPurtcnnnccs,
<br /> uM(Ixlurcs now ot htrcalitr 7�pan of tlio propctlp. All ropinccmrnts and addiilons shall nlso Uc mv.rcd by�his Securtiy
<br /> fnsltunxnt. AlI ohhe forcgoing is rcfomA a tn Uds 3cr.ud�y Instrument as tYA"i'ropcny."
<br /> BORROWf:R COV�NANTS th�i Aorcou�u Is Inwfulty xelsed of thc cstntc hereby mm•cyed and tws the dgh��o gram
<br /> uid convty tho Pro�cny and�tut the I'ropcnY is ancncumbcrcd,cxcept for cncumbnnas of rccord. Barower w�rcanls and
<br /> will defrnA grnorntiy tM tfik to tta Propeny ngntnst nll dalms and demnnds,subJu�to any eneumbrances of rccoN.
<br /> 'IH15 SP.CURITY 1N87RUMENT wmbints aniform corcnan�s fa natlonnl usc .nd non•uniform wvcnnnts with _
<br /> IimilcA vadatlons by Judsdktion toeonstimm a anifomi secndty Invrumem eovcdng rcal propeny. ,.
<br /> �n,1��pt1/V)VRUAIJTC Anrmw�eaMlr�ulwfrnVf011nIAn(IiQK{iS�oIlOWS: _
<br /> i. 4apmrni ot PtindNf an!letertalt��P+Y�et aad l.nle CMau'�es 6orcowcr shall prompily pay when duo iLC _
<br /> prtncipalofnndlntercstonihodebtevidct�cedbytlxNacandlanypropaymentandlatochargesduounder�hoNote.
<br /> 2. FLndsfor7'�xaandlnwnnee. SubJecttoappticxblelawortoawriurnwnlverhy4ender,0orrowersLallpayto
<br /> Undcr on tho day monthiy paymcros arc due undtt thc Nae,umil tho Nde Is patd In fuil,n sum f'Ilmds")for.(a)ya�dy
<br /> taxes:md nssessments which mny atmin pdority ovcr ihis Securiry Instmment as a Ilen on tho Propeny;@)ytuly Y.ss:tald
<br />- paymtnis or ground rcms on tlw i'ropeny. i(an y. (c) yrarly haznrd or propeny tnsvr�+ce Fn.'rcfams: (d)yeuty tTood - .
<br /> latnranw prtmlunu, If nny; (o) ycarly mongago Insuranca prcmlums,If nny:a�(�any wms payaCle by Bcrroxer to
<br /> t.e�vkr.(n acm�rtartc�rd�h tt�o�roristons of pangmpli S,In Ifeu of diepa.y�nc oE maitgage insuruace prrmtums. 'ft�rs^
<br /> [teivs uz caRed'L'scrow[tear�. Lender may,at xny time,milect and twiQ Fiu�ds in an anwunt r.M w sxcczd the m.�xxirnum —
<br /> ama�st a tead.r foc a fecS:ratly rcloted r.m.a3a3e I�:ra w�y n�quire ior 8arowrrS escrow ucour.t ured�r Ur.fedm.t Rexi
<br /> Erate Seulrnmt 1'rocedures Act of 1974 u arr.•orSnd faace[icr,:ro«m�.12 U.S.C.§2&DI a nq.CRGSP.1'!.unl��s airoth:r
<br /> law that appliss to�he Po�xls sc�s a luscr aarwac If s�,�endu map,at any tittx,ea'kct nnd hold reaAs in xn amoam not ro =
<br /> exeetd Ihe Iesscr amuune Lender may es�imate ti.�c amount of IiiMs duc on ib=hasis of curtent data aad rcasonabie =_
<br /> estimntaofexpcnditurcsotfntumEurowlicrosorathcm�iseinxmrdancew(�happiFcableiaw. y:''
<br /> 'f1M Nndc shill be hdd in an Ins�itution wlqse aepusils ane insured 6y a fedml agency, inslrumemali�q,or emity �___:
<br /> (irtcluding 4ender,if Lender Is such an insitmtion)or in my£edcial Home I.oan Bank. Lender shall appty ihe 1�nds ro pay .`.,,:,.
<br /> the Qurow lums. Lender may na cl�erge Oortower for Aoiding and appiying the i'wds,,nnually anaiyzing the escrow �_"
<br />- aaanl, or vedfying Ihe Cxrow Rcros, ankss I.endcr pays 6arower intercst on tiw i�nds and applicablc law pemilts _
<br />- 4ender to make such a charga fiowever,Leraler mny reeluirc Dorrower ro pay a one-�Ime chazge for an independent rcal =--_.
<br /> eseate tax rcponing service used by Lender in eonncetion wuh�his loan.unless applicable law providu otherwise. Uniess an o`,.:.
