�1!" i>� . �. ':!•.•1�'��4. �,. . �•:1.'1
<br /> i<IFy►
<br /> ..�•Vi ' . . ..
<br /> -T. '-
<br /> . �y�A�' � . � .
<br /> ��tt . � . .. • �^�� ,�I
<br /> .Iw�Riqj��na . . " • . • .
<br /> ' ..�._ . ....._._ .. ' ' .... ..
<br /> ..._'..'.' • �� � •.
<br /> . c �7,�. 1o�9�s � : - �.�.`:��
<br /> t _ ,
<br /> . . ,
<br /> My �mounta d�ebur6od by UnW►undu thk Puspraph ahat bacom�N �ddRbnel d�bt of BoRONSr �nd be eeourid Dy
<br /> thh EoCUrRy Inet�vment.Thos� emounte ehtN bur tntw�et Bom th�dat�of dltbutaKrMnt at lh� Floti nt�, �nd �t th�optbn of
<br /> LenOq,shaM be imm�d�tey duo�nd p�yebM.
<br /> ' 8orrow�►aheY prampty d6tcharp��ny N�n whbh haa priority nw+thfa 6�curity IneWmK►t unNos Bortow�r: (a) ��rMS h
<br /> wrkhg to th�p�ymmt af tM obNpatbn s�curW by the Ysn h a minner�cc�DUbM to L�d�r;(b)cont��t� In paad hkh th� iMn
<br /> bY, �r d�bndf �hst �torc�►t of fh� IMn h, 4pa1 pracNdh�s which in th• La�dsr� ophbn opanto to p�a+reel th�
<br /> �torc�! 01 th�I�n; or(o) a�cu:y kom tM hoW�r of th�Yrn�n Wn�nont wtNf�otory to tandsr�ubord�►�llnp th�Y�n to �
<br /> thb 8;curtty In�trum^nt.If I.ender Qete�mh�e�htl anY P� al t1a Prop�rty is�ubJeat to a li�n whbh rrKy att�in prbrky owr thM
<br /> , S�curky IntUurt�1�L�ndK may phro Berrow�r�notice k'�IYyh9 tha IMn, Borrowir eh�N tatbry th�IMn or Uk�onr ar rno��+oi ..
<br /> +- th�actbns sK foAh abov�wllhln 10 days o1 th�pNlnp of not��. ��.,:;
<br /> ' n 8.Fees. und.r may CON1Ct tMS�1d Ohup�s�uthorWd by lho Se�rettry• �'�..:;
<br /> .• . . ',:ti�i.
<br /> S. Ground�tor Acceler�tlon af DebL ''='�'�
<br /> !F:f'
<br /> (�) De1wlL�nd�r nwy. ac�Pt aa Amit�d bY �eWiatbns issuod by tho Secntary h tA�cas� of p�ymont dMauke. _ '�:,-�.
<br /> requir�Irtwr�f�t� p�Y�^t In iuW ol aN tums cacur�ed by thls Socurity Inewment M: r ---
<br /> " lq 8orcow�r dehulte by hNhy to P�Y In fuA anY monthy peYrtw�t nqursd by thla Socurtty Instrument Prbr to o►on �,y-::^_�""
<br /> tha dw dits ol th�n�xt monthy payment,or ' �'°'--
<br /> (I� BoROwK d�lautt by hRiny,for�Pertod of thbty d�ys,to pKlo�m a+y other obNpatbns conttined h this&�curit�r ��:�,_._
<br /> -'c,:�
<br /> instrumen�
<br /> „ (b) S�b WithouA Credit Approv�t. Under eh�M,R p�mitt�4 by�ppMC�ble �w (Inaludinq actbn 341(d)of tho .,;:�'���
<br /> QamSt G�rmah Oqnskory Instkutbna Aat ol 1982,12 U.&.C.1701}3(d))wnd wRh the prbr �pproval of ths S�crstuY� .°.;��=--
<br /> nquln hvn�dats p�ymmt (n iull of aN the suma securQd by this S�cu�ity Inatrument W: '��;: �
<br /> (q q or part ot tM PropsRy, or a EeneBeW htaqst h a Wst nwning aY or put of ths Property, fs sold or ___
<br /> othwwisa tr�ansNrrsd(oth�r than by devis�a�descenq,and �``��r,-,-
<br /> (i�'Tha Proprty k not occupied bY th�p4v�R,�s�r or�rant�s �a hb or h�r�rinoipit rosidwics�or tTw p��h�ser or e.i-;�;r`
<br /> " �'" pnnt�e doas so xcupy tM Property, buY hls or hK c�dk has noY �bban aP9ro�d h +caad�xa wKh tM
<br /> �
<br /> :� r. roqulr�nts ol tM Eaa'M+ry. „��f
<br /> • .�_-
<br /> �, (C) NO W��VQf.tt circumst�nas ocGUr thet wou{d pwmR L�►dK to�squiro irtmsd�t� �nYm�nt tn WA� but UndM �,�.
