. y�:; . _ . iri sn ., . f �44iiG.-
<br /> • f.,�:a '`,' � E � ' �;'` : � r,'� •��f-`="K'�F - 1 kf
<br /> 4L'.;{.� _n [�t �-�Litt - -. �t�}^a<1alb,�.i.r ..{1.i-tai.f�} 1 i
<br /> . .._�iL.t c.t�..:::1C=1..a�f,G�L.�::.�..�f.a...4wv.wur.a..swo-�..n+.r+uu. �� - ......_...r.w.�i}:5:.........� ��__
<br /> �n���a � �.�
<br /> a`�� ' � Ea ..
<br /> � 17.'tY��H�r th�Prop�HY a a 8�n�flcfA Int�r��t(n Borrowrr,If�A or eny pu1 oi the Propaty or r�' r
<br /> i.�'�(`��y� • ' � any IniwMt N N k s�a ImtbrrW(u N�MnMdd NlK„t h Borrowa h sold a Imsierrod nnd Oovowa p nol+�nNUr� T , �-
<br /> ,;�;s i pKfon)wMhout L�ndKs pria wiXtm con��n6 Undw rNy,at Ns op9an,rpuYt ImmWGU qymx�t N ful ot N wms sewred by A _ -- -_
<br /> r _u:� V��e S:a,�:y MCvmrnl.Hrh•trx,this e;�sheA nol M a:acNed bY Lu�d:r H exHd70 N pf01t°J.RCd by 1lJMAI hW E6 01 lll! .
<br /> 4 —� au.a mis axv�xr m�wm«�G �a�
<br /> � " k�,� H Unda axd�ei thls opUcn, Lenda il�el qfro 6orcower noVU of�ccMa�UOn. Tho no0u�hU proJ�do o paiod ol � __ i �4
<br /> +�{y? not bts lhen 90 Mya hnm Ihe d�te the noYrA Is Ja@rued a m+9ed wnhin whloh porcor�n mwl pry U aums aeamd by `
<br /> �;,t �,t, ; lhls 8ewdty IneWment. 11 Oottowe,61e lo Dey them wms pila fo the �Yitlon of th!e pMOd, LMtln nuy Invoke �ny �; y - ,_ .
<br /> w yt�;iF�� remades perrdttM by thie Becurity InsWmenl wY.hoN N�Ihn nolke or dern�nd on Dorcawr. ��+_',�
<br /> w,y� s, 18�ROROW01's RIDht to Roinetate.u oonmvcr m:Ne ccrteN cond1lons. Oonowe�shd have the dphl lo have �.��. --�
<br /> �y r - °� enlorament ol this 8awriry InawMtnt ascmVnuetl at any Gne pdor to Ihe ea�Ler ol: (e)6 drys(ar wch oth�patod as �- �• -°---�--
<br /> � `+-3_i ayyiusvv ind n:y bj.iv�j 'M P'w"�S'.d:.:.:::y` E:`S� C..':: 01 L4C (4Ci:.w7 {1t•^:•^•S l0 C9��^Wr�q! y,b (nnt�NM M Ihh ,:` . -_
<br /> r�s ! ,: Sctv./hsWr„�L' or N) KY/af n��„h��i r�:'r.'&ifl ttSs..�'--a'3'ti ImWmtm.Thnee mnM!ene ve th!1 Bonowtr. (a)paYs € ` __.
