'� , �..
<br /> 1�ti" /
<br /> �F�: . / -.l '.__
<br /> . . ' . _ . . , �. . ...�y�•IN(L]Ny4i�� .
<br /> +r1�i
<br /> �
<br /> ., • � .... . �;��, ! .._... -- . ;._ ._ _-
<br /> � . l 97- 1�2 . . --
<br /> confl�ts wkh eppllc�bk I�w, euch conriict ehall not �fNat oth�r provkbns of thN S�aurky Imtiument or Iho Nat�whbh can bs
<br /> pNOn otfoct ��Rhout the oonfibihp pro�isbn. To NI� �nd t�e provlsbne o1 thl�8�curRy lnYtrum�r►t tnd tho Noto trse d�altreA to �, �� �"`_
<br /> ba severobl9. �� . ;•%`;
<br /> rT.�_.
<br /> 16. Borrower'a Copy. Bortowu ihaN b1�ihMn on�cantartnM copy o}Ihe Not�end of l�b Sacurky insbum�nt. � -
<br /> 18. Heasrdou• Su��tlmCes. Oorcowly dhlN not ceue� or pwmft l�� Fna�nc�, u��, d'Apota6 etQrap�, or nMus of =
<br /> tny Hwrdoue S1,batancMS on or h ths Prop«ty. Bortow�r •ha1 not do, nor albw �nyon� sis�to da,myRhh4 �M�ctiny th� , __
<br /> Property thai � In vtolsttan of eny Envhonmentel Lew. The procodhg two �Mt�ncsa ehsll nat epply to tho prosence, uao, or
<br /> stonps on ths Proputy of sm�N quantNM�of Hw.rdoue SubaWCSS thtt ue�n�r�Rfr�copnlxed to be nppropriite to norma�t ,
<br /> resldential uaes and to malntentnc�of th�Prop�Ay. ` • _
<br /> Borrower shtll prompty Owo �� w��" �otic� of �ny hwstip�tbn, o4M, dWnand, rweuk or other aotbn by �ny • �
<br /> povammantol or rquktory aancy or prFr�t� pury i�wNinp ths Prop�rty and u►y Hasardou�SLbsttnc� or EnvYOnmmt�l Law o1 �;, -
<br /> WPIICh BOROWlf hQS �CtU�I k�OW19ISQE• I}BOROMK Iwms, or is notW�d by u1y Qovart�m�ntd or repuUtory aulhorky, that any � , -
<br /> removal or other remedk�tbn o�any Hanrdous�batanca�tNotinp th�Propwty b n�csaaary, Borrow�r sh�x�rompiy wce ar • „��.� :; �.� t.
<br /> necessary remedl�t actbns ln a�ordance wRh Envlranmental Lavr. '�' �'�'��"'�'�"` "
<br /> .:'•'J;.hI...; ..: •
<br /> • As usod in thls pnfaproph 16, 'H�rdous�baunces'u� thoss substinGO�dNhod aa toxb or h�wrdaus substanc�s by ��� �.:,���`���;�;,__•a
<br /> EnvYonmental Law and the tolbwhy eubstanas: paaolhs, kKOS�ne, othw fMmmabr or toxb petroteum produats, toxb •'. ;:�t;'_�;r—.__
<br /> • � +.�:::trt�,:r +:i;
<br /> pesUak+es and hwb�ides,vobtNe solventa,mstui�b Contahhy asbastos or Portnatdahyde, and radloRatlw rr�terl��s.As usod 11 ., ,:,�t„�'��=-
<br /> � the para�aAh 16, "Environmental 11w" rrwu�a hd�nl fawa md f�ws ot thr�Jurisdbtbn where the Propwty b bcat�d that rMute • �.�: t;4.�-==__.__
<br /> � ' , to health,safety or envkonmental protectbn. �-_- _—_____
<br /> i ---- —
<br /> . NON-IJNIFORRA COVENANT3.Bartower and Lender Nrther covemnt and e9res as foibws: . ______��y�
<br /> 1 . ..�.,,-...
