r) t r,
<br /> f 4 4 t ' ' �! 4 ..� . . .
<br /> � )f4�� n �. fEf�' 2r- t �5- t --v� � _ �) ,�Y{�<A�--_.1-`C-..
<br /> --a���..,.+ _.t"�`�_.a<�I6Ml�!�lu:.'.{,&���L.: -....'.:.,._..--_-'-----_._--.,�.r...,. .. ._�.�.�_
<br /> : � ��.w �.c�tsaz
<br /> I ' (ii) thaC Cho MorCgaged £stato and Borrovor are not
<br /> in violntion ot• or eub3eae Co artp exieL•ing, pending or —•�
<br /> Chreate7ed inves�iga�ion or inquiry by any gover�unental �:;,
<br /> authoxity or Co any remedial oUliyuti.ons under any --
<br /> Applioabie Regulationa pertaining to health or tihe �
<br /> environment (horainaftor sometimoa colloctivoly called "_`" '
<br /> "Appliaable �nvironmantal I,aWa"), inoluding, without a� `
<br /> �:._.
<br /> limitaCion, ehe Compreheneivo Fnvironmontal Rosponse, �,::.::,.
<br /> Compensation, and Aiability AoC of 1980, as amonded i3�"
<br /> ("CERCGn"), and the Resouroe ConservaL•ion and Reoover �'""'
<br /> Y �;;f€•..
<br /> Aat o£ 1976 ("RCRA"), and thin repcesenL•at•ion nnd �-�s�;�,�•
<br /> warranty woul@ eoret3nus to be true and correcL• following �`'""
<br /> diselosuro to �he applicable governmental authorities oE �ti;r:�
<br /> a1Z reFev�,nt EAets, conditions anft aieoumstanoes, if 1;�.;_::
<br /> any, p¢rtainial co the Mortgaged ssi;aee. IE any auoh
<br /> investiqation or inquiry is subse�vently initiated, '�;;�-`>
<br /> Borrower will pzomptly aotify I�enders; r't"'=_`
<br /> litdi`::
<br /> r.w;,_.,,.
<br /> (iii) that �orrower hae not obtained and is not t���';�_-
<br /> required to ob��4n any permit�, liaenses or oimilar� ��`�;'=�.:
<br /> authorizations fia aonetruct, occupy, operaee or use any E?(�':;-�
<br /> buildinge, imprewsmente, fixtureo and equipment forming ,14'=;;
<br /> a part of the 7�3z,rtgaged Estate by reason of any �?�'`;`;
<br /> Applicabl2 Enw3aonmental Lawa; ;,'�'.
<br /> � u j,.
<br /> (iv) th.at �orrower hao tak�en all reasonable sl:eps ;,L-;�'.'
<br /> to determine ar.d has determined to its reasonable 4+ `
<br /> satie£ACtion that no hazardous substanaes or solid '
<br /> erasees have be��z diaposed of or otherwise released on or ��"�
<br /> c..:_
<br /> a.bout Che Morcgag2d Estate; °��,s;.`
<br /> ,,.
<br />- . t�yr`F�,:_
<br /> (v) that #he Mortqaged Estate does not contnin t:z,.,�,
<br /> aebestos, ureflfarmalaeh���e Eoam insulation or any other �'"--""'"
<br /> chemical, materinl ux• su�atanoe exposure to whieh may or a��r,;:
<br /> oould pose a he�l.ih hazard, vhe�her or not tha subetance 5�.,�.,;
<br /> is prohibited, 1i,mited or regulated by any qovernmental n�,�,;
<br /> authority; �;;?.�<;
<br /> Fi��1:i�-:
<br /> (vi) thet the use which 9orrower makes or intends ���s;:�:s•
<br /> to make of the �fortgaged Estate r+ill not result in the `�;;,;
<br /> manu£aoturing, treatment, reEining, eranuportation, �<< - ,
<br /> generation, storage, diaposal or other release or .1 ` .
<br /> presence of any hazardous suhstance or solid waste on or � -
<br /> to the Hortgaged �state, F'oc purposes of 8ections 1.25 ��„�s
<br /> and 6.12, the tocros "haxardous :;ubatance" and "release"
<br /> shall have the meanings spocifi�l in C�RCGA, and Che �
<br /> � �,�;.;�..,,
<br /> terme ' solid wa�te" and "disposal" (or "disposad") ehall I�
<br /> have the creanings specSfied in RCRA; prmvided, i.n the { 7`�`�'
<br /> event eiti?�er CERCLA or RCRA is amended so as to broaden {'+���?-"
<br /> tha mannlna nF anv trarm Aafino.i fhoroti.. ...i, s.,.,,.,a.... I`?�'-:_;"
<br />.. . . -_ _ ____"_ """.�� __.... .,�,,....... �,,,;�;I¢�.
<br /> K+r;`
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