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<br /> y 5. t�azurd o� Property Invura��ice. Bareower shall keep tho improvements naw exlstlnII or hereafter erected on the �, _:_
<br /> Praperty in:ure� �gninst loss by fire, h:�.artls includeai�vithln the terrn 'catendr.d covrr�g�" nnd nny othar bnzards. Inciuding
<br /> '� tloods or flooding, for which Lender requires Insurt�ice. This insurance shnU bn m.7intnl�ne+d in thc nmounts and for the periocis
<br /> that Lender rcqulres. Thc insurunce cnrrlcr providing the insurance shall be chi�r�n by Bnrr�wor subje�t to Lender's approval
<br /> � � which sdall nat be unteasonably withhcld. 1f Tsorrower fails to maint�in covcr�ge desceit►txf ahove, l.cnder may, at Lender's
<br /> �ption,obtatn coverage to protect Lender's rlghts tn dio Property in aeeorduncs o�ith poeaQrn�nh 7.
<br /> ' .y All iasurance polic[es and renewate sheJ! �esceptnblo to l.cndcr und shnls Inclucla a stundard mortgage clnusa l.end�r
<br /> shall hsve the rlght to hold the poltctes�nd renewnls. lf I.ender reqttins,Bono�uer ah�ll pmmpt�y give to C.ender�11 nceipts of
<br /> . � ':x paid pre�niums and renewa!natias.ln the event oi loss,iiorrowcr sli�►Il glve pna�.pt nnticr to tbe insuaance cnrcier and Lend�r.
<br /> �- � Lender may make proof of loss if not madc pramptly by Borrower. ':�,
<br /> ^�""""'� f Unless L.ender nnd Horrower otherwise aArea:in wdting,Insurance procec:dr.shnll be a�plled ta re�toration or repair of the r-
<br /> ,•,;......w.�r: �'�
<br /> � Properry dam�agsd,if the restoration or aepair is economically feasible And Lcndee's se�urlt�r is not lessened. If the restoration or ��._
<br /> � repair is not�co�omicnqy feasible or Lender's aecurity would be lessencd,tfin insurn+noe pm�eds shall be applied to the sums ^
<br /> secured by ttus Socuriry Instrument, whether or not then duo, with any eacuss paid ta Bc►tmwer. If Boraower abaadons the
<br /> u
<br /> ' " �• gropeKy. or does not enswer withln 30 daye a notice froja Lender that thc ins;ucance carrie.r t�offered to settle a elalm.then �
<br /> Lender may collect the tnsurance Proce�S• Lender may use the pmeetds t+� repair or mstore tS�e Pcogerty or to p�y sums �_
<br /> ° sccvred by this Securlry Iasuument.whether or not then dua Tho 30-duy ptri��d will b�gin whea the notice is given.
<br /> r Unl�ss I.ender and Borrower othenvisz ag�e in writtug. any applicatiran of pr�ooadF,to principal shall not extead ar _
<br /> � postpone the dus date of the montWy paymPnts refened co in p�vagraphs 1 and 2 or elit��ne che anzouut of die payments. If -
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender, Bonowor's rigbt to sAny insurnncr pnlicies and procud.s resulting ftom
<br /> � � damage to the ProPerry Prior to the acquis1tion shup pass to Lender to the ex�3nt of the�sums secuccd by this Securlry lastivment
<br /> immediately prior to the acquioition. ___
<br />_ ' •. �. 6.Occupancy.Preservatlon,Maintenance smd ProtecUon of t6e Propr�rty;Borao�ves's Loan Appltcation;Le�seholds. —
<br /> Bomnwer shall occupy.establish,and use the Praperty as Borrower's princignl residenm witt�fn sixty days after the�xxaatioa of _
<br /> • ,�. t�s Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Praperty as Burrou��G''s principsl rasidence for at lenst one yr.z►r uftsr -
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise agrees in wdtin8,w'hich conr.ent shall nnt bn unnasonxbly withheld,or unless
<br /> � �� extenuating circumstaaces e�cist which are beyond Borrower's control. B�srower s1aRl1 nat desuoy, damage or impalr the
<br /> _ �p��y, allaw the property to deteriorate, or commit wastc oc ttte Propct�y. Botro�vrr shall be in default if any forfeitun
<br /> ;,.. ; actioa or proceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun that in I.ender's gaod faith jud�nr,nt could nsult in forfeiture of the
<br /> � � � property or othenvise materially impair the lioa cnatod by this Security Ins�'um+ent or I.entltu's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> . .�� cure such a defaWt and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing th��action or pmc�zeding[o bo dismissed with a iuling
<br />%� - �, �n Y ender's eood faith detcrminntion, precludes forfeiture of the Bracmwcr's intamst in the Property os other material
<br /> _ , .-,,�:; ; '
<br />�;.', •; „'�,,o.' � imPairment of the lien cnated by this Securlty instcument or Lender's sccurity iuieresi. xAnvwa� s;:: :�;� �:, :�defrssk
<br /> '_ ,• ` +�r, • Bomower,during the toan applica�oa pmcess.gave materialty f�lse or ivaocusute inf�rmatian or statements tu Lender(or failed
<br /> "��,:',..;(i?�;::�,�s�
<br /> :�:;f,�t f�;.. to pmvide Lender with any m5t�rial information)ia connectio�a r�'ith the laan evidenc�d by��e Note. includlug,but r.or•.�imit
<br /> y���� Y�. , to,representations concerniag Sorrower's occupancy of the Prnpercy as a�rincipal msidencc.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br />���'`.,`;,,�,��'�: leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all tho provisions of the lease. If Borco�v�xquirea fee titls Zo the ProperiY. ��
<br />�rr:f,; �t;,:;;!
