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t : .� �t; � Myx� �t �n. l c .R-m,�A'�rt�� 'li t'� -- <br /> • i. +r <br /> �'iU -'� �r _ 1i l� � 14 n.l . i� P �y. :� -. pF n S� <br /> - ' � �. �� ����t�/4yki 4 �.�� � �.tax�li!�l�T%.i __'_.............. srti�-W.�iL�! ,++tzs� f <br /> , ��J�� F.i- .�..i�3lw.�arll,-1'G.LaYlV#A'JJ.ti.NlYaL4i.dpLlwlel:rt - V _ 7�-�� <br /> � � <br /> , Y�� . . 9�-,��.�959� ;s :� ��. <br /> � � , <br /> �.�� TOOETFiEfl W(YH d th�kryxorKn�nl�now a hKNIIM erected on 16e p�operly,and I�!M/�nunit,�ppuden�nces,�nd ,' --�� ^ <br /> �� . � 1&Wr» now a h�hw�pM ot tM p+opKty.N npMCMnm1t uid+dJMOn�ehel�ho ba tovxM bY tMS BxuAy In�Wment �{� 'c,� ,� -� <br /> N a th�iarxlohC k rdertW lo In Ih4 8«v�XY M�1purMnt at th�'ProPMY�' �si�`. `5��n .: <br /> � „-"� AORflQN'ER COVENNnB Ihel BortowK N IrMuy�MtW of th� at�t�hxaby eonvy�d ME A�6 the dptd lo vui a�d E , -= . . <br /> s� tonvry lM PYOpMY antl 1M1 th�ProMrN k wNnwmbrW� �xorpt la �nmmbnnces ol ncord. fiarowK w�rcntt and � � :r`�'��'��, �.- <br /> wl!ddMd yMw�j fM1�tq�lo lh�Propwt/apYmt M�Mim�nd dKnnd�,subJeq lo any ena�mbrnnce�ol record. ,ai� !. fY t i. <br /> , �,r THIS BECUFIIiV IHIITflUMF.NT eorrbh» uiNOrm eovrNnb br ruibnd u¢� �nd nonLnnorm eovan�n�s wi�h �.� ` s `f��,,, _ <br /> .2�; frrrW rrNtlons by�d��ICVOn lo wn�Uluto a unXOrm aecurXy N�Wmant wvMnp rotl propMy. ��� .-% � >';,i 4 . <br /> t � -`rj UNIFqIM COYEt1ANT6• Dorcowx�nd Lmda criven�nl and�pr�e�s lobws: + � r ` +� � :� <br /> ,�. f.P�ym�nt of Prinr.ip�i �nd Int�nati Prap�ym�nt and t.ate Ch�rp�x.ea.raver eh�e prompy�poy when , rE ,. <br /> +-'3r„ due Ihe prkid;r�l ol enA Inlaee! on Ihe deht evlJenud 6y Il�e Nou end �ny prquyment snd 4le chugoa d�o under ihe r,r�' a �� � : <br /> i�i NoII. t r «. — - . <br /> � R. Fund�far Taxet and in�ur�no��Bubjeci to�6cabN Nw or to a wAttan wWa 6y Lmtlx, BOrtOWM 6hH p\y � t -'� z <br /> �! to Lender on Ihe Gy monthy p�ymente ue due unda the ihia. am,t lhe Note Is ptld N 1uY,�¢um i'Funds•�for. p)youy rr- � -- <br /> �i �,ti% tu��s�nd aa�n�ments which mey �11�N pfody wa thes Saaullr 4uVUment u�Ren on the PropMy.@)Yar1y lasehold t! i� `.+ �z.. <br /> � �x+ t' p�ym�nls or prounJ unts on the P�opaq.N a�Y• (cJ Y�Y���a Gropnty h�urcnce prerrJums: (�Yeut/Load Nsunnce � f. ;t � ' rlx-._: <br /> � �.�� prercJUms,H�r�Y• (a)YM:�1I m�vt9a}e rituranca prxrLUns.C�iy,a�d Rl�nY y:rr.s GaY�o by Oortowa�o laid�s h acescc5�nce � - -"c <br /> ; si t�,_ J wXh tin 9tovlabns ot P'�3Pr718,ti Prw o!'rhx p�snx�1 oi mnrtppe fnsuatce pcmiums. 'Ihese Rec+s xt alxd 'Esuae ' - <br /> � s���� Ilans.• tar.dx rcay, at zry ta+A CSlC!9M TP7'1 F1AIM N N N1W f11 f161 i0 7FClOd lh0 mantrucn xnovne:�m�Stt tar a q ;- -, f �f ,. :� <br /> � r �a7�y r�y��!v,,rtgvqe kxi mry nq;;re kr 8a-rowa'a aaav+aount umler the Rder�!Ra�l fsGte Sta>'eersii Frocxclun � _ 'x �� : <br /> Y�S i� Ad ot 1974 as a;rmvk3 Yar Ccna!o i'ma.12 V.SR @ 2601 N seq. ('PESPA'). unkss anolher 1rx tTa��y'kts to the Funds �r! -��� `'f` �' : <br /> ,�- eNS i�hssst a+t0i'nt N so,laidaz rcay,at tny Cra.totxt�nd hold Fands h a�amounl not lo exectd U:°�"35f1 LML."