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<br /> �%�;` •€��____
<br /> THI9 A$SIOA*MF.NT O[' RGNTB 1�A'D GEA3E6 (L•ltifl "AesignmenL•") � _"
<br /> is dated anci e£feative as oE Novero}�er� , 1992 by CHIEF •
<br /> IHAUBTR2k8, 2NC., a Dolauaro corporab on ("Dorrower"J, ta TKF. y,.�;,,_���.,�,,-
<br /> 90iiTFiEN'S H A T I O NnG BF�NK OF ST. t A U IS, a nat iona l ban k ing �, ��«�.� -:
<br /> assoolaCion, attd THE FIR3T NATFCtNAL BANK OP G�tAHA, a natio�al �� �S� °.
<br /> banking atssooiation, and their succQasora or assigns ��=�•�.t•�:,,i:
<br /> (colleotively, Che "LOnders"), i`�=''�`'�`"='�-
<br /> BR}iLI�fINARY STA'rEMENT ��srs.gg,�,,g
<br /> ��J.nwrRC:a.�-
<br /> 7„ --- —.
<br /> Yg�.
<br /> Dorrower ha& request�2d that E�endera make a tarm loan to �,��,__-_-
<br /> Chief Ethanol Fuels, Inc. ("Chiaf sLhanol") oE ��0,000,000 bo �; ��
<br /> finanae the expansion off ita }lr,stzregs, Nebraska ethanol fuel fya};=.,::�
<br /> plant (as Che sar�e may h� aznec,+�i, exten3ed, anended, �t, -.- . °
<br /> cearranged, xastxuoturod, refinaac�d, restated, regiaoed ¢r �yr ' '
<br /> othexwise modified from time to efine, including, aithout 4�,�Y:• _
<br /> st.r g;°.'-:
<br /> limitation, modifieatione to int•¢rest rates or othor payments '�' i.,,�
<br /> of suoh in3ebYedness). ��``z= --
<br /> ���S}�t�5�•_
<br /> 8orrower has Eurther xequested that i,�ndere make �$°�r=r-�,;;
<br /> aveilable to Borxower a revolving credlt loan facility of 9�'-
<br /> ,4..1..'Y�:,;—
<br /> 515,000,000 (ae the same may be e��.�wed, exCendp�, amended, :�:.�s�=
<br /> :s.t..sc _.
<br /> rearranged, restruetured, refinanccd, restated, roplaoed or y�;f^F;;�
<br /> otheraise modifie3 �rom t:te^e t� time, including, viehour. s•ic��•
<br /> i��TilP;fii:iviar rvuii�G&��Oiam 26 ii�tva86� ad$86 vi cther <�•«^�i5 �' �' �- � -
<br /> oE suah indebtedness). k � ���'li�°�:— _
<br /> t;;:`�.n�;;,._.
<br /> Lenders are willing to mako suah facilities availeble _>�''�i{r*r---
<br /> nY.[.
<br /> upon and subjeat• to certain tarms and conditions vhich �re , iit2s:4•�
<br /> Euily set forth in that cextain Loan AgreEnient dated ae os :�;{+=1*:a;='°
<br /> even daCe horewith by and among Borrower, Chief EYhanol and 3)��'` ».� � �
<br /> Lenders and the aqent named therein (the "LOan Agreement") . i «��yx>Y ',_-
<br /> ,;zh.;�sy:,.�7{ -°,
<br /> The a ont anct erfoxmance oE Horrower's ob11 ations ''{'%�;:=,-A"'
<br /> P' Ym P 9 :<;S{,� .�:�.� _
<br /> under the Loan Agreement and related documents will be ���,E, < < '
<br /> secuted, in part, by that certain Doed of Trust and Security ��t�;�t
<br /> Aqr�eement dated as of even date h¢r.owith (the "Deed of ��,:�;�r�I,�Nr•::? _
<br /> , .. .�,,.,.;�:L;..v.
<br /> Trv.at ') emonq Eorrower, I.enders an� the trustee naraed therein .s;;,-,_z_,,-:,;;_.,
<br /> encumber�e:�r the real properl•y locatod in Orand Island, Hall r;����•F;�;�'-�-�-r
<br />� County, FEUraeka, desaribed on �xhibit �, attachec7 heroto ;¢he '�-�;�m >r;_
<br /> „Property�.� �<����"'�1�'-`x��'
<br /> ' � � �
<br /> �}�i•��7t�f
<br /> � ���it Si�`e�I ;�
<br /> I''�...+_��.._'��'.!:--_
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