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<br /> � TO(3ETHER WITH all tde improvements naw or hereatter erected on the pro r�ty���all eaV.gemente. nppurtenatt�e9,and -
<br /> i' .
<br /> � ftxtures now on c�reafter a part of tlic properry. All replacements and additions shall Nso be cover�d by thia Securfry �`i`
<br /> Instrument.All of'the faregoing is referred to in tliis Security Insteument as the "Property."
<br />- BORROWBR COVFiNAN'I'S tl�at Uonower la lawtully 6e6se�of the estate I�creby canveycd nnd h�s�he rt�lit to gennt nstd
<br /> convey tlto Peoperty and that the Property is unencumbered,eacept for encumbrances of re�ord. 8vrxower wamm�s and will
<br /> defend genersilly tha dtle to thc Pro�rty ogainst cUi clai�and demauds,aubjai to a:�y er�cuut�r�utcr�c:rxard.
<br /> r '
<br /> 'tHIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN�'combines uniform coveaants for nattonal use nnd non•unifo��cn coveRtutte wit�i Umit�td
<br /> .t variations by Jurtsdiction ro constitute a uniform security Instn�rnent coveri�ng nal property, �;
<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrowcr an d I.en der cavenan t an d n gre,e csq follows:
<br /> _:'��x� 1. Payment ot PrLncipal and Interest; Ptepayauat and la�te Charges. Borrower shall prornptly pay wheu due tho �`_-
<br /> � . " princ3pul of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and t�ny pirpaymcat and late cherges due under the Note. ��
<br /> '�'"�`'`'� '� 2. kLads for Texes a�d Insurance. SubJect to applicable law or to a wdtten waiver by Lendar,Borrower shall pay tu !
<br /> �p``°"'�� Lender on the day monthly paymente ure due undcr thc Note,until the Note is paid in full.A FiUA("Funds') for:(a)yearly wxce __
<br /> and assessmieuts wh3cd may attnin prlorlry over this Secudry Instrument as a llen on the Property;(b)yearly leasshold paymeutu —
<br /> � � or ground nents on the Pmperty.if any:(c)Yearly hazardor property insurance premium�;(d) yearly fload i�nsurance premiumo� --
<br /> . , if any; (e)yearly mortgage insuraace pnmiuma,if uny;and(� any sums payable by Barrower to I.�nder. ia accorniance H+atu �_
<br /> :, the provisions of paragraph S,in lieu of thc payaient of mortgage insEVance premlums,'['hese items are called"Sscrow Itamn." __
<br /> `� l.ender may. at any tiim, co1l.cGt and hold Funds in an anwunt uot to excced the maximum araount a lender for a fedue�lEy _ _
<br /> r related mongage loan may requtre for Borrowet's escaow aceount under the federal Real Estate Settlemeat Froceduns Act of _
<br /> � 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Scction 2601 et saq. ('RESPA'), unless enother law that appli��s to ahe Fhnda =__.
<br /> ' •. � sets a lesser amount. If so, I.ender may, at any tune. collect and hold F�nds ia an aaiow►t not to exaed the tesser aanQUnt. _
<br /> . „ ` • L.ender may estlr,3ato the aznount of Fuads due on the basis of cutrent data and reasonable estimates of expenditnres of flitun:
<br /> �, Escrow Items or othen�rise in accordance with appllcable law. _-
<br /> '[h� Funds shall be held in aa institution whose deposits are insund by a itderal ag��ncy, instrumcntaliry. or ent�h�
<br /> ° (including Lender.if L.eader is such an insritution)or an any Pederal HomE Loaa Bank.L..ender ahull apply the Fundt�ta paY tlt¢ -
<br />_ � "!�� Esccnw Items.Leuder ma/not charge Borrower for holding aad applying the Funds.annuaUy aaalyzinB tha escrow a�Qi�nti mr
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,ualess Lend�r pays Borrower Interest on t�e Funds and applicable law permlts Lender to iaaite s�icu
<br />?� . � a charge.I�EowAVer,I.ender may require Borro�ver to pay a onaamro a;l.ynrge for an indepeodent rcal estate tax reporting survica
<br />� • used by Le,nder in connection with this loan, unless appllcable law prnvides oti�e�wise. Unless an agrcement i� mndu ar
<br /> .. . upplicable law requins interest to be paid,Len.der shall aot be nquired to gay Borrower auy inurest or eaminge�a�the F�nds.