<br /> do�s not nquYs such p�yrr�nts�Under doa not w�iv�Re �iDhb wlh r�sP�t to subssQtant w�nta. :: -
<br /> � (d) Repulatlon� of HUD Secretary. in many cirrums4inces rpu�tbna ksued by tM S�c►�arY ww wmk ...;�'��
<br /> � Lend�s Aphri� In th�caas of payment dehuks.to nqutrs h�n�diate PaYmsnt in tuN �nd foncb� M not P+Id. Thk •�.�,�:
<br /> ' � S�curity Instrum�nt does not wthoriu�ccoMntion or torocbsur� A no!pwmitttsd by rapuYUoe+s of tM�cntary �;=.v
<br /> ----. i - (E� �Ml�e �QL�fliU�flQ. l3�t0vwr�P�inai i ii�w wi.�'i:'��'sLltuT.:s!:!!L� !h� NnM �n not d�MrTl:ined t0 i�
<br /> � � be elipbk tor hsunnce undor tha Nattonal Housinp A�ct wkhh#` 01 dsyi f90) hom the d�te h�rsof, L«►der ij�_
<br /> may,at R4 option rpuYS knn»dtits payrtNnt t� �iut ot a1 sums s�cund by thb Securky InslrumK►� A wrlttere �ttt�rnent �,�;:.
<br /> ,� ot my author�f w�nt ot tt�s�cntuy datee suba�quent to� of dsw (80) kom tha d�t� heroo4, d�cOnYW ��`-"�
<br /> �p n
<br /> �` to hsun thY S�cu�ity InaWm�nt and ths Not�, eh�N M dMrned eo�cWsFn P�'oof of auch In��bARy. Notwithstu►dinp
<br /> th�lonpoinp,thM optbn rtKY not be eocorcts�d bY��� �uM'��� of haunncs is eoNty dw to I.a�der's _
<br /> hWn to iwnit a mortowe „wnna P�tum to th�S�crKary
<br /> 10. Retnatatemeni earow� na a r�nt co ns nmsrsad r unaK n�+ r.quwa ��wa a•m�� h w��'� ot
<br /> . Barov�a hix� to pay�n Mnounl dw undK tM kot�or thie S�cuNty InstrurrnnL ThM rtpht�pplMs �n �Ibr fonobwn
<br /> • proeMdlnpa �rq h�ciRut�l.To ninst�te the S�curllyy Insfrum�nt,BortowK�hal b�da h a lump sum d�mounn roqulnd to
<br /> �. .i.: brhp pprrpv�t account cumnt IncludY�p, to tM ost�nt tMy uo obq�tiont ot Borcoxre� und�r thh S�curky Inatrunwnt, ��
<br /> - ' ` taecbsuro cosb aad re�sonWN md custortyry �ttorMY'� hes �nd a�a"s�s P10P�Y us°��� wRh tM tonobwn
<br /> ' t� � procMdhQ.Upon ninstdKn�nt dy BorrowK, this SacuNty Instrum�nt�nd th� obNpatbns th�t k Ncw�s shall�wnaln tr►Miwt as
<br /> �::'r • ...•. , H Lendor had not nQutnd Mm�fvU PaYm�+t h fuL Howrwr.UnMr ks not rputsd to pKmR ninstst�rnmt Y: (q L+end�has
<br /> .�, �; acsepte�l rrhsubmK►t Uter ttw co�rwnmcament of foncbsun preae�dhp� wkhh two ywe hmadl�teN F�„0 ►�
<br /> �_ ' cortKrw�ortNnt of a curtent foncbwn pracMdtnO�(q nnstat�"�^t w311 p�clud� forecbsuro on difMr�t prounds In th�wh,n,
<br /> • a(�roinstnbrtNnt wNl�rk�raly a1Mct thi prbritY of th�Mn cnatsd by thk S�curRy Instrum�nl. _o .
