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'� • � . <br /> '�! ., . ., . __. <br /> ..�e1�sr��-���...._ . .. .... .. .......... ...._..-�-- --�--....... ._ . - ' ,- _ .... . '_.._..---� • - - <br /> ,. <br /> , . .. .. . .,. ,,.. <br /> �..._.......---. �.........................--- _ ... . � � .., , - ��,��,- <br /> ...�,����..: <br /> • 6,� .-- <br /> , ___._��.� _. <br /> . . - v�������� �����.a._.�....:. <br /> � • (p) If Trwtor I�not an Irtdivldual,the Iseuance,sale,tren�fe�,eddpnmen4 cor,veyenco or encumbrance a�ore�in a total • L` `�� <br /> of percent ot(It e corporutlon) Ite leaued and out�tandinp stoak or(If e partnerehlp)e totel of_ p�rcent o1 •� <br /> partnerehip Inteieate durinp the perlod thia Oaed o4 Trust ramalne a Ilen on the Property. <br /> 12. R�fi�l�r,AGeNMrYt�n Upon fiNoult.In the event of eny Event of Defeult Lendor may,without notico except ae roqulred by <br /> law,dectare sll Indebtednoae secured heraby to be due end pnyeble and th�eama ehetl thsreupon becomo due end peye�blo <br /> wlthout any preaantmcnt,demand, proteat or notice oi eny klnd.Tf�ereefter Lendor may: <br /> (e) Demand thnt Truetee exerclse the POWER OF SALE Qrahted hereln,end Truatea ehali lhereeRer cnute Truatar'� <br /> Intereat In the Property to be sold end the proceed�to be dlatributad,ell In the manner provided In tho Nebrnnke Trust Deede . <br /> Act <br /> ' . (b) Exorcico any nnd�II ripht�providod tur In nny o}tha Loan Inatrumente or by lew upon occurrence o}any Event at , ' <br /> , Deteult;end <br /> �.. (c) Commence an action to forecloae thia Deed o1 Truat as a mortgaye,appolnt a recelver,or npeciflcally enforce eny ot the ' <br /> _cro <br /> ,::F� ' covenante hereot. • <br /> ' �� ,,,�,� No remedy hereln conferred upon ar reaerved to T►ustee or Lender 18 Intended to be exclusivo of eny other remedy hereln,In the r '�, ,, <br /> loan InstrumenW or by iaw providc+d or permitled.but each shali be cumulative,shall be in additlon to evary other remedy piven <br /> hereundor,In the Loan Instruments or now or horeafter exlsting a1 Iriw or in equlry or by atatute,end may be exerctsed concurrently, ' <br /> IndeoendonUy or successfvely. . .... ;::'-:�'� <br /> 13. Tn�alao.Tho T�ustoo may rosign ut any time without cnuss,and Lender mAy at any tlme and without cnu�e appolnt a � '"��� <br /> succesaor or aubstftute Trostee.Truatee shatl nol be Ileble to eny party,Includinp wfthout IlmltaUon Lender,Borrower,Truttor or any �<'�=`ie^=�� <br /> purChaser oi the Property,(or any toss or damage untess due to reckles�or wtUful mfsconducG and ehail not ba roquired to take eny �' '�`�° <br /> actton in connection with tho entorcement of lhis Deed of'Tru9t unldss Indemni(led, In writlnq,for ali costs,componaation or ��"�_"'"-" <br /> expenses which may be associeted therewith.In addltion,Trustee mey becomo e purchaser at any eale of the Property QudiCtal or `�'�1'� �— <br /> ��[M,f.c... <br /> ,, under the power of sale granted herein);postpona tha sale of ail or any portion ot the Property,us provided by law;or soll the .:�,,.;.;::•••s <br /> ':•;_- <br /> , ,o. Property es a whola,or in separete parcols or lots at Truatee's discretion. __=,--._--__ <br /> „ 14. F�and Exp�►fM.In Ihe event Trustee sells the Proparty by exercise of power ot saie,Trustee shall be enUtted to apply ��;�:;:.=� <br /> any anlo procerds first to payment o}all costs and e�xpsn_ee of exercleln6 po�xer of ssle,Including ail Trustse's tees,and Lende►'s r�- <br /> and Tru3tee'a attorney's fees,actuaity incurred to extent permitted by applicabie law.ln the evant Borrower or Trustor exorcises eny w i�,�'�r <br /> . � ��,.-�.— <br /> right provided by law to cure an fivent of Detault,Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor all costa and expensea actuelly Ax _ <br /> ' Incurred as a result of Trustor's default,including wlthout Ilmitation eil Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by ���r�-.,::. <br /> . ' epPllcable Iaw. �':4.'"