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��M1� . -- � . . „ „ . �. ��' . . <br /> � � ` . _. ,�,cyp•r��.ra:•-' <br /> . , ., .�,N�._"_ <br /> .�' . ., � ,. • .�.--..`._'�....�. <br /> „ '• _,. � ' " , .. � �� � � . .>•��•��;.s. �. <br /> t _ .. . "_ ° , ,� ' ....'�%z�;_.-�'.w t:h.Y <br /> . .. .,} . . . . . _ . "' . ' . .. � • ... -r?'.:r�,�'I� °''��'r^�,v�, <br /> � �i:; - <br /> . � .:� ' � . � . . t `--_ <br /> � ��... +.•�SA.K� - � . . - . . -� " 'r�}i-t`__ <br /> , :�a. .,�, . . . ...._ .. ..,... � <br /> 97�a��� .. .: <br /> � ., <br /> � �' 13.NotTces.Any notfccc w Bomowcr pmvlded for in U�is Secu�Iry Instrument shali bo given by delivering it or i�y r. <br /> c � <br /> ;,;;,;,.,,::�:' m�iUng it bg fu'st clnss muil unlcss opplir.abin lmv rcquires usc of anothcr method.'[he nmico shall he directed a the n.J <br /> ..,.,,-�r Property A�t��ag csr aay other address Born►we.r desianAtes by nod�e ro I.ender.Any nodce to Lender shaU be givcn by ,_ <br /> ' fust cu�ss muil w Lcnder's address stntcd t►eruin ar nny oddress L�rider designates by nodc�e w Borrower.My no�ce _. <br /> , pmvided fr:� in thin Security Instrumcnt shnll bc deemed w have bccn given w Borrower or Lender when given as _:i;;,. <br /> pmvided in�itin ps�ragr►Ph• - <br /> 14.C�tverning Law; Severnbility.Thie 9ecurity Insuument shaU be govemed by Federellaw a�►d the law of thc <br /> � jurisdiclian in which tize Propercy is located.In the event d�at any�;rovisfon or clause of�his Securlty Instrument or the _ <br /> Note conffictfl witIi eRnIIcablc lew,such caniliat sball not affect oil�er provisions af this Security Instrument or thc Note - <br /> which can hc glven effect without the conNctlnr provlsion.To tivs end t�.e provisions of ihis Security Instrumcnt and <br /> � tha Note mr decla�ned to be severable. of the Not�and of tlils Security Instrumen� �, � <br /> �' 15.H�¢rrower's Copy.Borrowcr shall t►e�iven one conformcd coPY �.y <br /> � • 16. Elazarduus Substtieces. Borcowar shell not cuuse or permit the presence.use, releace of - _ <br /> any Hazardmus Substances on or in tha Prop^.rty.IIortower shaU nrL�o,nor allow anyone else w do.anything affecmnB �`;:_�. <br /> � <br /> ' ` tha I'ropcm�that is in violfltion of�ny Envlronmcntal Law. 'Il�e Pr"..c,cdln8 tv�'°sentenc�s sha11 no2 apply w the presence, <br />=�(:�:; • use� or stor:�8e on th�e Praperty of small qunndties of Hnzardc�us Subsiances that a�e genernlly recogn3�ec�to be ;i,::• . <br /> ��;���;:: <br />',. � �`:� appropriate tn narmal acsidendal uses and to maintcnance of the PnoPenY• .;,:,;.. <br /> Borro�ver shull paompdy give Lendcr wriuen nodce of any invesug�tion.claim,demnna,lntivsuit or othes�cuan by _ <br /> �f� any govemmenml or regulutory s�gea�cy ar prlvatn party involuing the Praperty and enY 1-7�dous Substance or =�_ <br /> _ ` '.., ,, Bnvimnme�itW Law of which Bonowra has acmal knowledge. If Boxrower leams,or is no't�ied by any govemmental or __ <br /> .. r e g u l a t o r y a u t hori ry� thnt an 9 rcm�val ar other remediation of eny Fiazerdous Substances af�ecdng the Property is �,,-;.:, <br /> :_. ' , necessary,Borrower shell prompsly t�ke all nocessary rem e d i a l ac don s i n a s c o r d e n c e w i t h E s�v i r o n m e n t e l L a w. <br />��' As usr�l in ihi� parag�aPh 16, ":1��zrloua Substanc�es° ��re thasa substances def�ned as tflxic or ha�ardous <br /> . :�; substancrs by�evuonmeniai iuw�.��°ac�lt���:r.;�L'L`eMtygrrr.��.