<br /> qo-�;�-'�;;:_�•- � leasehold and the fa title shall not m�rge unless Lender agrees to the mergor in writing.
<br /> .,�.�`;..�:�� 7.Protecdan oi I.eader's Ri�6ts in the Property.If Borrower faUs c+rn perform tho��r�enants and agreem�ttts oontained m
<br /> °`.�;.'s"`•,�i:'Y• : this Security Instnunent. or there is a legal procading that may significantDy affect Lencler's rights in the ProPertY(such as a
<br /> ��::q�:�:�;}�',y proc�ding in bank►v+�tcy,probate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to en�orce laws or mgulations).th�n Lender may do and
<br /> l���«,'n"�-
<br />�;�:�,,f•�'• pay for whauver is necessary to pmtc�ct the value of the Property and LvLnder's righto in the Property. I�ender's act ons may
<br /> �W�� include paying any s�ns secund by a lien which has prioriry over tlt'.•� Ses.vriry Uistrument, appCdring in court. paying
<br />--.-�-n�., to m�lce airs.I�6tRsou Leadcr xua take action under this paragraph
<br /> -�•��•.�;� reasonable attoxneys'fees and entcring on the Pcoperty nP � Y
<br /> -.. -.�«�s.,:,
<br /> -�-���:;:,�?�� 7,I.ander das uot bave to do so.
<br />----..-��� pny au�ou.lts disbursed by l.�nder under this paragraph 7 shall bucomc additionfll debt of I3oirower sec�ret! by this
<br /> �';;�.,�f�� Securiry Instrument. Unless Bornower and Lender agree to other terms o€puycn�nt, dirse amounts si��Jft`beaz' incerest from the
<br /> �__+�,
<br /> -- date of disbursemcuc at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interesi, upon nntioE f.tom Lens]zr s� Borrower re4uat�nB
<br /> ::�'��
<br /> i���.=,;�,�= pa8n Mortgage Insu��noe.If under required mortgage instuance as A conditIon of m�ucing the loan secuted by shls Sxutiry
<br /> �nstru�nt, gonrower sha�11 pay the premiums s�equind to muintain the�art}�age insu�ance in effect. If.for arsy reason, the
<br /> ,,�,?•�;,R,:-�� mortgage insnrance coveragc requlred by I.ender lapses or ceases to be ia effcet,B�Tro����er sh�il pay the pnmiums requiral to
<br /> �e=�� obtain coverage substanrially equivalent to the�nortgage insurance previaauly in eff�t,at a cost substantielly equivalont to the _
<br /> '�`���=;;;.��'�� ' cost to Eorrower of the mortg�ge insur�nce pnvtously in effect, from sn alternxca mor2Qage insurer approvEd by Landar. If
<br /> - � :.�_;::��:�i;;.•'.��:
<br /> -.-,•;;�.,;�,.>:, ,,� , substant3ally oqaivalent martgagt insurance caverage is net aveilable.Barwwer sh�ll pay to Lender each month a s��@qu to
<br /> =S;�'':�� onc-tweltTh of ths yeuly mortgage insurance pnanium being paid by Bornower whcn d�e insurance coverage lapsal or cease�l ro
<br /> ' ': be in effoct.I.ender will acoept.use and r�tain these PaYments as a lass n�erve in lieu Uf tnortg�e insurana• I,oss ressrve
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