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<br /> ' "Procoods")In connaGtlon Hlth conctemnatlon or othor leklnp of tho Proporty or purt ihoroof, or lor convoynnco In uau of condomnation. � '��
<br /> Londur shnll bo ontitlod�t Ite opllon lo commonco,apponr In nnd prosocuto In Its own nnmo nny actton or procoodln{�a,and chnit cilao �
<br /> bo ontitled to make any compramtse or setllemont In Gonnocllon wlth such teklnp or dnmapo. In tho ovont nny portlon of th�Prop�rty Is k
<br /> so takvn or damaged, Londar shall have Iho optlon In Its soto nnd ebsoiute discrotlor►,lo apply nll such prpcoods, eRor daductinp �
<br /> therefrom a!I costs end expenses incurred 6y it In connoctlon wr(lh such Rrocc+nds,upon eny Indeblodnoas socurod haroby ond in such
<br /> - order as Lander may determine,or to apply all such Proceeds, after such deductlons,to the restoratlon oi tho Proporty upon such�orr
<br /> dltions as Lender may determine.Any eppllcation of Proceed�to I�debtQdnass shall n�t extend or postpono tho due date of any p�y
<br /> ments under the Note,or cure eny default thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds shall bs patd to Trustor.
<br /> � 8.Por�ormanco by Londar. Upon lhe occuRence of en Event af Uefaull horeunder, or if any act is taken or legal procaeding •
<br /><��, ; x t commenced which materially affects Lender's dnterest In the Property,Lender may in its own discretl�n,but without obiigatlon to do so, �� �
<br /> ,,.. ' and wfthout notice to ar demand upon Trustor•and without releasing Trust�r from any obligatton, do any act which Trustor has agreed �
<br /> ;..;�;;;,;;.�; but failed to da and may also do any other act it deems necessery to protect the security hereof. Trustor shall, immediately upon
<br /> ;�., �,1e:; damond thorefor by Lender,pay to Lender ell r,osts end expenses Incurred and suma expended by Lender in connection wtth the exar-
<br /> , cise by Lender of the foregofng rights,togothor with Interest therepn et the default rate provided In the Note,which shall be added to �'��
<br /> the indebtednass secured hereby.Lender shall not Incur any Ilabllily because of anything it may do or omit to do hereunder. ��`
<br /> : 9. Hazardaus MateHals.Trustor shall keep the Property(n compUance with ail appllcable laws, ordinances end regulations �'=�'�-`
<br /> :��'�= rolaUng to IndusMal hygiene or environmenlal protecdon(collectivety referrad to hereln as"�nvironmental Laws').Trustor shall keep �g:,�^.s
<br /> '� � the Property free trom all subs2�nces deemed to be hazerdaus or toxic under any Environme�tal Lews(coitectively refeRed to horein ��;`���yw-
<br /> i as'Mazerdous Materials").1'rustor hereby warrants and repros�nts to l.ender that there are n�Hazardous MateNals on or under the ��;�iy�''
<br /> �a Property.Trustor hereby agrees to indemniy amd hold hermless 4ender,Its directors,officers, employees and agents,and any succes• �!„_
<br /> � surs to Lender's fnterest, from and against any and all claims, damages,losses and Ilablllties erisinc� in connection wiih the presence, -
<br /> � use,disposal ur transport of any Hazerdous Maleflals on, under,from or about the Property. THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ANO -__ __
<br /> � • 10.Asslpnmant of Renh.Trustor hereby assigns to Lender,and grants Lender a�ecurity Interest in, all present,(uture a�d '^`•��� -`
<br /> , � ; after arising rents,issues and proflts of ths Pro e 'Ir�'!�-
<br /> • p rty;provlded that Trustor shall,unUl tha occu�renco ot an Event of Default,hereun�er, �,�r•�•_