<br /> �`f��k'� le:d�ai 3vms nhlr.h Nzn aP�f i Ca fet2 W:�s Nls S�irS�In�SVm.s:t 9�d 4'�n MLe 4s d r.o af.AYeratlon had otckyr.�k Q�l �li L�����R -
<br /> iv "r� ttrts try sbr.r4 tf a�y GCee 4axa%trR a ayre�`mK.x U%}g4�3 it m¢ms��a:nM h atiaMng Iris;.+.��u�tfj fns5wr.�nL r � .-
<br /> F�fFYh J Z 1Rf1:tTM1J, C".�.f:M(I11]Th`�W.R3L'SOIilI:12 g:Y)TJl]9 b:xs, end I0 G:Ivz3 mu('1 arKm at ter,.hs mrrt{ror.zarat�!!tt�y.ihu tn nnnux ��f��f�n � e �_
<br /> y hi L'et 2H3 4rn e7#��s 3.PaiY tnsWmeT:, tzn:er's dflhts tn the ProP�Y aod Donowers rL'd5a3m to F�Y %T2 swm3 e'e�.�aed �5�f°{i�'�`S�{�� �_�'_
<br /> n'f sCE'{i 1" t i[yfa � F __ .
<br /> i�y F���� Cy tlds SeYn'f.i R'ra'N.'mxS sta;2 c>n5nuo unchnnged.UFOn r@n5+trtemmt 6y Oo:rowtt, i�+:. Se.�r.ty fnskumenl and tho �y_�{.�EF��Ir„��' "'
<br /> oSS,�a4va� atu:2 hav7!`�`�t tcma:t fui,y elletl'xo ae il no atG7.emtion hnd otarted HowG:e�,thi6 tlDht/0 reIaSSP[o 6ha� sFji� �T€ -
<br /> ,�
<br /> `;J�yt1 r}}�,, .nY.qPx7�T+Y:a a.�e Ct a'�.Z7xnWn enUet�'ap�uPh 17. _ Sv�`�`s3'r;�_
<br /> rt J�
<br /> y�„�7!�`�}�� 19. ''ua1� C9 4i0b; Chang� of Loero `�w-orvlcer. The Nota or a e perit3l Nee,est h tho No:e (ro9e�ha wdh q s�: -_
<br /> 'Xt tity�?t+ Ihis SewrHy InsWment)r.Ay 6e soW one or mofo times wNhoN pdor noUCe to Oonowa.A ado mey reauM L�a chenpe N the ,� d� � __
<br /> � -- '� m�ity amown�s Ihe 'LO�n 8mieer•)Ih�t cotecla monlhly p�y,:iml6 due undn the Note and thls Sewrity InaW:np�1. Thxe �s?�+�fy2 � r- —
<br /> � r_ {+� ,,e-:
<br /> _ elso r�uy be one or moro ohmgea ol lhe Lo�n SeMCa unre4lM to �ade o�the Nole.II thne is �ehmpe o�Ihe Lo�i 9�}�_:, 7 __ _
<br /> ` ,I ,�± Sm1cn.8ottovrn wl be plren wrMm notice ol the eh�n0e N�ccord�nea with pv�ynph 14►boro �nd�ppFable 4w. 7Ae f m'_'r
<br /> � ril ��'�y noUu wi state the n�me and Ilddrltt ot lh�new LOM SavleM�nd Ih��ddnit lo whkh pqmint� �houW b�rn�d�. The ,-��,�,�*�
<br /> :�„1})%�:YyS, noGce w7 alto conuN a�y olhK Inlorm�UOn rpvYed by appfubN 4w. `"'.s .:::_
<br /> {,Yr}, Z0� HUlMdOU�SubMM1CIt.Bortowx e1W nol wvu a parcA ths prn�na,m�.6spo��1. tta��, a r�f�ol ' .-.� � � -�.
<br /> iit. '��� �ny Huudout Bub�Yn� on a N Ih�Rope+ty. Bortown�hN nol do. nu uow�nyon�M��lo tW, �nrhhp �tlalN9 th� -} ,.�i, -
<br /> ,I j} ,`�,, PropMry Ihat k N vbNlbn ol�nY EnrYaun�nlA Lrx. Th�pt�ut(np Nro fentenut fMt ncl�ppy lo th�pr„�na, u��. ,,.� „Z n« :-_.
<br /> f.� or slonq� on N+ WopMy ol irnl q�mlhle� ol Iluydou� 6�b�uncsf Ih�l u� QmKeT/ rwoynted lo W�pproprMte lo ,r�i�7����}�"..
