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<br /> 5, HmAOrd ur F'ro{xrty Intito•ttncc. Brrrov,�r +I��tll k«p Il�e impr��vc�nn:rnn �u�u�rxi,un�: ��r lirrcaltcr cr�:rlcJ un �hr
<br /> Prnperty in5urcd �i�:i�in+t In„ by 1'ire. haiards inclu.J�:J wi�hin thr term "exlande�l ru•��ragu"a�td �my ��ther liaiur��,. mrludint;
<br /> • flu�idti or tic�odin�. tiu whirh l.crnlcr rryuirc, in��uc.�uc�. 'I'hi, in�urancc�hull h�� m,�fi�Uiinc�t in �hr nm��unt, nnd tiir 11ir periu�ls
<br /> th,rt I.ender reyuire�. 'I'hr imuranre curricr Erruvidi:i�i dec intiur;u��e�huU bc �:huf,cn I�y Ilnt iuwcr�uhjrrt �n Lcnd�;r'�, ,ip�tiruvul
<br /> ,*�±t?;� which shull nol hc unrc.unn.►bly withll�ltl. If l3urr��vrer f'ail� tu maintain cuvc�ruF2edws�ril��:d aNuvc, Lrndcr nury. ut Lcndrr', -
<br /> •- optic�n,obtuin c�wcrugc to prc►tcct Lcndcr's rikhts ii3 tl�e I'roperty in arcurdum:c wilh pungraph 7. �`.
<br /> All insurnnce policics .ind rencwuls +hull bc :1�:ccptaMc tu t..�ndcr nnd yllull in�luJc �i stunJm•�I murt�tugc clnunc. 9.cndcr
<br /> ��... shafl havc thc right to h�ld thc palicics autd rettcwu!ti If I..�ndcr rcquires, t3ortrnvcr sh.�ll prumptly�;ivc tu L.cndcr all rcc�ipts of ,
<br /> paid p�emiums und renewul notices. In thr event of loss, Borrower shall �i��e prompt nuike tu Ihe iusurunce curricr und Lender. i�-
<br /> L.cndcr may mukc praol'of loxs if not madc prompNy by �urrowcr. - =
<br /> Unless Lender anci Bormwer otherwisc agzec i m writing. insurnnce pmr.cedti shul l bc upplicd to reswrution or rcpair of[hc __
<br /> • Propeny damuged, if thc restoration or repuie•is ecu�wmically feasibte und 1_endcr's sccurity is no!Icssened. If thc restor.�r:ion or �
<br /> ' � repuir is not ewnomically feasible or f..�ndcr's sec�neity would be tessened, tl�e insurancepruceeJs shull be upplied to th�:sums _
<br /> secured by this Securiry [nstrume:nt, whethcr or�not then due, with Any excess pniv to Dnrro�ver. If Borrower abandv��s the �
<br /> :a�:'. . Propeny, or daes not nnswcr within 30 duys u netice fr�m Lender that the lnsur.mce carricr hds offcred to scttle a cliiirrr, then �_
<br /> [.ender may collect the insurance pra.�ceeda. L.end�r muy use the pmceeds ta repair or restore the Property or to pay sums Q=
<br /> ` . secured by Q►is Secu�'iry lastrumc�»t,whct:�cr ur not then due. The 30-day period will l�e:vin when the notice is given. ��_
<br /> F ._.
<br /> � Unless Lendcr und Borrower othcrwise: ugr�c in writing, any upplicatinn of praee�is to principal shall nat exrend ur �.,
<br /> <-; --
<br /> pustpon_ thc due date of the monthfy puyinr.n[s refeRed to in paragraphs I nnd 2 or cliange the :►mount of the payments. If
<br /> _ . �, . under par-agraph 21 the Property is ucyui�'ed by l.e�der, Borrower's right to any insurance pnlicies and procc�ds resultin�from �;-_
<br /> • - damage to the Properry prior to the a�:yuisition shal� pass[o Lender to the cxtent of the sums secured by diis Scxurity Instrument _
<br /> immediately prior to the acquisi[ion.
<br /> �� �� ��:.," 6.Occupancy, Preservntion,I�ila6u�tQ�tamce aund Protection af'the Propoi�ty;Borroncr's I.oan ApplicstNc+n;Leasr.lholds. —
<br /> ` "'`�„��y Bonower shall accupy,estnblish,and u«e thc Propeny as Borrnwer's principul residcncew'stliin sixty duys after the execueion of
<br /> �� ;;..«V• this Sauriry Instrument And shall continue to occ�py the Propeny as Borcawer's principul residence for nt least one ye:u after
<br /> `. :.�r the date of occupancy, unless L.endcr othenvise a�rPes in writing. which consent shall not be unreasonubly witlihs:ld, or unless
<br /> _ ?•. extenuating circumstances exist which are tseyortd Borrower's cantrol. IIorrowcr shell not destroy, damage or im�uir the
<br /> �-�'a;�'`i::�';. o � ,ti f��ti a_ Y
<br /> F;_,{',s;.:r;:R-� .rcp;,.~,y� a,lo:: ,,,e Prog::t; te s.+e._.:er_t�, 4r rnmpiit w:�cte on che Property. Borrower shall be in default if an forfeiture
<br /> i::��
<br /> a;»,'''�i;,;ti;;4 actian or proceeding,whether civil or criminul,is begun that in Lender's gond faiih judgrnent coutd result in forfeiture of the
<br /> -" 'j'' '�'"''�' Property or otherwise m�terially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Dorrower may
<br /> r �yc_;�
<br />_a;;r�^j�,�• cure such a default and reinetate,as provided in paragraph 18, by causing tha n�tion or pmceeding to be dismissed v+idi u ruling
<br />=-�-��Rs;-�-� , that. in I.ender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's imerest in tlte Property or other material
<br /> -�-F�`�,�;;���' in�pairmc:�t o�'the lien created by thie Securiry IRStrument or Lender's security inte�st. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br />=
<br />