<br /> •1::;��. have the�ipht to collect end retaln such rents,fssues end proflts as they become due and payable.Up�n the occurrence ot an Event oi °=�=°-
<br /> _�;�
<br /> � Retault,Lender m�y,either in person or by agent, with or w(lhout bringing any actlon or proceedtng, or by a receiver appointed by a �,
<br /> � '`,' �+rd�._:
<br /> � �: ,� court end w(thout ragaM to the adequacy of its secu�ity,enter upon and take possesslon oi lhe Properry,or any part thereof,in its own �'`==—_
<br /> � pe� name nr in the name uf the Trustee,and do any acts which it deems nacessary or desirable to preserve the vatuo,ma�Cetabilily or �►����=•
<br /> ; rontabiliry of the Property,or eny part thereof or Interest tharein, or to Increase the(nwrne thereirom or protect tho security herQOf and, E�;,,�
<br /> � with or wlthout taking possesslon of the Property,sue for or othenvise collect the rer�ts,issues and proftts thareof,Including those past
<br /> �"'�"''� due end unpaid,by notifying tenants to make payments to Lencler.Lender may spply rents,issues and profits,less costs and expons• s`�
<br /> ! �'` es oi opsratfon and collection induding attom�ys fees,to any indebtednea�secured hereby, ell (n such ordor as Lender may dete�- �:�---
<br /> ` '9!`�i�� mino.The enterin g u p on and t akln c�p o s s e a s l o n o f t h e P r o p e r t y,t h e C o I I e C U o n o f s u c h r P n t c, l a g��a g a�� �s���,snL i h e s�F!lra 2iar, � "`
<br /> , � mereot as aforesaid shail not curo or waive any UBfauli or notice of default hereunder or invaildate any act done in response to auch
<br /> � detault or pursuant to such notice of default and, no4withstanding the conUnuance in possession of the property or the collectlon,
<br /> z;�� roaeipt and appflcation of rents,Issues or pro8ts,Trustee and Lender shall ba enti
<br /> tled to exerctse ovory dght provided for In any of th�a
<br /> . , �"� Loan instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event of Default,Including without Ilmftadon the dght to exarcise tho power of eale.
<br /> , • Further,Lender's�ights and romedies underthis paragreph shall be cumulaUve with,end in no way e limitetlon on,Lender's�ights end
<br /> remedies under any ess(gnment of leases and rents recorded egalrtst the Property.Lender,Trustee end the reoeiver shall be ilable to
<br /> �: . account only for those rents ectually received.
<br />_�� - • • 11.Ev�nts ot DoMuN.The foltowing ehall constitute an Event of Defeult under this Deed of Trust:
<br />= � ;+• � (a)Felture to pay eny Inat�llment ot princlpai or interest or any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br />�- • • (b)A breach o1 or defauit under any provtsion contelned In thd Not�s,this Oeed oi Trust,any of the Loan Instrumente,or any
<br /> ''. other Iten or ancumbrence upon the Property;
<br /> • � �� (c)A writ of executlon or attachment or eny similar process sheil be entored agalnst 7nustor which shall becomo a Ifen on
<br />�-��.;:�•.n the Property or any portt�n thareof or Interest thereln; -
<br />_.��..��-�:��• (d)There shall be filed by or egatnst Trustor or Borrower en acdon under any present or future federel,stete or other statute,
<br />'��'rx� law or regulatlon reteting to bankruptcy,fnaolvency or other relief(or debtors;or there ehall be eppointed eny trustee,rocelver or
<br /> :_T<<��ti'•�"s,. Iiqufdatrx of Trustor or Barmwer or of ell or any part ot the Property,or tha ronts,issues or profits thereof,ar Trustor or Bomower
<br />= -.,�.:�1.
