, �� G' : tif fi f _ � 4(}{ _ rr._ _ y�� � ,'fs� .
<br /> .�r _ yn��r` _ - i`� . .., � Se��v n� l.�nF�if{]� � i 1 A L ...
<br /> - ??�Y . . R- 'i ! Y,FAn ,{r��nh�)b� . l�..:-,. . , �:::
<br /> .. , ��...,....-la.u..b.t?hui'C�....'_J.7?.a-<f_ ''-�_->iyl,.�astAU.afnBrsuL�mw,aan ---- ------. • .
<br /> �i • � 92-..�/�q �.
<br /> � ¢'F;��k . Bprtowx m�y an wfh a GhWt vid rahepl�,tt proMdM N p�np�ph 78. 6y t+utNy N� �ctAAl''bl�p to 6� .�
<br /> '�r}i j�?�� • � dimfst�d WAh a tWl'i91hN,N GndMS good NYh dNertrN�GOn,predude�fal�itw�ol N�BarrowMS Nlaatl N W�Proprry or - -
<br /> rr, i, qhM r�laMl MYMYrn�nt ol L5�f1n aMt�d bY lhis &wrXy Imwmem or Lenda'� �euxiN n�eron. oonor,er sn�e,,qo i>e �
<br /> , 4i'�iK,{"r(, N dehW1 N Bcntm�w,du�Ny th�b�n�p,iutla�prxnt. 9w�m�tM�N ftl�e a Yuwxal�hlomietlon a sttlemmt�lo lender �t..�„ —.'...
<br /> .. '*Yt,5 (a M4M to�rovkis Lmdu wNh any mtlM�Niotnnibn)N wm�tlon vMh the iw�wWwiact by the Hots, NdudNq, 4v1 ,r�;
<br /> ft�c¢#f:]y ao1 irdl�d lo, rprnnYtlon� conamH BarowKe ouup�ncy oi the Property u � phUp�J rnWence. 11 thls Bewrlry r .-
<br /> Up J
<br /> `s > . ;;� In�Wmal Is on a Iw�ehoM, 8orrowx ahaS oonply wAh tl th�prodsbns ol the la+�. II Baroww uquYn ire 11tle to the 1?5z yt�r��
<br /> �.,,},��lf PropMy,th�Ieaeel�oid�nd the fee tiJe sha!not m�rp�unNes Ltnder aqrees lo lha ma9x N xYfN9. �i4 a{ir�s -.
<br /> ✓�Y a 7.Probotion of i.�nd�r'�Rlpht�In th�prop�rty.II Dortowx GNS ro pMam the wrenmis and�preammis - - - , ,-i'�� :�.
<br /> a �t P�..,: anGhed N tMS SetwNy InsWmenl, or lhera Is e lepd Proueffny thel m+y aignMeenJJ atl�ti Lendefa rlghls N the ProPay � �Sw r�::
<br /> t��,j;«� (auch as a pxea�Gip in Wnkrupicy.Wobale,br eondamatla�o:foda".cro or to a�(orca lows or rtqa!�JOns�. ihm 4rndtt mey - -• ° '
<br /> �•-�• do md wv fa wh�tevx la neeessary to proleti lhe wlue o1�he Ptopdry�nd Lendc+'s Aghta N fhe Prapefty. Landefa tctlons i.`; U -
<br /> >s5�,'�_-_i rrqy NaUd�payin0 any sums securM 6y� fen whlch hea D�orky ova�his Sewrily Inawment. aPPa�Np !n covii. P�Y�9 � " n �* _�
<br /> �� _y�. rwson�bk�ttomeys'f2os ad 0'+iMi�g on Ne Nropttty to m�ke rep�ira.ANhough lwdK may lako octbn under thls peragreph �.f�k;F` r-.
<br /> � � s y� : 7.Lmdee dnns not have Pn da so. �'� �
<br /> f +xy 4�� �, Pmf erc�cunhs Ci:lws.M hf �✓f�'3 ��nCrr p7ar�T+.GR T ehat hxcm. a•1di:xa.t r✓:lot cE L�orcower secv�af 7f iNi:t � ,r � �,•���`�.
<br /> � -'5��. SnnnihE GuAyraef UNr+.2s 2trserres md Ln:Ca arte2 N Wf:nr 6nn ot pe(r�:t If4cs¢Cm..ml.1 s�aS bav N3nv4t 6pn f ..
<br /> aS ��}i N¢c'nU of cM1eMirsanivct at i:o No;e nte�nd ehs�6rz pxjatin,wlh rhars.,-t�iU''•rt r,a✓_z:r�ai LertCCr to Bcrtmver r:��eY!�sg �';`,-= '� , ;
<br /> 7r'� f:a paymml. (l`-'�ij, i ` .
