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<br /> 'f(?Gf's"fHF:R WI'PH i�ll Qu impruvements now��n c�reiiRcr crected an thc pruperry, and ull en�cnuntti,uppurtrn;�ixcs,und ��
<br /> lixtuirr n��w an c�rcuftcr u part of thc pruperty. All repincctncnts und ndditiuns shall ul+o hc ruv�rcJ hy thiti Security _
<br /> IntiUUni�nl.All uf thc foreguinp is rclrrrcd tu in this Sccurity Inslrumcnt.�s thc "Pruperty."
<br /> ' [!(�IIItOWER COVfiNAN'PS thue p��rrowi�r is Inwfully +ciscd uf thc c��tiite herchy conveyed imJ lu�� thc ri�ht ti�grant und �
<br /> - cun�•cp N�c Psuperty ;utd th��l !he Pn+rcrly i. unencumhered,exrrrt fi�r rnrumhranre, i,l r�rurd. Bi�rrnwrr warnint+�otd will �
<br /> �au;_:.
<br /> •^' dei'cnd�;cncrully thc tidc ta thc Property i�guiutit iill rlaim�and dcmunds, zuhjcct 1��iioy cncwnhranrcti cif rccurd. �,;�=--
<br /> .����, 'I'HIS S�CU(tl'I'Y INSTRUMENT rc►rnhincs unitimn cuvcnants ti�r nuti�miil u.rc und mm•iuiiform r��veniinty with 1 imitcd ���`=.,�;:
<br /> vurintio��s hY.lurisdictiun ta constitutc u unitiam yccurity instrument r�ivcring rcul pruperty. ����`
<br /> �-rc w..i•)AMI► �;—,�'_
<br /> . U1i11FORM COVENANTS. Eior��wcr imd l.cndcr covenant imd iigrcc as follu�v:+: _
<br /> r.:,._
<br /> � l. Pnydnent of Yrinclpal �nnd Intcre.�h I'reps�yment nnd l.ate Churfic.w. Borruwcr ,h;�n �r����,p�iy nay when duc thc �fza,�r;;_
<br /> princip.�l of and interezt�m the deht evi�lenced by the N�uc und uny ptepayment,uid latc charres duc under the Note. _n=,.°
<br /> •� 2. Fuuds far 7'ux�w►md Insurunce. Su�jcct to iipplirablc luw or to a wriucn waivcr h}� L.�:ndcr. Borrovicr shall pay to - J
<br /> , • Lcndcr ��n Ihc diry monthly paymcnts are dur under the Nutc,until thc Note is paid in full,n swn("Funds") fur: (�)yearly tuxes _..
<br /> . � ,ind�isscssmrnts which may attciin prioriry ovcr this Sccuriry Instrumcnt as a licn on thc Prupcny; (bl yci�rly Icnsch��l�i paymcnts --_
<br /> or ground rents on thc Prc�p^rty,if uny:(c)ycarly har�rd or property imuruncc premiums;(d)yc:irly flood insucance pmmiums, _--__
<br /> ' if any; (e)yi:urly mortguge insurunce premiums, if uny; and(� any sums payuble by Borrower to Lender, in accoraiance with - -
<br /> � thc provisions of paragraph S, in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgagc insuruncc premiums. Thcse itcros arc cullcd "Escrb�a Items." —
<br /> ;,' Le6vler may. at any time. cul(ect anJ hulJ Fuud, in an uu�uunt not to exc�J the muximu�u aniuw►t u IrnJcr fur :�fealerally =---
<br /> � rel�trJ �nurl�:u�r luai� �nay reyuire lur B�vrowcr'a escrow account under the fedrrid Re:il Estaic SetNcment Pr�ceciaares Act of �__
<br /> „ 197d a� amcnded ti�um timc tu time. 12 U.S.C. Sertion ?601 rr .s��rl. ("RESPA"). unletis�muther law thut uppli�s tc� the Funds _
<br /> sets a lesscr amount. If so, Lendcr muy, ut uny timc, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to cxcced thc lesser umaunt. ��
<br /> Lender may estimntc the umount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimutes of expcnd.itures of future
<br /> . " Escrow items or otherwise in accoedance with upplicable la�v. ,,.
