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<br /> p�,�r��L`3'[�Jai'°� , �
<br /> .:r� (i)All or part of thc 1'roperty,or a beneGcinl inu;rest in a trust ownin�all or pnrt oP thc Aropeny,is sold ar �'„
<br /> �. ,•�+. otfierwisa transferred(oth�r than by dcviss or descent),nnd _'
<br /> (ii) 'Ihe Property is not occupied by tha punchascr or grantee as his ar hnr principal residence. or the ,
<br /> ° purchascr or grantee does sa occupy tha F'mFertY but his or hrz credit has nat been eppmved in accordance �
<br /> with the rcquitements of the Secr�utry. �,:
<br /> (c) No Waiv�r.lf cu�cumstances occur d�at would permit L.enda to requim immedintc payment in fuU, but ._
<br /> Lender does nat requiro such payments,L�ndcr dcres not weive its righis with mspeci to subsequent events. '!"=-
<br /> (d) Regulations oF HUD Secretary. In muny circurnstences reguladons issued by thc Secrewry will lim9t ��-;,��.
<br /> � Lender's r�ghts,in the case of payment defaultc,to requir�immediote payment in li�ll and forecloso if not paid.
<br /> � 'Ihis Security Insuument does not authorize acceleradon or foreclosure if nat pesmittcd by reIIuladons of the -_
<br /> ' S��'. �`;,_'-
<br /> , ��,'` � (e)Mortfiage Not Insur�fl,�orrower agr�es diat if Uus Secw�'ity Instcument an�!E�"�e Note are not d�termined so .•,��.-::
<br /> �'_ be eGgible for insurance under tl�e Na�onul FIou�ing Act within 60 daye from ui�e date liereof,L.ender may,at _�;�
<br /> •�• its option, requiro immedisus payment in full of all sun�s securcd by dus ae:urity InsmimenL A axitten .-
<br /> statement of any authorized agent of the 5ec�et�+ry dated subsequcnt Yo 60 dttys finm die rlate l►e�eof,declining =-
<br /> to insure this Sccuriry Instrument and tha Idote, shall be deemed conclu�ive prnof of such ineligibility.
<br /> Natwithstanding ihe forcgoing, this optian may not be e�cercise�9 by Lendes when tl�c unavailability of _
<br /> insurance is solely duo to Lender's failw�e to r�mit a ma�tgoge insurance premiun�e�the Secretery. :__
<br /> ' 3r0,Re[ns3atement.Borrower has n right to be rcinstated if I.ender ha�rec�uircd im�nesiii'eie payment in full bectiusc
<br /> " x. of Borxowea's fnilure Lo pay sn amount due under ihe Note or this Securiry InstrumenG'fhis right appll�s cven after �_-
<br /> forecic�sute prooeedings aro insdtuted• To reinstate the Security Insirument, Bonowar r,hnll t�nder in a lramp sum all __
<br /> . �;: 3:�� anaounts required ta bring�oROwer's accaunt curcent including,to t➢�e extent they ara obligaduna of Bo�ower unc�er �
<br /> •_ � :,�,,, . h,s� �.�„�..��
<br /> �.,;;.�. Ifll9$F�Clllll}I 1TISIIUIIICII�IOtCC10SI1L6 COSIS Ailt► cCiL�ti�iuu�o &Ilt� GiiS'wiTw"f'� BIIGS�I^vj.^. ° 3S3Li L`..j2°....'�.. r--r- .
<br /> associated with the foroclosure proceeding. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this 5eciuity L�atrument and the _
<br /> „ ' � � onllgations that it securas shall remain in eff¢ct as if I.cnder hnd not required immediaw paymcnt tn fall. Howcver,
<br />= I.e.nder is not required to pemut ccinsWUsmant if: (i) I.ender has acccpwd relnstatumont after tha comm.encement of
<br />- ' faixlosure proccedings within two years immediately preceding the commencoment of a cwrene foreclosure
<br /> - • pr+aoe,ding,(ii)reinstatement will pmcludo fc�clasure Qn different grounds in U�a tbtum,or (iii)reinsratement will _
<br />-' advas�ly affoct tha priorlty of the Qen created Gy d�ifl Sccurity InswmenL
<br /> il.Borrower Not Rekssed; Forbearauca Sy Lender Not s�W�iver. Bxtension of dic dme oi payment or
<br /> �� ° modit'icednn of anwrti»tion of tho sume sccu�cd by thin Sccurity Instrument grented by Lender to a��y succcssor in —�
<br /> intarst of Bomowu shall not operato w relaess dia llnbility of the original Borrowcr or Bormwer's succasror in interesG
<br />�;_. .� Lend�r shall not bo roquired w cammence pr�cceedings agNnst any succcssor in interaet or refuse to oatend Wne for
<br />--- . .. ,;�� payment or othcrwiso rnodify emortizt►don af ttia suma sccurod by this Socuriiy Instnunent by �cason of any dcmand _
<br />"�n� � . mado by the odgina113orrowu or Bocrc�wer'h successa�rs in intcresG Any torbr,�ranco by Lender in excrciuing any right _
<br /> =-��••••�-•�h or rema4y shs�ll not be a waiva of or prccluda Qia axec�ise of any right or remedy. _-
<br />� • i�.Suocessore wnd Assi�ns Bound;duiut and Several Liabtlity; Co•�ignenv,Il�a covenants and ngrcemetUS of
<br />'_ : • thiq Security Instntmu�t sh811 bind and b�tufit dtu succsssors and a4signs of Leadar und Homnwer. subjxt to the �
<br />—= prorisions of parugraph 9(b).Bomawer's covcnonw e►td agocemcnts shall be joint a��d savcral. Any Hatrower who
<br />- � �� - co�signs this Securiry Insuument but doav nat axecute the Note: Ca) is co-signin� tliis Security Instrument only w �.
<br />==v� '��. .,: matgage. �rent and convey thAt Bomnwer'y inteuest in ti�c Propecty wdcr�hc tc,�ms of this Sccurity Insnumeat;(bD is =�
<br /> ��-�,;,�;;..� _ notpersonally obl3gatad to pay the sums s+�cu�d by U�is Sccurity Inswmcn�and(c)a�ecs tluit Lender nnd any other _
<br /> � � Samwe�may agree ta oxtend,modlfy.fo�ttear ar m�{ce nny accommodadons wid�mgard to d�e terms of this Ss�curity `—
<br /> _:, . •.��
<br />�ri ' InsCUment or tho Notcs wilhout thet Horrowr�r's can,en� _
<br /> - } . r.._
<br /> __ �.
<br /> .. �_
<br /> �.
<br /> :. � _,
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