<br />-��.•�: . , shall mako any generAl assignment fathe benefit of creditors;
<br />�::; .'� (e)The sele,transfer,lease,asslgnment,conveyen�e or furtt�er encumbrence of all or any part oi or eny interest in the
<br />- . �.•_• PropeAy,elther votuntariKy or involunterily,without the express written consent of Lender,provlded that Trustor shall be pcsrmtt•• --------
<br />� ��.� ted t�execute a tease o,the Property lhat does not contain an opUon to purohase and the tertn oi which does not exceed one
<br />-'�`�• ''1•��''t ysar, _�
<br /> . "-�"�°" (�Abandonmont of the Pro
<br /> ;�'?met��r.• PeItY:U� "-•
<br />�-����,; (g)if Trustor is not an Individual,the issuance,sale,transfer, asstgnment,cctnveyance or encumbrance af more then(if a �'s,�
<br />`;;�� •�� �• corporaUon)a totel ot cL] Q parcent of fts issued and outstending stock,or pf a partnership)a totel of pe�_ °_
<br /> __ �`"�°��:' cent of partnershtp tnterests,or(if a Ifmited Uability company)a total of ��
<br />--. .' ..r ___,_percent of tha Itmited Iiabitily compa- _-=
<br /> , ny interests or votlng dghts during the pe►iad thls Deed of Trust remains a Ilen on the property. ��
<br /> d . , _ 12.R�med(es;Acceleration Upon Wtauif.In the event of any Event ot Default Lende�may,without notico or,ce;;as r�uirad "="='�'=
<br /> • � :Q, by laur,declare all indebtedness�ecured hereby to be due and payabte and the samo shall thereupon become due and payablQ with- l�,;��.,
<br />;, out any presentment,demand,protest or no�ce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: i;,.=_
<br /> (a)Demand th�t T�ustee oxerGse the POWER OF SALE granted heroin,and Trustee shall thereaftet cause Trustor's fntor- �; :�?'����-
<br /> . �.` est In the Property to be sotd and tha proceeds to be distributed,all In the manner provided in th o N e b r a s k a T r u s t D e e d s/�c t: i'.:��;=�`-
<br />-. (b) Exercise eny end ali nghts provided tor in any of the I.oan Instruments or by law upon occurrenco ot eny Event ot '' -
<br /> Oefeuit;end �;.. .'�,�R,
<br /> �:� .,,1ir
<br /> (c)Commence an ection to foreclose thls De�d of Trust as a mortpage,appoint a recelver,or speclflcally enforc,o any oi thv � ,�
<br /> covenants hereof.
<br /> ^ . �� Ho remedy herein conferred upon or reserved ta Trustee or Lender Is inte�ded to be exclusfve of v.�
<br /> �" �g InsVuments or by law provided or permitted,but each shali be curnulaUve,shall be In addiUon to every othereremeydy�rievi nlhP Re�nder�
<br /> In the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter exlstlng at iaw or In eqully or by statute,and may bo exercised concurrontiy,Independently � , �
<br /> --�' or succesivetv. - _,..- -
<br /> 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resign et any tlme witfiout cause,and Lender may at any time and wlthout cause appofnt a suC-
<br /> cessor or aubstitute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ilable Qo any parry,Including without Ilmttation Lendor. Borcower,Trustor or any pur- �
<br /> _ chasor oi tho Property,for any loss or damage unless due to�ockfesa or wi(Iful misconduct,and shail not be required to take any actlon
<br /> in�nn�ctfon with ihe enforcement of this Deed oi Trust untess indemnifled,in writing,fcr ell costs, compenszatlon or expenses which '
<br />� may be associated therewith.In additlon,Trustee mey become a purchassr at any sale of the Property �JudiGat or under the power oi
<br /> sale granted herein);postpone the s�lo of ail or any portlon of ihe Property,as provided by law;or soll4hn Property as a whole,or in
<br /> _ � separate parcels ar lots at Trust@e's discretlon. �� ':'.
<br />_ ,.,�
<br /> � . 14.Fees and Expenses.In the event Trustee sells Gho property by exerGse of pcztr�er of sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> - ,. any sale proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of exercising power of sale,Including all Trustee's fees,and LendePs and
<br /> ��.�s Truotee's ettomey's fees, actually Incurred to extent permitted by applicabte law.In the event Borcower or Trustor exercisos any right
<br /> _. , � provided by law to cure an Event of Defauli, Lender shall be entltled to recover from Trustor all costs and expensos actually incurrod as ,
<br /> a result of Trustor's defeult, inGuding without IfmiLatbn all Trustee's and ettomey's fees,to tho extent perrniUod by appifcable law. •
<br />_ 1b. Future Advancea.Upon request ot Bomower,Lender may,et its option,make additional and future advancos and read-
<br /> vences to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no tfmo shali the •
<br /> t �__._. .--
<br /> , . -
<br /> �....--- . ..... ,.._.
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