<br /> Eormwer and Lender may agree in writing.tiowevar, t6at interest shall be paid om the fi�nds.Lender ehall give ta�Ba�war,
<br />- without c6argo. an annual accoundnB of ihe Funds, sbowing crcdits end debita to the Funds and the purposa for whiah cacli
<br /> '' de�li io tha�u�cSs s�asods.'!'�s F��.r=F�•_�gHt aa adclidonal security for all sums secuted by this Seeutity Itutnimen�.
<br />�°� . If the Funds held by Leuder excad the amounts �rtnined to be held hy applicablc law, Lender shell aocaunt t�Eanc�rwor
<br /> �::
<br /> � � ' for the excess Funds in accordance with the requinmgnu of applicable law.If the amount of th�Fuada held by L.endar at any
<br />��. . .
<br />=1��'_ ' •� ' tiuie is uot sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when d�e,Lender may so notify Borr�R•er !n wridng,and,in such Ca�s�ai�•war
<br /> �"":'�`•"``` �' shall pay to I.ender the amount ax.essary to make up the deficleney. Bornower shall mate up tt�o deficiency in ao mans tttnn
<br />�-�"� �+�� twelve monthly paymeats,at Lender's sole discr�tion.
<br />�,,,�:.�:-.,:,;:`
<br /> y.�";,;�;�_;v;;; Upon payment in full of all sums securad by tbis Security Insaurnent. i.an�lu sball promptly nfund ta H�za�tver�u+y
<br /> ��� ::h�.�.� Funds held by Lender. If,uQ�er paragraph Zl,I.ender ahall acquire or sr.11 the Prop�sty. Lendes,prior to the acr{tucitfan ar snlc
<br />'��'��4�� ��;1i�i.
<br /> t=.��_, „ • of the Property. shaU a»ply any Funds t►eld by Lender at the time of a c q u i sition or sal� a�a credit against the sumn eecu�d by
<br /> �:'"��'.`l;w this Sectuity Instcutu�nt.
<br /> ��=��,�tsa+�t�,�
<br /> ___�,,�� 3.Appiicption of Pnyme�ts.Unless applicable law pmvides othenvise,all paymente received by Lender tindnr puragi'a s
<br /> _�__� 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepayment charges du�under the Idote;aa:ond. to anwunts payable unclur g�grapU 2;
<br /> �_ ����a third,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;aad last,to any late chazges due under tha Note.
<br /> -��'�'�'� 4.Charg�;Uens.lBoaower shnll pay all taxes,assessmtnts. charges, fines and imposidons atuibutabl�s c�tua Franetsy
<br /> ---_-_ - -- wbich may attaia priorlry over this Sxnriry Instrument, and leasehold paymeats or ground reat�.i��ny. Borcuivur shall pay
<br /> = theso obligAtions in the manner pmvidal in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that maz�aer,Botrower shall pay them an�t�me di�+ectly
<br /> ���'"�n�� to the persan owed payment.Borrowar�¢aU promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be p�id uader ihln psuagrapfi•
<br />�"�� If Borrower make�th�se paytaeute directly,Borrower s6�11 prompdy fumish to Lender rec�ipts evideacing tho ptryanenip.
<br />_._���.,�'=�� Borrower shall pmmptly dischazga any lien wluc.�has pdoriry over thia Saur�ity Insmiment unless Borm�vnr.(a)agn:es in
<br /> =i writiag to the paymen3 of the obligation secured by ttne lien lu a manner acxeptabl�zo Lendea:(b)oontests in good faitli tlio llmt
<br /> �_��--�_��a by, or defends agalnst enforcement of¢�e lien in. legal proceedings which ln the L.ender's mpinion opetate to•pitsv+mt tho
<br /> =='-�':'� enforcemeat of the lisn;or(c)secur+es iaom the holder of the lien aa agreement satisfactory to Lender subotdinadng the lit�to
<br /> -.:�.r�-;-' this Stcurity Instrument.3ff l�ender determines that any part af the Property is aubject to a lir,n which may attnin p�ia�rry ovur
<br /> -��°-::�+f•+�• thia Security Instmmeni,I,�ndar may give Borrower a notice idtudfying the lien. Botrower shall satisfy the IIen ar ta1:e ano or
<br /> _�,,:: .,,:._.,Y�
<br /> more of the actions set focth above within 10 days of tLe giving of notia.
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