�'' <br /> ' '� 15. Futur�Advanca. Upon request of Bonower, Lender may,et its optfon, make additional and future advances and re- -- _ — <br /> ,;.� , advances to Bcrrower.Such advances and readvan�es,with Interest thereon,shall be secured by this Qeed o}Trust At no Nme shali —_____ <br /> • the princlpai amount oi tha indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust,not i cludin su s advancad to protect the ser,urity ot this — <br /> , Deed ot Trust,exceed the or�gina) principal amount stated hereln, or S whichever(s greator. <br /> 16. MistivN�n�ous Provlalon�. <br /> • � (a) BoROwra Not R�u�d.Extension of the time tor payment or modification of amortizetion of the 8ums�ecured by this �� <br /> Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor In interest of Borrower sl�all not operet9 to retease,in any manner,the Ilability �— <br /> 01 the original Borrower and Borrower's auccessors in interest Lender shalt noi be required to commence proaeedinga againat <br /> auch successAr or refuse to extend time for pay�nont or otherwlse modtty amortiaadon ot the sums secured by this Deed of Trust <br /> by reason of any dema�tla made by the original Borrowe�and Borrower's succassors In fnterest <br /> (b) L�d�r'�F�ow�n.Without Alfecting th�Ilability of any other person liabte tor the payment of any obligaUon heeein <br /> �;'r`• memloned,and without aNecting tha Ilen or charge of thls Daed of Trust upon any portion of the Property not then or theretotore <br /> �• releassd as security for the tuli nmount of all unpald obiigatlons,Lender may,from time to Ume and wtthout notice(i)retesse any <br /> " pe�son so Ilable,(ti)extand the maturiry or alter any of the terms of eny such obllgations,(III)grant other indulgencea,(Iv)rolease - <br /> or reconvey,or cawae to be reteased or reconveyed at any time at Lender's o,qtion any parcel,portion or all o!the Propenyr, <br /> " (v)take or rolease any othar or additlonel eecurity for any obligation herein manUoned,or(vi) make compoatNona or other <br /> �.,, , arrangements with debtors In relaUon the�eto. <br /> (c) Forb�araec�by L�nd�r Not a Walrer.Any forbearen�o by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder,or <br />-" �, otherwlso attorded by epplicable law,shall not be a waiver o1 or preciude the exercise of eny auch right or remedy.The <br /> � procurement of Insuranca orthe payment ottaxe9 or other Iiens or charges by Lender shali not be a waivor of Lender's rightto <br />-� � accelerate the maturity ot the indebtedness seaured by this Oeed of Trust <br />_�,":.;..�x . (d) Succ�saon ond At�ipnt Bound;Jolnt�nd Sw�nl L�aWINy;Captlor�s.The covenants and agreemente heroin con- �- <br />_- --"R'�%�` tnined shail btnd,end the rights hereunder shall Inure to,the respective successors and asstgns of Lender and Trustor.AII <br /> : %�;;.; • <br />- "�' ��'r i covenants and a reemente oi Trustor shall be jolnt and several.The ce tions and headin s o}the para rapha of thls Deed ot <br /> , .;,�.;�• 9 P 9 9 <br /> ``��'�+�' Trust ere tor convenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or define the proviatons hereot =- <br />- . ,_z_L,-.,,•_ <br /> °����?':���4�s (e) Rpu�st fa Noticn.Tho parties hereby request that e aopy of eny notice of default hereunder and e copy o}any notice _ <br /> - � �' �'� ' of sate hereunder be mailed t�each party to thla Deed at Trust at tha addrpsa set forth above In the manner prescribed by ___ <br />��r�'' �� ��' applicable law.Except tor any other no4lce requlred under appllcablo law io b�givon in anoiher menner,any noUce provided <br /> -/`:,J�w�ni..�. .r <br /> _ -,, , ;. for in this Deed of 7Yuat ahall be given by melling such notice by certl8ed maiJ addrossed to the other pa�ties,at the address sat °-- <br /> ,��;��.;:;:�",, forth above.Any nalice provided tor In this Desd of Trust shall 6e eftective upon meiling in the manner designated hormin.B _- <br /> -. � Trustor la more than one peraon,notice sent to the address set 1o►th above shall be notice to ali such persuns. <br /> �,�3i,.