<br /> i,t,"���k�t''i i a.IROrl�fltg0 Ec9n:.AnGD.II Lmdtt requYed mortgage HSUrance as n aand.•ca W RaWnp the foca setcred 6y ihts �tc�;Y�r� �+�� .
<br /> "•Ur��C;:- � t�.s.rs��.� u�:-.
<br /> �) E .N{sy� Sewrity Ina'.m:nent,Oortower aha0 poy tho p�m�ums�¢quYCd lo tcan4v�the mertpnpo Unumt:co In eJecl tl.Pot any taaaon,ihe � r?S r�� �� ,�
<br /> h �r i-'���1` moagn6o Ins�mnw covernge�equBed by Lcndcv lapses ur emaes to 6o in etieG, Uoncwor shan pny ihe O�M^�ums requi•ed to , „F J� r _
<br /> 2-�,}t�i.� �F'� oblan fAVerego auLstnntlaRy e@�Mnfmt lo Iho mortpa90 inaurnnca prevtouey in Afec7, nt �wsl eubsWntitiy equ��aieN to tho ��i.x ` sa SS5
<br /> �-i�t�,r, ti ws�to portower ol tho morlgnDO insumnco preMouay In e'!ecl, from an al:err.ale moripege fnsu:e� app:oreA by Lo�dn. 11 s rf �b�fffi--
<br /> tr '?�__,'�� ° s�bslent�edy equ4n!enl mortpego 1nau:eneo eorempo is not nva.'r.61o, Oonowtt sh�B pey to Lmda eoch mcmh a su:n equJ to �������t�}�
<br /> i i�.
<br /> H'��+�:5- osotwetilh of�ho yeary mottpapo In,7umnco D��Lm bdnp pold 6y Oorcower�rhm I ha hsuronce coveraDa t a ps e d or ceas M lo ---_ � �ry+ .
<br /> FRr7f.l .9AY:5 , ,� .
<br /> „ i,;t,;�;.K, be h Mec1. tendcr wi eccepl, use mtl teteL�these paymxls na n loss reidve N ku of mortr�ego lae�nmce. Loss msave ° !� �f! ,_
<br /> r� ry�ie,,�.`,�I� peynents may no longer be requVed,e1 the oplbn ol Lmdu,H mongege Naurenee eorange (n Ihe amounl entl for Ihe perlod :i;i`t �l �61:;
<br /> x,S \ h"r;' that Lender req�Yos)proWded 6y an Hsura approvM by lmda a�N becomes awiahlo�nd Is o6tal�cd. Oo�rowa ah�!pey -rP 1Zl g` -�
<br /> . ��Giy{jyil}� the ptemlums requYed lo m�NleYi mortg�qe Nsuruwe h e(ftd. a to provide a loas reserve,unttl Ihe«quYemenl fa malg�ye t'.,y , �rt�i ,
<br />._ .•',^,41��!�.'1 hsuranw mds A��ccorMnce wNh mY x�%m�greernenf bHween Oaraxa�ntl Lmdu or aypEtabb Ww. �;?Y',.._,..r�h�.:..
<br /> � �?t��;�,j+ 8. intpsotion�Lmda or Ms apent r�uy m�W rM�on�bN entrks upon and Napectbns ol the Wopaty. Lendw fhd qHe <+..f t 'F.;.'
<br />--,:,!(.:irc:;,. 8maxr no;ce�I th�th»ol a pdor lo m MSpecLbn�p�9 ra�on�bb aute la lho Nspecibn. �a
<br /> . � i '� 10. COIId�I1fI1N1011.The protelds ol ury rxud a drM!or dun�qts, dretl or con�MuenU�.�n cM�n�d�on w11h�nY ���� ��
<br /> � �'�t '�: tondwmUbn a olhK uk7np ol�ny put o�th�MopMy. a fa conrey�nu N Nu cl cond�mn�ibn, v�hw WY�sslpnM�nd . ,: � x �.�.
<br /> �r � _.x.- �M1al b�paid W Lenhr. 4 yi �%t�-' �.
<br /> n4`��`- :�:'.M.:1�.�.,��..��r.o�t�"M �9.�:r::h_RW��lh�p,oued��.,i� H tn.�ra of,�eputW W�Yiar� bhe,Roa�� �',� "� 3 itt ri :.
