. };`,� ,� . - : . ...'�' f ti Qs~fh��'1� nf��h�-t.-, � ��1-����'���� ��ft�l:
<br /> � i���{Siy�r�����s � 1 � . ��F�`S a .i-.��.�J"..�r� �,. ,...1.,. ...-.
<br /> . ,. ,.....,�.,.,.�_�.-..re�..,�._...5� �.a,.�a..:..,.-.�..53eua:u.n:�:v:...unuu<.� "--.-----
<br /> �� � 92•...xc��s�o
<br /> � 4�..� . , . _.. ..
<br /> ��'�' , gotrowr m�y ax�wch R d�Wilt �nd taNp�te.�a povMkd h pw�y�ph 18. by uushp the acVOn a MocMCRip lo be
<br /> x,,,�,,, , dNnMiM rrNh�Mnp Wt,Yi lnd�'s qood W1h dN�rtnN�tlon,�r�duGs tafeNun ol th�Bortower's htaeel N the PropMy a
<br /> r f �s,: qryK ry�lMM iy�WnHnl ot th�Nn aMIM by Ihis 8�raxXy MiWmml u Lendera �ecwtty Blxes�. Oorcower�hu�I�o be ---.
<br />-_:-`c.s:�„'�l N�HMWI M fforcoxw, duMQ th�lo+.i�ikn prxa:.p�re mtaMy Idse«Ineeum�Ntarvutlon a�t�temeets to lmJer - ..-:-' ..."..
<br /> -'„ (a 1N�d lo pro+�M l�Mv xi�h any metuW Biorc�rtlm)N com�ctlon wllh Ue lori e7drnad bY th�Note. Indudnp, but --- -
<br /> ��'",'�;"£� kdai� ConqmM BartowK� oa�aney o1 tli� Pr �s e dpN ro�Wma. II �Ait t3ecud. --
<br /> � not iniM to� nM�s�n Y �b I�^ Y
<br /> - - � Nsuurmnl Is m R INa�hdd, Barowx ahtl carry�y x%h M Ih�proH�bns ol the kuR H Bartowr�oquYeo fee thl� lo tpe g�
<br /> 'f'��f„ ��' Propary,Ihe Iwschoid rd Ihe fee 11Ce ah�l not mape unkss lenda+grees to Ihe merper h:�*Nhp. "-
<br /> °'j''r�} ' 7.ProtKtlore uF t.�nd�r's RfpMs In.tt�Prop�rty.N Barowa IeNS lo pxlam the eoven�MS rnd�peem�nl� �v '-
<br /> `��{j1.,-?: centak:al 9 thh Bxu(.ry IncWmenl, or thae Is e IepJ prottaR+p the�mry ei�Kcentry ntlecl L«rders dphtt N ihe iYo�ry �� �._.-
<br /> --�^� (weh as a ptea�g N brnWUplry,proW1e,lo,eonJ�mnWon a fafdiure ot lo enforco kwa o�re��allons), thC.�LG�dp m:y _ _ _�_-
<br /> �yi�� 3- OD M��tOf MNINOf q nocesanry�o pm�eci ine v+iue ui fna nvpuiy u��ia�Ga o iy��:��C�B:�:�.�.�. '::::3�: ."°• .
<br /> ��i�:r..:z:, rrry ind�de WYh9�ny cums eoaual by� Pwn wh{ch h:> p'k�Y ovci Ihis Stt�Mty InsWtaenL aPPFS�q L�eoun. C3}yp :.�'-_
<br />,-. R�1y fGY.,.
<br /> ,� � �t��� re�aonY�k�tlanys'iees xnJ a:le�Mg on Ue Hopaty lo in�ke rtp�4e.Nihouph Lendx«�y lake acUOn untler thin pu�pph � --
<br /> ,� 7,Lmd�r dws nol hevo to do so.
<br /> y� j�_Zz My un0unls d66msod by Leev.�e+ unda pnngnph 7 slxi 6eeome u}3!bnal deUl ol 8ortowar aecured by lhi� � ..—
<br /> 4 zti d; BeWdF/Insdumen4 Uniess 4arar�¢e aad Lender aqe9 la Olh2f MfmT 01 QiyfrtM6 lhOSO Mt0Y�16 6h�A U0V 1tlNl51 1rGm a- .
<br /> r � 1he dtle ol rlaburaamonl at the tloPa raD�and ahN be qynbla,w�Th hE«'xsL cpx nou�e Irom Lendn�o iio+row:r requesW:p � -
<br /> p�ymer.l.