<br /> a{uument is m�de or applic.b:e Iaw rcquircs intemst to tn:paid,Lender shali nol be ra;uired to pay Uorcower any imercst or �,.:_
<br /> ezmfngs on thc I�nds. 6ortowcr and Lcncler may agrcr�a x�riting,howcver,tha�imeresi s6ali 6e pafd on thc i'iar.ds. Lendcr �;s:
<br /> � shall givo to Rorcower,withom charge,an annual ac�rouming of the f•tmds,showing crcdits and deblls lo the fi:Ms and ihe �.-,�
<br /> purpose for which each deUit w the Ponds��as made. The Punds am pte4ged as addiiional sonid�y Por all sums secumd by �._;
<br />' �hisSceudtylnstrumem. �e'-�.-..
<br /> :f ih�. Por,�s Ixld try �^^"er encetQ tbe emo».^-:s;?mt!!!?d �o be held by applicabie law. Lender stutl;r.count lo _ .
<br /> Borcower for�he exccu Fumis in accordance with�Iw aquiremems ot appiica6le Iaw. !f�he amoum of the�nrck heid by ���-
<br /> Lendcr at any�ime is no�sufficlent�o pay�he&crow I�cros whcn duc,Lendcr may m notify I�ormwer in wriiing,and,in v°
<br /> such case IIorrower shall pay lo LenRer�he amount nca:ssary to make up�he deficiency. Dorcower shall make up�he �-��
<br /> - deficicncy in ra mom than�welre moath:• �`---
<br /> y�C;ymcros,atLcndcr4sote<tiv.+c�ion.
<br /> Upon paymenl in lull of all sums seciaed by Ihis Securily Instmr.xnt.Lender shall promptly mfund to 6ovower any ��_:.
<br /> fbnds held Uy LeMer. If,im•ter paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire cr s.11 the Ropeny.4ender,pdor ro the acquisitlon or ..._
<br />- sata of the Propeny,shall npply nny�unds hcld by LenACr at the�tme uf acquisiifan or ule as a credil agalnst�he sums yy:,:
<br /> s:turccl by�hls Sccurity Instrumem. -
<br /> 3, Ags:'s;atlon of Paymcnls. Ur.k>s »pplic:iNr 1:m provides o�herwiu, all paymcros raefved by Lender undcr �'-,:
<br /> pnragrephs i:KrP 2 shall bc applled:�rs�,to;my pnpnylner.t charges dee under the Notc:sttnnd,ro antounu payablc under h;-:-
<br />- pazagraph 2:�hic:i,to Ineerest due;founh,to pdncipal dca;aryd Iac6�o uny late chuges due under the Note. 4'_-�'
<br />�- 4. Cl�arges{ L1ens. Sotrower shall pay aIl favs.asseszmen�s.chargcs, fines and fmFasftlons :�uriFuub;e �o �6e y�;:
<br />' Propetty which may.Itain fiiuri�y over this Securiry imrcamen4 and Ieasehold p�gm�nes or gromid rcms,if any�. �ortower
<br />.= shall pay these ubllga�ions in ibe mznne�provided in panEreph 2,or I(not paid i:�cha:manner,Bortowcr shall pay�hem on i..-..
<br />- �ime dircctty to Ihe person owed payment. flnrto�ver shall promp�ty fumis:��o LenAzr all no�ica of amounts w he paid under i;;_;
<br /> iUis pamgraph. If 6ortower makes ihexr pxymems directly. 6orcuwer zh�tl pmmp�7y fumtsh io Lender remipts evidenefng R�,_'
<br />= Ihepayments �=�
<br />.= dorrowershall promFcty dix6arge nny lien��iiich has pdori�y over this Securie}Insuument unkss Uortox2r.(a)agrees ��;"
<br />= in wri�ing ro the payment ef cSe obliga�ion scared by ihe lien in a manner nccep�abl:c.Lender,(b)contesls inguod faith the �`�:-
<br />� lien by,or AeRnds against enforcement of ihe lien in.Iegal proceedings which in Ihr LanderF opinion oper.�t�.prevent ihe �,___
<br />= enforccmua o!ihe lien:or(c)securcs from Ihe ho!der of Ihe lien an xgrecmem saiisfartory�o Lcr.Cer subotdinaiing Uie Ilen rc?._'_
<br />� �o ihls Sauri« Im�rvm¢m. (f Lender determines�hat any pan of�he Ropeny is subject�o n lix+e wfiich may auain priori�y �.,..
<br /> over�his Seewi�y Insvunum,Lender may give Oorro+vet a notice idencif�ing�he lien. IIortowrr fi�ll��tisty�F.e lien or take �>--
<br /> nacor morc of�he ac�iom s:t fonh above within 10 days of�he giving of notica i�=zr
<br />-- 5. lleurd or Prcpecxp lnsurnnce. 6ortower shall kcep the improvcnrenis now exis�ing or hereafrer ereneA on the �"
<br /> - Propetly insured egainsi loss by fire,hav�nfs includeJ�ci�hin tF.e temi"ex�ended coverage"and any o�F.er ha:ards.including �:•_-.
<br /> Ooods of Oooding, (or which Isndcr requircs insumnea Tltis insuranec shall (x mainlained in Ihc amoun6 and (or IhC [�_�
<br /> _ :,._
<br /> FumJD78 7.99 -vx�:nJnryA�il j,ir�_
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