<br /> ��;l�y��}i� f10f(M)fH{f{I�IW Y6H�Ild ID IMN:MNCO 011h0 PlOQNI)'. 3 �� !+ �.
<br /> � fr Bqrnxw�Mi prompty yre UndK wr�len noUU oi�ny hvntlpNbn, cNYn, tlercund. 4�nYUr,w O:hN aUb11 by NY EKd{��?_;�.
<br /> �;..�,,,-'�y!. pov�rrumnW a rpv�lay agMCy or prtr�te pury NvotMp the PropMy�nd�ny Huudou�Cwbsluice a EnYionmen4l law ot ; �> �'� .4,�•_'
<br /> �� }. ,, whkh BonowK hn�clud knaMedge. 11 Bortowa leuns,or Is nofed by �ny yoremmmW or re9uLtory aNhoriy, th�l�ny � .':g. �1 ��� ____
<br /> � -- �.�.�yy_��. p�h...�yrw�� et uiy Iluudous 6ubsWU �1!n:titu Propetty IS netbisuy, 6ortowN eh�1 prompp/t�ke�A �:;1�; s� t _-.--`
<br /> �`t' nece5wy«medH acWns N�ccord�nce wilh Envkonmenul Lex. ��-
<br /> r -��.� � `ij�
<br /> � � � ''., Af usM N lhls p�ngnph 20, 'lluudws Subsl�nces'ua ihose aubstanees dtsnM u lwdo o� luzardous subslu�us by �s� -.� � _ �
<br /> � , ; + [nvYOnmenUl!ew end the folowN9 eubsl�nces: gaso5ne. kaosme. otha famntble w twdo petroleum prod�GS, lwdo . �f�, ����
<br /> - _z__.S�: prfVcH�s end hdb:ddes,voY�e soMmis.mefMals wnu!nng ubestos a fomvWehyde. �nd ruQoaWie malMals. As used in .-, .� ���?, n.s,;
<br /> � -'- pv�glph 20,'EnvYOnmenW Llw• mains Itderef laws end Hws ol !he�v�Isdetion where the Properry Is lowted�hat rNale ro ^ ;'� �n � y_ _-�
<br /> _-�� :; hrL'Ih,s�foly a enrYonmmtil profection. - - �� � i`o�+N` -
<br /> y i _
<br /> i
<br /> 5
<br /> D
<br /> ^�,�: H04�UNiFORM COYF.IWltS.8crtowd anU Lesdtt Nrthtt wrmanl and efl�ro es fo�ovrs: t��y:�. � <�" �i 5r, �
<br /> ri�';}�, 21. AccNeratlon; RamacEioa. Lancior aha11 flive notice to 8orrower p�ior to accete�etlon �� ' �, ��.rra� -
<br /> ,� )�f5 following Borrower's branch oi any covenant or nDroomont in thls Som�rtty Inslnimont (but not + ��if��{����t�a �k�"
<br /> ,� i �. pdor to �ccel¢�etlon unQor pnlagiaph 17 unloea nppf�cnhfo faw providoa Uhervrlso). 'Yh� notice ;�t+��, ;y{� �-
<br /> � _y l� ;-' sh�ll apeclty: (e) the dstault; (b) the acllon requlrud 4o cure the dei�uN; (o) a dato, not t�ss than '� --; v�d ;.�
<br />�r - .�,�.?; 30 drys irom th�dKe the nolics is�ivon to 8orrow�r, by whlch lha default must bo curad; and '". fi�(�-';��;
<br /> 3 f'� : (d)thN Lilure to cu�o tho datauH on or 6otoro the drie specifl�d In tha notico mny resutt In +� .'� , � ��ir�;;
<br /> � ,� �;_ acceler�tion of the aums soaired by thle 9ecurNy Instrument and a�le oi the Proparly. Th� notic� ���� .�•.
