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<br /> . Lender to Froteat the eocurlty of the Note;(o)tho pertormnnce o1 all oovenants end apro�imante ot Truator eet torth hereln;and(d)�II
<br /> , preaent enb(uturo Indebt�dnee�end obllpatlone o}Borrower(or eny o}thein II more than ono)to Lend9r�rhether dlreot,indlreat,
<br /> eb�olute or contlnpent and whether arlelnd by note,puaranty,averdreR or otherwlte.The Note,thle DOOd of Truat and any and all
<br /> . other doauo�te thet eecure the Note or othemlee exeouted In conncctlon thdrewlth,Includlnp wlthoGit Ilmitetlon quarenteea,securiry
<br /> eyresmante and ae�lpnmente ai leeaea snd rente,shell be referrsd tar hereln a the"Loan Inetrumente".
<br /> . Truator covenante and agreea wlth Lender aa tollowe:
<br /> " 1. P�ymmt o7 Ind�bt�dnss�.All Indebtodnesa eocured hereby ehall be pald when due.
<br /> 2. Tki�.Truator le the o+vner ot the Property,hne the rlpht snd euthoriry to convsy the Property,and werrante fhet the Iten
<br /> croAted hereby la a flrat end prlor Ilen on the Prope►tyr,except for Ilena and encumbrances ant}orth by �ruator In wrftfnp end
<br /> .�,�; dellvered to Lender bcfore exeautlon ot thls Deed o1 Truet,end thn exeautton and delivery of thle Deed of Trust dooa not vlotate any
<br /> •• conhACt or othar oblipstlon to whlch Truatar le aubJeut.
<br /> �-�•�� ' 3. YI�xN,Aaa�tmtnt�.To pey betore dellnquonoy all taxea,epoclal eaaeasmente and all other charpea apalnat the Propp►ty
<br /> •-.• rw�� now or h9roatter levled. �
<br /> 4. I��uranc�.To keep the Property Insured ayalnst damape by firo,hnzarda Included withln lho term"extendad covereQe",and
<br /> suah othor hezards as Lender may requlre,In amounte and with compnnloa ncceptabte to Lender,naminp Lender ae an additlonnl
<br /> ' numad Inaured,with loa�payable to the Lender.In caae of losa under euah polialea,the Lender la autho�ized to adJuat,colleot nnd •
<br /> compromise,all clalme thereunder and ahall have the optfon A1 applylnp all or part ot the fnaurance proceeda(I)lo any inde6tedn�tsa
<br /> } secured hereby and in such order as Lender n�ay determine,(IIJ to the Trustor to be used(or the repalr or reatoration,ot the Properly
<br /> or(Iii)far any othor purpose or obJect satlafactory to Lender without eBectinp the Ilen pt thle Deed o}Trust for the lull amount aecured
<br /> " • �� heroby before such peyment ever took place.Any applicution oi proceeda to Indebtednous sholl not extend or postpone the duo
<br /> date of any payments undor the Note,or cure any detauft theraunder or hereunder. =
<br /> s, 5. �crow.tJpon wrilten demand by Lender,Trustor shail pay to Lender,In auch mennor as I.ender mr�y desipnata,autflafont
<br /> r, sume to enable Lender to pay as they bscome duo one or more of the toliowinp:(I)atl taxes,assessment�and olher charyee a8ainet �.�:`
<br /> � the Property,(li)the premiums on the property Insurance required hereunder,and(111)tho premiuma on eny monyage InsuranCO =-_-
<br /> ,� required by Lender. �Y�•
<br /> • 8. M�int�nanc�,Repain and CompOmc�wlth Laws.Trustor shall koep the Property In goad conditlon and ret�nir;shAli sr�-
<br />: „ .�;�,,�;: � prompdy repsir, or raplace any impravement which may be damaged or destroyed; shall not commit or permit eny wsste or °
<br /> . ���� deterioretion of the Property;shali not remove,demollah or aubstantially alter any af the Improvements on the Praperty;s4�all not �.�-;:
<br /> �''"'�''�'f(«� commit,suffer or permit any act to ba done in or upon tho Property in vloletlon of any law,ordinance,or regulatlon;&nd shell pay and °�-
<br /> ' � +� promptiy discharge at Trustar'g cost and expenae al�Ilens,encumbrances and charges levied,impost3d or assessod againat the �:
<br /> • � Property or eny part theraof. �!'
