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�-� , .),�-: <br /> . ° *'• �• , ,.,. � �'.•,� .!'1��}�,�lMF�'7A��. ,-.�,��1.•.,�- - �`'r.`'^".JN�•xe7NA� �Ml��C1�iC"" <br /> . . , .-. e .. .-- . <br /> v .-,-�.-,.. <br /> , � ,. •.:• ' • � _ . <br />.... � . r� . (�''� _. 11 . . . �� ^ ^ ��. <br />- .-.__,�....-� ��r����4:�� ._. <br /> . .F.�� f —.._. <br /> `C. ':"' ' i�;' _"._ <br /> pdnclpal emount of the Indebtedneao oocurtxf by thls Deed of Trust,not Includinp sumfl advnnced to protpct tho securltY oi thls Deed o1 �„�; <br /> � Tnist,exceed the orlgtnal principal nmount stated hor�eln,or S �5.021.00 ,whichevor Is preater. <br /> � 16.MIscNO���ous Provl�lony. <br /> (e) B�rrovfrer Pfot Ftolos�sAd.Extonulon oi iho tlme tor payment or modipcatlon of amorllzAtlon of the�ums securad by tlils <br /> � Deed oi Trust flranted by Lender to any succossor In interest oi Borrowor ahall not opereta to releaso,In any mannor,the Iiabll!- <br /> • ty of the originel Borrowar and Borcower's successors In Inierest. Lender shell not be required to commorsce proceedings <br /> �� egalnst such successor or refuse tfl extend tlme for peyment or otherwiso modlfy emortizetion of the sums secured hy thls <br /> � Deed oi Trust by reoson oi eny demands mado by the original Borrower and Borrowers successors In int�rest. <br /> ' (b) Lend�r'�Porwrs.Without efiecting lhe 1labllity of any other person Ilpble for the payment of eny obllgaUon heroin men- <br /> `� tioned, and without aifecting the Iien or charge oi this Deed of Trust upon eny portlon of the Property not then or theretofore � <br /> .�* releas8d es secuNty for Il�a full arnount of alt unpald abllgaGons,Londor may,from tlmo to U�no and w(thout noUce (q roleasa <br /> . •.-c an rson so Iieble,(iq extend the maturity or alter any ot the terms of eny such obllgations, (Ili)grent othor indulgences,(Iv) �`� <br /> " ` retease or recanvey,or cnuse to be released or reconveyad at any time et Lenders opUon any pa�ce), portion or all of the <br /> .� '.�*�" Property,(v)take or release eny othor or addidonal securiry for any obllgation herein monUoned,or(vi)make composfUons or :',_; <br /> w.�x�+: othar arrangemertts with debtors In relatlan thereto. ' <br /> � (c) Forbearance by Lendor Not a Walv�r.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any dght or remedy hereunder,or oth- �'�'' <br /> � orwfse efforded by applicable law,shall not be a waivor of or preclude the exercise of any such�Ight or remedy.The procure- <br /> � ment oi Insuranco or tho payment of taxes or other Ilens or charges by Lender shall not be a w�iver or l.endars�ight to acceler- _ <br /> > r'� ete the maturity ot the indebtedness secured by thls Deed e�t Trust —�� <br /> .,j;�f.i, (d)Succea:ors and Asatflns Bound;Jolnt and 3everal Llabll(ry;Captlons.'fhe covenants end agroements herein con- _ <br /> `:•�•:;;f.'/,:� tained shail bind, end the rights hareunder shetl Inure to,the respective successors and essigns of Lender and TNStor.NI — <br /> �,���::;` �.: covenants end agreements oi Truator shall be Jotnt and seve�l.The captlono end headings of the paregraphs of this Deed of - <br /> ,;�•�' Trust are for convenlence only and are not to be uaed to Interyret or deflne the provisions hereot. <br /> (e)Request for Notices.The partles hereby requsst that e copy of any natice of default hereunder and a copy oi any notice � <br /> , �• oi eate hereunder be malled to each party to this Deed ot Trust at the eddress set torth ebove In 4he manner prescribed by <br /> sappAqble latl.Except for eny other notice reqaired under applicablo law to he given In anathe�manner,any notice provided for � <br /> � in lhis Deed oi Truat shall bo givan by maliing such notice by certifled mail eddressed to the other parties,et the acidress set <br /> � . forth above.Any notice provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be effective upon mailing In the manner deslgnAtEd hereln.ff — <br /> �� Trustor is more than one person,notice sent to tf�o address set forth above shall be notice to all such persons. _ <br /> „; (� Inap�ctlon.Lendor may meka or cauae 2o be made reasoneble entflea upon and inapectiona oi the Proportyr,provlded <br /> � � that Lender shall givo 7rustor noUce pdor to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor rAlated to Londers inter- <br /> est in the Property. <br /> '��;• (g)Raconveyance.Upan payment of atl sums secured by this Deed of