<br /> 1a.AatSIQ11iT1EIft Ot R011ts. Bortower uncondkbnaly�sslpns�nd tronshts to L�nda ap the ranla and rs�vw�ues ot tho
<br /> Propeny. Bortower outhorhes l.enckr ot Lendefe ayents to coNect lhe rents and revsnueS �nd hereby dYects e�ch tenu�t ot ttia �";�;K•�'.�•—•
<br /> ;� t r
<br /> P�operty to pay ttw ronts�to lender or Lend�t t�ents. Howwu,prior to Lwidw� notfca to 8onowK of Bortowere breach ot ;.��
<br /> any Covenant or apne5ntent in the Securky Instnrtedit, Borroww shaq coN�at end rec4ka a1 ronts and rw�nues of th�Propm►ty „ _
<br /> as wstee tor the benefit ot ts�dar �nd Boaowar.This sstipnmwtit af rents conctitutes an abaoluts usfpnmK+t �nd not �n . �
<br /> �•` asslpnment for addkional saour�tyr ony.
<br /> .f,-.:. .
<br /> If Lender plves notica of br�ch to Borrower: (o) aN ronts ncNwd by Bormwer sh�N bo hold by Baroxw ws tru�tim Dar � .
<br /> .� benefk of Lender ony,to b��ppikd to th� sums a�cund by th�S�curky IntWmont; @) L�nd�sh�W W�ntRMd to codwt�nd ��,�'�; ,
<br /> , recelve aN of the �ts of the Prop�ty; �nd (c)Mch t�n�nt of th� PropYrty ehpN pay �N rente dw �nd unptid to l.ondar or '�,��. ,; ,
<br /> --- - _._— Lo.�Co.'�s:.y::t!�:l..,,.°�s�s �'+..t_.�t t!?.m�Arl te± ih�t�nant. _ 's'4.��. �,;
<br /> ' Bortower hu not eaecuted �ny prk+as�tpnment of tho rents ond has not and w�tl not pertorm any�ct th+t wout4 prwen!
<br /> � Londor hOr►s exercbhfl ks ri�hts under thb ParlprtQh 17. `, '
<br /> ,;;� $ Londer shaY not be requYed to enter upon,ttka conUol of a mth4h tM Propwty be(ore or tRer qMnQ nolice of brtt�c!�CD �' ,
<br /> # Borrower. However,Landor or a Judt�tay�ppohtsd ncshror rtuy do so at�ny th�th�e Is a broach. My �WDIiGatton of ron:s
<br /> � shaW not aurx or wA�ve any dWauk or invtlidate any oths�ripht or romNty o}L.�ndK,rnb assqnment o�rana ot ths P�operty :
<br /> shaA terminate when the d�bt securod by the S�curky Usburr�it Is ptid In 1ul. �
<br /> �. 10. Feirec{osure P�ocedure. If Lender requires Immedl�te p�yment in full undei Perepraph !�
<br /> ' �' Lender may invoke the power of wla and a�y oth*r remedloa permitted by �ppl�r.�blo I�w• _
<br /> Le�nder shdl be entitled to collect�II e�en�es Incurred In purautnp th� rem�dia+i provided in s
<br /> thii Peapraph 18� Includln�. but nolk Ilmited to, �esan�ble �ttomsya' fees md cosu o! uUe ___ .:.,:,-"
<br /> i;,::;; ' evidence. �
<br /> . ,:;:,;:;:�•; If the power of sele Is invok�d,Trustee shatl record s noUco of �iefault In e�ch cos�nty In
<br /> • •:Ua` � whlch eny psrt of the Properly is b�ated and shali mr�ll coples of sucb notice In tl�e m�nner _
<br /> � � prescribed by nppticable law to Borrower �nd W the othar perwns orescribed by �pplic,�ls I�w. �__.
