'� �1,r1 :{ �yl�,t �> �� -.-_ - rfa�it/ .a.�, .
<br /> . . � . .. . .. .
<br /> �i,�_,i.,)� .; 4J;-•'7__ z� :c._�c-Cf.�i�1-,:�..-�' ✓�af.wA.MY�aa:c_ - -- �--�= _ -
<br />. , ; ';.
<br /> . � • �7l.••••�Vi7��� .
<br /> neaessacy or desira�le aonaultanCa. eorrower ahall
<br /> imnediately upon demand there£or by a Aender pay all aosts
<br /> and esrpenses inourr.ad by suah Lender in aonneoCion with Cite
<br /> 8xeroiae by Lendexs of the foreqoing rights, inoluding
<br /> without limitatfon oosCS of evidence of Citle, aourt aoste,
<br /> appraisala, outiveys and attorneys' £eoo, � _ -
<br /> Seo�ion 1.14. 8uevival o£ Warranties, Hozrowor shall ' '
<br /> fully and £aithEully satisfy and pezt•orm tho 8eoureQ ';a
<br /> Obligatians. All representations, warranL•Sos and oovenante S"���'��t�'� „
<br /> oE 8orrower cantrin¢d herein shall remain oontinuing !�l ;`'�`,j�}r,�w���;.
<br /> eD�li�atians, uarran2fes and roprossntations of Horrower
<br /> eiexring �.n�r tiraQ arhen any portion oE the obligations soaured �)�:r,�ra'���;�j,-,
<br /> bZa this B¢mc# of Trust remairt outstanding. , �j' '�_,' „ ,�,
<br /> �ya'i�� N f+)�}.a'S'_:.
<br /> Section 1.15. �minent i�omain. Should tho Mortqaged , �
<br /> Bstr�tm, oX anY part thereof or ntarest therein, be #aken or $�� n"==
<br /> damx.c�ad b7� roason o£ any publiu ingrovement or coxid�ruiation '��;- ,.
<br /> procaod3nc�, or in anp other mannor t"Condemnation"j, or ,;__,?<;..,:
<br /> should ��r.�,-e�rar reaeive any notiae or other information �+� ��.
<br /> regac�img such proceeding, Borrower ehall qive grompt written s'j<� sr
<br />` noti�o �hroreof to Lendera. Lendere may partiaipate in any '��t�b���4��J,.,:::—
<br /> such C9ndemnation proceedings, and Borxower shall from time ,>�`�z�```;s;:r,==
<br /> :,};;,ti�
<br /> to time dellver to T.endexs nll instrumenta requested by sl,s�,,t,__
<br /> t,endBrs to pormit euoh pertioipation. Eosrower ahall, et its J���y;�,^`:y_ M
<br /> ex�+enea, diligently prosecutn any euoh prooeedinga nnd ahall ,. y �,..y.
<br />_ cmnsnle with Lenders and their ateorneys and expezt�, and G-�'�. -
<br /> cooperate with ehem in the carrying on or defen�o of any such ��`��vr�:°.'�;
<br /> proceedinas, All �1:=`��`�--
<br /> , proceeds oP Condemnation awards or prooeeds „
<br />• or saie in lieu of Condemn�tion with resgset to tfie Mortc�t�ged ���iS,,,,,.,,,,, _
<br /> Estate and a13 judqments, denrees and awarda foc �n9ury or r�;"�}�¢��'� —
<br /> d�mage to the Mort�jaqed Bstate or any part thereQ£ or r�kp,����;s.
<br />_ interest Cheroin eh�ll be paid and a�plied as set forth �n �Y�k���+�'�;;�I`-
<br /> ,��,.,�. .��
<br /> 3ectlon 6.3,2 and subsection �.3.2.3 of the Loan Agreament, {1k�x���jyP"s�':�
<br /> provided that such amounYe shall be applied £irst eo all ;:-1':;;s:,�y�.�c,`-;;-�,.
<br />= costs and expenses incurrecl by Lenders in obtaining the >>,. � �����r
<br />: roceede, �°i�''`�FJt R,`
<br />' p i:�a:r���`rin --= -
<br />� . Horxower hereby assigr�s and transEera to Lendors, and jR°�f����> nrtu -
<br />_ agreea to e:ceoute euch further assiqnments of, all such �tx;�,t�,tnM "'--
<br /> - praceede, judgments, denreas and awards as Lenders may „t,�l:�+:n(�vfl_::-,_
<br />" request. I,endere �,sa hereby authorizod, in the nlme oE �+=a�,�'�yi`r �,�.
<br />° Horrpper, to execu� and j91�ent�,Aclecree or�awards f Londera tr�`��"�z�i'.� "'��:
<br /> to a eal from, an suoh ud , -,>1 �, -
<br /> shall noL be, in any event or circumstance, 1lable or '.;F�;� !`i 4 =.
<br />= responsible for failuro to aolloct or exorcise diligenee in � _�n, ;�� n'
<br /> t3a� collection of any pr.oceods, judgmenta, decroes or awards. �,�,,_ s�, �� ,,�;'
<br />= 9tann i ,
<br /> ! 77 V S � •:
<br /> Sectilon 1. 16. Addi.tianal Securi.tv, In the event 'r�ir� r��'`�+F
<br />.! Lenders at any time ho d a--�l dd�fonal secur�ty for any of the ;,,�_._��_'i�,x+_�__ `
<br /> _����i �7t7�1n��'^!:i.
<br />- ��ti i 1'� ��
<br /> -.11- {tS�k i�,t�cCa3��!
<br /> �"; t �'i.
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