�L �t���,5 r <br /> LenQx rr�y osYtn�tx the a»7mt o1 Fu�ds duo on tha b�sls ol currer.l daN sid rxascn�bte estimtes of apa�d'�res ot l�Wre }}���f� ir 3��r��� <br /> ��.� Escrox tixns er olhcev."si h�ccarda�ta wilh appiablo kw. �1Tf�f�a.,zr trd✓,, ; <br /> ! _, fie Fuxk sMt be htld h an SnsV.ulbn whosa depos9s ae tns;rc+1 Ly a tedenl�gmq,HsWmmt+fci•or mtily(nWd�g �fi ('�,-�' ,��i p - <br /> � ltnder.�Letidx is such en Ins�itufc+}rr N ony fedael Home lena 6ank. Lmda shil appT�r the Funds to p�y the Escrow �f�}}�}{�i��1,, ��`' ;: <br /> �'i - . tltms.LuWar msy r.el�huge Uorrmi�a ta holdng and�7ng iho Funds,a�e+uaLy�n�ytlng the esaow attcunl, oi rc`ityMg :txft,-�y�t�f� � ": <br /> . <br /> Y= the Esaax I;rms, uMF•ss Lmda peys Bottower t:f.erml on Ihe Funtls a:2 a{rafabb 4w pem�ls Lmder to make such a �f1 y i�����.4�,���'y��� _: <br /> T�,,,!!!�,,, usedg6JiLenda I�tenneqbn w h th8ak+n unl PsYwpiublo�lax a�FroY.desnah�sme.MUN^ss sntagmnm�Is mada a 'r��- �.yt?'f i"7�L'l{�7. '; <br /> \��r��l, _� <br /> .J rt y��� �pp6:aU:�Yw requ4es i�taast ta bx p�W.le�der shJ not be regiFrai to pry E3ortowa�ny htaresl a amings on the fuods. - , s f�F i� :-. <br /> !-�;,�rj� Boncwer�nd Lmda ery ageo t�evrJng, haxeref, th�l NiuoX� stri'I ba�eld on lhe Furds. Lmda ahal ghe to Barower, }_-�,'y'`�}Ki�a��r+�.�-�- <br /> Yt�;��t� wilhow chupe,�n�nnuy accounCmq ol lhe Funds, ahowhg aedlu+nd deNS to the Funds�nd the purpasx fa whkh nech -ti'� k`+3� ' -: <br />.__idf��r'�E. debA to the Funds w�s rn�tle. The Funds ue pkdged�s�ddNOntl secwity fer rk sums eeared by tha Secv�7y Mswmenl. � 5 ; r r ��+"���� <br /> 5 .i. N the Funds hdd by Lender exceed lhe�mounts pertnitted to be hdA by appPnbb Mw, Lmder ahJ aaounl to flortowa r .� - ��y` � -' � <br /> �� L tor the[xcess Funds h�a�.ordu�te wilh the reqoYemenls ol��fipWe lew.II iha�mount ol the Funds heW by Lmda�t�ny . -- „ i<1� v- <br /> F�h>� iMe is not eutficJml to pey Ihe Eaaow Items whm du0.Lmder tcay so nntiy Borrower In writing, �nd, N such ase Barower i''�Y i�'� �yx4 �-: <br /> Y��tt��rt sh�l My to Lmda Ihe�roanl necessuy to m�ka up the defidcr.ry. Boirown shd make up the defidmcy M no mae th�n ��,y . ��:_ <br /> t twa4e monmy paymmts,�1 Lmdcr'a aole dscrr.ion. 1 .-aE� {L��� ;: <br /> y S uPon prymc,ot in ruL of vl sums aewred bx Ihi3 Seiv�ii�+ irii�6�Ti6fd. ivmiii 6Yii I��iniY�N i�J��i iG �inTViiw «�i y�� ,� <br /> f 5 ti���� Funds hdd by Lon1a• ;'. under pangreph 21. LcrJx shaY acqu4e or etY ihe Yroperty, Lmda,prbr l018e n;�ulSMlon or aale �"� -�S��r^,i s " <br /> ����!�T ot the Ropaty,aFp*,n�;.y anY funds hNU 6y Lentlar�I the timo of ecquisWon or sde as e atdt egeNsl fi^. sums searM �� `�,'�, .��c � -: <br /> �4i�na� ),� �". Y.k.�.�:. <br /> .-,.yY:6, ov mis aea,��neu,,,,�em. �'s •,k��..i <br /> ` :'.t( �.11ppl COtlon of P�yrnore^.s.Untess epp5eabie Ww yar..iea othxm7se, e0 poyrcems rtteHcd by Lmder undtt $;;�,;��t� �P�q F.