�►a flamm�bje or to�ic petroleum <br /> produGw, cnak pesticides and herbicidos, valatile solvcntw, �nat�eiials conta�nin8 ��Sws or formaldehydo, ana <br /> radloactiv¢ muteriuls. As used in this pxmp'aph 15, "IInvimnmental Law" mesns federel laws end laws of the <br />,. . ., j�uisdicdan wtiec+c Ihe Property is located that mlaw w hcalih.safsty or envimnmental pmcection. <br /> s�.,..�. _ . <br /> _;`.��;�•=:°.�'' NON•UPI1�'aRM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr a��d Lcndcr fwil�er covenant and agrec as foAows: <br />'=�'� �� 17.As�iQae'ieat o�Renta.IIotrowcr uncondidonalty assigns a��d trensfers w►du all the cents and revcnues of <br />� �4'�'��%- ihc Prapr.ity.Borrower authorizes Lendcr or Lcnder's egcnis tu coUoct thG rmis and rovenues and hereby directa eac�h <br /> � ..-��, tcnant ai`,�he PnapertY w PaY the rcnts�°Landcr or Lcnder's uge�►ts.Howevcr,Prlor t4[.enda''s nodce to Borrowei of <br /> 1`�'" " '.�� gortowar'�brcACh of eny covenant or agmement in Q�e Securicy Inswment,Bocrow�=sha�l couoc�end reseive�Il rent� <br /> '. .-•.:s and ra��anacs of thc Pcoperty as trustoo[ar Ibo beneCt of Leiodrr end Botrowa.'Itiis asslgnment af rents cunsdtutes en <br />�:;.,,�i r.. . <br />°...,R_:::T.,-1,�, absoluta aBSfgnmcnt and not en assignmcnt for addidonal sccuriry only. <br />='�'��=-� xG C�cndcr givcs noticc of brcach to Boaowcr. (n) a11 ccnts reccivat by Bonowa shall be held by Borrowr,r as <br />='"�''�`=°�+] tiustae fa benefit of Lenckr only, to b3 apAllecl to titia sums secured by the Socurlty Insuument; (b)Lender shall ba <br />------•::�.�..�, <br />_=�'='�"=� enddad w coUect end ceceive all of tha ra�ts of the Prope�ty:and(c)each tenant of the Pr+operty shall pay a99 rents ue <br /> ..Y�,. <br />-�'�4:;,�Y_. � and un�wi�a i.endcr or Lcnder's agent on I.cnder's written demand to the tenant <br />-""'-"`'_���'°_' ��swcr ha�not eaceuted any prior assigamcnt of tho r�nts and has not and will no�perform any act that would <br />��:��v:�:�_ prcvant Lendcr fran exerclsing its rlghts nnder this puragc'aPh 17. �„ <br />"��+�.�;�� I.�ndcu slinll not be rcquired to cntar aPon,take control af or maintain the Paopeity befoce or after giving notice nf _ <br /> �--'°°�.�;;�� bm.ach w Barower. Howcver.i.cnda or a Judicially appointcd receivu may do so at nny d�►c there is a breach-MY <br />-_=-�^^';��� eppIIcada�n of rents shall noi cu�+e or �vt+ivc ony dcfault ar invalidate any other right or remedy of Len�cr. 'iLiS <br /> �T��}�. � an�iIInm�t of rents of�he Propeny shell torminate when Wo debt s�cured by the Security Instiu�nei►t is paid in full. <br />- �_ <br /> � _ <br /> �_ . - f - <br />_, . ,�• - <br /> � �. �4R(LME}�000q.o� �+epo 0 0�e Inillait: <br /> _ � 5. `l K" , � <br /> r �• , <br /> -. �� <br />.-� .JA.� ,\ • . <br /> �;"' . <br />�__.._--- -- ----'--- • <br /> --_- ----- - <br />- ----- ----—�-� ; _...�__---�--. -._._.�.....-•,.,.._ ,--r-�- . .. � <br /> ' 1�-`•��—._........ - . -� rr- -- . ....---•-+--^- "°^""+Y�1li+i!' <br /> rnss+ <br /> . , • �`"�''�R�����'�'�.1.{;�": . . •� . - �� � ' . � �� <br /> . . ,.f':: . . � . . <br /> _� .. . � .. �.. ,.�Ir.: _ . .. f� ' <br /> • . . . . �-.i . � . �t . . . .,= . <br /> - . . , .. "'1- ' . . . . . <br />_' . . . , - . . �,t� .. : ;,,- ' , <br /> M .i . • , . " .�.;��� �� <br />._ . , . . �.,i 1`` <br />.� - � i. . . .. 1:��li . <br /> _' . . 1 . � . .. - _ .. v . � }. <br /> . . �._ ___.. ... . . <br /> - '" �' _. .. _.. "' .. _. _'........ . . . ... .. ...... .. . <br />