<br /> The Funds s�ull be held in an instiwtion whose deposits arc insured by a federnl agency, instrumentality, oc entity
<br /> , ' (ir.cludi ng l.endcr,if Lender is siich un institution)or in any Fcderal Home l.oan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds ro pay the �'"•`
<br /> , Escrow Items. Lender muy not charge Barrower for holding and applying the FunJs,annually analyzing the escrow aaount,or *�
<br /> - verifying the Escrow Itemt,unless Lender pays Borrower irrterest on the Funds and i�pplicable law permits L.ender to make such =
<br /> ,% a chargc.However, Lender may require Borrawer to pay a une-time charge for an independent real estate tax repor.;ing service
<br />- - ii�C:u� i.i.A�Ci iil r:,rr;,.°t:o;. L'�liil t��� lOaZSi. iSAlC:S ."i � .�SlL' :.7:: '•r•••- Otii�T.+'ioC. TiiuGiS aii n tt��ut�it iS utFii�i� vi - .
<br /> 'r FF.::a g�v:.�M, g__.�...�.
<br />"• . ap}�licable law requires interest to be paid. Lender shall not be reyuired to pay Borrower any intcrest or earnin�ZS on the Funds.
<br />����" 8otrower and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds.L.ender shull give to Borrower.
<br /> ' wit.hout charge, an�umual accounting of the Funds, showing credits mid debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br />�'�" ' �'` dcbit to the Funds was mude.Thc Fun�s are plcciged a.s additional security for all sums secured by this Security Inetrument.
<br /> ' , If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to bc held by npplicablc law. Lender shall account td Borrower
<br /> 7},.,, j for the exccss Funds in accordancc with the requirenunts of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> � ..�: time is mot sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cnse Borcower
<br /> �,;.�',r: ;.,, ' shall pay to Lender ehe amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> --�••�. •�•� [welve rnonthly payments,at L.ender's sole discretion.
<br />'�s` �` °�� ' � U on a ment in ful! of all sums secured b this Securit Instrument, Lender shall rom d refund t� Bnnower an
<br />,-:c,tv�{'• ', � P Y Y Y P P Y Y
<br />"�'�"�-=�% " Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,I.ender sh�il acquire or sell the Propeny, Lender, prior to the acquisition or sale
<br />-���f�� of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the timc of acquisition or snle as a credit against thc sums saurecl by
<br />_��`�:.:�� this Securiry Instrument.
<br />--�����'�°�. 3. Applicntlon of Poyments.Unlecs applicable law provides othenvisc,all payments teccived by Lcndcr undcr parasraphs
<br />__�'°�=�'S� 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment chArges due under the Note; second, to amounts payable under p:.uagraph 2;
<br />���^'� thir<I,tn interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last,to any late chnrges due under the Note.
<br />- "'-�'-�� 4. Char�es; Liens. eormwer shall pay all taxes, assrssments,charges, tines and impositions attributublc to thc Property
<br /> -;• •.�•,� -
<br /> �°}`�" `{ which rnay attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower shall pay
<br />�.�,i�-,�_a:;,���� . -
<br /> these obligntions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid.in that manner,Borrowcr shall pay thcm on tirnedirectly
<br /> ,�a�-;�' --
<br /> � '«+g-�° to thc person owe,d payment. Borr�wer shall promptly fumesh to Lrnder all notices of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. �_
<br /> J-��"_�__ --
<br />�,,,,.�,.�+�"t�,- If Borrower makes these payments dire.ctly, Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the puyments. -_:
<br />=`'� ""� Borrower sh�11 rom d dischur�e an lien which hiis norit over this Securit Instrumcnt unless Borrower: a)n recs in
<br />=,;.�'�"��*%-�: P P Y b Y P� Y Y ( 8
<br />�'�=::P��'f,=��'.• � writing to the pnyment of the ubligation secumd by the lien in n manner acceptable to I..ender. (b) cantests in good faith the tien _�
<br />'"�" � by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion ap�;ratc to prevcnt thc -__-
<br />= � � enforcernent of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien nn agreement satisfactory to I.ender suborciinuting thc lien to _.
<br /> ' . . this Security Instn►ment. If Lender determines that any plrt of the Property is subject to a lien which may atrain priority over ���,
<br /> this Securiry Instrument, Lender may give Bottowcr a notice idcntifying the lien. Borniwcr shall satisfy the lien or take one or = -___
<br /> morc of the actions set forth above�vithin 10 days of the giving of noticc. �'"=
<br />"�' • Form 3026 9l90 �irY. _
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