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<br /> , AOR��NT ��
<br /> NOW; TNSRRFOR�, i,a aonnidoxabion oF �he Eoxegoing and �
<br /> other good and valuaUle aonsidexation, L•he receipt and
<br /> sufEicienoy o� which ere hereby aoknowledqed, Horxower aqraes
<br /> as Pollowst �. ., . -____-. -
<br /> 1. R.gEiniti�,. CapiL•alixod i:ocma usec? harein shall °` '
<br /> havo Lho eesPective m6anings givon Eham i.n the AeeB o£ xrust, ---- ---
<br /> uniess otihezwise deEf,ned herein.
<br /> Z. ��{gnmenti Carta3n �tiahts og�prrq�agY, ro £urther
<br /> ' securo t�fe paompk payment and par£orc�anee of ea�M o�liga�ion
<br /> �:ecna�d by the �eod of Txus�, 8oxsox�ez hea�aby a��igres,
<br /> �ransfors, conveys and smts ovmr to L�ndess a1E o� 8orzaxer's
<br /> estate, right, t1L•io aaa intarast in, Lo ax�d un3er a12 ��_;
<br /> Seases, sahether existing on the tlate hsreof ox hereafter —=
<br /> entarod into (�ncfluding any extenbions, m�dificakions or
<br /> e*;�nd�ents theaetq) Celating to the Hro�ortp �Eho "La�ses"), �r;,:
<br /> . �ogether with nll riqhYs, powax;�, privilegos, va?Ciqns and "�=
<br /> othax beneEits oE 8orrvu�r ass Crr.a lessor under rt:�' fieax�s
<br /> ' regardiny 4hs current .Cenantp an� any future te.�ant�, �nd all ==__
<br /> , the tent�, revenues, geoglts ,ac�c7 incoma Erom tha 'MOx2ga�va8 _
<br /> �state, 3ncluding thosE� now u�r�e„ pest due or 4o beaom8 due. __-
<br /> :�pon an Lvent oe DeEault, Borra°�,ar irrevooably appoint�
<br /> I,endars �ta true and lawEUl atEocney--in-£act, at• the o�tion
<br /> of Rer;ui•red T,enders at ahy time and Erom time to time azter = -__
<br /> such Jiv�nt oE De£ault, ta take poesescsion and control o� the �.�.-
<br /> , . �MOCtqaged Bsbate, pursuant to Borxower•s righCs as lessor — -
<br /> . " under Che beases, and to damand, receive and e�a:torce oaymont, � _ _._.
<br /> to give receipCs, seleases and sati16£aCtion anp to sue, in ���'-'`-
<br /> t3ee name o£ Borcower ma �,endera, For ol� of the rents, ��=rs-
<br /> revenues, profits and inaome thereof. s�he conaideration �"-�`��-•
<br /> receivec7 by HorYOCrer to esecute nnd doliver this Asoignment ------
<br /> s��d the liens t�nd security inEer�asts created hezain ia y,����-
<br /> legaiiy suEf.icient and will provide a direct economic benefit -
<br /> Co eorrower. 'r���J"`�°�
<br /> Upon the occurrence of any EvenY. oE DeEault, Lenders �;?�;,`�f_���
<br /> may, at any time without noCice, either in person, by agent �w�j.rG _
<br /> 5 x+ii r -
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