-`. <br /> `"'� ���' pereg ph 2�NYd,2lo Intttesladueefounly,lo pfindpel du�ond les�rio uy lated h�gesNdue�untler Ihe'Note Wnls p►yeble undn � 4�� }pCy�;�4�_ <br /> ✓m_t�>? <br /> - ��t�� A. Chug�r, Uens. oorro•xer snee pey di Icxos, asseser.ents, chni�s, fnes md ImposNOns anrmmeble to the -.� � � <br /> /� .:�; Ropaty which rn�y ettLL� pdOMJI OVH 1h15 SlWAIY IIISW�IM1, d�d INSlI10Id PiyTll016 OI gound rmis. X�ny. Borcown �:� F �� ��-�;� <br /> ����ti�� shetl Fay these ob6getlons In lhe menner provlded In puegreph 2, m tt not pe1J in thet m�nner, Bortower ehet pey them on �, � s_. y <br /> �r ��_, Wro diectly lo lhe person owed paymtnl Oonowtt ahe7 prnrr.f�)ssmsh to Lenda el nollces ol amounls to be pJd unde` _ t" E�i������. <br /> � ''�'.�� Ihls pvagroph.If DoROwer m�kes lheso peymMlS diteCL�/. UCrtavn ehell prompty Nmah ro Lmder raeipis eMdmUng - 'S+}��� _---- <br /> (��'}v�k� Iho paymmis. � ... �` S - '; <br /> �f0�5-!� Bortower shetl pramq;y dscharge 9ny fim v�h;ch hes pdoriry ovtt ihis Sewiiy Ins'rummt unless Oortower. (a)�grees r�- , 4t T .` <br /> ; - '� In x+MNg to the paym�.,l o�the obGgelion seared tr�tEe fim In a muiner eaephble lo Lmder; @)wntesis h good 1eNh Ihe 1 +�° t� - <br /> ������ti, 6on by,a defmas nga;nst mtorcemml of lho ilen�a. Rgal procec�ngs whluti In tho Lmder's opinion opente to prevent � -� �* '�13`�� <br /> x, +'-� 1he ertorcemml of Ihe fien;or(e)secures Irom Iho hdda cl ihe fien en agr!emmi selislaelory to Lmder subordntling Ihe � _l� g � . <br /> ,{vf���i� +en to lhLa Sew�ry 1nsWmml.If Lender dNCrMnes thxl any Fn•t ol lho Propnry is eubJed ro e tien which mey e1teN prio�y �fI_i -�d�I�io- ��t ..� <br /> ; � t ovtt th!s Sewnry tnawmml, lmda may 9No Oortower e nolice Idm4tying the Gm. Bortowtt she9 amis4f 4e lim or lako �,t, Ypt y1,`�,;; <br /> ` y t one or mae oi tFx�nc�ms set forth e6ove wilh!n iQ Mya o/f�e};JrN9 0l no7co. -,�t � -� Y <br /> ., ----x 6. H712AIG1 Or nropBlty In6U�Otlaa.Donower aha7 kecp�ho improvemenfs now c�dsl5ig or Aa:eottei ttceted on tho -L. l L , - <br /> x' F r� PropMry 7nsurttl epa:ns7 loss by firc.huerds InduUad n8htn t"e fam 'oMmded covcrego' ond eny othx hnrnd5. NWdmg t-j; ,i �` <br /> � f�r-..�� floa:ls o�rootl'np.(or whlch Lender requ!res insuranw. 7h'sc tnuanw sheR 6o malnteined irt the omcuntq and for Ihe pttlods �� - �`�, � � � <br /> tl Ihat La+tler requ5ea. Tho Nsurenw mrtfM prodding Iho ha�nan�shall be ehosen by 6ortowe�aubJeU io lenda's epproval -.t_ M ` � <br /> c `t,� wficn ano7 not be umwsoneby wdh�Nd. If Oortown laits �o nxntaln eorerege dcscribed eLCVO. Lentler rryy, al lmtler s p r �.� i _,_ <br /> � epL'en,obtafi co�.ern3a to profeU Lendtt's dBhis�n the Fepe�ry in accordnnw wnh parapraph 7. i - -... <br /> _-�:'- A7 Naurunw pcLdes end rene.vels shotl tre oscepfeb7e lo Lender end ehn�l h�dudo e slnr.Grd morsga3=dause. Lendtt J. ,� °! +},y n� <br /> ��`ti y� sha9 hovo iho dghl to hold lho pofido3 end renewnis. 