<br /> Atter the ttmo requ(red by eipplicable Aaw, T�ustee eheil gfue public noUce of ale to thm penons
<br /> ; � e�nd In the manner p�escrlbed by appllc�ble Iew. Trustee� wtihout dem�n� on Borrower��11 aell _ ___ __ _ �
<br /> the Property at ps�blic sucUon to the hl�heat blddQr �t the tlme �nd p7ace �red under tive term� _ -
<br />� � dealgnsted In ti�e nAtice of sele In one or mor� psrcels and !n sny order Trustee determl��s. _
<br /> � � �F Truatee msy postpone sate of eli or c�ny p�cel of the Property by public ennounceme�rt �t the _,�
<br /> _ ' ; Ume and ptace of sny prevbua8� s�heduled sale. Lender or Its desl�nee rr�y purchs�e the �+--���=,=
<br /> ��
<br /> . . �� Rroperty et eny ssle. . .
<br /> � i Upon recelpt mf payrnent of the price bid� Trustee ahall deliver t�o the purcf�ev 7ruaiee'a ,�J y ,.
<br /> �. deed conveylnp the Proper4y. Th� reeitela tn the Truatee'�deed ahaf0 b� prirhs h�cla evl�enae ot ..k-7z}�? r;�.�
<br /> the truth of the stetemento mede 1h�rein. Truatee ei�eU eppty the praceedc of the �ale !n �he •���� �-'
<br /> ;, -
<br /> ' followinq orc�er: (e) to all co�ts andl e�enses of exercie7nq the power ot �l�, enal Ute aate� `:`�`:�:w,;�.::_
<br /> �:;1'. .;,:n". •;�?� .
<br /> Inoludtn� tha �eyment ot the Trus4ee'�iees actuelly Incurred� not to exceed 3 % .. ... , n,, ��
<br /> . af 4�he prinolpai amount cf the oiote et 4he Ume of the deoleraUon oi defa�n, aad �easoaable �, •�, �
<br /> ettorney�' feei es permitted by lew;(D�) to �II �m� secured by thta Securii�r Bnrir�ment; an� (c) �� �,�`�
<br /> any excew to the peran or perwm leyslly enUtled to IL .�:..
<br /> It the l.ender's tntareat in this Sesurity Instrument Is held by the Secrew�P��a3 the Secretuy
<br /> requtres Immedieto peymant In feall under P�rs��eph 9, the Secreta�y m�}► ifl�e P�e nonJudlatat
<br /> , power of eate provided ien the St��le F�mlly Mortyape Foracloaure A�t oi 1�94 (`AcY) (12 U.S.C.
<br /> 3761 Qt 4�9.) by requesi�n� e fordcbsure commtisionar desl�n�te� av�der the Act lo comrnamce
<br /> -. ..—__' " ' _ ' .�_.. ._ ..._ ._. u�u.�..� �� �W wr�n�e11M vnlltfRw ,_ -__�.��. . _.__.
<br /> _ _ _ fO�CC108t1�C Altq LO aEll t110 PfOP6Ry ss p�OVloea m u�o nca nvun.ry ... ...o r.•����..-. -------•-- ; -____- ___ ---
<br /> shall deprive the Secretery of eny 8�hts otherwlse evallnble to e Lender under tFoEs Parspraph 18
<br /> or appticable law.
<br /> 19. RECOt1VCyd11CQ. Upon peym9nt o4 aG sums secured by thts Security Instruma►t, Lenckx shnll rpuost Trustoe to
<br /> � roconvey the Property end shall surrende� Ihh Secu�ity Instrument end nN noted evkS�ichp debt secured by thlu Security
<br /> InsWment to Trustee.Tru�tee shall reconvey th� Property wkhout wartanty end wRhout charpe to tho per6on or pasons lepalty
<br /> � entkfed to R.Such person or peraons sholl pay eny recordatbn coste.
<br /> �
<br />- FSat�.LMU(9/GE) Pap�4 0l 6 II
<br /> I h
<br /> � " I
<br /> �- , ..'.� i - -. - __
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<br />