<br /> ' 7. Emin�nt Owniln.Lender le hereby esalgnod ali compensatlon,awards,dameges and othor paymente or rellei(herelnaRer --
<br /> •. ' '3�-,�,' , "Proceeds") In connectlon with condemnatton or other teking of the Property or part theroof, or for aonveyance In Ifeu of ---
<br /> condemnation. Lender ahall be entitled at Its option to commence, appear In and prosecute In It8 own name any action or _,
<br /> proceedinga,and shall atso be entitled to make any compromise or setttement in connecUon with such mkinp or demage.In the
<br /> �i event any portion ot the Property Is so teken or damaged,Lender ahall have the optlon,in Its sole and absolute discretion,to epply
<br /> alt auch Proceeds,efter cleduc4fng there}ram all costs end expensea Incurred by It In connection wlth such Proceed�,upon any
<br /> - — lstdebt_�np9..°s�CUS�hsts�;afld!n s3lCt!�lde�ss�(ld8�sPw;dsf��ts!lRB�at L^a¢p!�8!I 8L'C�!PfOr.t+atla�afta�a���h deducUons,to
<br /> ' , the restoration of the Property upon such conditlons es Lender may determine.Any appifcution of Proceeds to indebtednes�shall
<br />_ not extend or postpone the due dute oi any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereundor.Any unapplled
<br /> ��°;�'' tunda ehall be pald to Trustor.
<br /> - � 8. Ptdormanat by L�nd�r.Upon 9�0 occurrence of an Event of Default hereundor,or if any ect Is taken or legal proceadinp
<br /> - � • Commenced which materially affeCts Lendnr'6 tnterest in the Prop�rly,Lender may In Ita own discretion,butwlthoutobligaHonto do
<br />:;,_, . so,and without notice to or demand upon Truetor and without releasing Truetor(rom any obligatfon,do any act whlch Truator hae
<br /> •%�`��, agreed but talls to do and may also do eny other act it daems necessary to proteot the securtty hereof. Trustor shall,immedlateiy
<br /> ���`�•,'�`���� ' upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all costs and expsnses incurred and sums expended by Lender in connecGon with
<br /> ,r::: }l
<br />-;>;::• •�y�„�,;;;�., the exercise by Lendor of tho ioregoing rights,�together with Interest thereon at the detauit rate provided in the Note,which shatl be
<br /> � adde� to the indvbtedness secured hereby. Lender shalt not incur any Ifabtliry because of anylhing it may do or omft to do
<br /> - ••- �.; hereunder.
<br /> �;�` � ' 8. H�zardou�Ma�er�ais.Truotor shall keep the Property In compilance with all appllceble lewe,ordlnances end repuletions
<br /> ., .:,.
<br /> --��;K- retatin8 to Industriel hygiene or environmental protection(collecdvoly reterred to hereln as"Epvironmental Lewe").Trustor sheli
<br /> _-_�L=.�;;s�;� keep thQ Property fres from aU substances deemed to be hazardouo or toxic under any Environmental l8wa(collectivety reterred to
<br /> ; -,gf,,r herein as"Hezerdous Materlals").Tvustor hereby warrents and represente to Lender that therA are no Hazardous Material8 on or
<br /> �••�''' underthe Pro
<br />_�_�-..��� perly.Truator hereby sgrees to Indemnliy end hold harmless Lender,its di�ectors,oNicera,employees end agenls,and =
<br /> ;'��,.�t any auccessors to Lendor's In4eresL from and against any and alt claims,damages,losses and IlebUftles ad3ing in connectFOn with
<br /> •� � the presence,use,disposal or traneport ot•any Plaaflrdous Materials on, under,from or about t7�o Properry.THE FORECi01N0
<br /> _" ;�3:�•
<br /> _ �=�.,Kr.;,:.�:� SURVNE RECa7wHYANCE OF THI5 OEED OF THUST.
<br /> ��=-•�::::;;�. 10. AsotynmMnt of R�nb.Trustar�hereby asslgna to Lender the rents,Issues and profits of the Property;provlded that Trustor _
<br /> -'__j',:S:�'• shall,untP the occurrence ot an Event of Defau{t hereunder,have the right to coltect and retain auch rent�,Issues and profits es they _
<br /> �°="',�.,a°°9�• become due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,Lender may,either In person or by agent,with or without �.