11 Lmtler rcqu4es, 6ortmrn shall pwm-0�1!5M1'a to Ler.tler eA recNpls ot Z -. , <br /> j .}t�':r pe�d D�Fmlums end fCnCxW no:icca In iho ment of loss. Oanener sha7 gNO prompl ro:°ce Io Iha inwranea eanier end � � � <br /> �:;1�,;r�� LrrUe�.Lmder mey rcake proof U�53s 11 not maCO panpty 6x��rxer. : � <br /> • r Un:ess Lmdtt and Bortower o:"ttwise ogrte h�v.r.:ng.nsu:e^re proceeds sha7 6e eFf�ro �a�esto:alion or rtpnir ol (�, � <br /> .'.jl_�;y�ll �� .;'.�)�r.:l.� <br /> Ihe Aope�y damaged, il the msromGon or r<sm• Is teasible aod lmtler't 6eariry is nct lessened. If lho !i_�-• n••. <br /> ';'��?�� reslualton or repart }s not eeonom!ca7y teas:[.e or Ler.Ger's secer,.y wau'd te �essmM. Ihe insumnce proceeds shaA bo � ' �: ' -- <br /> ..�.;�,4!��;}� aPLied lo Iho sums secure0 by lhis Secur,ry Ins:mm¢nt whe�her or nof Ihen due, with any ezcess paiil lo Uortown. II i. ?}v�-, - � <br /> Hccm.<r nbenticns IAO ProD�b. or doe5 nol nnswpr wYh'r ]C Gys a noUCO trom Lender lhal t�e Msmance enMer has � <br /> �` 2F�- oL•crex lo ¢eNe a tlalm, Ihen Lender may ccdecf f`e �rsu�ac<e proceeds. Lender may uso the (+ececds fo apn• n t <br />� '4 . r ' restc:e af.e Property c� lo pay sums sewred by 15s Ee<o^:. ^s:rumeM,whethtt or nof thm due. lF.e &.+tlay percc ...� ! � <br />-�i:i'rJ' beg:n when the r:cc 2 yhM. - <br />- UMess LenCer an� Uortower othemise n;ree m vnil�ng, eny appliceSOn o7 pmceeds to ptlntlpa: Sha' rci eatmd or - <br />�-.�rj�{_,� � poslpono tF.o tlue Wle of Ihe month.y payce�:s relmed fo U pa�agiaphs 1 nnd 2 or chan6a trr ,�*cunl ol 1he _- <br /> . '� pay.nmt;. 11 under pamgmph 21 the Property is acqulred by Lentltt. Oortower s dght to any mcrnnce Fc:aes and proceMs °- <br /> i - resct3�a/rom tlamage lo tlie YroD�I P�or�o me ocquisrdrn s�� pass�o ienatt m tne ea�t oi tne sUms oy Inis sewnry '--� <br /> . '.r..' I.� trn:ec�INy prlot lo ihe acquis:tion. <br /> . , . S. Occupancy, Prosarvatlon, Malntonnnco and Protection of tho Proporty; Sorrowor's Loan <br /> - AppllCiUOn; LoasOh0ldB. Oaww�r sha3 occupy. esW6Gsn, ana vae r.s Property as 6ortowets prndpnl iestd�roce <br /> -- rdlhn eMy days otttt the execuUOn ol this Sewr.ty Insw:nent and s1uY eonlime lo oaupy Ihe Propnry ns OortowM's prtnUpal <br /> � res'rSmce/or al Ieast one ycar nlltt tho dalo ol occupsnry.uNess lemler mhemise agrecz N writing. r.�nich wnsent shaG not <br /> [e w;��gonabf�wilhhNtl.or unlet�exlmualing cYwmsfances e�dst which are beyond �ortowe`i wntrol. 6ortpwer sha7 not <br /> - ' destray. damsg2 or MpaY Iho P`opMy, eAow tho ProD�*�Y�o ae:ttbrete.or rnmmi waste on ine Aoperty. Bortowcr sha9 be <br /> n Ee;autl H nny fodc.lure oUion or proeeMng. whelhtt N�7 u a'rrinal. Is begun lhat N lrndei s good fenh pJgmml eovA <br /> ��� 4f � rascR L�IodNNre ol lhe Propcty or olhmdso malttiaCy Ircyr the im aaa:ed by Ihfs Securiry Inswmenl or ender� sewcty <br />,..N'.�i_.`::' ndrnl } <br /> •�'..,_.��':: su+s.vro ar�as � % � . <br /> .,. .•t"�j � <br /> .:�,• �• •� 9I111VA . . <br /> . . I <br />