�=:�r` (� Insp�ctlon.Londer may make or cause to be made reasonnble entrles upon and tnspect(ons of the Property,provided — <br /> °°_,:�°i�". that Lender shall glve Trustor notice prlor to any such Inspectian specityln9��asonebte cause therefor releted to Lender's = <br />.�T�y. •-•-. interest in the Properiy. _ — <br /> _- �'�'"'�" (g) R�conv�yanc�.Upon payment of ell sums secured by thls Deed of Yrus�Lender shatl request Trustee to reconvey the <br /> �:.• T�... . —=---- <br /> ''":7?'`��� � Propertyr and shall surrersder thla Qged of Trust and all notes evidencing indabtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to Truste+e. ���..�-_- <br /> � �����%•%;;r�. Trustee shall reconvey the Proparty wtthout warranty and without charge to tho parson or persons tegally entlUed thereto. =�=--===` <br /> •��;i���r ' Truetor shall pay all costs of recordatlon, if eny. "'�"`'�"'L��' <br /> '�' � ��. ' (h) Pw�tonsl Prop�rty;8�cudt�r A�r�em�nL As additional security tor tt�e payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grants � -- <br /> Lender under the Nobraske Un(form Commercial Code e security Interest In all fixtures,equlpmen�end olher personat property =--- <br /> � used in c�nnectior�with the real estate or improvem��ts Ioceted thereon,ancl not otherwise declared or deemed to be a part ot � ____ <br /> the real estete secured hereby.This Instrument shell be construed as a Security Agreement under said Code,and Me Lender " = <br /> '•'`t . shali have all the riphts and remedles of a secured party under sald Code In addition to the rights und remedles croatom under ��� <br /> and accorded the Ler.der pursuant to thls Deed of Trust provlded that Lender's rights nnd remedles under this paregraph aheil •'�`'``�-= -- <br /> . "':�.�::._ <br /> be cumulative wlth,enci fn no way e Ilmitatlon on,Lender's rights and remedles under any other secur(ry agreement signed by �•��•.t,.�:._ <br /> Borrower o►Trustor. '�"x''�`• <br /> . .s.�._. <br /> (I) Ll�m end�ncuaa�rantN.Trustor hereby w�rrants and represen�ihnt there is no do}ault under tho proWslons of any •• ��• <br /> mort a e,deHd of trust,lease or urch�se contract describin al1 or an � f:''"`•�� <br /> g g p g y part of the Property,or other contract,instrumont or ' ,,�.,-,� <br /> ��• agroomont constituting n lion or encumbranCe agnin3t nIl or any part of tho Proportyr(collQCtivuly,"Lions"),oxlsting 3s of the " <br /> ., ..,. <br /> date of th(s Deed of Truat,and that eny and all existing Liens remain unmodified oxcept as disclosed to Londor In Trustor's "� <br /> - - writton disctosure ot Ilena and oncumbrances proWded tor herein.Trustor shalt timety pertorm ali of Trustor's obt(geUans, <br /> , covenants,reprosent3tions and warrdntlea under any and ail exlsting and future Llens,shalt promptiy torward to Lender coplos , <br /> � of ali notices of dofault sent In connection wlth any end all vxisting or futuro l.tens,and shall not without Lender's pMor writton <br /> consent in eny manner modlty the provisions at or allow any future advances under eny exlsting or tuture Llens. ' <br /> Q) Applicaton of Paym�nb.Unteas otherwise requlred by law,sums pald to Lender heraunder.Including without Ilmlta4lon <br />_ payments ot principal and Interest,Inaurance proceeda, condemnatiQn proceeds and rents and profits,shali be applied by <br /> Lender to the amounta due end owfnp trom Trustor and Borrower In euch order as Lender in fts soto dfscretion deema desimble. <br /> � (k) 8avlrabfifty.If any provision oi thla Deed of Trust contllcte with eppilcable law or Ia declared Invnlld or otherwise <br /> unenforceabto,auch conllict or Invalldfry shall not affeCt tho other provisons of this Deed Af Trust or the Note whlch can bo <br /> ; plvan eNect withou4 tho confltcting provislon,and to thla end the provislona o}tl�is Deed of 7rust and the Noto are dectarod to be <br /> severable. <br /> . \ � <br /> �-� :: � , . <br /> � <br /> i <br /> - -• ----._... <br /> �., _._ ... , . ..... . ._,_ _. ,..... _ .,..�' <br /> . .. .. . - <br /> . . ......�__ _ _ _ <br />