<br /> .�`�' �S�:_�.,., bringing any actfon or proceeding,or by a rocelver appolnted by a court end without regard to the edequacy of Its security,enter _.
<br /> �.:;_���:-:• upon and teke possession of the Property,or any part thereof,In its own name or In the namo oi the Trustee,and do any acts which it =_
<br /> -�.�:,��;;,,,.,, deems necessary or desirt�bte to presnrve the value,marketabllity or rentabllity of the Property,or any part the�eof or Interest therein, �,
<br /> =-����•?': •,;��^ (ncrease the Inc:ome thorefrom or protect the securiry hereo}end,with or without taking possesslon uf the Property,aue tor or �
<br /> . �,,.•� �'.�:
<br /> '• ,;. .- otherwise coltect the rsnts,issues�and profita thereof,Including those past duo end unpald,and apply the eame,leas costs and �.._
<br /> � - expenses of operatton and coliectlon Including attorneys'fees,upon any.lndebtednesa secured hereby,ail In auch orderae Lender
<br /> - mey determine.The entering upon and talcing pos9esalon ot the Property,the collectton of such renta, issues and proflis and the "_
<br /> application thereof as atoresald,shall not cure or walve any default or noUce of detauit herounder or invalidate any acY done in �
<br /> �- response to such default or pursuant to suoh notice oi detault and,nohvithotending the continuence In possesalon ot the Property or �
<br /> • ;;;;; . tho colloctfon,roceipt and appllcation ot�ent�,Issuoa or profits,and Truatee and Lender shalt be entitled to exerciso every rtght •
<br /> ' - ,.�� �' provided 4rre In any of the loan Instrum0r+4s or by law upon occurrenco ot any Event of Default,inctuding without limitatlon the right
<br /> � ��t,'` � to exercise ihe owor of salo.Further,Lvnder's rl hts and romedles under this arn ra h shall be cumulative with,a�d In no wa a
<br /> •��s},,.: � P 9 P 9 P y .
<br /> Ilmitetion on,Lendor'�ri�!nts and remodlos undor eny assignment of teases end rentn recorded agalnat the Property.Lender,Trustee
<br /> i and the recelver shaU p�iiable to acCOUnt onty for those renta actuaBy received.
<br /> , , . � 11. �vN�b ol QNaull.The tollowing shall conetitute an Event ot Detault undor thle Deod aS Trust
<br /> _ ;,",%� (a) Fellure to pny eny InstAllment of principal or fnterest of any other aum secured hereby when duo;
<br /> ;�,,c;,;,.;, (b) A breach of or default undar any provlsfon contelned In the Note,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any -
<br /> � - �--'�°f<"-.--- nthar Ilan nr nnrum6mnro unnn ehn D.n..n.fo•
<br /> .-:`_-„-.-�---__ .— ._.. _. _..__..._._..___�_.._.� . .��....�. — :._
<br /> _ (c) A writ oi execution orattachment or eny Bimllar process shall be entered agalnst Trustor which sholl become a ilen on
<br /> . ' .. the Prope�tyr or any portion 4hereof or Intere:,t therein;
<br /> (d) There ahall bo tllod by or agalnst Truatar or Borrower an acUon under any present or future federal,stete or other
<br /> statute,lew or reyulation reieting to bankruptcy,Insolvency or other reilef tor debtors:or there ahall be appolnted eny trustee.
<br /> receiver or Ilquidator of Truator or Borrower or of ell or eny part of the Property,or the rents,lasues or profito thereof,or Trustor
<br /> or BorrUwer ehell make eny general aesignmtrnt tor the benefit ot creditors;
<br /> (e) Tho sale,tranafer, Ivaee,assignment,convoyanco or further encumbrance oi all or any part of or any fnterest In th�
<br /> � Properiy, elther volunterlly or Involunterfty, without the express vrrltton Conaont ot Lender; provided Ihet Trustor shall be
<br /> pe:rrlttAd to execute a lease of the Propertyr that doos not conteln an optlon to purchase and the term ot wh�h doos not exceed
<br /> ono year, �
<br /> � �(� Abandonment of the Property;or '
<br /> � 1
<br /> t �
<br /> __,. . _ .. .._ . .------••-• -�--
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