<br /> � 4i�; S.Mortg�ge Ouew;rmnca. �tenaar rcqut�d r.+o+r�+ya�m.�r.ce ss a anrsa, oi m.wna me wv� sea;nw ny mis �. --
<br /> � Sew�Ay In6Wmen1,Sartrs+cr aha7�ay the pteWmx rm�drad tu nu,htsh Ihx m�1Q1,^,a 3�suranca In eNCd.tl,f�xry reason,the
<br /> � - I�?))) mong�ge Nsurenu eova�nqdr.ul bi�lmder lepses a ceeses to W Li e7ect. Garawtt s1ia1 pay lhe praWxrts raq+Yed to '��-;--.
<br /> '���,hJS� o6tW coraaqe e�htLn7�ly eSvnr.'ene f>='e malpe9e insunnce grt:.wsy h eNec7. �I a cosl su6stxn;i�i� e��e+it to Ae a£1 ��i''
<br /> �rfE•'F� coet to Bortowa ol the mortp�gs iw�m�u {MlVIWSn/N!fllCi, SRi:t 81 iRLfI1BiC maty�ge i+screr a➢Aroved by tmder. tl �
<br /> �A�(li�{)?�.}4_ � >_.
<br /> ���{,� } eubclenl�ly equkabni matpepa Y�sum��arenge Is nol avaCaDlo, �eRaxrr s*�1 p3y to lenc3e*eath month a sum cqual lo '�h�ii .._
<br /> -,��(;q.F�,l� � ono-tweYlh of Ihe yeauly r.ioilp�ga kuimaa p�emlum hdnp puid by�errwrcr whzn tha I�swanca cv�mge upsed or eeasei to �"`
<br /> �'��'�ai�ir be N M.ed. Lender vri�ecuPl. use utd reGN these�vymmts as e loss resena t+O�u ot mcrtpage insurenco. Lws resene +�, �^.,
<br /> i�-�fi,}�f p�ymnls msy no bn8a be requted,at tbe opllon of Lmda,tl mort�ge Insunnrn co�ren9e M 1he nmount enR for 7he pe+bd ��ry _
<br /> J �f(f�;�YI lhni Lmder�tquYes) prvAdM by�n Usu�u �pproved by Lmdu ag�;rt beceme�at�7rble and Is cha'neA. Ocrmwer stiell ps� , ���yrt ;�_
<br /> - r+�! � the prur�ums requYed�o mNnun mcit3nga hsunnee N eMCC1, or to p�rnide a loss reserve,ur-E�1he�equ4m+xnt isr men�rcjn r'��T�u, �
<br /> �y'�,�y hsumca ends h�ccord+nca x7�ti any htillm agreemenl 6ehreen�cr•c�ra and Lm�.er w app8uDle aw. �;,n -
<br /> f Y��i3 9.Iilf�ldt.lenRer or Rs�ye�t rcry m�ke�ason�b!o mWa cpon�nd insyrclfons ot the RcFeAy- len3zr ehal�r4e t,}�-.
<br /> - �y��;l� Oottowx nollee al the I'raa a1 n pIw lo an Nspedlon apM�ylnB reasonab!e awo 7or�he Nspeclicn. �" r_`� ,
<br /> t F 10. COnd�mllptlMl.Tha R��ds oi any ewud or dakn tor Grtuges. ci:ec+tt conser,um:5i1 h ear.nection wNh�ny i.'..', ��,`� .
<br /> �,�'ri��-'�� condamuion a oUer 1Jing ot asy pari d lha Rropary, or for conveymce N 9eu oi condcmra:���. wa here6y aeslgntd e.ad fJ�l�z3', .
<br /> ���'IIf S y��� shal be peW lo Lenda. �f''�rfr .:
<br /> ���?r��y�'� In lhe evmt oF a total U1dn� w t!�e {toD�b. �he proeexds ahi: bs apD!ietl to \ho sums aecured by �!�a 9ewi4y ''���'`f �
<br /> � c�nIJR._ ay _. �p�. � , �0 h . :�bt .
<br /> itrp���...- Inavummi. wneina oI n53 inrn GJn. •Y.iJ ary a::,as> F:�ic.�..::..::c:. c C�.^..C.e F'-f—!!L�01 ih�v.eeh�y
<br /> r' i<•� whkh the t�ir mukel va�e ol the Rcpttry ir�rz<SnsSy beic�e tSe 7nklnp Ls eGam:le cr grealtt then the emount ol Ihe ums �",_r r
<br /> h m
<br /> �•taiY��l't:- seeurcd by th4s&wriry Instn�ment lynec5�!e'y befcre ttio tnhin;,u��ess Pcrcaxer end Lmdx olhmvlsa agree In wriUn9• lhe �_ -��
<br /> ;.,j:f�,.;• • s
<br /> ,�I:�:•y_-:���tr� sums s°curM by lhis Secudty InstnJ:e:a ala9 be retlucedLy�r.e mu�a1 ot lho Droceeds mutllp9ed by lhe foAOrMg heeGom }'?s�"%�•���.'
