�•.' , t _ r.. t c : a—
<br /> i_f��' �j�� �4�i� 7 f-�� �� : �� � . --�M1�_ }i .�1. - --
<br /> � . s�u��aaw'.tnrZ Lusrv�.fi...L...wJ_xi...�-..`..:.:w......_�S.s.J_i1i?�' '�.�vN2n%x\'wYfi. . "—."'.... �....,�..--...'--
<br /> Jr{� .
<br /> _ J'__ g2.��.t���a2
<br /> (c�) I£ requesCSd by Requieed Lenders, 8orrowor elxall
<br /> aeuse �o be fuYnished Co Lenders, at Eorrower's exponso, a
<br />--_.-��� tax zepor.eing aerviaA oovering ehe MorCgaqod EeL•ace oE L•ho
<br /> -- -_ type and duration and with a oompany saL•1eEaa�ory to i,onders.
<br />_�'��� 3eoL•ion 1,11 . UL•iliCiea, Aorxower ahall pay when due ��� -°°
<br />-°� all uCiliCy nharges wh��oh are inourred for the bonefit of the
<br /> �',*�`yan Moctgaged Estate or whiah may become a aharqe or lien agaittst
<br /> � � L•he Moxt•qaqed Batate Eor qas, elooL•ricity, waCer or sew2r
<br /> sexvices furniehed to the Mortqaged F,state and all other
<br /> � G ass¢ssm�nts or charges oE � sirailar na�ure, WheCher pub2fc oc
<br /> grivate, aff�eting the portqaged. Estaee or any parCion - --
<br />,-�:,.�,,�. tnereof, whether or not such taxes, asaessments or charges
<br /> ;._,;a;. are liens th2reon.
<br /> ���
<br /> 9eotion 1.12. AcCions Affactina Mortgaaed �state. —
<br /> F_�Y Horrower shall ag�ear in and contest any aation �r proceeding =
<br /> ,''r';� purporting to aEfect the tltle of Borrowec in th� .tart�aged --
<br /> ,,,�, -�t• �atate or seourity herevf or ehe rights or powers of II,Enders ,,
<br /> ,�;_f or. Truetee; and Horrvwpr shall pay all costs ancl axpenses, ��x
<br /> ,,yv�� including cost of evidence o£ Citlo and attorne�s' foes, in �'� �f4�;
<br /> ��`� i �ny auch action or proceedinq 1n whiah Lenders os Trustoo may � '�� '`
<br /> a��ii� appear� `�,�����i��
<br /> {srt•� �rl� �...
<br /> �x'�x� 8ection 1,13 , Actions bv Lenders and/or R'rugtee To =,< <��z•
<br /> ;rr:a; Preservo Mort�,qoned Bstate. 8hould Horrower Eail to make any .` � ;
<br /> +�;�'� ge�ymont or to do �ny act as and in the manner prmvided in ,�^� �:
<br /> �k3„�� this Deed of Trust, I,endora, in their sole diearetion, ,',�;�3i;��az�:
<br /> ,n.rr�..>� wlthaut obligation to flo so and without notiae to or demand �,.5. ,,.;.,
<br /> 4;� upon Sorrover and withovt releasing Borrower £rom any Secured ���t, �'. ..
<br /> ti,� �' �bligatian, may maRe or do the same in such maru:er and to �E� r-'•
<br /> �"'�f� such extent as Re ired Londers ma deem neoessflr to �� �� �
<br /> »,L?:,r,, �+ Y Y Protect ,s�tr:+�,s:
<br /> .,� the secucity hereoE. In connection therewith (without ��r,, , :-•
<br /> - �,:'.>9.• limieing ite qeneral pouers), Required Y.endere shall have ond ;��P�3�;�'.''_�,-
<br /> ��,��;�' is hereby given the rlgnt, but noC the obligation: (i) to ,Ssi,i';�,:-
<br /> ,,,���� enter upon and take possession of the Mortgaged Eatiate; (ii) _, �3��;,;:`
<br /> .;,/, to direct Sorr.owpr to terminate any management a9ent and to �r �'
<br /> „ ,�:,;� employ such managomont agent as Londers may detormine in ";,;yr,�
<br /> ' r�A their eole and abeolute diacretion; (iii� to make additians, ""'
<br /> r;?3-lr�'ks7 [����_,.;:., r;,
<br /> ,� � � alterations, repnirs and improvements to tha Mortgaged �state �� ` ,„,
<br /> ���� whiah they may consider ner.essary or proper eo keop the #;,' rt,-- •.
<br /> Mortqaged Estate Sn good condition nnd ropair; (iv) L•o appear E`9�4f �,,;,,
<br /> ' jv� and parelGipate in any action or proceeding affocting or €Y{ -
<br /> ,� s; Y Y 9 Powere � � , ,t'_
<br /> j w h i c h m a a f f e c t C h e s e e u c i t h e r e o f o r t ho ri hts or
<br /> ��''el�T7 of Lendess OC TYll6�B0i {�') t0 pay, purchase, C0f1C@9t 6C {(�aa�,- --_
<br /> '� conpromise any encumbranae, claim, charge, lien or debt which
<br /> � '�'�-��� in the ud ent of the Londers ma aE£ect or a ears to i�,' '�.,_..;
<br /> ::,<<;�u 9 4m v n� � a_.,::
<br /> fi f f e c t t h e s e c u r i ti y o f t h i s D e o d o E T r u s C or be pr ior or � y�
<br /> „ �x �� superior hereto; and (vi) in exercising such powera, to pay � r c� ,-
<br /> ';_ neceseary 2upenses, including employment of cowisol or other !
<br /> t -��-
<br /> 5 1:' '.:
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