<br /> - f i:, ah�ll further Inform Borrower of tho rlphf to rolnstrie after aooei�ratlon and the rlpM to bring a � -' ` � �{��Q"4��i
<br /> � '�t�, court Aatlon to sesed ths non•nxlatonce of a detauft or any Wher deTenas M Borrowar to '�� -.� '� �#C��-
<br /> ' s =, �ccei�ration and sate. If tho de(autl is nM cured on or bofine the dna specitlo�7 In th� notico, y� ; a, ,o y,,,,.,
<br /> t 3 5?� Lander at Ite oplion mey rmquire Immodlate paymont fn tull of a11 sems saoured by this Seourity v� H ,5t i: •
<br /> � � r , �.i
<br /> � '��� in�rument wtthout fudhor �em�nd and may invoke the powor of safe and any olhe�romedioa , �L i�g��) ��,i`i;;
<br /> -s.�:..�._->:� permlfted 6y appllcobis �aw.Lender ehall be onUtlad to colluct a11 expensos InourraA in pursuln8 � � � u`f- r,}^;-_
<br /> �� - i the remadlen n�ovided In this pan�reph 21, Includin9, 6ut not Ilmitad to, roasonohie attNnsys' . �?.-,.:.
<br /> tooe an8 coste of tille ovidanca. - '�
<br /> � It tlio powor of salo la Invokad, Trustoo ahetl rocord a notico of defouit In oaoh county In �-
<br /> which any part af the Proporty la Iocatod enc! shnll mall coplos oS auch notico In the manner
<br /> - �`•'�.`�' "�"t� proscdbod hy nppllceblo iew to Borcowor and to the olho� pereons prescribod hy applioabte law. �
<br /> �.''°�� A(tar lho Umo roquirod hy nppllooUlo lew, Trusteo shatl glvo publlo not)ce of sale to tha porsone i
<br /> .�_�',',.
<br />�,:`�,°.. ' �f and In tho mannor prosorlbod by aPplicabfo law.Troetoo, wilhout domand on Oarrower, sholl setl ;
<br /> � `� �`�` the Proporty at publlo nucllon to tho hiflhost blddor al lho tlmo end placa and under lhe terms � '
<br /> ��,l.
<br /> - '- designated In the notlos of aelo In mio or moro parcois anU in any order 7rustea Aetarmines.
<br /> ' � 7rustee may postpono solo of all or any percol oi tho Proporty by pubflo annauncement at lhe
<br /> � timo and pleco of nny provlously achoJulod ealo. Londor or Ile doatynoo may purcl�ase tha
<br />� . Proporty et any sulo.
<br />�-- , Upon rocolpt of puyinont of (ho pAco 6id, Trustoo shall dolivor to lho purchasar Trusioo's _
<br /> dnnd cnnvovina ttm Pronortv. Tho mcftols In tho Trustoo's dood ahatl bo pdme faclo ovidonco of
<br /> � tho lruth of lho etatomonte mudo thoraln. Trustoo ahall appty tho prooaods ot tho salo In tho
<br /> � , follo�ving ordar. (a) to all coats anct oxponeos of oxorcielnp tho powor ot eslo, and thu selu,
<br /> 3ncluding lho payrnont of Um Trustoo'a fooe eclually Incurrod, nof to ozcond �hlgs
<br /> �r-,. .-� Y of tho princlpal amom�t of tho noio at
<br /> -� - '�• tho timo otlho �oN.rnlioa o4 dotaull, end roasonablo attornoy'o taon na ponnitloci by Iaw; (b)
<br /> -�' - � � to a11 sums ssocuretl by Ihie Socudty Instrumont; and (c) nny oxcosa to tho porson or
<br />'.::�J;,,`.�„� � puraons lu9aity oMttloJ !o it.
<br /> - z '. 11i;: �
<br /> "�1y%�"�� 1 � � ii�
<br /> � 'i'��7�� F�YE l\'G 1:[.5�. LE9e�e�5 <�ly��
<br /> ' '.3.1' � _ ��"�/
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<br /> . ,
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