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:,�,,.�f,�:�...�.,,�.._..�... . . . .�. . <br /> . _ :;�., <br /> _ . ,. <br /> • 92..�.�,c�5�� .. ,. <br /> , . <br /> BooCfon 1.21. Roncriot•ionn A£footi Titlo. Dorrower <br /> shail parform when due a12 obligationa xequ ced �to be <br /> perfozmed by Fiorrawer by Ltio provisions of any agreement <br /> affeoting title to tha ttoct•g�ged �ntate. <br /> • 88otion 1.22� FuLL•lioe F1sr.urnncc�s. 8orrovor shall kake � <br /> all aation and do a11 L•ti ngs wh ah t is authorized by Sav to <br /> t:al;o and do, and aoopocato c+ith Londers as Aonders deem <br /> = naconsary oc desirablo, to insuze ttie relflase of all <br /> enaumbranaes againsL• tlio Moregaged Hstaeo, exaept• PermiL•tod <br /> Enournbeanaes, exiating prior Co ehe dat•o lioioo£. <br /> So long as a�ty BeouLOd Obligation ahall remain unpaid, <br />-- Aorrowoc ehall oxoauto, aoknowledgo, whore appropriaee, and = <br /> doliver time to cimo promptly ae the raquest of Lendura = <br /> all 9ucli insL•riunents and doouments ae in Che opinion oE <br /> Lendecs aro nocossary or desirable to presarve the first = <br />_ priority lion or.oateci by this Aeed of Trust. -_ <br />' Seot3on 1.?3, Performanae of Covenants, Borrowor ahall <br /> falYhfully perf.orm at all times any and all covenants, :";�° <br /> undertakinqa, stipulations and proviaions oontained in the �� <br /> = Loan Dooumenta and in all oE its procee�ings pertainfng to • <br />- this Deed o£ Truet. -":` <br /> ,::. <br />- fT- <br /> _° Section 1.24. No Svont of Dsfault IInden Aoan i_`. <br /> - Doaumente. Borrower agxoes to notify 7�end�re mmediately in <br />;;, writinq of any de£aule by Dorrower in the performance or _ <br /> - ohservanao of any covenant, agreement, representation, _ <br /> _- warranty or obligotion of Horrower set £orth in this lleed of <br /> - Txust. Borrower shall also notify Lendare in wxitinq of any =__ <br /> event or c�ndition whiah ��uith the lapse off time or the giving - <br />'Q of notice �aould conskit�ite an E;vaitY of Default. <br /> sy; 8ection 1.25. Rules� Requlations, 6nvironmenCal Laws. : <br /> ° eorrower represente, warrants and aovenanta: <br />�i �: <br />_�%� Qi) that the location, conetruotion, oeaupanc�e, �<_ <br /> operati.on and use of the Mortqaged fistate do not violate "" <br /> - any applicaBY� law, statuto, ordinAnce, rule, t-' <br /> � regulation, esc�ar or determiraCion of any guver�unen'tal '' <br />` ; auttuir�Yy or ahy board of fire undexwriters Qox otJ�.�r E�' <br /> ` body exarciaing siniiar functions) , or any restri,ct:ve <br /> covor.�nt or cisod cestriction trecorded or ot�:arwiso� ;?: <br />;::j affecting tha Mortgaged E�tr�te, including, without 9>'' <br /> 1lmitation, all appli.cable zoning ordinances and "'' <br />�� builcling codes, fla�r7 disastar laws and heAlth and k=' <br /> "; envie�nmental laws z��d xegulations (hereinafter ��=' <br />`- sott:etimes collectively called "Applicable Rogulations") ; <br /> ':: .... <br /> ; �., <br />- i;, <br />`.:'.i <br />_ ' <br />..a '1.�.-- <br /> = 8Q36t <br />:•� <br />:'.i i <br />. ; _ <br /> ..��q.. .., r.T.._.. _ :.,hLY . . . �• - p•,,r:: :A.r.tP� '�l\. _ . -:;��.T.nA-.':�NTij*lYnvtr pa-m._v,�r��- r'�)o <br /> / t � <br /> ;� � " . r.,�:._. . _ . . . . _ . : <br /> , <br />. ,:::, •..i � §a:).:' �' ,,. ' , � , <br /> . •.. . .: <br /> "S:i�:'±��.. . . ..i ;_ . J ' ' " .1'. <br /> -i.-_ - _ "_—_ --_ _ . ' ' _ _ ._ ' _ "' _ — _. "_ '_" <br /> .ri:.._ :'�'�..�,`,( - . . <br /> :t�;�i: �n . J.. . . - <br /> . . �.1- � i_, - .. . . . <br />' 7:'t��.' .'i__ ��": ' _ _ <br /> --1_ ,.i.�:�: .. '. . .. _ . . <br /> ..`)T . '_l� . - . _ <br /> •y� ,.i,.• . _ . . . <br />�_/�,.`'.� •'�_j� - �. .. . . . . . , . <br /> i.�n. . - \� � _ . . . . . <br /> l � l ��.1 ' �^�I . . . .. - <br /> (.- "� J?ty A.. J . . .( l j.11° � <br /> j. � 't - , 1_ _. • • ' - . . <br /> {y �4 � .� y ! f{ ;Jri - Y <br /> 7 � ,l1Lu.,r�:. � �lJ � _«..r . 1�. .. .... -. .. . . . . - � . _t•:�. �1 � .� : � � � . . <br />