<br /> �i. (i)the iav emoum of ine su•ns seNn�a trtncd�ICiy betae fho Wkhg.dNded by @)the IaY nwkN vWe ol the Propah/ � �;_�
<br /> - ' � Ynmeda}e7y bCae lhe 41dng.My ba(anee sh�tl be pAd to�ortmver.m Iha wmt ol a puUU d1Jng ot the Propary N whkh }., :
<br /> � �,� the feF ux'kel ralue of Ihe PropMy Mnmed�ley be(ae the InMNy is lesa lhen the unounl ol lhe sums eecured immedrtey «, i ��
<br /> �'i���i bNore lhe taldn9� unlas 8ortower and Lmder othmrlae agree In wrXM�g or unless �ppGable kw othmvise proddes, lhe -.:� ;.
<br /> 3 proceeds aTN 6e eppiicd to the surm aewred by thls SearNy InsW mmt whHher or not lhe aums ara thm due. ' 4 �.
<br /> E II�ha Propdry ie e6andoned by Esrower, w II, atla notice by Lmdtt to Bortown th�t tha condttmor ott¢rs lo make an !`;` ` `
<br /> . ...fira�>.�'( � Yr•�+'
<br />_',a`.�yr,f���yu, �wed or aeWe� detm br w:raa,•as. Hcrtowcr fals lo respond to LcndH wnhln 30 d�ys alta the de!e tha no0ce Is gHm, 1�� ,i__��,..�..
<br /> Sr �f;;- Lmda Is�ulhoriud to m9ect end apAY�he proceeds, et Ils op�on. Nher lo reslaa�on or rcp�4 oi the Prepnty or lo }�• .'
<br /> _z � --� Ihe aums aecurcd by ttis SepnNy InsWmml,whether or not Ihm due. ��';-�i�`f 7.
<br /> -,;+!�rP�',.�.4� UrJess Lenda anC Flortowa othmNSe egreo In writing, uiy eppica9on of proce�!s lo p�n�yui ahaY nol extmd or ; .� •,r�.;(i;'.
<br /> ::'�(+;;�:�,',;.�� poslpwe the due dato of tho nonlh a mis relerrM ta In aro rephs t and 2 or chen e tha emounl of 6uch e mts ��•)����- �
<br /> NP Y�^ P 9 9 P Y^� ��i��1 ..: ';,_-.
<br />"��;�::;-.�;�i. it.Harow�r Not Hateaued; FOfb9��AnC6 By L9ndlt NOt A W�IvBG Exlenaton of tho Iime tot paymml or ...}y�fi;��„
<br /> '� k t�, mo�fiwWn of emal�xa�on ot lho suns secu:M by Ihis Sew�itf hs:�:mml grenlM by Lender to �ny sucassor � Inlerest .?'.:s'P ;
<br /> �' r�a--: ot Oaiowa shJ not opereto lo rdeasa Iho inbJny o11.`�0 origlr.a:�oncwtt 0!DOROWCI6 6VLCOSSOf6 h YIIlTlSI. LMCM ShdJ S`���✓,�f"_
<br /> '� not be requtred lo eormmeo D�oceMnBs eqa�nst n�y successcr 3�IMeresl or reNSe lo exlend Ilme fw peymml a othdwise (�.���� i
<br /> - modify unotliri7on oi lho suns acwred by this Srcuriy InsWment by reason of eny demend mede 6y tho odg'nal } !,,,� .
<br /> j i4 � �; Dortowa or Bortower's suceessora fn inte:esl. My lu6earanco 6y Lentler N exerdsing eny dg'�t et remed�shd nol ba a `r%� al •
<br /> i;� We�ra ot O� tdude Lhe exMtl50 o10�U tShl Or remMly. � ��+i��! '_�
<br /> '�..Q� :n �� a i .
<br /> 12.Succ�ssoro�nd Ass9fina 8ound; Joint and Ssvaral Llablliry: ComS�non.'rno co.mems :m ' , , ;
<br /> r .`t -f� egrecmmis ol this Sea;:dy Ins'fumem s1a.t bind and bmefd tho successon and essigns ol I.ender nnd Oortowa,subJecl to Ihe F� -- ° s :
<br /> � provislons ot peregaph 17. Oortowers eovmnNS and agreemenls sha7 bo Jolnl and severeL My Oortower who eo-signs Nis �� - ��:
<br /> - '�- '' Securiry�nsWmmt but 0oos nol exewlo tha No:e: (a)is co�signhg Ihis Sewdry InsWment ony lo matgaga.grenl end eonvey .