Trust, Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> ` ''�'��1��� Property and ahall suRender this Oeed oi Trust end all notes avidencing Indebtedness aecured by this Deed o7 Tnist to <br />� ��"�•``• Trustee.Trustee shall recanvay the Property,wllhout wartanty and without charge to tho person or persons legally enUded <br /> thereto.Trustor ahall pay all costs of any. <br /> � (h) Peroonei Proporty; Security A�r�emsnt.As edditlanal security for the payment oi the Note,Trustor hereby grants <br /> ���'� Lender unda�the Nebras'ka Unfiorm Commerclal Code a aecurity Interest In all fixturos,equlpment,end other peTSOnaI property <br /> `�''��• user!In con�ectlon with iho eeal estate or Improvemenb loc�ted thereon,end not otherwise declared or deemed to 6e a part of <br /> � • '`���•' the real estate secured hereby.Thie Instrument shall be wnstrued es e Secudty Agreement untler seltl c:oao,arw tne Lender ° <br /> � shall have all the rights end remedles ot a sscure�party under said Code in eddition to the tic�hts and remedies created under <br />- and eccorded lhe Lender pursuant to this Deecl of Trust;provided that Lender's rtghts and remedtes under ihfs pareBrePh shall <br /> � '7�i.� be cumuletive with,and in no way e Ilmltation on,Lender's rlghts artd remedles under any other securlty agreement signed hy <br /> -�;t;'�,zc�}, Borro�wer or TNStor. <br /> _ (I) LNns and Encumbrances.Trustor hereby warrants end represents that thore Is no deteult under the provisions o0 any <br />_ '_;;r��,'•Zk; mortgage,deed oi trust,lease or purchase c�►t�act describing ali or any part of the Property,ar other oontrect.InsUument or <br /> ;-��:= egreament conaUtuHng e Ilen or encumbrance agelnnt eil or eny part of the Proporty(collectivety,'Llens'),existing na ot the <br /> ���^"?��� date ot this Deed ot Trust,and that eny and ell existing Llens remaln unmodifled except as dlsclosed to Lender In Trustor's writ� <br />-`c'��_�'� ten disclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded for hereln. Truetor 6hall tlmely perform all ot Trustor's obtigationa. <br /> ��k���� wvenanta,representations end werranties under eny end el!existing end tuture Llens,sha�prompUy tawnrd to lender copfea <br /> �-;;�_� of ell notices ot detault sent In wnnection with any and all exlsting or future Llens,end shall not witho�t Lender's prbr written <br /> ___. _«,� conaent in any manner madity the provtslons oi or ellow eny future edvances under eny existing or future Nens. <br /> ---• Q)Applicatlon oi Paymrnb.Untoea othervviae requlred by law,suma pald to Lender hereunder,indudfng widtiout limitatlon <br /> �-.,,;�...�;,���, payments oi pdnclpal end Interest, innursnce pra:eeds, condemnatlon proceeds and rents and profits,ehatl be e{►pNed by <br /> _-_-_�� lender to the emounts due end ow(ng from Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lender tn its sof�disaetion deems desir- <br /> �--:----__= abie. <br /> (k)S�wrabllity.lf ony provision oi this Qeed of Trust contticte w(th eppllcebie law a�(a declared invetid or otherwiae unen- <br /> -°���`�'� forceable,auch conflict or Invalidity shall not affect the other provisions oi this Deed ot Trust or the Note whk:h can be ghren <br /> `°'°" ��' eitect without lhe conflicting provislon,end to this end the prov(sions oi this Deed of Trust and the Note are deciared W be sev- <br /> 3...�:,�� orabte. <br /> �`=�'s� (I)T�rms.Th9 terms'Trustor'end`Borrower shall Inciude both singular and plural,and when tha Trusta and Borrower are <br /> ""-"`-""'�"°�° the sartw pe�son(s),those tertns es used(n this Deed of Trust aNall bci Interahengeable. <br /> -- = (m)Gowminq Law.This Deed of Trust shail be govemed by the laws of the State at iVebraska. <br /> _'����� <br /> _'�*"�'�� <br /> -�..:�'l/e:!� <br />. –,T�.'{�{:�v <br /> �.t� <br /> – � �n <br /> ' \ .•,�.-'�� —_ <br /> "� Trustor hes exacuted lhis Daed oF Truat es ot the date wtitten abcwe. �- <br /> _. .,� ��. C & C Homes. Inc. BY: <br />��:` �-:.�..� _� �,1��.�.�u.� _ �� <br /> � r_�" ` (Ci�'sti ne A. �Smith, President TNStor Trustor <br /> 3_ c; <br /> � . � �`'�� �.�.��b,< .�.� /T <br /> . �-..� . <br /> Curtis L. Smith, Sec. Treasurer Tnistor Trustor <br /> . U . � w � , <br /> i <br />., •, ,� t ' <br />. ,. � - t"—._•_.__.__..-..........,..... ......._�._______..-_..�.__.._.-.......__... .._...._..... .-.... .. .......... ._ .._ ... .._._._.."'_'_'___ "_-_ .l'0��._..--^ - -�..__..._. <br /> .. .. . . <br />