<br /> v i�`f��^. xhkh th�kk rcwkM rUua ol Ihe Property MmefFalM/btfore the tWng is ecptl lo w gra:a thm ihe unounl oi Ihe aums � ,��ii � ,��
<br /> 't} t��-i'� sKUred by lhfs SewrFry Inswmmt Nvnedyley helae Ihe ttlMp, uniese Oo�rower�nd Lenda ofhdxise agrte h xri9np, the y�_ i� ��"
<br /> , '! �unu �ewred by 1h15 Seariy Inswmmt ahaY 6e rcdueM by 1he nmount ol the proueUS muNAfM by the(o[o�'ng h�Gion: � -�� 3
<br /> .r A' (q the toW unount ol the aums secured Nnmed.ftey beloro ihe tekNg.dn1dM by (bJ Ihe IW mukM veGe ot the Propey _ k
<br /> , � :-;��� hme�yley bNOro Ihe ukNg.My bilanee shai be psid lo �onown.In the eiml 01 e pwtid IekNB ol the PropMy N whkh >�l 4� 1�`'i�;;��
<br /> -";� ' '• the IW mvkN veNe ol the Roperry 4nmetls�ety betore the leWnB Is less Ihen the ar�ounl ol the sums sccurM NmeGatey .r<<..�
<br /> �� f y� '�; bKOre lhe laldn9• unless Oortower and Lender othnwfee agree N wri:inB or unless appfabio law olhmdse proNdes, tho ��• i �� _
<br /> �,L(. .- proccods shv be appiM to the sums securM by this Secuny InsW:nmt whHhn or nol the cums ero then due. F_i � ,� �
<br /> � � ic Ii tho Rope�ty Is abandoned 6y Donowtt. or H, ofler no`Jro by Lmdtt lo Oortowe thtl lhe condcmnor ofltts to make an �-�
<br /> r � �- �^ nwud or aHCe a daYn for d�megrs, 6onowd laas lo respond to Lmder withh 30 days aP,er the date Ihe nolico (s qT�m, ., t p �.
<br /> , -• y,_`:� • t t;fi...-
<br /> - _�- Lmdtt 4s au:horlied�o eoLed�nd appt�Ihe p�oceeds, al Xs oplion, c+�hd to reslomUon or repeY of Ue Propnry cr to ; ;, ��� .
<br /> �` .-` .� the sums secuwd by this Sewdty InsWmem,whelhcr a nol�hm due. 5 ° ��v"�
<br /> �' � �/�. UNOSS lenUer �nd Oorcown olhmvise ageo L�vrtilrg. nny appticntlon ol p�oc�wds lo ptlnciDnl shell nol aNmd or �rti,. ' ° �
<br /> �f�,�jfF 1, �3 11�8orruower NothRo�eosed;forbeua ce Ely Len�dor N t aZWalvor9Extmeon ol WoSWno/or�paymm�or �'tf't t'+J� ` `
<br /> t„ t rEl f�
<br /> �° ���� maL�ficcYOn ol emort'astlon ol tho sums aea�ed by lhis Securily InsWmenl greNed 6y lenda la eny suaessor N Ntaesl kji�L�ii jAY
<br /> �4i r J �k�` of Oorrowp nheY nol opere:a to rNeaso the kbWiy ol lha odyNel Oortower or Oorcowa's successore In Nteresl. Lmder sheG -_ 11�Y „
<br /> 5�- �-il nol be reqc5e� ro commmcn proceeQnps ngahsl eny suecessor in imemst or refuse ta e�etmd timo for paymmt or o�httwlsa _.,,�4, S ° �
<br /> <f�� _r±�� moQiy emortrtation ol tho 6UT5 secureU by �his Seeuri.y Insw:nmt hy reason ol eny demend mado by lhe odg'nd �y!� r"g� ;
<br /> � U;�� OOROWM IX DOAOW[I�6 60CCE55016 N IOIMCSL My(WOEIflflnCC 6Y LMd¢!VI 0%Md5h9 8Oy tlJhl Of fffllCdf 6h9G f101 bB B �.!.i �
<br /> �x�' J�' waHer o�a prCGud0lho ezttdso ol nny dght or remeRy. ,-.; �t9 c �
<br /> „`'
<br /> "
<br /> { �`�a� 12. Sucaaetore and Asolgna Bound; Jo1m4 and Sovmnl Llabllity; Co•slgnere. Tno wrmeme nnd + �� •�
<br /> ,.�; e;reemrnl�ol lhls Btturiry!neWmmt sheV UNtl nnd 6me(A�he succeesors and ossigns ol Lmder and Oortower,subJttl lo tho _
<br /> -- - � � Drc+ASlons o1 pnmgreph 17. Uonowas eovmuils ond n0mm�enis she:l be�olnl end swerai. My flottmvtt who co�slgas Ihls � ��„
<br /> :�r,;�:•.•,�;'� Scatlry Inslvnimt WI does nol ezewto the No7e: (e)is walgnNg th!s Secudry InswMent oa.y lo mongege.grem end wnvr� • ' •.