<br /> '-:.��,=��"'�5,��` thal Dorcowefs Nteres�h Ihe PropAy under tho lertns o11hB EewG,y InsWmenl; (b)is nol pMSOnaBy ob6galed lo pay iho '
<br /> r� � sums sewred by Ihis Seeur.ty I+stn::nent: end(c)agrees lhal la:ctt end any oths Qortower msy egrce to exlmd.modry. f'
<br /> ' li:¢
<br /> � tij��` lo�ber.r or meko a�y aaommoda:ions vLt�regard lo Ihe lerms W t^��£ew�i•y�nslmmar.i or lho Note w;'.houl lhal 06ttowers t
<br /> wnser.t S{�i�.' �
<br /> - - "•j�. 73. LOTn L:knag05. II the Ica+ sttured t; Ys Sewdry�ne•.mmcnl is sub;ecl lo e law wNCh sels maxknum loan , ��� �
<br /> _{ chargts.�nd IFa!4�A �snaty In;erF+eled ao thaf:^c "�:vul or clher loan char9es eoCtttetl or lo ba w9ected L�conneclion , �
<br /> '��' ' wilh ihe'can exuCCf Ihe pMfli::td firds.Iten: (a)any suth loen cnerqe 6ha11 be reduted by �he amouni necCSSary lo redut¢ �� �
<br /> I u
<br /> '. L Ihe eha:g^ to the pert:dled fmi; arJ (0)any sums elrecdy «iected from Uortowtt whlch •:,.-ecded permilled IiMis w3 -
<br /> .d� � - bo reMJxl lo Uarowa. Lendtt may ehoose to make Ih!s rek::: CY redudng Iho pi�apa: �-•�=_d under tho No;o or 6y _
<br /> .- ;..i.�-.
<br /> � matdnq a dxecl peyme�l to 6ortower. If e relunE �Muces pAcc�nl, lhe reducUon wi7 be tr.v:ae as n panial prepaymm�
<br /> - ._,� withcuf eny prepaymenl charge undu the No:e.
<br /> 74. NOliC05. My nollce to Oarowtt pmride�f�r in Ihis SecuiN InsWmMl sha9 be g�en by tlNrraing d tt by maing X
<br /> � ' � by fr51 da55 ma3 unloss npp5wblo law requYes use ol anolh,r r..etWd. ThC nolice sha9 be direu[d lo Ihe Property AEd*ess
<br /> - � ��'•; or a.ry cmel edd:ess uorrowtt designaies uy noizc io imci+ i•nr r�vota iv iv�'vF�:a9 :.� y'+�� tr� .`: A'; a:L-
<br /> -- � � Lentla's addrcss staled herNn or any ofhtt eddress lmtln. ars•,�a�es by noGCe m 6ortowx My notice prorided lu n
<br /> �. '��V�:,� �his Stturity�nsWmmi shaB be decmed lo here Feen g4m�o Oortowtt or Le�dtt whm gNen as pro�dtled in thu pa�aqaph.
<br /> . � �;� 1b.GOVOtning Li1w; SOVOfa6111ty.it s Sewr',ry InsLVment sha� be goremM by Iedc�al la,r ana the Ww ol Ihc
<br /> - � Jurtsddion In wCkh th¢ PropMy Is Ioee:M. �n I�e e+enl lhat eny provlslon or ddusrt ol tnis SeG:rf.y InsWmCnl or Ihe
<br /> Note conticts with oppPCnUlo law. such ccnficl sha0 nof n11ec1 o:htt prorisions ol Ihis Secunty�nsWmmt o� ihe Note vrh:ch
<br /> ��� " can Ee gkm e:1ttl wiChout Ihe con`6-ling podston. To Ihis end tho D�orislons al lhis Secv:�� Ins:romml and Ihe Note a�e
<br />= i becla:ed to be sercruble.
<br /> :��: i
<br /> - ;,�.� 16. BoffnwuPs Copy.ffaar«er sPat Ce g4m one eonlormed copy of Ihe Note and ol tnrs Scu:aty Instrumml.
<br /> ';� * �
<br /> �' r��� F�pS V/B D�Ab hi'>:1 5 � �.
<br /> .t.
<br /> r�
<br /> =' 31]I].VA �
<br /> .+�
<br />