<br /> �,�=-
<br />= 11. Borrower Not Releued; Fabewnce By Lender Not� Welve�r.Esn.n+ion o�tn.tm.o��aym.ne or =_-
<br />_.�:�:.°:;�-'�. � modiAcation of�rnorthatton of th�eums s�curW Dy this S�cur1Y Insbvrtwnt 0�+�bY Undw to �ny �asor h ht�nst Of --
<br /> _,.: .' � . BaroMCar ehaN not opKab to nlNa tM YbI�Y of th� odphal P,00►owsr a Bortow�'e sucassa b Int�+nsG L�ndK sh�l not b� _�
<br /> - � roqutnd ta coarn�nc� proc�dirqs Wahst �ny suoassa h Inl�nsS o► ntuse to �oMnd tim�tor payrtNnt or othNwM�modiy -,T-
<br /> �nortiatbn of tha sums s�cund by thit S�curRY InsWm�nt by nason of u�y dMnand rtxd� bY tM oripyud Baro+wK �r
<br />-. , '�' Borrovews eucassors In IntKOSt.My tabeu�ncs bY Und�r h ex�relsh0 mY �ht or nrt�dY eAaN not be n waluw ot or E��--
<br /> � pncWd�Uw�oaro�sa of NY ripht or nrtNdY.
<br /> � p� - =- _.
<br /> Y 12. Successor� a�d AsN�ns Bound; .lolnt md ��veral Uabllityi C����Y� Ths covanu►ta �nd ---
<br /> . � � �pne�rtwnts of lhb S�curiryl lnsh�ument sh��bad�nd berwf�tho succ�ssor� and assqns of Lend�r and 8ortowor,subJect to th� - ---�,�W. _
<br /> ,n�..
<br /> ' provMbnr of Puapr�ph 9(b).Bortows�s cown�nte�nd qrs�rn�mts�ha�bs Joht �nd aw�6 MY Borrowar who co-si�,na thla . �;,-:
<br />` Sscurity Instrurtwit but doos not wwcute Uw NoLO:(a) b co-sipntny this S�curAy tnswmmt a�+y ta mortpws,p�ant snd conv�y
<br /> that Borrow�e ht�rsst h tM Prop�rty unda tM Urrr+s of thb S�curity Instrurtw�� (b) b not p�nonaly obrpaNd to pay th� •
<br /> •' '+ sums s�cund by this SeeudY Instrummt; �nd (o)�prwt tMt ��ndsr rnd tny other Borruw�r rtwy +O�N to �odsnd� modry. .
<br /> Iprbw pr malc� �ny �cCOmnodatbns wNh t�rd to tM te�re of NK SeCUr4y MstrumM�t or the Not� wthout Ma2 Borrowds
<br /> _ - cons�nt. .
<br /> - .a�n e.e..l.rs M�rinNirthC @ Of bV tRL�lfl�
<br /> .__ . . __._.-__ _
<br /> .:_ ____.___ _ . . . .�._ .�_...�.�_�
<br />� ,. -- 73. fl011CQS.My notlC�io 9ortovrK prwid�d ivr n mw w�..nR���o...,�..�......�_��.•_•-• -- - - • - - ---— -----
<br /> by frst c�ss rtrY un{aas appYCabM rw rpuYa us�o!�nottw msthod.71i�notic�ahaM be dlroctsd to th�Proparty Addross or
<br /> � tny othar addnss Borrow�r daslpnatos by notic�to LondK. Any notic�to Lender shali be pluen by frst Cias�rtuN to Lvndors
<br /> >• • addross 6titYd henth or eny address Lendar dlslpmUs by nalfCe lo Barower. My notico provM�d for In thls Secte� „
<br /> Inswment shW be deemed to have been flhron tu 9o'*n'''K a��^�`"h°n qlve�as provlded h thb pany�aPh•
<br /> i 14. Governln� Law; SOVE��bfOil�. Thb Socurity In�trum�nt ahal be pnwmod by F�1 �w �nd the �w of the �
<br /> �urlsdbtfon h which the Propwiy is bcatad.In th�a+�ent thtl eny Drovbbn or cMuse o!thb Security Inswm�nt or tho Nob
<br /> Fse�atrNO�v/oel wap�s oi a
<br /> _`
<br /> � �w� I
<br /> — � . _ . _ _. . __ . . . �-- -.. ....-
<br />