<br /> �_�� _�.-ti thal�ortowcie inttteal In tF.e Properly undtt Iho tertns ol this Seeuri.y InsWment: @) Is not pttwno.y ob4flaled lo pay Iho .
<br /> �I`-y__�-;>>t aums securcd by ihis Secmity Inswamt: er.d(c)egrcos IF.m lmdn nnd nny o:htt Uonower msy egree lo exlcnd,ttaG.1y,
<br /> :�'�> b�bear or r.uka nny occommodu0ons�vah �egard to tho lcvms ol�his Sttudry InsWmml or Ihe Nole wAhoul Ihat Oonowtt's
<br /> . ''"s��•'' '`�' �n513. LO�O Chdf908.�I lho loen secu:eJ by Ihis Sear,ry InSWmen1 Is subjed to o Imv which aets nwximun loan -
<br />. �. -��.�_ ;.,;y chugos,a�d 1ha1 law Is fina:y Intery�elM so thel Ihe tn:eresl o�alher losn cho�ges w:teted or lo be co:etted in connMion
<br /> wi:h the loan execed Ihu pmn!Iled Wriis.Ihm: (o) nny such Ioan cha�ge shan be retluced by Iho emounl necessnry lo�Muce
<br />- �he ehargo ta Iho pr.mNled Emit: and N)any sums o+�cady oofecled from Bonown K�hkh exceeded pc-m.",tc0 lim:s wi7
<br /> . � be rcfundM lo Dortcwer. Lmder may choose b mako this �NUnd 6y reduUng the D�ntl0a1 owed untlM Ihe Nole or by
<br /> • � meldng a dettt paymenl lo Oortower. If e rctund tetliices D�+�dpaL Iho retluci�on xil be ueatetl as a Darllai prepayment
<br />. - � n?,hoN ony D�rpaymenl ehargc untltt Iho Nolc.
<br /> ' . 74. NolIC95.My no:ice l0 6ortowtt prorided fo�in�his Securi,y InsWmc:it ehs➢Ue gken by E�+xer[vg tl or 6y ma7ing R
<br />� -' by frel doss ma:l unless npp�iaU7e lew requP^s use al enoiEer method. The nolice shull 6e Oirected to �he Property Atldmss
<br />__ .- _ "__ _""_' ..'_' _' '__"_"__ `"_'..__ ._ �_._ ._..__r__ ._ �....... ..w.0�... ....... �...�.. ,a... ,,..� ��
<br /> __ .__..__ � or any emaT uuumaa o..���..�. �.:�y��o��� .,� ........e ... ..�..... ....� ...,.... ._ ,.....� ...____ e.._.. _' "_' _'_ __ "
<br /> � Ler.der's nEdress sla:ed hcvNa or eny other edtlress Lender devgna:es by nol:ce b Oortmvm My noU.e p:arided lar in
<br /> this Securiry Inslrummt sha:i bo deer..e�t: �r�e becn gken lo Bortw:er cr LenAer�.hen gken es provlCZtl L�this paregraph.
<br />� 78. Govominp low; Sovora'�ilily.Tnis Se<u�iry�sswment snnl 6e 9o.eeed by Iederol Iaw end Iha Ww ol�he
<br />' �, ;�� .�,• paecl<CCn i wECA thr Ncpe�i�is �owterl. In I�e cver.l 2a1 a.ry C�a�:e:cn or cx�se o�thb Secu�it�InsWm¢M o� Ihe
<br /> . • �, ,��_ � �o:e unCi<IS vdtA LFF�'<<t!e I�w,scch ctnSCt she0 r.el a".ed o:Ee�p�ov�icr.s d t.`s Sea::i.y lostrameci cr I.*.e Note rrEicA
<br /> _„r�..: ' wa 6e G��e^ eflect w�hce� 1he co�5ctn9 p:aB�on. To It�s e.:tl fce F�o�da!rns M Ca Sttamy msWmenl onU t.".e No!e are
<br /> .-.'�:;t._' CPfBIQd IOkC 60ltldF�C.
<br />. 'IS. ODIrOwOr 9 Copy. Brn��er sh7�6e gNen one cor.fo�aed copy o11he Ncte nnd of Ir s£ecu:ry InsL�:rc:eN.
<br /> t:�
<br /> `�rq' ��.�:f
<br /> t'.;�'`4"3� ,� ���
<br /> -F�#`�.;tl�j,� Fu:t.is•u n:s» r�x�o�s �•
<br /> . .1 � �•.'��
<br /> � y 2,
<br /> cp13 I�e �
<br /> ..
<br /> i:�.S _ _._._.. .__.. _.._.."_.... ._.""___ . _. __ ..
<br /> "__ ._._..__._..
<br />